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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. You watch what ? CNN ? Again they are rated as mostly factual, due to a couple of failed fact checks. Who knows if all their claims stories have been checked. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/ I trust news sources that have never had any failed fact checks, and those that are certified fact checkers.
  2. Watch the first video in that article and note how the researcher points out that once a topic is framed negatively, that is the perception that sticks. https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/why-negative-campaigning-works-and-how-fight-it
  3. I totally understand how twitter works. People post shit - confirmation bias. You are searching for information that backs up your beliefs/hypothesis. Me I want factual news from reputable sources that have the least bias. My bias is the truth. Not some conspiracy theory. Why would you want to use a source that is known for pushing conspiracy theories and publishing fake news ?
  4. @Elias Pettersson Here are some reliable sources. Both Reuters and The Conversation are rated very high for factual reporting and least Biased. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/reuters/ https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-conversation/ Of course there are others however this is a good starting point.
  5. What I am stating is that I don't trust the agenda of a twitter source that is known for promoting conspiracy theories and fake information. What I have also stated before is that I don't trust any twitter source full stop. As for CNN I don't trust them either. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/left/cnn-bias/ Anything less than a high factual reporting doesn't cut it for me.
  6. I use Media Bias and AllSides media as a fact checking sources. They are totally unbiased. If you want to believe/trust the agenda of a source that is known for promoting conspiracy theories, and publishing fake information, respectfully, be my guest.
  7. You are a good person my friend. Why do you post information from sources like these. It can't get any worse. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/breaking911/ The lowest factual reporting. And listed as a questionable source, one that promotes conspiracy theories and publication of false information.
  8. I would pay money to see anyone on this forum go a few rounds with my Avatar. She would belt them around the ring. Her name is Stephanie Lee Cutting, one of my oldest friends daughter. She is fighting for a world title in October.
  9. This information is a bit dated however " About 20 percent of American students identified Brazil as the United States and another 20 percent could not find the United States at all, two geography organisations reported today " https://www.upi.com/Archives/1984/12/13/Study-One-fifth-of-students-cant-find-US-on-a-map/2120471762000/ This from 2014 " 1 in 4 Americans think the sun goes around the earth, Survey says https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/02/14/277058739/1-in-4-americans-think-the-sun-goes-around-the-earth-survey-says#:~:tex
  10. I was reading that a poll found that a fifth of Americans can't find the US on a world map, so good luck with that.
  11. Yeah, I heard some repug say JD couldn't possibly be a racist because he is married to her. She has been a law clerk for Chief justice John G Roberts jr, supreme court. And Brett Kavanaugh when he was a judge of the US court of appeals, Colombia district.
  12. Just heard about this on late night live- repeat from last night. J.D (I am not an Islamaphobe) Vance pissing off US allies just after being named trumps VP. " https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jul/16/trump-running-mate-jd-vance-uk-first-islamist-country-nuclear-weapon " the UK could become the first truly Islamist country that will get a nuclear weapon " The idiots are really taking over. Like seriously, these #$#$s are imbeciles.
  13. From what I can gather about this guy , Sean O'Brien, he is a blowhard full of shit. He kinda reminds of John Setka, the now ex president of the CFMEU one of Australia's most powerful, and corrupt unions. https://www.crikey.com.au/2024/07/16/victorian-labor-jacinta-allan-cfmeu-links-daniel-andrews-john-setka/
  14. You have never heard of Jimmy Hoffa ? Even over here in Aus, his " legend " is well known. https://www.pbs.org/opb/historydetectives/investigation/who-killed-jimmy-hoffa/index.html
  15. Watched this last night. Four corners is one of the longest running investagive journalistic programs, over 60 years. Highly respected world wide. This, and a follow up episode has been months in the making. It not only details some of the crazy shit he wanted to do during his last presidency - a 2 thousand mile long " moat " along the Mexico border filled with snakes and alligators. It also details the people who are prepared to break down the institutions that that reigned in his last adminstration.
  16. I don't usually like joining in with people to put some one down...however your posts/thoughts are repugnant. Greg was referencing people like you when he wrote this song
  17. Due to events in my personal life and my involvement in the other two leagues I am very sorry to announce that I am quitting this league. My apologies to Gator and all the others who make this league a reality, and the bunch of great GM's who have made this league so much fun. I am really sorry guys.
  18. Detroit assigns Ivan Prosvetov to our minor league associate. Detroit recalls Eric Comrie to the senior team.
  19. I have stated this before. You are the most balanced, unbiased poster in this thread. I have really enjoyed reading your posts about your holiday, and the interactions you have had with the people you have encountered in the region. My solution is this. Just stop hurting the children. No if, buts, Hamas', Likud, Hezbollah, what the fuck ever. Stupid fuckin humans killing, mutilating, maiming children for no good reason. There is never a good reason to hurt a child.
  20. Brother I don't want to be drawn back into this thread. I was replying out of respect to you because you tagged me. All I really care about is the human suffering on both sides. And it's the suffering that the kids endure that breaks my heart. Can you imagine having to amputate the limb of a baby ? Fuck mate, just thinking about that makes me feel so messed up. They have to pay the price for the actions of the adult's. Did you read about Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah ? How he has treated children in war zones such as Iraq, Syria, Yemen and other places for the last thirty years. I would rather talk about people like him, people who gives their time and skills to help other's. Shalom. al salam.
  21. Calm down champ, this is simply a discussion about a prospect in a draft thread. This is all why he is a high risk, high reward player. At that stage of the draft, there was no one left with a higher ceiling at their position. This is a kid that as a 15 year old defenseman scored more points in Finland's Under 20 league than Sasha Barkov, Miko Rantanen and Anton Lundell Skating can be easily improved by working with a coach. You can't teach hockey smarts, natural talent and his obvious will to win. As much as we think we can analyse and rank these prospects, a consensus of the scouting organisations had him ranked in the first or second round. Again if you are happy with a kid whose ceiling is a middle six winger, that's fine. Me, I would have gambled on potentially getting a top pairing offensive D-man. Even though the risk of him achieving that is higher.
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