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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Neither did the Afrikaners.
  2. Well for starters, give the Palestinians their land back in the west bank. Allow them to have east Jerusalem as the capital. Allow them to form their own nation state. All these things that the international community wants. Then if, Hamas' still continues to fire rockets or commits any acts of aggression against Isreal, they will have lost all international support. Isreal will basically have a free hand to do whatever they want. Which they kinda have been doing anyway, it's just they could finally come out in the open.
  3. What has this got to do with our conversation about Palestinians choosing/supporting Hamas' as their leaders ? And it wasn't Isreals fault that Hamas' attacked Isreal on October 7. Just like it is not the Palestinians fault that Isreal blockades Gaza. Steals land in the West Bank and is persecuting Palestinians in east Jerusalem. And then there is this, the nation state law that was passed. Further persecution of Palestinians/Arabs within Isreal itself. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-07-19/israel-passes-controversial-jewish-nation-state-law/10014970 Jewish people themselves have stated this is a step on the road to arpartheid in Isreal itself. Even the terrorist Menachem Begin ( who founded the Likud party) son Benny Begin " abstained from voting, warning of the party's growing disconnect from human rights ".
  4. Yes, I have brought up the fact that you can't kill and Ideology with a gun many times. I have even posted articles by Isrealis themselves who have stated this. You have to replace Hamas' idea's with better idea's. You have to give the Palestinians hope for a better future.
  5. For starters the Palestinians elected Hamas a long time ago. There have not been elections since. They quash any form of opposition to their rule. As for their support in wartime, it's actually human nature. George H.W. Bush had a low approval rating until the gulf war. It surged to 64%, then 82%. His sons GW presidency was similar, he started with a higher approval rating 60%, it surged to 85%, peaking at 95%. After 3 years of war and a shitty economy his approval rating dropped dramatically. These are leaders of a nation invading another nation. Gaza is being invaded. It's human nature that people will support those who are fighting the people who are oppressing them. And that is what the Isrealis have been doing to the Gazans. And the Palestinians in the west bank. And the Palestinians in east Jerusalem.
  6. I have got this to offer. Finally the United States has had enough of Isreals inhumane actions in Gaza. They are freezing shipments of military aid to Isreal. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/08/us-signals-to-israel-more-arms-shipments-could-be-paused-rafah-offensive-gaza Happy to see that some people in the US have a conscience. And I have told you what I believe the Palestinians should do. Hand over the hostages and surrender. They agreed to a ceasefire. Isreal then went ahead and invaded Rafah. Why don't you agree with the families of the hostages ? So do a large percentage of Israelis themselves. The actual victims here. They want a ceasefire But who cares about the hostages and the Palestinian civilians. It's all about Hamas' right. I have also got this to offer. Palestinians killing Isrealis wrong. Isrealis killing Palestinians is wrong.
  7. I am not ducking anything. Hamas was a threat on October 7 because Isreal was focused on the bullshit that Netanyahu has/had been causing. And their much vaunted intelligence system let them down. Now Hamas is not the same threat that is was then. I will totally admit I am no military strategist. What I am well versed in, is international human rights law. In particular collective Punishment. This article details why collective punishment is ilegal not just under International Human rights Law, but it also possible that it is illegal under International Criminal Law. https://opiniojuris.org/2023/10/24/a-short-history-of-the-war-crime-of-collective-punishment/ I could post a lot however this sums it up. " Thus, a great step forward has been taken. Responsibility is personal and it will be no longer possible to inflict penalties on persons who themselves have not committed the acts themselves complained of. https://guide-humanitarian-law.org/content/article/3/collective-punishment/ " International humanitarian law posits that no person may be punished for acts that he or she did not commit. It insures that the collective punishment of a group of persons for a crime committed by an individual is also forbidden whether in the case of prisoners of war or any other individuals. ( GC111. Art. 87, API Art. 75.2.d, AP11 Art. 4.2.b ) this is one of the fundamental guarantees established by the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their 1977 Additional Protocols. This guarantee is not only applicable to protected persons but to all individuals no matter what their status or to what category of persons they belong, as defined by the Geneva Conventions ( GC1V Art. 33 ) Collective Punishment is prohibited based on the fact that criminal responsibility can be attributed only to individuals. Respect for this principle can be assured solely by establishing guarantees that protect judicial procedures. This principle must also be monitored in the context of disciplinary sanctions procedures. " What was and is happening now in Gaza constitutes the very definition of collective punishment. October 7, was 7 months ago. Isreal is no longer defending itself from being attacked. It has been attacking Gaza for 7 months. And there is no end in sight. I also know what is morally wrong. Killing innocent women and children, and causing the conditions for starvation/famine for over 1 million people. That is morally wrong. While we have people that defend Isreals actions, we will continue to kill each other in pointless wars, fought by stupid people. I want to be a person like Robi Damelim. A person who not only forgives what is almost unforgivable, but works towards helping others so they don't have to suffer the same pain she does. She represents the best of us.
  8. And let's look closer at those 13 judges and their unethical behaviour in regards to not hiring clerks from Columbia University, but also some other of their nutjob actions. " The right wing ban in Columbia students is highly unethical " https://newrepublic.com/article/181354/federal-judges-ban-columbia-students-unethical " Thirteen conservative judges say they won't hire from the University - a blatant abuse of their judicial office " " Judges do not comment on politics. This principle is so fundamental to American legal system that even writing it out feels like writing " that doctors treat patients " or " pilots fly planes ". When judges take political stances or opine on political disputes, it undermines the integrity of the federal courts and the confidence that Americans have in the judicial system's fairness and impartiality. The overwhelming majority of state and federal judges accept that sacrifice in exchange for the prestige and public service that comes with judicial life. Some apparently, do not: A group of conservative federal judges demanded on Monday that Columbia University make " significant and dramatic change" to insure " viewpoint diversity " and announced a boycott on hiring Columbia students - both undergraduates and law students - until it does. The letter lobs a number of other hyperbolic accusations at Columbia and browbeats the university for not being strict enough with the with student protestors ( hundreds of police in riot gear were not sufficient apparently ). But what stands out is that a group of federal judges is using law - clerk hiring practices to opine on political matters. By using their government jobs to make ideaological demands of private entities they are blatantly abusing their judicial office. The letter was written by judges Elizabeth Branch and James Ho, and Matthew Solomson. They and ten other federal judges signed it. Nine of the judges, including Ho, are from Texas. They include some of the most ideaologically driven judges in that state, including Judge Matt Kacsmaryk, who tried to ban the most commonly used abortion pill, and Judge Brantley Starr, who ordered three Star West airline lawyers to undergo " religious liberty training " with a conservative Christian legal group last year. The others serve on the 11th circuit court of appeals, on federal district courts in Georgia and north Dakota, the court of federal claims and the US court of international trade. What all 13 judges have in common is how they got their jobs: They were appointed by then - president Donald Trump. It is strange and extraordinary for a group of federal judges to weigh in on a political dispute like this. The code of conduct for the United States Judges, which serves as the federal judiciaries ethics code, instructs sitting federal judges to "refrain from political activity" While the canon specifically focused on running for office, serving on political committees, and fundraising for candidates, they also generally admonish judges from to interpret the instruction broadly. " A judge should not engage in any other political activity " , the code states. " And then there is this " That means that not a single student who was on Columbia's campus for the last month would be excluded under its terms. Nor is the boycott targeted at specific wrongdoers. The judges did not announce for example, that they would refuse to hire students who made anti Semitic remarks or engaged in criminal acts. Instead they said they would refuse to hire any Columbia students at all. The judges also made it clear that its indiscriminate nature was intentional. " Universities should also identify students who engage in such conduct so that future employers can avoid hiring them " the judges wrote. If not employers are forced to assume the risk they hire anyone from Columbia maybe one of these disruptive and hateful students " That approach to collective punishment is anathema to the Anglo - American legal tradition. It is disturbing to see a group of federal judges to endorse punishment for innocent people in any context. And it's nonsensical in its own terms. Excluding all Columbia students because of a few " disruptive and hateful " would logically exclude the students to whom those few were allegedly being disruptive and hateful. In the name of combatting antisemitism, the judges are refusing to hire from a university where one in five students is Jewish ".
  9. Would you think it was abstract if it was your child dying in your arms. Or if you were watching your child suffering the effects of starvation. Your wife was killed. We can only control our own actions Jim. I hope I could be one of this sort of person in their Situation. Dated today " Working towards a solution: Palestinian and Israeli parents mourn together " https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-800338 " We are dedicating the ceremony to the children in the war. Their only crime is being Palestinian or Isreali. If I were to communicate with young students after what's happening on the campuses all over America and in many places in Europe and the United Kingdom, I would stress that this is an opportunity for them to be a part of a solution to a conflict that has been going on for far too long. The loss of life and the destruction of property is beyond belief. The students now have the attention of all the media, so why not use it to really make change ? Neither side will disappear no matter which side they take, so I ask, " how can we end this madness " My answer would be " instead of importing our conflict, why not export support for groups who are doing the work on the ground to end the destruction of war and recognise the humanity in each other. I belong to an organisation of some seven hundred bereaved Palestinian and Israeli families who have all lost a loved one in the conflict. Every day we work for a non violent solution to end the war and the occupation. I joined the parents circle - Families Forum after my son David was killed by a Palestinian sniper. One Palestinian killed my son, not the whole Palestinian nation. I knew almost immediately that I wanted to stop other mothers and families from both sides from experiencing a pain that never goes away. How could I harness this incurable hole in my heart to prevent others from experiencing loss. How to get both sides to recognise that the pain of loss is the same, and the tears the same colour. How to convince Isreal that the occupation is killing the moral fibre of this country. Watch a joint Palestinian and Israeli memorial ceremony We are offering students around the world a unique opportunity to organise a screening online and watch a joint Palestinian and Israeli ceremony on Sunday, June the 12th, at 8.30pm Isreal time. Our extraordinary partner in this ceremony is Combatants for Peace. This organisation is made up of former soldiers and Palestinian prisoners who have laid down their arms and are working every day for a peaceful end to the conflict. There is almost an element of miracle that both these organisations are continuing to meet and make decisions together to create one of the most moving ceremonies you will ever be able to watch. The ceremony is usually held in a park outside: last year, some 15,000 people attended and 300,000 people watched online. This year is different. There is so much pain on both sides and so much loss, and also the fact that the Palestinians from the West Bank are living under closure since October 7, so we decided to only have it online. We are dedicating the ceremony to the children in the war. Their only crime is being Palestinian or Isreali. People who have lost their loved ones from the 7th of October, both Israeli and Palestinian, will tell their stories and speak out for an end to the war. I would ask the students to imagine that they are part of our work, imagine telling the stories you heard on this night and exporting your understanding of the sanctity of human life, and understanding that just maybe, just maybe the telling of these stories will make the emotional breakthrough that could stop the violence. We think that it is very important to know that Jewish and Muslim students have nothing to do with the decisions made by the government, so perhaps it would be better to work together for a solution. " " The writer is a bereaved mother and spokesperson for the the Parents Circle - Families Forum " More about Robi, the person who wrote that article https://brenebrown.com/podcast/nonviolence-as-the-path-to-freedom-for-palestinians-and-israelis/ " Robi Damelim spokesperson and director of international relations for the Parents Circle - Families Forum joined the organisation after her son was killed by a Palestinian sniper. All her work on the ground both in Palestine and Isreal and internationally is geared towards non violence and reconciliation as a means to the end the occupation. Robi was named as 2015 Woman of Impact by Women of the World. She regularly contributes to media outlets in Israel and abroad. Robi was invited to brief the security council in May 2022. " I hope that if I was in Robi's position, had lost my child in those circumstances, that I would have the courage of my convictions to be like she is. One thing I know for a fact Jim, is that when people like Robi, outnumber the people who carry anger and hate in their hearts on both sides. Then maybe there is hope for a peaceful solution.
  10. However they would respond to the events of October 7, I would advise them not to kill thousands of women and children. Cause the conditions for starvation/ famine for over a million more. And not destroy an entire enclave/territory. The end does not justify the means in regards to how this conflict has panned out. Can you imagine the reaction of the rest of the world if this was the Palestinians doing to the Isrealis, what the Israelis have been doing to Palestinians for the last 7 months. Do you think the US would be giving military aid to the Palestinians to kill Israelis ? Like they are to the Israelis.
  11. I feel the need to reply to this post and address a couple of other posts in regards to respect for agents. I have only the utmost respect and regard for everybody in this league. I wouldn't be a member if I did not. My interactions with the Agents are always cordial and respectful, and as I have stated, I appreciate all the work that the various members have put in over the years to make this league a reality. My fellow GM @MatchesMalone and I have a plan, the basis of which is building through the draft. We will bring success to Detroit, which is one of the storied ( original six ) franchises in the league. You never have any need to apologise Mike. Both Curt and you are the heart and soul of this league. This is a game. Game's are meant to be fun. Personally I am going through the worst time of my life, and each day the pain in my heart deepens.
  12. Classy stuff Roman. " Insults are the arguments employed by those in the wrong " JJR
  13. Roman it's not an opinion of a person. It's the actual life experience of the Australian/Jewish businessman, who was responsible for, and ended up buying those greenhouses. And it's the New York Times that claimed it was Israeli settlers who demolished about half the green houses in Gaza. https://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/15/world/middleeast/israeli-settlers-demolish-greenhouses-and-gaza-jobs.html You don't believe the New York Times wouldn't fact check a claim like that. These aren't opinions Roman, these are facts. And I will continue to call out your BS.
  14. I will agree with our coach both in regards to the officiating in the series against Nashville, the upcoming series against Edmonton in regards to embellishment. " I can't stand it: Canucks coach Rick Tocchet tired of embellishment in playoffs " https://theprovince.com/sports/hockey/nhl/vancouver-canucks/i-cant-stand-it-canucks-coach-rick-tocchet-tired-of-embellishment-in-playoffs " So what's Rick Tocchet's take on the on the officiating in the in the post season ? " Brad Watson was our ( referee ) supervisor and he was excellent " said Tocchet who's the Canucks head coach " it's the best communication I've had with the referees in the playoffs in a long time. I thought the refs did a really good job. " Am I going to nitpick ? Do I think we should have had a couple more (power plays) ? Yeah I do " Tocchet then went on to say he does have an issue with diving, flopping and other shady tactics players across the league are using to try and sucker referees into calling penalties. He did not call out a specific team or player. He does seem to have company in his thinking, considering he was part of a meeting with the NHL head office brass in sunday and Tocchet explained that " I'm glad Colin Campbell said - it too much embellishing ". So I don't know about an email however embellishment has been discussed by the NHL " head office brass ". I am glad our coach is voicing his concerns.
  15. I think @Gator has been very magnanimous in victory. I can remember a Sharpie - Crabby " feud " that I am very glad has ended. Don't like it when my friends are not getting along. Anyway, congratulations on making the playoffs. That alone is a great achievement.
  16. I dunno. I see lots of blame placed on the Iranians, and rightfully so. Why people are pissed off/protesting, is in regards to the humanitarian conditions in Gaza. I was just thinking yesterday, no matter who you want to blame, don't you believe that insuring that 1 million people have some food to eat is the most important issue. That especially women and children shouldn't have to pay the price for the actions of the nutjobs ( Hamas').
  17. This " greenhouse " myth you have been propagating. " Greenhouses in Gaza What happened" https://matthewzgindin.medium.com/greenhouses-in-gaza-what-happened-ba22b1ac9fdd " I was speaking to a couple of friends the other night when someone mentioned the oft-repeated narrative about how Palestinians in Gaza supposedly tore apart the beautiful green houses left behind for them in an act of enraged mob violence against their former overlords. This story is told with clear intent, to show that even when Israel is kind and generous with the Palestinians, the Palestinians are so consumed with hatred they spoil it. Therefore we should not think about being kind and generous with them. To quote something at the gathering said, " I don't think 'making nice' with them is going to solve the conflict." Understanding that the greenhouse myth is not true is important because it helps us understand the contours of the conflict more accurately and because it will make us more sceptical of the way simplistic, false narratives are deployed for the purposes of propaganda. " Here are the actual events " Below is a link to an article by Peter Beinart, an orthodox Jewish Zionist who is probably my favourite reporter and writer on Israel and Palestine Here is an excerpt " American Jewish leaders usually tell the story this way, when the settlers left Israel handed over the greenhouses to the Palestinians, hoping they would use them to create jobs. Instead Palestinians tore them down in anti Jewish rage " " But one person who does not endorse that narrative is the prime mover behind the greenhouse deal, Australian Jewish businessman James Wolfensohn, who served as the quartet's special envoy for Gaza. In his memoir Wolfensohn notes that " some damage was done to the greenhouses ( as a result of post disengagement looting ) but they came through essentially intact " and were subsequently guarded by Palestinian authority police. What really doomed the greenhouse initiative, Wolfensohn argues, were Isreali restrictions on Gaza exports. " In early December (2005) he writes, " the much- awaited first harvest of quality cash crops - strawberries, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers and flowers - began. These crops were intended for export vis Isreal for Europe. But their success relied upon the Karni crossing ( between Gaza and Israel ) which beginning in January 2006 was closed more than not. The Palestine economic development corporation which was managing the greenhouses taken over from the settlers, said that it was experiencing losses of $120,000 per day. It was excruciating. This list harvest was the most recognisable sign of Gaza's declining fortune and the biggest personal disappointment during my mandate. " " Some more detail from my own research: Note the mention of " looting ". This doesn't refer to the destruction of greenhouses but to Gazans, ( who are desperately poor, unemployed and without adequate infrastructural resources) stealing equipment from the greenhouses ( like irrigation pipes from their farms. Beinart doesn't mention the fact that settlers, as they left, themselves vandalized as much as half of the greenhouses so Palestinians wouldn't be able to use them. According to the New York Times, two months prior to the withdrawal, Isreali settlers demolished about half of the greenhouses " creating significant doubts that the greenhouses could be handed over to the Palestinians as 'a living business " The gates foundation and James Wolfensohn, the US special envoy for disengagement, bought the remaining greenhouses from the Israeli settlers on behalf of the Palestinians in Gaza for $14 million. The Palestine economic development company (PED) was an organisation founded by the Palestinian authority to take charge of the greenhouse project after it was turned over to the Palestinians. The PED invested more than $20 million into the project. Jabir head of the PED had to invest an additional $5 million into the project to revive it. " Cut to the chase " So what sunk the greenhouses ? The early looting done by the Palestinians was effectively irrelevant since the PED and foreign philanthropists paid to replace the stolen equipment before the structurally intact greenhouses began functioning. What sunk the greenhouses was the Karni crossing between Israel and Gaza not being open reliably enough for the greenhouses to do business. One can blame the Palestinians anyway - if Israel wasn't afraid of Palestinian terrorism, the crossings would be open ! One can blame Israel - Israel has enough intelligence to tell the difference between vegetable trucks and terrorists, if they had been smart and had the will they could ! have found a way to support this Palestinian success story. Or both - combine the previous two arguments. The one thing one cannot do is blaming crowds of Palestinians tearing down in a rage with their bare hands, because they are purely a figment of imagination. " So what a load of bullshit your greenhouse myth is.
  18. As a farmer Jim, I can tell you the term ecocide has been around a while. The term was coined by Professor Arthur. W. Galston in 1970. https://ecocidelaw.com/history/ I became aware of it when it was used to describe what is happening in regards to the Amazonian rainforest. This is nothing to joke about. The loss of Arable land. Earth has lost a third of arable land in last 40 years, scientists say " https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/dec/02/arable-land-soil-food-security-shortage Soil erosion " Why soil is disappearing from farms. https://www.bbc.com/future/bespoke/follow-the-food/why-soil-is-disappearing-from-farms/ Then there are farming techniques themselves. " The number of worlds farms to half by 2100 " https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/05/230516115544.htm Now while many of those farms will consolidate, that article details how this is bad for bio diversity. And as a farmer this hits hard " But those future farm workers may need more support as suicide rates in the agriculture industry are among the highest rates by occupation in the US " We can get by without flowers, and the work you do, however if we don't eat, we don't shit, we die. In regards to flowers, do you know what the first recorded speculative bubble or asset bubble in history was ? The tulip bulb boom, 1634 - 37.
  19. So a team can only fall two spots at most in the draft after both phases ? Like IRL.
  20. What kinda amazes me is how some events coincide with each other in a person's life I was listening to a Radio National show while I was bunching flowers today. The show is called All in the Mind. It's about the mind, brain and behaviour, and the interactions between them. Todays episode was about conspiracy theorists. https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/allinthemind/how-to-help-conspiracy-theory-ex-believer/103727824
  21. Isreal is not annexing land in Gaza brother. Israel has been annexing land in the west bank and wants to a annex more. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-52756427 This is the latest Israeli land illegal land grab in the west bank just over a month ago. https://www.france24.com/en/middle-east/20240326-israel-s-largest-land-seizure-since-oslo-accords-deals-fresh-blow-to-palestinian-statehood And in 1967, Isreal illegally annexed east Jerusalem. Isreali human rights organisation. https://www.btselem.org/topic/jerusalem " Immediately after occupying the area in 1967, Israel unlawfully annexed thousands of hectares in and around est Jerusalem. Ever since, it has instigated policies designed to drive Palestinians out of the city and to create a demographic and geographic reality that would frustrate any challenge to Israeli sovereignty there. The policies, which disrupt every aspect of life, include isolating east Jerusalem from the west bank and deliberate underdevelopment and under servicing, that result in overcrowding, of poverty and sub standard infrastructure. " Isreal has/is doing what Russia did in Ukraine, annexed land. It's a simple question to answer. What's the difference between Russia annexing Ukrainian land, compared to Isreal annexing Palestinian land. And why this is relevant, is that anyone who supports an independent Palestinian state, knows that this current includes East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.
  22. So " basically " in this post, you are stating that all the teams, including the Canucks are in on the conspiracy. Because all the teams, including the Canucks want a " larger pie ". And sports have always been entertainment. One has always watched a sport to be entertained. Also socialising, watching or going to games with friends to be entertained.
  23. I hope we are mirroring NHL expansion rules. 7 forwards - 3 defenceman - 1 goalie First and second year pro's and unsigned draft picks are exempt.
  24. Yes, I know we all would like to see that happen.
  25. Roman was born in Ukraine. He, and rightfully so, like all of us, condemn Russia's annexation of Ukrainian land. He is also Jewish. Yet he sees no problem with Israel annexing Palestinian land. The word for that attitude is hypocrisy.
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