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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    He is an " old school " athiest. As he stated, he did years of background research to come to that conclusion. As PB has posted from his source the Encyclopaedia of Wars, only 6 percent, 121 out of the over 1,763 wars had religion as their primary cause. 11 of the biggest 100. A very small percentage. So have you researched this subject, can provide facts that religion is the cause of most wars. And what about all the good religious people have done/ do ? Or do you just focus on the bad ? My folks were very religious. They donated much of their money and more importantly their time to help others. So did the members of their congregation. Religion doesn't make people do anything. Certain people twist the meanings of the allegories in the various religious texts for their own ends. Most of the time this is to control others. Then people make their own choices. Take for instance LGBTI people. We just had a referendum about gay marriage a few years back. Nearly all the religious people I know voted yes, my very religious mother was going to vote yes however she died before it was held. The biggest group of people I know that voted no were bogans that weren't religious at all. I used to argue with them about. As I keep stating religious people are just like any other group of people, there are good to bad and everything in between amongst them.
  2. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    " Cut my teeth " on the Foundation series. Liked them better than the Robot series. Big Sci Fi reader Highly recommend P.J.Hamiltons Nights Dawn trilogy, Brilliant. His Void Trilogy is really good as well Kevin J Andersons Saga of the Seven Suns is pretty good as well.
  3. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    By those very statistics religion has caused a small percentage of the wars our species has fought. However all wars are stupid for whatever reason they are caused, religion included. In the Propagandi song Haile Selassie Up your Arse, which I believe you will like, A few lines F#ck Zionism F#ck Militarism F#ck Americanism F#ck Nationalism F#ck Religion It's Nationalism that I believe is the most devisive. Until we start realising that we are all human beings sharing this planet together, then we are still going to fight these stupid wars.
  4. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Wether we like it or not something inside the majority of human beings crave a " spiritual belief " that manifests itself as them being religious. To some of them it is their faith, others being part of a community. Religion has/ is the cause of both good and bad. It has had a negative impact on my life. At our best we are an incredible species, that includes some religious people. At our worst, well you know, without being abusive we are pretty messed up, and that also includes some religious people. What I believe we, as a species and individuals should do is look for what we have in common, not what we don't. We will always find what we are looking for.
  5. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    He provided facts to back up his assertion. I remember your post, Christians fighting Christians, make that a religious war. As Dominik pointed out it wasn't religious factors that were the reasons for most wars. I get that you want to blame all the bad things that happen in the world on religion however that is simply not true. What is actually to blame is human nature. If we didn't have religion then wars would still happen, bad and good things would still happen. " Bad " and " Good " are concomitants of each other. Human beings would still be human beings with all their faults and foibles.
  6. Another great song from that album
  7. If you a gonna post that classic I have to post this
  8. De Smith is a capable back up. 2 years ago 26 games 2.79 GAA and .914 11-6-5 The year before 20 games 2.54 GAA and .912 11-7-0 4 years ago 36 games 2.75 GAA and .916 15-11-5 Last year he had a losing record 15-16-4 and his save pct dipped a bit, still a above 900 - .905 Play him 20 maybe 25 games if we are looking like making the playoffs to keep Demko fresh.
  9. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Here you go, an athiest debunking your claim that religion/ " the book " causes so many wars. He does it with facts. https://medium.com/metaphor-hacker/guns-glory-and-greed-most-wars-were-not-caused-by-religion-but-they-werent-prevented-by-it-a3002aee387f I love facts.
  10. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    So if a god does exist he is responsible for all the bad stuff that has happened/ happens in the world ? Not any of the good stuff ? Ever heard of free will ? Taking responsibility for your actions ? Ever heard that bad sh!t happens no matter how good you are ? I am going through the worst time in my life and I don't blame a god that may or may not exist. I don't even hold any real anger to the person who is causing that pain. What's the point ? Anger only hurts me.
  11. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    I mostly use the words a being who created the elements that make up the Universe. However let's stick to the word God. If you call yourself an athiest, you disbelieve a God exists, you don't know. That's the meaning of the word athiest. To my knowledge there is no word that defines a person who knows a god does not exist. With the information we currently have, it is unknowable to prove a god exists or he doesn't. What defines reality is a far more important question in my opinion. This is one of many good articles about how our brains process information, relies on evolutionary traits like intuition and how we can misperceive things https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/finding-purpose/202008/how-do-we-know-what-is-real Nothing passive aggressive about me. I have never insulted/ abused anyone. It's never personal. As far as I am concerned this interacting on this forum is just like interacting with anyone, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This means treat others with dignity and respect, especially when you don't agree with them.
  12. Ilunga


    As you know my father like you, was a pom, Englishman. He had a few bikes before he came to Aus, he actually brought a BSA 650 with a sidecar over with him. Before he came over one of the bikes he owned and raced at the isle of man was a Vincent HRD. I wish he brought that over with him. Most of my buddies ride Harlies, I wanted to ride a British bike so I got the Trumpy.
  13. This is a bit strange to post in here however it touches a nerve, a place I am in ATM https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/she-was-about-to-end-it-all-until-a-stranger-shed-never-meet-again-told-her-dont-jump/ " The smallest kindness is multiplied by the distance, socially, between two strangers "
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