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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Do you realise how absurd, uninformed and wrong your statement is ? From a reliable source https://time.com/7003081/photos-netanyahu-washington-dc-protests-demonstrations-police-clashes-arrests-capitol/ " We need to say not in our name " Irene Ippolito, a protestor is quoted as telling Al Jazeera. " As AMERICAN CITIZENS we have to realise that this could not be taking place without our tax dollars " Calling people scum illustrates exactly what sort of person you are. I believe that the people who vandalized public property should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. As for comparing you to Jesus, you purport to believe in him, and presumably his teachings. Do you believe Jesus would call these people scum ? Do you believe he would call anyone scum ? While I don't believe what you do, I am certain that the Jesus I was taught about in school wouldn't call people scum. And he wouldn't be happy with so called believers that do.
  2. What I don't believe in, is calling people scum for acting in that manner, or calling people scum full stop. It's not only dehumanising them, it contributes to the ever widening divide in our societies. The people who have vandalised public objects deserve to be prosecuted and pay the price for their actions. And what about your deportation comments ? Are you going to own them ? Do you have evidence that the people who vandalized and burnt the flags are immigrants ? Or were you just dog whistling ? Again do you believe that Jesus would call people scum or call for them to be deported ? Or do you only pay lip service to your beliefs. As for flag burning, personally I couldn't give a flying proverbial. As has been pointed out to you that's their right. If you respect a piece of cloth that's totally OK. I respect your right to think this way. Me, I couldn't give a flying proverbial. As I have stated many times, nationalism is one of the things that divides us. Maybe if there was a world flag, I might have some respect for that.
  3. I love hearing stories like this. Random acts of kindness that are reciprocated. I have always stated that one doesn't give to receive, however I do believe in paying forward.
  4. Who gives a fuck about blaming anyone, while people have lost everything. Some things that can't be replaced. You haven't showed any compassion towards those people who have been victims of these fires. Just making smart arse comments. In another thread you called people scum, just for burning a bit of cloth and vandalising some objects. Insinuating that they were immigrants and need to be deported, without providing any evidence that they are indeed immigrants. You promote conspiracy theories, and post from sites that are known to publish false information/fake news. Again, I will ask you what would you saviour Jesus be saying/doing, if he was a real person and alive right now ? Blaming politicians ? Or showing compassion/helping the victims of these bushfires. This is why I have finally called you out in this thread.
  5. He professes to be a Christian. That's not very Christian behaviour IMO. That's my problem with him. What's your problem with me ? Like be honest, spit it out. This is something I am very passionate about. I have both lived through bushfires, and fought them. I was also a volunteer, helping clean up the town of Kinglake after the fires. Donating both my time and money. Also helped with fundraising. Edit. And where did I tell anyone to do anything. I called him out in his comments. I have never told anyone to do anything in my life.
  6. You wouldn't be making " jokes " in a thread about bushfires if you were a victim, or knew people who were. FFS these people have lost everything. Those 2009 fires I was talking about, I knew people in Kinglake. We had been building a downhill MTB trail there for year's. Always stopped at the bakery to get some lunch. I don't drink alcohol, however we used to stop at the pub after a days building or riding and have a chat and a drink. People I know died. Good people come together and help each other. Not make pathetic statements on an internet forum.
  7. There has been a long association between our countries in regards to helping each other in bushfire season. New Zealand also has been helping. https://wildfiretoday.com/2024/07/23/australian-and-new-zealand-firefighters-head-to-canada-as-part-of-years-long-partnership/ Currently there are Aussie firefighters helping fight the fires in your country. https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/am/australian-firefighters-helping-in-canada-as-fires-grip-jasper/104145212
  8. My heart goes out to the people who have not only lost their homes, but irreplaceable, precious belongings, such as family photos and the like. However I am in total agreement with you about people who piss and moan, blaming others, while never having been on the frontline fighting a bushfire. I have been involved a few times fighting bushfires. Back in 83, the black Wednesday fires. A few of us had our escape route cut off, things were looking grim for a few hours. In the end we did manage to get out. Then there was the black saturday fires in 2009. 40 minutes from my farm, 120 people were killed that day in Kinglake alone. I got to Yarra Glen and jumped on a fire truck with a crew and we couldn't even get near the town. We ended up keeping the road to Yea open, fighting spot fires. What I will never forget is how quickly a fire can jump. That day in Kinglake there were 80-100 KMH wind gusts. It was the second hottest day on record in Melbourne, after days of over 40c. The fires literally spawned their own weather systems. My thoughts are with those who have lost everything, and the heroes who are putting their lives on the line fighting these fires.
  9. More pertinent today, than when it was released nearly 30 years ago " Turn off SBS Turn on Mike Moore neglect Mary Kostikidis The time has come for us to choose Infotainment over real news Turn off SBS forget Mary Kostikidis Like the rest of us I guess She can no longer so impress Why continue to keep trying To seperate the real news from the lying In the end it all comes down to this We all eventually switch To lying and deception We choose the tabloid pitch Like some inner technical hitch The high ideals that you once had End up in your colostomy bag Pick paradise beach over John Keats Choose beauty over truth SBS becomes RS like Mary after youth Dead air Loss of all reception All of us must face the day When our ideals have flown away Just give in to our dismay Watch Ray Martin not Mary K Time has been in our youth We sought accuracy and truth Scoffed at commercial news Satarised Hinch and all his views But Oh how does time unnerve us The Special Broadcasting Service Doesn't seem worth the hassle Don't change your life Change your chanel " TISM This Is Serious Mum
  10. So this dude is stating that Amazon removed Biden in a Coup ?
  11. I have already pointed out that the Visegrad 24 twitter account is known for promoting false information/fake news. https://visegradinsight.eu/polish-misinformation-using-a-hungarian-recipe-the-curious-case-of-visegrad-24/ And how this site, amongst others fits Musk's " vision " for twitter. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/7-accounts-warp-israel-hamas-war-news-x-musk-rcna121465
  12. 11,000,000 American children live in poverty. 3,000,000, 1 in 6 under 5 years old live in poverty. And these assholes spend hundreds of millions on political advertising.
  13. Nothing you have stated changes the fact that Reagan's economic policies actually harmed the middle class, and totally screwed poor Americans. While from that late sixties onwards there was a steady flow of wealth to America's highest earners, Reagan's economic policies supercharged that flow. One of my favourite examples of how the American people are getting fucked over is the CEO to worker pay ratio. This article is full of fun facts in regards to how the American people are getting bent over backwards. https://www.epi.org/publication/ceo-pay-in-2022/#:~:text=Using the CEO granted compensation,the composition of CEO compensation. In 1965 the ratio was 21-1 In 2022 the ratio was 344-1 by the realised compensation measure.
  14. Reagan gutted the middle class and Clinton sowed the seeds of the GFC when he repealed the Glass - Steagall act. In fact all the president's from Reagan up to and including Obama facilitated the flood of wealth to the wealthiest 10 percent of Americans since 1980. Here is an article by John Komlos, a former Duke economics professor and professor emeritus of economics and economic history at the University of Munich. " The Road to Trump Began With Reaganomics and The Loss of the Middle Class " https://today.duke.edu/2019/01/road-trump-began-reaganomics-loss-middle-class-economist-says Anyone who has researched American politics/economics knows this.
  15. I know of him. I haven't read any of his books.
  16. I came across this book in the politics section of my favourite second hand book shop. Rigged America Russia and Over One Hundred Years of Covert Electoral Interference Written by David Shimer This article gives a good overview of the book. https://news.yale.edu/2020/08/20/rigged-details-long-history-russian-and-us-electoral-interference As you will note Russian electoral interference began when Lenin set up Comintern over 100 years ago. Highly recommend this book for anyone that is interested in Geopolitics.
  17. No doubt Erik Prince, a Christian fundamentalist nut job thinks this way. I suggest you read Blackwater The Rise of The World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army, by Jeremy Scahill. You are welcome to borrow it if you want.
  18. What you are doing is even more important than donating money. You are trying to change the system. I wish there were more people like you in our societies. It's when I am discussing things like this, that I regret the path I took in life when I left school. I wish I could be a real difference maker in the society I live in. There are some retirement units about 500 metres, Sylvan Glades, down the dirt road across from my farm. Over the last 30 years I have visited a number of the pensioners Iiving there. Bring them a bunch of flowers, have a chat and a cuppa. In our " shire ", council zone, there are a number of services for the elderly, including meals on wheels. Still there are elderly in our society who do have to resort to not using heaters in winter and not having enough to eat.
  19. We are such a stupid species. While a bit dated, the figures are in the same ballpark today in regards to what we spend on the military, and what it would take to end poverty. " Just 10 percent of world military spending could knock of world poverty " https://www.reuters.com/article/world/just-10-percent-of-world-military-spending-could-knock-off-poverty-think-tank-idUSKCN0X12EP/ We are going to pay $368 billion to buy three and build another 8 nuclear powered submarines, while 761,000 Australian kids live below the poverty line. And just so you know, I put my money where my mouth is. I sponsor 2 " smith " family kids. According to them 1 in 6 australian kids live below the poverty line. https://www.thesmithfamily.com.au/
  20. It wasn't just the Germans. The allies gave amphetamines to their troops as well. https://www.pbs.org/wnet/secrets/preview-world-war-speed/4337/ Without saying too much, Melbourne in the 80's was known as the amphetamine capital of the world. Canned Heat say it all That message is true And it isn't just the effects of speed. Sleep deprivation from being awake for days leaves you so far removed from reality.
  21. I don't blame you for thinking this way. Over 300,000 American casualties WW1, 53,000 killed in a pointless war. French, Germans and British fighting over a the same land they had been fighting over for centuries. WW2 was a just war. The US while fighting the Japanese in the Pacific still made it possible for the Allies to liberate Europe. Then there was the Berlin Airlift. People over here in Aus put shit on you guys. While I will be the first to point out injustice and stupidity in any society, including my own, I inform, remind them of the Battle of the Coral sea. The US sent a carrier group, when they only had a limited amount of carriers, down to the Coral sea to intercept and repel a Japanese invasion fleet. The Lexington was sunk and the Yorktown was severely damaged. While the US is far from perfect, no country is, people put shit on you guys and then expect you to bail them out.
  22. Fox News is live TV Do you trust Fox ?
  23. I to have been a member of all those league's at one time or another apart from Puck. I had forgotten you were a member of the whatthenuck league. Great little forum and a fantastic league. I am grateful for the work that you and @Nail @Gator @canuck2xtreme put in creating these league's, and others like @MatchesMalone @Lethunder @arby18 @Sergei Bobrovsky @Optimist Prime @MeanSeanBean for making them a reality. Sorry if I forgot anybody. Also a hats off to @Master Mind for creating and running his league. CFF has a fantastic fantasy community. One that I am very happy to have had a long association with.
  24. Calm down champ. All I am stating is that I don't trust any news source that has failed fact checks. Van Jone seems like a decent bloke.
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