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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. So do we have to make the pick ?
  2. I had accepted that trade before he posted
  3. The Flyers roster heading into free agency. ??????....Mika Zibanejad....Juraj Slafkovsky Pavel Zacha....??????....Charlie Coyle Miles Wood....Alex Iafallo....Kaapo Kakko ??????....Lars Eller....Jimmy Vesey Brendan Lemieux Miro Heiskanen.....?????? ??????.....Neil Pionk Brett Kulak......Kevin Bahl Tristan Jarry
  4. The Detroit Redwings are terminating Cal Foote's contract
  5. I am not questioning your word and we will always be friends. I am just going into bat for my friend, just like I would for you if you were in need of my support. I am naive in the sense that I just want all my friends to get along. Life has taught that is just not the case. Again I really am sorry for your loss.
  6. I am really upset to hear this. I don't know what was said and I certainly don't condone anyone giving shit to any member, or anyone, anytime. He was not just my co- GM, he was my friend. Our interactions have been helping me through the hardest time of my life. To err is human, to forgive is divine. I am very sorry to hear about your loss.
  7. Ilunga


    @JIAHN It's always been pretty simple for me, treat others the way you wish to be treated yourself. Doesn't matter what colour, religion, place in the world you or your ancestors come from. You don't want to be fucked with, don fuck with others. I know exactly what racism looks like, while this is a scene from a movie, this is a very accurate portrayal of the racist skinheads my friends and I used to fight back in the day, in the western suburbs of Melbourne. Russell Crowe and the other actors hung out in pubs, " studying " skinheads before filming Romper Stomper. I don't know, or care for that matter, about my biological heritage. Suffice to say I am a human being with the ability to reason.
  8. I fucked around for a while. Couldn't work anything out. I am dumb as dogshit with this stuff. I have been meaning to get a new phone. This phone is older and cheapish. The Pixel 7a is on sale so I will probably get one over the weekend and see what I can work out.
  9. Tell that to the Gretzky's. I read about this in a book about the history of hockey a friend in Canada gave me to read on the flight home years ago. His family bought a sprinkler at sears, turned it on at night for a couple of weeks until they had about 6 inches of ice. " For Hockey's Wayne Gretzky, Greatness Began in an Icy Backyard " http://www.wsj.com/articles/for-hockeys-wayne-gretzky-greatness-began-in-an-icy-backyard-1477409583
  10. Pittsburgh selects Nicholas Kempf @Patrick Kane
  11. I just get one sheet. The teams run out at CBJ and it won't scroll across for me.
  12. Thanks Rick. That would be much appreciated.
  13. I don't mind paying taxes. I expect the society I live in to provide health care, education and other services. I also expect us, as a society to look after our most vulnerable members. All this takes money. I also believe that the more you earn, the more tax you should pay. Somehow the richest bastards of all, pay fuck all tax. Just like the guy, who used to be Australia's richest man back in the 80's, Kerry Packer. He only paid $30 in taxes for a three year period. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/packer-sees-off-the-revenue-men-1178375.html What ever label you would like to use, liberal - conservative. I have the same morals now at 60, that I have always had.
  14. @Gator I can't access the team sheets on my phone. I have downloaded Google docs and I still can get past CBJ at the top of the sheet. I don't want to quit this league however I it's hard to work out what is happening with my team when I don't have access to it.
  15. I have already stated how I feel about the " mullahs " in Iran. And again as I have stated, whose fault is it that they are in charge ? Maybe the British and Americans when they backed the coup that deposed the democratically elected government of Mohammad Mosaddegh. Things could have been a lot different now if that hadn't happened. I have also expressed my " disdain " for Mohammed bin chainsaw and his family. Iraq is the closest to what we might think of as a democracy, regular elections, but political scientists consider it a " consolidated democracy ", in other words there is the threat of changing the outcome of the elections after the event. As for the rest of the middle east, yes nothing that could be called a democracy. I was watching a world cup qualifier between Palestine and Australia last night. I was actually amazed that Palestine was still able to field a team and play. Both teams are considered to be in the Asian region according to FIFA.
  16. I know you are ignoring me however I want this on the record because you continually repeat that Isreal is the only democracy in the middle east. " Isreal no longer " liberal democracy " for the first time in 50 years. " https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/politics-and-diplomacy/article-792939 And why it was downgraded to an electoral democracy is that Isreal no longer has " Judicial and legislative constraints on the executive along with the protection of civil liberties and equality before the law " How did they get there ? Well according to Yair Golan former IDF chief of staff, Meretz MK and current candidate for the leadership of the labour party " A full year of Messianic dreams, incessant threats against the judicial system, oppressive legislation, threats against freedom of the press, harming fundamental rights of demonstration, and appointing ministers who are criminals " ( yes actual criminals) " led us to our ranking as a liberal democracy. You always state you want to hear from people who have lived experience, well they don't come much more " lived " than Yair. He is the person we all hope will replace Netanyahu as leader of Israel.
  17. I have stated countless times on this and the old board that my tribe is Homo sapiens. The human race. We can all trace our origins back somewhere in south east Africa. And most of us want the same things. A safe/secure place for our families. Food on the table. Access to a good education. As I have stated countless times in this thread. I want both Isrealis and Palestinians to have those things.
  18. I am sorry if I have given the impression that people don't care about what is happening to the Palestinians/children in Gaza. As the people who know me well on this forum know, I am a very passionate person. I also admit that events in my personal life are effecting the way I am posting. I have always been a person who takes people's suffering to heart.
  19. Really, Isreal has accepted the UN ceasefire plan ? " Israel's vows to push on in Gaza after UN security council approves ceasefire proposal " https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/11/middleeast/israel-gaza-un-security-council-ceasefire-intl-hnk/index.html " But an Isreali statement on Tuesday it was poised to sign up to the current ceasefire plan for Gaza, while at the same time maintaining the freedom to keep fighting. " So we agree to stop fighting, however we will keep fighting ? And your derogatory comment about precious land. How do you feel about your home ? Is it precious/valuable to you ?
  20. Pittsburgh selects Matvei Korotky @Rick Blight
  21. Thanks Theo and Nail. I should have paid more attention to the league thread.
  22. Don't mean to be a smart arse however Josh Bloom, the pick above,was born in 2003 and according to the rules of eligibility, he is ineligible for this year's draft. Or have I got it wrong.
  23. This is what the far right nutjobs in Israel want. More Palestinian land. Me, I want what the Israeli defence Minister Yoav Gallant wants. That Israel comes up with a plan for a replacement of Hamas rule in Gaza. https://www.npr.org/2024/05/16/1251564884/israel-gaza-day-after-gallant-netanyahu Something he has been calling for since October. " Gallant appeared to refute Netanyahu's claims that, saying no efforts were being made to establish an alternative to Hamas in Gaza. He called on Netanyahu to declare that Israel would not establish civil or military rule in Gaza for the long term. The 'day after Hamas' will only be achieved by Palestinian entities taking control of Gaza, accompanied by international actors, establishing a governing alternative to Hamas' rule, Gallant said in his live speech. Unfortunately the plan was not brought up for discussion, and worse an alternative discussion was not raised in its place. " I am asking you, what do you want to happen when this catastrophic conflict finally comes to an end ? This guy, Dennis Ross, a veteran negotiator, who for more than thirty years has been trying to make peace between Arabs and Isrealis, has a plan. " The Road to Peace in Gaza. A Veteran Negotiator's plan " https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/road-peace-gaza-veteran-negotiators-plan .
  24. The reason there hasn't been any elections is that Hamas has refused to hold them. I am not stating there is no support for Hamas among the Palestinians, there is. Rightly or wrongly, which is the case, that's what human beings do. Support the people who oppose the people that are oppressing them. I have never argued against the fact that Hamas' needs to be removed. For both their crimes against the Isreali people, and the fact that they don't care about the Palestinian people. It's the means I am arguing against. I have, and am stating that the means the Isrealis have used since October 7 don't justify the ends. It is not a proportionate response. And as for your statement that Palestinian will vote for war, couldn't what they want be interpreted as wanting to vote for freedom ? Are the Isrealis that vote for the religious nutjobs in the Knesset who want all of Gaza and the occupied territories to be a part of Israel, voting for war ?
  25. I totally agree with all of your points. Except a couple of your statements are incorrect. Hamas throwing LGBTQ people of roofs ? This will be the third time I have debunked that claim. " Video does not show Hamas' throwing people of a roof " https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.347B339 Fact Check: Video of people thrown from a roof, shows punishment by IS not Hamas. " https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/video-people-thrown-roof-shows-punishment-by-is-not-hamas-2023-12-14/ And your claim that Hamas' blows themselves and children up ? This article from the, National consortium study for the terrorism and responses to Terrorism. A department of Homeland emeritus security centre of excellence led the the University of Maryland. https://www.start.umd.edu/publication/hamas-and-suicide-terrorism-multi-causal-and-multi-level-approaches States " This book analyses the root causes suicide terrorism at both the elite and rank and file levels of the Hamas and also explains why this tactic has disappeared in the post 2006 period " So Hamas hasn't " blown themselves up for close to 20 years. I believe you can safely state, that they have indeed stopped blowing themselves and children up. And they should stop firing rockets from anywhere. Not just schools.
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