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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Pittsburgh selects Kasper Pikkarainen @ActionJax09
  2. Eligibility for the Draft https://www.usahockey.com/nhldraft Players that have NHL draft eligibility " North American players 18-20 years old and Europeans of all ages entering the draft for the first time. " So NA Players are eligible at 20, and Europeans are free to enter the draft for the first time at any age. This is the 2021 NHL draft. The last draft that NA players are now ineligible for. https://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/draft/nhl2021e.html As you can see, there are only 2 players from the 3rd round. Only 3 players from the fourth round. And only 2 players from the 5th round, that have already played games in the NHL. And none from the 6th and 7th rounds. I am not arguing about how many rounds there should be.
  3. Who has argued that Hamas' hasn't committed war crimes. I have actually brought up the fact that they have committed crimes against humanity long before October 7. And yes have history will damn those Hamas' scum who have killed, raped and fucked with any Isreali in any way. I am hoping they get what is coming to them sooner than in a history book.
  4. Pressure Isreal to abide by International Humanitarian Law. You know the Law that 196 countries, including mine, yours and Israel are signortories to. This is an opinion piece. Check out the Author, long family ties to Israel. How his family played an important part in the formation of Israel, and their ongoing commitment to Israel. His history of war reporting. " I'm a Jew and I've covered wars. I know war crimes when I see them. " https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/04/09/israel-gaza-war-crimes-genocide/ " As I watched an agonizing video from Gaza not long ago. The video shows a grandmother Hala Khreis, trying to leave a neighbourhood that Israeli forces are surrounding. Walking tentatively she holds the hand of her grandson who is five years old and carries a white flag. Suddenly a shot rings out and she crumples to the ground dead. " This guy has longer and stronger ties to Israel than certainly anyone on this board. He has covered/ been in war zones, including a war zone that is classed as a genocide. Why does he make these claims Elias ? I think his great great grandad had the right idea. " For example in the May 21, 1917 edition of the New York Times, a headline read, Mr Schiff not for Zionism. He would establish a Jewish population, not a nation in Palestine. This story is about my great- great grandfather, Jacob Schiff, the gilded age financier who bankrolled efforts to help persecuted Jews flee Europe. The idealistic non Zionist goal was for jews who were settling in Palestine to make a deal with the Arabs already living there that would not give either side complete control of the government. Two decades later in 1936, my great grandfather Felix Warburg, who had married Schiff's daughter accurately warned that establishing a Jewish state would lead to bloody heads and misfortune. " Instead of Jewish state, a joint state. Just as I have been advocating for from the start. Imagine how many lives this would have saved. The suffering that would have been prevented. How many years of BS do we have to put up with from this part of the world. If you believe that the state of Israel is worth one life, would you sacrifice the life of your child in the name of that state ? Same for a Palestinian state. At this point I say fuck them both, in regards to having their own state. They should both be forced by a superior force to sit down and work their differences out.
  5. You think you or I live in hell, what would you call the situation in Gaza ? At my age, I live my " golden rule " to, almost, perfection. I treat others the way I wish to be treated myself. Especially when, sometimes those around me, haven't treated me the way they would like to be treated themselves. When it's the hardest. I am talking about my ex. Again, people may think Israel is getting away with its crimes against humanity, however history always catches up with you.
  6. As I just replied to Sharpie. When I have brought up what is happening to the Children in Gaza, I have been accused of supporting terrorists. Of echoing Hamas' taking points. Does that sound like people who care about what is happening to the kids in Gaza ? And again who fuckin cares whose fault it is. Just stop hurting children..... period. That's what my moral compass tells me. No ifs, buts whatever.
  7. Yeah a bias for what is happening to hundreds of thousands of children in Gaza. A post about a questionnaire generated a few pages of faux rage and a discussion about how it is good for a child to travel. Bring up the actual facts about what is happening to the children in Gaza, and I have been accused of supporting terrorists. Of repeating Hamas talking points. That it is all Hamas' fault. Like who the fuck cares whose fault it is, just stop hurting the children in Gaza. I don't know about you, but when I see footage of what is happening to those kids it makes me think about, what if that was Lachlan.
  8. I am not trying to minimise anything. I asked you a simple question. I will openly state what I believe is a far more important issue. What is has, and is happening to the children in Gaza for the last 8 months. Especially when compared to a test/questionnaire in one classroom. To call a questionnaire a horror is... words fail me. To even equate those two issues is beyond ridiculous. And when is advocating for the rights of innocent children, advocating for Hamas'. As that article @UnkNuk posted in the God thread pointed out. What Christians practice, and what they are actually taught to practise are two totally different things. No offence brother, but if what you believe happens to be true you are in for a rude awakening in the afterlife, if what we were taught in school happens to be true.
  9. I would love to. And while I will do this, this subject is at the heart of both this conflict, and this discussion. As I have stated, many of the regular contributors to this discussion have rationalised, what cannot be rationalised by anyone with an ounce of humanity. Harming children.
  10. You haven't answered my question. If you believe the stories/allegories about Jesus, which you do, he was a teacher. He may or may not intervene in this situation if he is actually real and was here today. That my opinion. I am asking you for your opinion on what his talking points would be if he was a member of this forum. Talking about one class being asked a few questions ? Or talking about tens of thousands of children killed, injured and missing. And hundreds of thousands of children, psychology, emotionally and in some cases physically damaged for life ?
  11. You believe that Jesus was/is a real person... Yes ? Do you believe that if he was a member of this board he would be posting about tests/questionnaires in schools....or what is happening to the children in Gaza ? Matthew 18:6 " But whoso offends one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. " That's stating, you fuck with kids you are fucked. Now, what is hurting a kid more, asking them a question, or killing them, injuring them. Forcing them to see and endure things that no child should see or endure. Bringing them to the brink of starvation. And I can tell you this. I don't trust any source on twitter. The sources I use, I use two fact checking organisations. Media Bias And AllSides media bias.
  12. Good/Bad/evil are subjective. They are subjectively decided upon by the majority in any given group of people/society. Good/evil is also an expression of subjective personal opinion. It's qualitative and not quantifiable. One thing that by the far the majority of people on this planet agree on, is that to harm a child is unacceptable. Yet in this discussion, most of the people involved have found a way to rationalise the fact that tens of thousands of children have been killed, injured and are missing in Gaza. And over 600,000 more are being forced to see and endure things that no child should be forced to see and endure. Things that will scar them both emotionally and physically for the rest of their lives.
  13. " Evil " is subjective. I have spent a lot of time educating myself on the subjects of normative ethics, and meta ethics. I should have stated, " The somewhat less unpleasant of two poor choices ". I am not, and have never claimed to be intelligent. I have done some really stupid shit at times in my life. What I do claim, is that I have, and always will try to improve myself, be a better person until the day I die.
  14. " It's so easy to defend the status quo When everyone's so cool and cynical But when you see the ends don't justify the means It's just that 180 degrees The great thing about bein' a human Is our ability to reason But reason it don't work when no one cares Two parts apathy, one part despair " Mike B. Doesn't matter how informed you are, when the only choice is between the lesser of 2 evils.
  15. The fundamental part of a democracy is at least one check on power, in the political system. In most western democracies that is a senate. Which is the check/ upper chamber, protection we have on the people we elect to represent us in the lower house. Any legislation that goes through our house of reps, then has to pass through the senate. Israel only has the Knesset. It does not have a senate. And that's a great point about supposed western democracies. When we don't get to choose most of the candidates we elect. The political parties do that. We have political lobbying and donations. Here in Aus many of the political lobbyists, used to be staffers of the politicians the lobby groups are giving money to.
  16. So how are you meant to vote out Hamas when they haven't held elections since they were elected in 2006 ? Here is a factual timeline of events in relation to " politics " elections, Fatah - Hamas since 2006. https://www.usip.org/palestinian-politics-timeline-2006-election The Palestinians have protested a few times since Hamas gained power. It has been for economic reasons. But bottom line they still haven't had elections. And what viable alternative do they have. As we all know, Hamas is a terrorist organisation that hasn't/won't let its grip on power go. And as I have pointed out before, support for any leaders in any country in times of war increase, especially if that country is being attacked. I will ask you the same question I have asked others who challenge the Palestinians to get rid of Hamas'. If you were a Palestinian would you fight a well armed terrorist organisation ? Would you risk your life and the lives of your of family ? Would you sacrifice your life if it meant that Hamas' was eradicated ? You haven't dealt with the point that I brought up. Why do so many Isrealis themselves state that Isreal practices arpartheid on the Palestinian people ?
  17. Israel does not follow the rules. This article gives a very brief description of international humanitarian law https://www.redcross.org/humanityinwar.html By any standard, Israel has not abided by IHL in fighting the war in Gaza. They have also been trying to intimidate and threaten members of the body who is meant to enforce IHL, the ICC. " Spying, hacking intimidation: Investigation exposes Israel's war on International court " https://thejewishindependent.com.au/spying-hacking-intimidation-israels-nine-year-war-on-the-icc " Now an investigation by the guardian and +972 and local call has revealed how Israel ran an almost decade long secret war against the court. The investigation found the country deployed its intelligence agencies to survey, hack, pressure, smear and allegedly threaten senior ICC staff to derail the courts enquiries. Israel's intelligence captured the communications of numerous ICC officials, including Khan and his predecessor, Fatou Bensouda, intercepting phone calls, messages, emails and documents. " More on the woman, Fatou Bensouda, that Isreal tried to threaten and intimate. https://www.timesofisrael.com/former-mossad-chief-threatened-icc-prosecutor-over-probe-into-israel-report-claims/ So anyone who believes that Israel has followed the rules is delusional.
  18. Don't tell @King Heffy that Arty played 7 games against one of arguably, the best teams in the NHL. He will have a fit.
  19. Some people in this thread keep saying that the Palestinians should remove Hamas'. Well I think it's a fair question to ask them, and in this case you, what would you do if you were a Palestinian ? Most Palestinian have families. Would you risk your life, and more importantly your families life attacking a group of well armed fanatics ? Do you believe weapons are readily available to your " average " Palestinian ? https://politics.stackexchange.com/questions/82392/do-ordinary-gazans-have-firearms-much There isn't much to find on the subject of " average " Palestinians having access to guns. An answer in the article above " " Ordinary " Palestinians have a low firearms ownership by global standards and a majority of all guns in Gaza and the west bank combined ( finest level of detail available are government owned. The numbers below aren't broken down between the west bank and Gaza. " " The estimated rate of private gun ownership both (licit and illicit) per hundred people in Palestine is is 1.10. This private gun ownership is probably lower in Gaza. " I have already stated, that even when I was a young man and got into violent situations on a regular basis, I don't know if I would attack well armed fanatics that have a better chance of killing me, than I have of killing them. Would you be prepared to sacrifice your life in order to remove Hamas' if you were a Palestinian ? Like if you knew that if you would die, and that would help remove them, would you make that sacrifice ? Again, I am not sure if I would have back when I was young, and I certainly wouldn't now. Life is the most precious thing apart from my son I have. Here is the last example that I can find of what happened to Palestinians who protested against Hamas' in Gaza. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/21/hamas-violently-suppresses-gaza-economic-israeli-border-protests As I have stated, violent situations are scary places to be. Throw in heavily well armed fanatics, again, what would you do ?
  20. Good news 4 of the hostages have been rescued. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-09/what-we-know-about-the-four-hostages-rescued-from-gaza/103955722
  21. Still have my T-shirt that my friends from Whistler gave me, that are friends with Ross. Smoke a fatty - with Rebagliati
  22. We have evolved Alf. Jus ad bellum jus in bello And why these matter. https://www.icrc.org/en/document/rules-war-why-they-matter
  23. " Efficiency and progress is ours once more Now that we have the neutron bomb It's nice and clean and gets things done Away with excess enemy But no less value to property No sense in war but perfect sense at home The sun beams down on a brand new day No more welfare tax to pay Unsightly slums gone up in flash of light Jobless millions whisked away At last we have more room to play All systems go to kill the poor tonight "
  24. Oh, I am not complaining. If you noted my second post, as I stated there is lots to be happy about this past season, and I have high hopes for next season.
  25. Thanks @112 Glad your grandad made it through WW2. Went on to father your dad, who fathered you. This place wouldn't be the same without you.
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