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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. See and now you say things like this. Either come out and say the New York Times was lying, and provide evidence to back up your claim. That's the thing, most of the time, you don't provide evidence to back up your claims. You just try and discredit me, with, ironically, your opinion.
  2. Yes, as I stated I get that he had to go. However people also kinda forget about reputation damage. He chose to sign with us in the first place. What will other prospects in his situation think in the future about signing with us in similar circumstances. The point I was trying to make with my original post is that I will be a bit disappointed if we gave up all we did for a pure rental. What does give me hope for next season is that we took the team that is now in the Stanley cup final to seven games, with our third string goalie, our star forward who it now appears was injured, and the team playing far from what was it's best hockey.
  3. You are a liar. I don't just post only opinion pieces. Many of the articles I post are about factual information. Just like the New York Times article that debunked your BS greenhouse myth claim. Again reporting about factual events that happened Roman. It wasn't the New York Times opinion that Isreali settlers demolished about half the greenhouses in Gaza. Those settlers actually demolished those greenhouses. " Isreali settlers demolish greenhouses and Gaza Jobs " https://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/15/world/middleeast/israeli-settlers-demolish-greenhouses-and-gaza-jobs.html
  4. If we didn't give up so much for him it wouldn't bother me too much if he didn't move on. Edit Accidentally hit the post button. A lot of people are saying this isn't a deep draft. I have spent days, actually nights, researching this draft for my fantasy teams. I could name lots of prospects I would have liked to have drafted with that first rounder if we still had it. I get that Kuzmenko had to go, however he sure picked it up in Calgary, 15 points in his last 10 games. Do we have that conditional 4th or did we have to give it up. I already have some solid prospects in mind for my fourth rounders. Then there is Brzustewicz. Many are bagging him out now he is gone however he is a RHD with decent size, that just scored 92 points in 67 games in his draft + 1 year. With all the talk about paying Hronek the 8 mill he supposedly wants, and the possibility of trading him, Hunter is looking like a future potential great second pairing RHD-man that could spend time on the second PP unit, if Hronek does go. Better to have options than not have them. Again all this is based around what you want to give up for a rental, that for sure helped us get to the second round. And another year not only do we don't have a second round pick, we don't have a first. As has been stated many times, players with established contracts, backed up by quality players on ELC's and maybe bridge deals are what I believe are needed to build a cup winner.
  5. Yes I agree. While there have been some " good " male leaders, I believe more women should take on leadership roles. Do you know much about Jacinta Ardern ? Ex New Zealand PM. She was known for her kindness and empathy. Like all of us she was not perfect, but when it mattered her humanity was what shined through. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/19/from-stardust-to-an-empty-tank-one-of-a-kind-leader-jacinda-ardern-knew-her-time-was-up Edit. You have just shown who you truly are. To pick up on the fact that a person expressed their horror at watching a person die, even when that person " deserved " to die, as opposed to others watching it, as you say like a football game. Well that tells me a lot about the sort of person you are. A person with humanity.
  6. There are far " better " people than me in this world Alf. People like Yael Noy. I have posted about her organisation before, Road to Recovery, an organisation that drives very sick Palestinian kids from the west bank, and Gaza before this conflict started, to hospitals in Israel. Yael's parents were in on of the Kibbutz's that was attacked on October 7. " We can't stop - the Isreali woman still helping sick Palestinians " https://www.bbc.com/news/world-67592468 " I am fighting to be good " she tells me. " I am fighting to stay moral when both sides are in such terrible pain. I am fighting to be the same person I was before " " Something was broken in my heart and I said that I would never talk to people in Gaza again " she tells me. But after a few days, she decided she couldn't let the attrocities change her. She and most of the road to recovery volunteers continued to drive Palestinians from the west bank to hospitals in Israel for cancer treatment, organ transplants and kidney dialysis. As soon as she can, she says she'll go and collect patients from Gaza again. Yael refuses to dehumanize them, or equate them with Hamas, which is classed as a terrorist organisation in the UK and other countries. Like us they are victims of Hamas, so I think we should keep on helping them, because it's not their fault, she tells me over the phone. She worries for the families she knows in Gaza, with winter approaching and so many bombed houses now uninhabitable. The parents of a six year old child, who'd had a organ transplant, texted one of the Road to Recovery volunteers, saying simply, We are OK, we are going to die here. Yael is also desperately concerned for two Road to Recovery volunteers, Oded Lifschitz and Chaim Peri, who are still being held hostage by Hamas. Emotionally, she feels like she is being torn apart. She has uncles and cousins that are adamantly opposed to what she's doing and accuse her of helping Hamas. And it's not just family members who disapprove. " When I am driving Palestinians through checkpoints in the west bank, soldiers have asked me, how can I do what I am doing " she tells me. " Other people ask the same question " " It's dangerous to even talk about the suffering of the kids in Gaza - people look at me like I am the enemy," she says through sobs. But I am not doing it for the Palestinians, I am doing it because I want to be a proud Israeli. I believe that whether you're an Isreali, a Palestinian, a Jew or an Arab, people are people. " We all make choices about the people we want to be Alf, just like Yael has. I hope that if I was in her position, or the guy that founded Road to Recovery Yuval Roth, that I could be like them. A reminder about the guy that I have already posted about that founded Road to Recovery, Yuval Roth. His brother was killed by Hamas in 1993, and yet he not only forgave them, he had so much compassion and empathy he helped the most vulnerable Palestinians.
  7. And you haven't answered any of my questions. And again Alf, its the means I am criticising, not the ends. You have heard of cause and effect Alf ? That's why I bring up the past, and current injustices Isreal practices upon the Palestinian people. Stop those injustices, and they won't have a reason to fight/kill Isrealis. Who is the only poster in this thread, that has posted articles and videos about Isrealis and Palestinians working together for peace. Examples of Isrealis that have had their loved ones killed by Palestinians, not only forgiving them, but are now helping other Palestinians. I am Alf. So if I am biased against Isreal why would I post articles about Isrealis helping Palestinians. Forgiving them for killing the loved ones. What I am biased for is that we are all human beings, that all share a common ancestry. That we all share this planet together. That we should not only look after each other, but also all the Flora and Fauna with share this planet with. I have advocated for this on the old board and this one, time and time again.
  8. So let's pretend you are a Palestinian person who has nothing to do with Hamas'. Would you be happy watching your friends and loved ones killed ? Having no food to give to your kids, let alone yourself, at times. Watching your homes and schools/ community destroyed ? Bottom line, you believe that the events since October 7 are a proportionate response to the events of October 7. I am millions and other with consciences don't. And those numbers are growing. Even though it won't help the innocent Palestinians now, history will damn Israel for its actions over the last 8 months. And what should the Palestinians do about Isrealis that don't want them to exist ? You know, Isrealis like the young men who rampaged through the Muslim quarter of Jerusalem a few days ago, shouting " death to Arabs "
  9. Of course the Palestinians elected Hamas', that's a fact. Hamas' has " ruled " with no regard for the Palestinians in Gaza since they were elected. They have fired rockets at Israel. They have killed Israelis. All this long before October 7. And yes they are a racist, terror group. Again, you fail to realise that it is not the ends (Israel wiping out Hamas') that I, and millions of people are concerned about. It's the means. I know that killing thousands of women and children. Actually targeting children. Causing the conditions for famine for millions more. Forcing hundreds of thousands of children to see and endure things no child should have to see and endure. Basically destroying an entire enclave. That is a disproportionate response to the horrific events of October 7. Now how about you admit, just like all these Isrealis state, that Isreal is an arpartheid state. Ex head of the Mossad, Tamir Pardo https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/06/israel-imposing-apartheid-on-palestinians-says-former-mossad-chief How about all these Ex Isreali PM's https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/saying-israel-guilty-apartheid-isn-t-antisemitic-just-ask-these-n1268785 " Israel.... better rid itself of the territories and their Arab population as soon as possible. If it did not Israel would soon become an arpartheid state. " Prophetic words from David Ben Gurion in 1967 More prophetic words " I don't think it's possible to contain over the long term, if we don't want to get to arpartheid, a million and a half (more) Arabs inside a Jewish state. " Yitzhak Rabin "If this bloc of millions of Palestinians cannot vote, that will be an apartheid state." Ehud Barak " We've established an arpartheid regime in the occupied territories" Former Isreali Attorney general Michael Ben Yair What acts like arpartheid, is run like arpartheid and harrasses like arpartheid, is not a duck, it's arpartheid " Former Israeli environmental minister Yossi Sarid " The state of Israel practices its own, quite violent, form of arpartheid with the native Palestinian population " Former Isreali education Minister Shulamit Aloni " In the situation that exists today, until a Palestinian state is created, we are actually one state, " This joint state... is an arpartheid state" Former Isreali Ambassador to South Africa Alon liel " The supreme court could have taken a braver decision, and not relegated us to an arpartheid state " Zehava Galon former chair of the Meretz party " On the Palestinian matter (Benjamin Netanyahu's) policies are leading to either a binational state or an arpartheid state " Meir Dagan former head of Mossad. Then you retired Isreali army general Amiram Levin stating " West Bank occupation is arpartheid " https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/2023/08/13/retired-israeli-general-says-west-bank-occupation-is-apartheid/ Then you have Isreal human rights organisations " This is arpartheid " http://www.btselem.org/apartheid These are all just Isreal voices. Human rights organisations and people all over the world know arpartheid when they see it. And what do you call all those young Isreali men who rampaged through the Muslim quarter of Jerusalem a few days ago, beating up people and shouting " death to Arabs " ?
  10. That article wasn't about civilian deaths and casualties. Or children that have been abducted by Russia, I did read a figure in regards to this of 700,000. He was talking about rubble/destruction. About a Dozen media outlets are reporting this at least. Oh and here is a media bias assessment of NPR, the source of that article I posted. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/npr/ Factual reporting High MBFC Credibility Rating High Credibility Rating
  11. There is nothing Hamas can do. Apart from returning the Hostages, which is what I have been advocating for from the start, and that does not absolve them of their actions on October 7, or their actions before that, for that matter. It is the way Israel goes about destroying them that is what not just myself, but Millions of people around the world are concerned about. And yes we can forget about Netanyahu's previous actions however as that Israeli analyst noted, he doesn't want peace now, he wants the war to continue so he can hold onto power. That's not the past, that's right fuckin now. I have told you, and others many times what I want. I will repeat myself again. I, like the families of the hostages and the US, want a ceasefire. In return I want all the hostages returned. I want Palestinians that have a history working towards a peaceful solution to this never ending conflict in some sort of leadership role. I have posted articles and videos about Palestinians who have and are working with Isrealis for a peaceful solution. If I had my way, I would line up every Hamas' fighter, their leaders, Netanyahu, a bunch of those right wings nutjobs, any Palestinian or Isreali that has committed a crime against humanity and shoot them. And I am usually against the death penalty. Then I would grab all those fuckin idiots, Palestinian, Isreali, by the scruff of their necks and tell them to get their shit together and treat each other the way the each want to be treated themselves.
  12. Start of May https://www.npr.org/2024/05/13/1250753619/gaza-palestinians-unexploded-ordnance-bombs-israel " There is now more rubble in Gaza than there is in Ukraine " Birch says. " And to put that into perspective the front line in Ukraine is 600 miles long and Gaza is 25 miles long. " Then there is the unexploded munitions/ ordnance. " The UN estimates that it could take 14 years to make Gaza safe from these bombs. " " I was in Sarajevo in '92, I was in Baghdad in 2003, I was in Kabul. But nothing can compare to what we saw in Gaza " said Erik Tollefsen an explosives expert who served in the Norwegian military and is now with the international committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), he was in Gaza in February and March. " It was just breathtaking the level of destruction. It's really horrifying " he says. "
  13. Remember you telling us about your nevvy that got beaten up at school. I not only " hugged " your post, I replied and offered my heart felt sympathy for what he had to endure. Well how do you feel about what is happening to the 625,000 kids in Gaza. Being forced to endure and see things no child should see or endure. It never ceases to amaze me how so many people's empathy and compassion is limited to a certain group they align with. If those were Israeli kids that were going through what the Palestinian kids in Gaza are enduring, I would be advocating just as passionately for them, as I am for the Palestinian kids. Also what do you think about the Israelis rampaging through the Muslims quarter of Jerusalem shouting, " death to Arabs" yesterday ? IMO they are just as bad as the Palestinians who advocate for the death of Israelis/Jews.
  14. Pittsburgh selects Raoul Boilard @Canuck Surfer Your up brother
  15. Why do you continually BS ? What about the word condemn is it that you don't understand ? Condemn " Express complete disapproval of " " Censure " I not only condemn their actions on October 7, and before then, I hope the actual people who perpetrated those acts on October 7 receive a punishment that is commensurate with their actions, a painful punishment. I have stated those actions were horrific, they were attrocities. Again, Hamas' are the bad guys, Israel are meant to be the ' good guys ". Good guys don't target and kill children, elderly and non combatants. I didn't assume anything, I took the word of 8 doctors, one of them Canadian, who stated that there was a steady stream of children and elderly that had single shot gunshot wounds that were indicative of sniper wounds. You don't have an answer for the evidence I provided that Israel has targeted and killed children, so you make up some BS. If I am a Hamas' supporter then so is your Foreign Minister Melanie Joy, when talking about Gaza, she stated, " The level of Human suffering is catastrophic " https://www.vox.com/today-explained-podcast/352059/why-israel-cant-destroy-hamas And I guess that Israeli analyst is a Hamas' supporter because he states Hamas' cannot be wiped out. Just because I know Isreals response is disproportionate to the events of October 7 doesn't mean i don't want the people who committed those attrocities on October 7 to be held accountable, I do. I just don't want millions of people suffering, paying the price for the actions of a minority. You might think that what happened on October 7 justifies the suffering that has happened in Gaza since then, I don't. Especially what has, and is happening to the children. I get you don't care one bit for what is happening to the kids in Gaza. You are so full of what I just have finished spreading on some of my plants. You can't come up with any valid arguments/evidence so you accuse me of supporting terrorists. Remember you lies, claiming that I denied the new don't have a long connection to the land of Israel/Palestine ? I had literally posted the page before about the first Temple. Then there was when you doubled down on your BS claims that Israel didn't help start and fund Hamas', even after I had provided evidence, twice, that they actually did. Over and over again you prove you are full of it. Maybe you could help me out and talk around the base of some of my plants that need fertilizing.
  16. Here is an article with a Isreali analyst explaining why it is not possible to wipe out Hamas' https://www.vox.com/today-explained-podcast/352059/why-israel-cant-destroy-hamas Note, one of the points he brings up is that Netanyahu wants Hamas' in power so he doesn't have to worry about making peace. And he wants the war to go on so he can stay in power. And this article not only comes to the same conclusion, it points out that many of the Palestinians feel the way you, and we all do about their leaders. They don't trust them. https://www.securityincontext.com/posts/the-unending-challenge-why-hamas-cannot-be-completely-destroyed So do you want to keep going down the same path, one where an entire enclave has been virtually destroyed, millions are on the brink of famine, hundreds of thousands of children are forced to see and endure things no child should be forced to see or endure ? All in the hope of doing something that probably can't be done. Or do you want the hostages returned safely to their families in Israel. And see an end to the suffering, and destruction in Gaza. That's what I want.
  17. Excuse me ? Vomit the blame on Israel ? How many times do I have to condemn Hamas, not just for their actions on October 7, but also all their terror actions before October 7 ? I have lost track of the amount of times I have condemned/criticised, whatever adjective you would like me to use. We all know Hamas' are the " bad guys ". Israel are meant to be the " good guys ". Good guys don't target children, the elderly and non combatants. That's what bad guys like Hamas' do. I have stated many times what I want to happen. I want what the families of the hostages want. A ceasefire, and all the hostages safely returned to their families back in Israel. I want a one state solution. Where both Palestinians and Isrealis live in peace and Harmony. Sadly I know the majority of people don't think like I do. If they did that would be a reality.
  18. Where have I called on Isreal to stop fighting Hamas ? I haven't. In this particular conversation we have had, I have provided evidence that Israel is targeting children, and the elderly. Now you don't want to believe those volunteer doctors who are from different countries including Canada, that's on you. I believe them. I am calling on Israel not to target children or anyone else who is a non combatant. And not to do this https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/05/02/israel-military-artificial-intelligence-targeting-hamas-gaza-deaths-lavender/ " Investagive Journalism published in April by Israeli media outlet Local Call (and it's English language version +972magazine) shows that the Israeli military has established a mass assimilation program of unprecedented size blending algorithmic targeting with a high tolerance for bystander deaths and injuries " We are meant to be living in time where we have a rules based world order. Part of those rules are how we conduct ourselves in wars. The ends don't always justify the means. And the only thing that is " playing me " is my conscience, my moral standards.
  19. I know this is a Canadian military thread, and June the 6th was yesterday here in Aus. However I want to honour the memory of my father who fought on the beach on D-day. He actually didn't even make it up the beach, he was severely wounded. The doctors told him if he moved to a warmer he might live into his forties. He made it to 87. He was the best man I have ever known. A true gentle man. He taught me about strength of will, self belief and more importantly kindness, compassion and empathy for others. Thank you dad for choosing me to be your son. He never wanted to talk much about the war, and he never carried anger or hatred in his heart. To all those who fought for us in WW2, thank you. They were truly fighting for other peoples freedom.
  20. The thread title is a bit out of date. Hamas attacked Isreal for a day or so. For the last 8 months Isreal has been in the process of destroying Gaza in retaliation. You keep defending people who target and murder children. That's on you. Who do you believe has the ultimate stake in this Alf ? Maybe the actual families of the victims who are still alive after the October 7 attack ? Maybe we should listen to them, they want, and have always wanted a ceasefire so they can have their loved ones returned. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-01/israeli-hostage-supporters-urge-israel-hamas-to-accept-ceasefire/103923824 But you don't care about them do you. All your posts are about Hamas.
  21. What has any of this have to do with those doctors stating that there have been a steady stream of kids, and elderly, with single shot bullet wounds to the head or the chest, obvious sniper shots ? So please stop with the false equivalence BS Alf. Either you accept the word of those foreign volunteer doctors, one of them Canadian, who are on the ground dealing with these victims, or you don't. I believe the doctors. And then there is the West Bank Alf. https://www.savethechildren.net/news/least-101-children-killed-west-bank-year What excuse are you gonna try and make up for these killings ?
  22. Not deliberately target children. What sort of person defends people who deliberately target children ? I get it. It doesn't fit your narrative so you don't want to believe the doctors, one of them who is Canadian, who are actually dealing with these children, who are victims of Israeli snipers.
  23. Foreign volunteer doctors stating there is a steady stream of children coming in with single shot bullet wounds to the head or the chest. I will believe the doctors who are on the ground there with the medical expertise to diagnose what has happened to these kids. To say this is " friendly fire " is ridiculous. I have already pointed out what friendly fire is in this conflict. Israel killing close to 20 percent of their own soldiers who have been killed in this conflict. https://www.timesofisrael.com/5-soldiers-killed-7-hurt-in-friendly-fire-incident-in-northern-gazas-jabaliya/ Again that's the difference between us. We both condemn the murdering scum/ Hamas. However you apologise for the IDF who target and murder children.
  24. Speaking of East Jerusalem. It was religious nutjob march day today in East Jerusalem. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cm55dp8x5keo " Crowds waving flags and shouting anti - Arab slogans gathered outside the old city's Damascus gate before marching to the western wall through the Muslim quarter. People said that 18 people were arrested, five for attacking Journalists. Israel's Haaretz newspaper whose journalist Nir Hasson was among those assaulted - reported that hundreds of young men rampaged through the Muslim quarter before the event began chanting, " death to Arabs " and attacking Palestinians and other people. " Israel offered east Jerusalem ? Here are the actual details of the agreement that was proposed by Clinton. https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-agreed-to-give-up-sovereignty-in-part-of-jerusalem-old-city-in-2000-document/ And what they " might " have agreed to they have changed their mind. From the first article " Israel, which occupied the formerly - Jordanian held east of the city in 1967 and effectively annexed it in 1980 in a move not recognised by most countries - regards the whole of Jerusalem as it's capital. "
  25. Yes and we have all condemned Hamas, time and time again. But what you are doing is whataboutism. The subject at hand is the IDF targeting children, and the elderly for that matter. Willing to believe that Mohammed Tamimi's death was an " accident ", well I don't. How about this, are you willing to take the word of a Canadian doctor in regards to Israel targeting children. " Not a normal war. Doctors say children have been targeted Isreali snipers in Gaza " https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/gaza-palestinian-children-killed-idf-israel-war " I asked the nurse, what's the history ?, she said they were brought in a couple of hours ago. They had sniper shots to the brain. They were seven or eight years old, she said. The Canadians doctor heart sank. These were not the first children treated by Alvi who she was told were targeted by Israeli soldiers, and she knew the damage a single high calibre bullet could do to a fragile young body. They were not able to talk, they were paraplegic. They were literally lying down as vegetables on those beds. They were not the only ones. I even saw small children with direct sniper shot wounds to the head as well as in the chest. They were not combatants, they were small children, she said. " " Nine doctors gave accounts of working in Gaza hospitals this year, all but one of them foreign volunteers. Their common assessment was that most of the dead and wounded children they treated were hit by shrapnel or burned during Israel's extensive bombardment of residential neighbourhoods, in some cases wiping out entire families. Others were killed or injured by collapsing buildings with still more missing under the rubble. " But doctors also reported treating a steady stream of children, elderly people and others who were clearly not combatants with single bullet wounds to the head or the chest. " Single bullet wounds to the head or the chest ? Diagnosed by foreign volunteer doctors ?
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