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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Hippy provided a British source for the murder of Mohammed Tamimi. Here is a Canadian source, CBC. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/israel-palestinian-children-west-bank-1.7062531 " One example of that is two and a half year old child Mohammed Tamimi who was shot in the head by Israeli gunfire in June while buckled into the seat of a parked vehicle. The Israeli military blamed his death on confusion following the sound of gunfire in the area. " Oops, we accidentally shot a two year old child in the head, who was in a car, because we heard the sound of gunfire in the area...... seriously ?
  2. Where did I state that it is OK to ask an 11 year old, does Israel have the right to exist ? I didn't. I stated I don't believe that is a hate message. You do know that no state " has the right to exist " under international law or any serious theory of international relations. ... Right ? " Israel has " no right to exist - and neither does any state " https://theconversation.com/israel-has-no-right-to-exist-and-neither-does-any-other-state-1668 "The problem with such a demand is that no such abstract " right to exist " can be found in international law or in any serious theory of international relations. " To put it succinctly a " right to exist " does not exist for states. Nor does such a right exist in practice. Australia, for example, does not recognise Israel's " right to exist " nor do any other states. Peoples right to live in peace The right for a state to exist should not be confused or conflated with either the right to self determination or diplomatic recognition. The first is a right invested in people, usually nations, who want to be governed in common or as an independent or sovereign political community. The latter is simply a political and convenience of international society. Nor should Israel's " right to exist " be confused with its people " right to live in peace with secure and recognised boundaries " the wording of the United Nations Security council Resolution 242. That right exists for all peoples regardless of their geographic location: for Israelis and Palestinians equally. Not for states. No state has inherent legitimacy. " States change their borders and come and go out of existence all the time. No state has inherent legitimacy. Proclaiming a " right to exist " gives no stare additional security or a greater sense of permanence in the international system. " So no Elias, Israel, Canada, Australia, whatever country territory you would like to name has no " right to exist ". What everyone, everywhere has the right to, is to live in peace and safety. A safe place to raise their kids, food on the table, access to an education and healthcare. The most fundamental human rights. This includes the people of Israel, Gaza and the Occupied territories. The people this thread/discussion is primarily about.
  3. Not every post is talking about what is happening to the kids in Gaza ? I am the only one that has brought up what is happening to the kids in Gaza. It is other people who are actually minimising what is happening to them. One of the replies to my post that detailed the horrors that the children have, and are going through in Gaza was " what actual use is this to the Burnaby curriculum or what is appropriate for grade 6 " I hope that kids all around the world are being informed by their parents and their educators what is happening to their counterparts in Gaza. And the reasons why. Also the ongoing history behind this never ending conflict. This article is about why we should talk to our kids this never ending conflict, and why it is just as important to learn about this as a child, as it was for us to learn about the holocaust. The article also gives some tips on how to help you do this with your children. https://www.npr.org/2023/10/11/1205017249/how-to-talk-to-children-violence-israeli-palestinian-gaza-hamas " Children, even those who are quite young, can handle complex topics. Parents need not shy away from explaining historical context to their children said Masha Bali, a professor for practice at the centre for Learning and Teaching at the American University in Cairo. During a previous outbreak of violence between Hamas and Israel in 2021, Bali realised that her 9 year old daughter had already read about Anne Frank and the Holocaust - but she hadn't yet learned the history about Palestine. " Just like in this article, I can vividly remember reading the diary of Anne Frank when I was in grade 4, the same age as the child that is mentioned in that article, over 50 years ago. And while it did horrify me, it also reinforced my belief that we should treat others the way we ourselves want to be treated. From the article Elias, the last Paragraph. " Children have a beautiful ability - one that adults sometimes lack - to look head on in the face of violence and still believe in the bottom of their hearts in the future possibility of peace and of coexistence and of resolution to this conflict " Who has been the only poster who has in this thread posted articles/videos about Isrealis and Palestinians working together for a peaceful solution Elias ? Videos and articles about Palestinians and Isrealis forgiving each other for what many would think is unforgivable. It's what I was taught and what I learned as a child that made me the person I am today.
  4. Point out the fact that 650,000 kids have lost their education system, been traumatized beyond belief. Have been forced to see and endure things that no child should have to see or endure, and people just argue with you.
  5. Here is Roman at his finest. Truly a nice way to talk to people on what is meant to be a family forum.
  6. Oh burn. I don't quote mythical texts and make BS claims, you claiming the New York Times is " Hamas evidence ". Like have the courage to admit you were/are wrong. You were told not to " flame " people who provide evidence from reputable sources. But there are special rules for you right ? You can tell people, " you will ram their heads into their own piss ", tell people to eff off, and it's all good. All things you have said in this thread. That illustrates what sort of person you are.
  7. Where have I stated I care more than you ? I haven't. All I stated was that you have argued with me for bringing up what is actually happening in Gaza, in a discussion/thread that is about Gaza.
  8. So far all I have seen is you arguing with me for bringing up what has, and is happening to the kids in Gaza. You haven't even bothered to express how you feel about what the kids in Gaza are going through. All you want to do is argue about what is relevant, and what is not. Like it's pretty simple to me. If what is happening to the kids in Gaza upsets you, why don't you express that ?
  9. This a thread about the conflict/war in Gaza. Not a thread about Burnaby or anywhere in Canada. You believe that something that is happening half a world away in one classroom is more relevant to the conflict in Gaza, than what is happening to 625,000 children in Gaza, who have not only been deprived of an education, but have been traumatized beyond belief. Start a thread about the horrors and genocide that both our nation's have committed on our first nations people. I have brought these facts up in the past. I would love to discuss them.
  10. What's more of an important issue to you Jim ? The problems 625,000 children in Gaza face regarding their education and the trauma they have, and are experiencing ? Or one questionnaire, in one school in a city in Canada. I know whose problems are important to me.
  11. I propose that the issues facing 625,000 Gazan kids are far more important than a single " questionnaire " in a school in Burnaby.
  12. Some random dude who has a history of promoting myths, or the word of 20 aid agencies. I will believe what the 20 aid agencies state. People who are actually on the ground in the war zone. Not some random half a world away in Canada. And what what " evidence from Hamas " about Green houses are you talking about Roman ? New York Times dude " Israeli Settlers Demolish Greenhouses and Gaza Jobs " https://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/15/world/middleeast/israeli-settlers-demolish-greenhouses-and-gaza-jobs.html You double down on your BS even when it is debunked by a legitimate source. This illustrates you have zero credibility.
  13. Parroting lies ? That's good coming from you. You use made up BS religious myths as justification for owning Jerusalem. You " parroted " the green house myth when that was debunked. Here are some facts Roman Dated yesterday https://msf.org.au/article/statements-opinion/gaza-warning-aid-agencies-humanitarian-access-disintegrates " The systematic obstruction at Isreali controlled crossing points, intensified hostilities and and prolonged telecommunications blackouts have reduced the volume of aid entering Gaza, including food, fuel and medical supplies, to some of the lowest levels witnessed in the last seven months, said 20 aid agencies. " 20 aid agencies state that Isreal is obstructing aid Roman.
  14. Brother there is nothing to say about what has happened to the children in Gaza apart from this is a fuckin tragedy. I don't believe that a question asking if Isreal has the right to exist is a hate message. It encourages children to educate themselves as to why Israel does indeed have the right to exist. It encourages critical thinking, something I tried to teach my son from day 1. What would be a hate message is telling the children that Israel doesn't have the right to exist. I hope this was followed up by providing the children with information in regards to these questions. Factual information. And this pales into insignificance in regards to what has happened to the children in Gaza. Question 6 What is the cause of poverty in this region. The information given in regards to this question is, that Gaza is a incredibly dangerous place to live, most of its residents live in extreme poverty, food/water supplies are very scarce and it is tough to survive. Seems like a accurate description to me. And the answer to that question is that Isreal has basically destroyed Gaza and is restricting the flow of humanitarian aid, yes ? If faced with the choice, where would you like your child to be ? In Burnaby faced with a questionnaire ? Or in Gaza, traumatized by death, suffering and the schools/education system destroyed ?
  15. Wanna talk about traumatized kids and their schooling/education system ? How about the 625,000 Gazan kids and their trauma, and what has happened to their education system. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-30/gaza-children-take-part-in-school-lessons/103649136 " An analysis by humanitarian provider Education Cluster, which partners with save the children and the United Nations, has found more than 89.2 percent of all schools in Gaza, have been directly hit, destroyed, likely damaged or possibly damaged through the war as of March 30. It found that all the education equipment - including chairs, desks and whiteboards and textbooks - have been destroyed. " We've lost a whole years worth of education " Education cluster coordinator David Skinner says the effects of the catastrophe will be felt for generations. In all my years I can't think of somewhere where there's been such a sudden degradation of the education system, he says. We've lost a whole years worth of education - even if there's a ceasefire soon - it will still take out a while year of learning. But that pales in insignificance to the biggest problem, which is how are children who have gone through this experience going to get back into learning. He says that everyone has been impacted by the war in some way. Every child has seen things they shouldn't have seen he says. They've been bereaved, displaced - some several times - and there are significant mental health issues. "
  16. Pittsburgh selects Maxim Masse and Noel Fransen @ActionJax09
  17. Pittsburgh selects Adam Jiricek @Patrick Kane
  18. Just a reminder I am not on discord. I vote yes to the scoring change. Please post the date of the draft in this thread when you have decided on it.
  19. The stupidity of war " 5 soldiers killed, 7 hurt in 'friendly fire' incident in Northern Gaza's Jabaliya " https://www.timesofisrael.com/5-soldiers-killed-7-hurt-in-friendly-fire-incident-in-northern-gazas-jabaliya/ " Of the 278 Israeli soldiers killed in the Gaza strip during Israel's ground offensive against Hamas, which began in late October, at least 49 were killed by friendly fire and other accidents, according to IDF data. " Isreali defence minister Yoav Gallant told Netanyahu " that he must make " tough decisions " to advance a non Hamas governance of Gaza, whatever the personal or political cost because the gains of the war are being eroded and Isreals long term security is at stake. " " Gallant warned in his address that he will not consent to Israeli civil or military governance of Gaza, and that governance by non Hamas Palestinian entities, accompanied by international actors, is in Israel's interest. Netanyahu, he said, must publicly rule out the notion of ongoing Isreali military or civil rule in the strip. " " Friendly " killing of soldiers has always happened. Estimates range from 2-20%. You can see that the figures above are close to 20% of Isreali soldiers, have been killed by their fellow soldiers. Wars are stupid enough in regards to people killing each other full stop. People from the " same side " killing each other ? One can hope Hamas is taking out more of themselves with " friendly fire ".
  20. You have named yourself after a Terrorist. And yet you call me a Terrorist supporter, when not only have I condemned Hamas', but the use of violence full stop. Logic is not your forte is it mate.
  21. I get it. You are not interested in facts. And shove your BS terrorists support crap where the sun don't shine. I do not support terrorists. That's a fuckin classic coming from a poster whose user name is a terrorist/hi-jacker.
  22. It's hard to get updated news when Isreal bans foreign Journalists from entering Gaza. https://theconversation.com/how-israel-continues-to-censor-journalists-covering-the-war-in-gaza-228241 And kills Palestinian Journalists and media workers that are in Gaza. " Over 74% of all journalists killed in 2023 died in Gaza war, per CPJ " https://www.icij.org/inside-icij/2024/02/over-75-of-all-journalists-killed-in-2023-died-in-gaza-war-per-cpj/ This has continued this year. https://rsf.org/en/103-journalists-killed-150-days-gaza-tragedy-palestinian-journalism " The figure of 103 journalists killed by the Isreali Defence Forces (IDF) in five months of war in Gaza is a chilling one. Since 7 October, the day the war began the names of the victims have been steadily added to this continuing tragedy's appalling toll. Journalists working for TV, print media and multimedia, photographers and camera operators, 91 men and 12 women journalists of all ages, all Palestinians are among this wars victims. They were killed in different places in Gaza from the north to the south including Khan Yunis, showing no part of the Gaza strip offers a refuge for journalists. At least 22 of these journalists were killed in the course of their work or because of their work, according to the information collected by RSF. Many of them were reporting in the field and were clearly identifiable as journalists. Others were killed by strikes that specifically targeted their homes. RSF has twice referred the crimes committed against journalists by Israel to the International Criminal Court. "
  23. Tell that to the Rabbinical courts that have introduced genetic testing to " prove your Jewishness ". Another thing I have stated countless times, that we can all be traced to a place somewhere in south east Africa, about 200,000 years ago. This article states fossil remains dating back 230,000 years ago. https://www.cam.ac.uk/stories/homosapiens I have had a couple of interesting conversations with @bishopshodan about the subject, he shares my interest in our origins. Religion is just like any other human creation Jan. It is neither subjectively good or subjectively bad, it is what each person makes it. My parents were very religious and I can tell you they were the furthest things from foolish people you could find. Not only were they highly intelligent and more importantly wise, they showed a lot more empathy, compassion and tolerance for others that some do on this board. Why is pedophilia subjectively bad Jan ? Because the vast majority of us believe that molesting a child in any fashion is a fucked up thing to do. Good and bad are subjective things, decided by a majority view in any given society. Foolish is as foolish does my friend.
  24. I have already posted an article about the beheading of the man in Gaza. As I stated it was an horrific crime. Nothing would surprise me in regards to Hamas. As for 2 gay men being killed in Gaza, that does not fit the narrative that, if you are a gay man, then you are killed in Gaza. Which was the premise that started this conversation. Did you bother to read the articles I posted about gay men's experiences in Gaza ? As for the US " Suffering in the shadows: More than 600 LGBTQ people killed in the US in the past two decades " https://www.coloradoan.com/story/news/2018/10/31/more-than-600-lgbtq-people-killed-us-past-two-decades-since-matthew-shepard-murder/1670264002/ Which place seems more dangerous for LGBTQ people based on this information ?
  25. So, they care about the issue, but they didn't care enough to comment in a discussion I started on the subject. And this is in relation to your post, that so many people have an opinion on Israel. Maybe its because of religion, the thing that you don't like much. Over 4 billion people have a " religious " to the " holy " land. Edit. I certainly did not believe the Taliban in regards to their treatment of women. I just checked for NGO's that " believed " any of the Taliban's claims in regards to women. The thing that stands as soon as they came back into power they banned women from working for NGO's. So I doubt that any NGO believed that womens rights would be respected after the taliban came back into power. And yes Jim, I condemn the taliban on multiple levels.
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