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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. It took me nearly 50 years to become a dad. So in the end, most of my life I won't have been a dad. I do know that feeling. I was still ski-bumming into my mid 40's, I was the ultimate kid myself. Even though I loved some of my friends kids dearly, and they loved me, I never felt the urge to become a dad. When the person you love the most, your partner, is crying and stating, all I want is to have your child, well my love was that deep I just wanted to make her happy. I was scared of becoming a dad, especially at nearly 50 years old. That all changed the moment they cut her belly open, I cut the cord, they wrapped him up, put him in my arms and I looked into his eyes. I can tell you what the world needs, more people like you in it. Please don't take this as any criticism of you, or your wife. I really did feel the way you do. My mum and dad never believed they would be grandparents in their wildest dreams. From someone that felt like you for nearly 50 years of his life, I can't stress enough how life changing that moment was. In a few weeks, it will be a year since I have seen my beautiful son. My ex has been committing to children abuse, Parental Alienation. Telling our son I am not his dad because he is an IVF child. It's getting harder to face each day. However I am still so grateful to have had the good times with my son. They can't be taken away from me.
  2. I used to think the way you do. Used the excuse of overpopulation as one of the reasons not to have a child. You already know the reasons why I did and being a dad is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Even though it has brought me a lot of pain as well. As people told me, and I will tell you, if good, kind, empathetic people like you don't raise good, kind empathetic people, then who is going to ? I thought being successful myself made me feel good, watching my son succeed was the greatest feeling I have ever had. Also from an economic standpoint, many countries are facing an ageing population base with an economic burden being placed upon a shrinking younger demographic. I have had some incredibly high moments in my life and none of them compare to being a dad. I don't want to sound like smart arse however you have missed out the greatest feeling a person can have. I thought I couldn't love anyone more than my mum and dad, my ex, my friends. The love I feel for my son blows me away.
  3. I don't know if you have heard of the Yard sale model. This article gives some detail on it. It contains these fun simulations that illustrate why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. https://pudding.cool/2022/12/yard-sale/ " Why do super rich people exist in a society ? Many of us assume that's because some people make better financial decisions than others. But what if this isn't true ? What if the economy-our economy- is designed to create a few super rich people ? That's what mathematicians argue in something called the yard scale model " Run the simulations. About that website https://pudding.cool//
  4. You questioned me about whether I actually wanted peace. I seem to have to continually remind people that I am the only poster in this thread, who has posted articles and videos about Palestinians and Isrealis working together, and seperately for peace, and helping each other on a personal level. This article is about a family who have owned land in Golan Heights for centuries https://museudofuturo.org.br/english/database/golan-heights/ " My family has lived and owned land on the Golan Heights at the foot of Mt. Hermon for several centuries. However my family had to leave the area in 1925 because of the local political situation. Since that time our land has been managed by responsible individuals. This land has been annexed to Israel as a result of the war of 1967. The aim of this project is to create a cultural centre for all religions and ethnic groups of the area. During a recent visit I made to the region I spoke with some local authorities that expressed great interest in the project, and indicated they would gladly co-operate. They asked me, who is giving the land? what culture will be preserved? How will this advance to help peace? The families of Abou Moussa Girius and Hibrahim Afandy Abu Jamra, my grandparents are offering the land of the peace cultural project. " " I am a Brazilian with Arab and Jewish blood. I will always respect my heritage and I am proud of my ancestors history. I learned to love Arabs and Jews in Brazil. It's what's inside my heart and that's what I want to share in my lifetime. " " I'm a dreamer, I know, but I am not the only one. Shalom respectfully yours " These are the type of people you don't hear about.
  5. Good summation Jan. Both sides carry blame. I have always stated this. It's a never ending circle of hatred, that is fueled by each round of violent conflict. I posted about a study by an American general whose specialises in anti-terrorism. He stated that for every civilian killed, that " creates " 10 terrorists. We saw in the aftermath of this attack one poster exhibiting this type of behaviour. And so the circle of hatred/vengeance continues.
  6. I am well acquainted with who and what Hezbollah is, and their relationship to Lebanon. They are a terrorist group/proxy of Iran that operates out of Lebanon. As I have stated, at this time Lebanon is basically a failed state. None of this changes the fact that the international community considers the Golan Heights to be illegally occupied by the Isrealis and this being an impediment to peace in the region. I am on the side of the victims of the attack. They are calling Netanyahu a murderer. Which he is.
  7. I have battled anxiety and depression all my life as well. So I empathize with you and hope that things turn around for you. I only found out the reason for this a decade ago. Women can pass anxiety onto a child in the womb. When I found out my biological mothers story I realised why she would have been totally stressed out and passed that onto me. I totally admit that especially at the current time of my life, my personal life is affecting how I am posting. However I never insulted you, and I apologise if you felt insulted by me being blunt and using the word ignorant. I probably should have stated you are unaware of all the factual information. The bottom line of our conversation is that the Druze people of the Golan Heights don't want to be occupied. They don't want their land stolen from them, Isreali illegal settlements like " Trump Heights ". They have never attacked Israel. You keep changing the bar. You stated that the people from the Golan Heights had to prove themselves by not attacking Israel. They never have. The rest of the world considers the occupation of the Golan Heights and the illegal settlements there an impediment to peace in that region. Again I am sorry if I have offended you. I mean it when I say I know what it is like to battle severe depression. I was also diagnosed as being bi-polar. Most days I think about doing the unthinkable. The only reason I don't is that I don't want my son, who I haven't seen in nearly a year to carry guilty, sadness or any other shitty emotion later in life.
  8. I am Autistic. I post in a rational logical manner. I have not called you any names, or inferred anything about you. I simply stated that you posted false information and you have continued to do so. Claiming that rockets have been launched from the Golan Heights when they have not. The residents of the Golan Heights have never fired rockets into Isreal, again it was the Syrian army back in 1967 that fired artillery shells. You stated that the residents of the Golan Heights had to prove themselves, well they have. Hezbollah has launched many rocket attacks from southern Lebanon. Not from the Golan Heights. Hezbollah has no presence in the Golan Heights. And the Druze who have lived in the Golan Heights from before Isreal became a state have never had any connection to Hezbollah. You are trying to find reasons to justify what the rest of the world, including your Government and mine consider to be an illegal occupation of land by the Isrealis.
  9. Again, when was the last time rockets were fired from the Golan Heights ? Again, back in 1967 the Syrian army fired artillery from the Golan Heights. And again the Syrian nation has been involved in a civil war since 2011. They won't be fighting Isreal for a long time, if ever. So the premise of your argument is completely wrong. I can't believe you are debating this without knowing all the facts.
  10. Yes I do. Insulting me, illustrates you feel you are wrong. The residents of the Golan Heights have not fired rockets at Isreal. The Syrian Army back in 1967 fired artillery shell from there. If you know anything about the situation in the middle east, you will realise the Syrian army is not in any state to take on Israel. Syria has been involved in a civil war since 2011. Pure and simple, the people of the Golan Heights don't want to be occupied. And I have never stated that the October 7 attack was bad... but. I have always condemned that attack full stop. Again you feel the need to attack the person not challenge the information that is posted.
  11. And yet they are and want to be Syrians. I was reading that the majority of the villagers of Madjal Shams have refused Isreali citizenship. As have 80 % percent of the Druze who live in the Golan Heights. As I have stated, you government, mine and every other government, apart from the US, state that Isreals occupation is illegal, and more importantly an impediment to peace. Again the only reason the US recognised Isreals claim is that Trump was helping out his corrupt mate Netanyahu win an election. I believe the video I posted showing the actual villagers themselves clearly shows how they feel.
  12. So you can't believe the whole world, apart from the US, for the reason I gave, believes that the Isreali occupation of the Golan Heights is illegal and an impediment to peace between the Isrealis and the Palestinians ? What I am asking is what the rest of the world is asking, for the Isrealis to end their occupation of the Golan Heights, as well as the West Bank and East Jerusalem. What about the citizens of the Golan Heights themselves ? Don't they have the right to determine their own fate ? As the citizens of Madjal Shams themselves stated, it is Netanyahu who is the murderer, and they told him to eff off. Your memory is fuzzy yet you still felt the need to post something that was factually incorrect. Tell me, do you actually want peace in the region ? I do.
  13. Like all dictators/authoritarian leaders Jan, he maintains his power through fear and maintaining an image of strength. Unfortunately that's why he won't back down in regards to Ukraine. It would make him look weak and erode his power. Unless he is assassinated, something has to happen to make him appear to be vulnerable. We all hoped that was happening when the head of the Wagner group " rebelled ". However when that failed, it only made him appear to be able to deal with such threats. I don't usually wish death on anyone, however I will make an exception with Putin as I believe that in taking one life, it would save hundreds of thousands of lives at least. More power to the Ukrainians in their attempts https://www.timesofisrael.com/russia-accuses-us-of-bankrolling-ukrainian-attempts-to-assassinate-putin/
  14. A follow up post to correct your ignorance on this subject. Lebanon resisted calls by other Arab nations to involve itself in the conflict that came to be known as the six day war. Lebanon never attacked Isreal in that conflict. Isreal never attacked Lebanon in that conflict. Israel preemptively struck Syria's and Egypt's air forces. Every single country on this planet apart from the US considers Israel's occupation/annexation of the Golan Heights illegal, a breach of international Law. It was trump that recognised Israel annexation of the Golan Heights in 2019. It was considered as a gift to his corrupt mate Netanyahu, to help him out in the upcoming 2019 legislative election in Israel. Israel named an illegal settlement after trump in the Golan Heights for doing that. https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/trump-heights/ Also most, roughly 80 % - the Druze - the legal residents of the Golan Heights have refused Isreali citizenship. They still consider themselves Syrians. And when Netanyahu visited, the village that was hit by the rocket, the villagers called him a murderer and basically to him to $#@$ off.
  15. At this point in time Lebanon is failed state. I have been reading that all through this Gaza conflict, Iran is reluctant in regards to Hezbollah attacking Israel. It is their most powerful proxy military organisation and they know in an all out conflict, with the backing of the US, Israel will come out on top. As I stated, I find it strange that Hezbollah denied that missile strike, when they have always been willing to claim responsibility for all their actions. What ever unfolds, what will happen is more women and children will be killed. There hasn't been much coverage of the loss of civilians life in southern Lebanon due to Israeli strikes. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/nine-people-killed-rocket-hits-football-pitch-israeli-occupied-golan-israel-2024-07-27/ " The conflict has forced tens of thousands of people in both Lebanon and Israel to leave their homes. Isreali strikes have killed some 350 Hezbollah fighters and more than 100 civilians, including medics, children and Journalists. "
  16. The international community condemns Isreals Annexation of the Golan Heights. Seeing this is a Canadian message board, let's start with your country. https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/international_relations-relations_internationales/mena-moan/israeli-palestinian_policy-politique_israelo-palestinien.aspx?lang=eng Your Government considers the annexation/occupation of the Golan Heights as a violation of the 4th Geneva convention. What I can tell you, is that you, like so many others don't seem to believe in a rules based world order.
  17. Because this is just about a military operation, and you have experience in these matters, I will debate this point with. I could give a more detailed account however I will quote the last paragraph from this Britianica article. The online version of the encyclopaedia Britianica. This article is about the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah. https://www.britannica.com/event/2006-Lebanon-War " Hezbollah's ability to fight the IDF to a standstill - a feat no other Arab militia had accomplished - allowed it to claim victory at home and emerge as heroes throughout the Arab world. " So as you can see, Hezbollah has already done something that no other Arabian military force has been able to do, fight the IDF to a standstill. While the IDF is a superior fighting force, has the backing of the US and will control the skies, it won't be easy as they will be fighting a war on two fronts. In Gaza, and on their northern border. What I also find strange is that Hezbollah denied that missile strike. They have never been backwards in coming forwards in regards to claiming responsibility for missile strikes before. And what everyone seems to be forgetting is that the Golan Heights is land that is occupied/was annexed by Israel. Again the hypocrisy of those condemning Russia for annexing Ukrainian territory, while failing to condemn Isreal for annexing Palestinian land is BS. And just to be clear, the obvious has to be stated in this thread, I condemn Hezbollah for its attacks on Isreal. And Iran for supplying the weapons that enable them to do this. Also my thoughts are with the families of the children who were killed in that attack.
  18. While I agree with a lot of your post, the simple fact of the matter, if there was one key factor that led to the GFC, it was Clinton repealing the Glass-Steagall act near the end of his last term. It allowed the corporations and banks to take bigger and bigger risks with their investments. Why Roosevelt passed that act was to prevent the banks and others investment organisations from engaging in dodgy behaviour. Obama passed the Dodd-Frank act, which at the time was considered the most far reaching reform of the banking/investment sector, however that act was watered down by trump in 2018 after the reforms to that act passed through both chambers of congress with bi-partisan support. People have short memories at the best of times. Politicians memories are even shorter.
  19. This statement of trumps highlights his ignorance of legal proceedings. Most criminal proceedings happen in state courts, even if elected he would have no power in regards to them. One example I found is Derek Chauvin, the cop who was convicted of murdering George Floyd. To cut a long story short, he was federally sentenced to 21 years, his state sentence was 22 and half years. The sentences are concurrent, not consecutive. So as usual, Trump is just talking crap, pandering to his base.
  20. The Nazi party was at its heart a nationalist movement. It was neither a left based movement, nor right. At its inception, it used socialists, in particular the Strasser brothers, to push its message to the lower/middle classes. Later when Hitler wanted to actually take power he sought the backing of wealthy industrialists who were fearful of the socialists. Trump is similar in the sense that he is pushing nationalist rhetoric, MAGA, while also demonizing/dehumanising a segment of the population, immigrants.
  21. The Redwings are terminating the contract of David Farrance. He has signed a contract with the Kookoo hockey club in Finland. https://thehockeynews.com/international/latest-news/ex-pred-david-farrance-signs-with-finnish-club-kookoo
  22. Speaking of Khe Sahn For many, the war doesn't end when the shooting stops.....
  23. Here is Media Biases assessment of his, whatever you want to call it, Counter Signal https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-counter-signal-bias/ " Overall we rate the counter signal far right biased and questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, a complete lack of transparency and false claims.
  24. @Elias Pettersson More evidence of American Citizens at that protest https://www.reuters.com/world/us/thousands-protest-near-us-capitol-ahead-netanyahu-speech-2024-07-24/ " We were no threat to the police " said Sarah Bowles, a pharmacy technician from Delaware who attended the protest and assisted protestors that were injured. " You double down on your scum comments in the other thread. My parents brought me up not to abuse people, even those whose beliefs and actions I don't agree with. I guess that's the difference between them and you. They actually followed the teachings you profess to believe in. Nobody is scum Elias. Misguided, sure ? Evil, that can be argued as both good and evil are subjective things. But not scum Elias. You don't seem to realise that you are contributing to a toxic environment by dehumanising people when you label them as scum.
  25. Yes, let's carry this over into the US politics thread.
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