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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. I know you have criticised Israel. However in replying to that particular post all you did was bring up Hamas' actions. In my reply to romans post, I not only condemned the killing he brought up, I condemned all the killings of Israelis by Palestinians throughout this never ending conflict. As for the 7-1 ratio, that isn't even close. From 2008 through 2020 https://www.statista.com/chart/16516/israeli-palestinian-casualties-by-in-gaza-and-the-west-bank/ 5,600 Palestinians killed 250 Isrealis killed Thats over 22-1 ratio 115,000 Palestinians injured/casualties 5,600 Israeli injured/casualties That's over 20-1 ratio
  2. Yes, we all acknowledge and condemn the terror attacks, the murders, and the use of human shields by Hamas. What some people don't do, is condemn the same acts when they are committed by Isrealis. That's the double standard that illustrates the bias in this thread. In your reply to my post you have not even acknowledged the fact that Israeli settlers threatened to kill Palestinians in their homes at night, or condemned them for doing so. Maybe Isrealis wouldn't kill Palestinians in the West Bank, and Palestinians wouldn't kill Israelis in the West Bank, if the Isrealis fucked off out of there.
  3. I used to hang up on the political dudes that always seem to ring around dinner time. Now I fuck with them, and tell them the opposite of what I really think.
  4. Brother, western nations have been " meddling " in the middle east since the crusades. Since the French and the British divided up the middle east after WW1, western nations have been fucking around there full time. Just imagine if the people from the middle east did to us here in the " west ", what we have done to them.
  5. I totally condemn the Palestinians who murdered this person, and other Isrealis in the West Bank. And not just since October 7 but throughout this never ending conflict. Do you condemn the Isrealis who have murdered 500 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7 ? https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-rights-office-criticises-israel-over-deaths-500-palestinians-west-bank-2024-06-04/ By the sound of your post, you seem to be ignoring the fact that Israeli settlers are indeed not just killing Palestinians in the West Bank, but also forcing them from their homes. " Palestinian flee villages as settler violence in West Bank amid war " https://abcnews.go.com/International/palestinians-flee-villages-settler-violence-surges-west-bank/story?id=105579013 " This was Khirbet Zanutah in the west bank which has been under Israeli military occupation for decades. In late October, its roughly 250 residents fled, packing up their homes, saying attacks and threats from Isreali settlers had become intolerable, according to the villagers. " They said to us, 'if you don't leave we will come in the night and shoot you all, " Faris Somara, who had lived in Khirbet Zanutah told ABC news. " We had no choice but to leave " Isn't this an act of terror ? Threatening people that you will come and kill them in their homes in the night.
  6. As the title of this article, and this article illustrates " What do the Iranians think of Israel? Their views might surprise you " https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/iransource/israel-hamas-iran-views/
  7. Everyone seems to be forgetting about the 80,000 casualties. Remember me posting about the number of kids who have lost limbs in Gaza https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/the-children-who-lost-limbs-in-gaza " This is the biggest cohort of paediatric amputees in history " Ghassan Abu-Sittah a London - based plastic - and reconstructive surgeon who specialises in paediatric trauma, told me recently. " In many cases they were amputating kids limbs without Anesthesia, because they didn't have the supplies. Sure Hamas has to carry part of the blame for this, but so does Israel. History will damn both Hamas and Isreal for the crimes against humanity that have been committed in this conflict.
  8. You just can't stop lying. In this article there is an actual photo of a UNICEF spokesperson, an Australian, Tess Ingram, interacting with kids at the Tel al Soltan stadium camp in Rafah. https://abcnews.go.com/International/inside-gazas-mental-health-crisis-impacting-civilians-aid/story?id=110257381 Here is an article about a Canadian doctor Yipeng Gi who risked his life going to Gaza to help people https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/university-ottawa-doctor-gaza-palestine-yipeng-ge-1.7126299 And then there were the foreign aid workers from Britain, Poland, dual Canadian - US citizen and Australian that Israel murdered back in April. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68711282 And Tess continues to risk her life travelling to Gaza to help children. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-08-02/australian-aid-worker-lack-of-progress-zomi-frankcom/104178690 Your comments are an insult to foreign aid workers that risk their lives to help others, while you sit behind your keyboard lying about them.
  9. So you believe the number of dead women and children in Gaza is something to be sarcastic about. This illustrates the exactly what sort or person you are.
  10. It appears you like to make numbers up to suit yourself. 25,000 Terrorists killed ? Is this another roman myth ? According to the IDF as reported by the New York Times, just over 3 weeks ago, 17th July. " Israel gives an indication of the wars toll on Hamas' The military said that it had killed or captured around 14,000 combatants in Gaza since the wars start but left considerable ambiguity about the figure " https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/17/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-hamas-leaders-killed.html " Israel's military says that it has killed or captured around 14,000 combatants in Gaza since the war began there nine months ago and unverifiable and ambiguous number that gives a measure of Israel's assessment of its progress towards Benjamins Netanyahu's stated goal of destroying Hamas. " So the IDF claims 14,000 and you claim 25,000. What's your source roman ?
  11. Yes I am aware of the fact checking methodology of the site I use the most as a fact checking/bias guide. Here is Media Bias fact checking methodology https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/methodology/ See how their methodology fits with the information/experience we have with the news organisations mentioned in that article ? When you combine this with what can be critically ascertained by ones own experience and thinking process, the ability to think critically, it becomes easier to separate accurate sources of news. A news organisation is like any business. Some have a good/great reputation, some don't. Then you have your three very basic BS detectors. Who is the messenger ? What is their history ? What is their motivation for delivering the message ?
  12. I totally agree. Hamas are subjectively evil on many levels, using civilians as shields is the one of those. I know that this article is not about this particular phase of the conflict, however how do you feel about Israeli forces torturing children and using them as human shields ? " Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel: UN " https://www.reuters.com/article/world/palestinian-children-tortured-used-as-shields-by-israel-un-idUSBRE95J0FR/
  13. The motive of verifying factual information.
  14. Yes, I remember when most people jumped on board when it " seemed " the casualty figures had been lowered. When the fact of the matter was there was the same amount of dead people, it was just a matter of identifying many of them. " Why the UN changed its death toll of Palestinian women and children killed in Gaza " https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/gaza-women-children-death-toll-1.7203167 " Women children still account for more than half of identified victims after UN agency revises figures "
  15. You don't seem to understand that some news outlets have a lot more credibility than others. There are fact checking organisations that verify the credibility of these news organisations.
  16. Yes, I am all for killing Hamas' members, especially their leaders. I also understand they use innocent Palestinians as shields so it's hard, virtually impossible, to not kill innocents when taking out Hamas' leaders. Still some of the images I saw of women and children after the strike were pretty messed up.
  17. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/rolling-stone/ As the fact checking site media bias states Apart from a high factual reporting record and High credibility rating " Rolling Stone is a monthly magazine and website that covers music, pop culture and politics. Over the last 50+ years Rolling Stone has produced long - formed well researched journalism on a wide variety of topics, especially as it relates to politics. In general Rolling Stone reports news factually and with proper sourcing; however their opinions are consistently left biased ". As it pertains to the article I quoted in regards to the conspiracy term " pallywood ", it detailed incidents of false information provided by the Isrealis in regards to Palestinians faking injuries/deaths, and provided links to back up their reporting. I can tell you this, I will use trusted sources of information like Rolling Stone that have been around for decades. Using random dudes from twitter as sources for your information, how can you know for sure they are actually telling the truth. They aren't fact checked. Remember the organisation I talked about, ex Isreali soldiers that spoke out about war crimes they saw committed while they were serving in the West Bank and Gaza ? This guy, Achiya Schatz used to be one of their members and now runs an organisation called FakeReporter. They fact check and debunk false claims made on the internet. https://www.npr.org/2023/10/26/1208179128/is-it-true-or-not-israeli-group-fakereporter-fact-checks-while-seeking-shelter " Before Fake reporter, Schatz, 38, was a spokesman for an organisation called Breaking the silence, which published anonymous testimonies of Israeli soldiers who claimed they witnessed unethical conduct during their service in the West Bank and Gaza. It was called " perhaps Israel's most hated NGO " by the magazine Jerusalem Report since the group highlights the dark underbelly of the Palestinian occupation ". " At the start of the war, Schatz said the day to day work was especially challenging because social media companies had no open lines of communication, especially X (formerly known as twitter ) since the owner Elon Musk had gutted the company's trust and safety team. " Recently X, and all the other platforms have been more responsive to what Fake reporter is finding, Schatz says " Again how can you trust random sources on twitter, many of which have been shown to post false information. As I have stated before, I post from credible news organisations that have been around for decades and have a high to very high level of factual reporting. And high credibility. Reuters https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/reuters/ And The Conversation https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-conversation/ Being the best sources. Very high factual reporting High Credibility Least biased.
  18. Where have I fallen for Hamas' lies ? I made no claims about that attack on the school. All I have done is call you out for using the conspiracy theory term " pallywood ". I have provided information from a credible source about false claims made by Isreal in the past in regards to Palestinians faking injuries/deaths, and how this is linked to the term pallywood. My source Rolling Stone a well respected magazine https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/rolling-stone/ Factual reporting High MBFC Rating High Credibility You really need to take lessons in critical thinking roman.
  19. My oldest, dearest friend coached the local junior footy teams for over 10 years. There were kids who had heaps of talent but didn't show up for training regularly. There were kids who didn't have a lot of talent however they showed up rain, in the cold, no matter what and gave it their all. He would always give those kids a game on game day.
  20. Being told I was adopted at 12 years old. Didn't have the emotional/psychological tools to deal with that knowledge. Missed a year of school, my first year of high school. Was sent to a child Psychologist back in the 70's when that was far from a common thing, as it is in today's world. Even though I had the best parents a person could choose, I felt like I had been " dumped " even though at the time I didn't know my biological mothers story. I wanted to " belong " to something, so when I left high school I joined a " gang " and basically fucked shit up for the next 7 odd years. I don't use this as an excuse for my actions, I am a strong willed person, I own my actions and the decisions/mistakes I made. Our lives are shaped by events, some we have control over, some we don't. At the end of the day we all choose the person we want to be.
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