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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. I haven't answered your question because it's a ridiculous question. One could argue about any game " situation". And do you run a business ? I do. While I will never be, rich in money, I am in a place I love, doing what I love. Carrying on my parents legacy. That's as successful as a person can be. And what has any of this post have to do about your claim, the league wants parity ? As I stated favouring teams that have won multiple championships is actually the opposite of parity. Now you have changed tack and the conspiracy is in regards to revenue, not parity. There are two variations of the definition of the words conspiracy, this one fits best in the context of our discussion " the action of plotting or conspiring " You are stating the league ( NHL) is plotting/ conspiring to manage games in regards to the parity in the league, and now extending that claim in regards to revenue generated by games.
  2. Yeah that's why I continually state, that it's a circle of hatred that both sides contribute to. When are you going to address my question in regards to Israel annexing Palestinian land, and why that is any different from Russia annexing Ukrainian land ?
  3. You do realise that you have just contradicted your parity argument. If the league does want Parity, why would they " rig " games to help a team that has won a couple of cups in the last few years ? That is actually the opposite of parity.
  4. I wasn't " calling my mommy " as you put it. Deb questioned why I used the words conspiracy theory. This and your other posts illustrate why I did. You believe that there is a NHL conspiracy in regards to the officiating in games. What I know, to a that as Deb stated, the reffs are human. They make mistakes. Again there is inconsistent officiating in all sports. My friends and I talk about this when we watch games.
  5. See, here he goes again @-dlc-. This is why I used the word conspiracy.
  6. I am not trying to shut down any conversation Deb. Go back and check his posts. He suggested that dodgy officiating had something to do with the parity in the NHL. That's conspiracy thinking. And I didn't say I accepted it, I stated simply that inconsistent officiating happens in all team sports, at all levels. I am a farmer deb and I work fucking hard. My parents built a great reputation for the quality of our product ( flowers) and I have maintained that. Before that I was one of this best free Skiers, and MTB's in this country. One of the reasons I like individual sports is that officials in my sports couldn't mess with the fact, that 1 minute 7 seconds, beat 1 minute 8. And no one else could let you down. It's all on you. I put 100 percent into everything I do.
  7. You have obviously missed the point of my post, and that article. Inconsistent officiating happens in all sports, at all levels. It's all a conspiracy.....
  8. Fantastic mate. We need a lyricist to come up with some lyrics for that music.
  9. The NRL has both the " bunker ", video reviews of both scores and dangerous tackles. Captains Challenge Video review of a calls the officials make until a challenge is unsuccessful. And I have seen people on this board claim, why wasn't that a penalty. Or why was " our " player penalised. Which is the same as WTF was that a penalty for. Example of this was the penalty that was called on the Canucks in the last minute of game six not long after Suter scored. Like I stated mate, all team sports are have inconsistent officiating. And some fans in all these sports believe their team is more victimised than others. Great article about this subject. Quit Blaming the Refs/ Why Toxic Mindset is Tainting Our Culture. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/quit-blaming-refs-why-toxic-mindset-tainting-our-culture-ryan-snaadt " We all support our team, our kid, or our hometown and want them to win...I get it. But, for one reason or another patrons of sporting events put so much negative focus on the officials calls, they miss out on the game. Lately this has been on my mind in lieu of watching the Super bowl, live college basketball, semi pro icehockey and high school ball games. I will sit in the stands and without fail, there are clusters of extremely negative fans that seem to only attend to spew vulgar comments at the officials and blame them for everything that is wrong in the world. "
  10. I follow 3 sports NHL AFL, Aussie rules footy NRL, Rugby League. I watch a lot of both AFL and NRL and I can tell you the officiating in both sports is inconsistent. AFL, has two classics, throwing the ball, incorrect disposal, and pushing a player in the back. My friend and I watch a lot of NRL and we often state, WTF was that penalty for. Or why did they call that as penalty, when the didn't call the same thing 10 minutes before. Inconsistent officiating happens in all team sports.
  11. Don't bring up history. Last time we played the oilers in the playoffs was in 1992. They beat us 4 - 2 in the second round. Interesting hockey factoid. Randy Gregg who has five cup rings playing for Edmonton, played his last NHL game on May the 12th, as a Canuck, in that series.
  12. Of course we don't know anything however this is a discussion board. This thread started so we could talk, and prognosticate about the upcoming series. As for best player in the world, McDavid is. However this is a team sport and one player, does not make team. In saying that, Sid basically put his team on his back this year, at 36 years old, and nearly dragged them into the playoffs. A champion team will beat a team of champions. Are the oilers a champion team ? No, they have not won a championship. Are we a champion team ? No we have not won a championship. I hope this is going to be a hard fought series. I hope that we have a better overall team game than they do in this series. One way or another this is great a experience for our playing group. Every game they play this offseason bodes well for the future.
  13. They scored 256 goals during the season. Only 23 less than we did. Over the 82 game season, that's only just over 1 goal less than us every fourth game. LA scored 13 goals in 5 playoff games. We scored 12 goals in 6 games. Edmonton scored 19 goals in 5 games. As I stated, it's very clear what we have to do. Start scoring more, and play disciplined hockey so we don't give their PP many chances. One big thing that stood out for me in the Nashville series was home ice was not an advantage to either team. Nashville won their two games in our building. We won three games in theirs. Another relevant fact is that Edmonton's group has some playoff experience. It was only two years ago they made the conference final. Finals/playoff experience matters. I believe there biggest weakness is their. goalie's. That has been our biggest strength. Vezina calibre goalie gets injured, back up comes in and wins. He is sick/injured, our young goalie of the future posts a shutout to win us the series. Again I do believe we can win this series, teams can go on runs. I am just happy this group, our team, has one series win under its belt. Here's hoping we can beat Edmonton in this series.
  14. Oilers can't play defense ? So far their PK has been perfect. 12 from 12. And as for their offense, PP 9 from 20. And if you count the fact that Dubois and Doughty were only back on the ice for a few seconds after their penalties, it would be 11 from 20. As for regular season, they allowed only 14 goals more than we did. And scored 15 more goals than we did. I do believe we can win this series however we are going to have to start scoring more. And play disciplined hockey. The Oilers are not going to be easy beats.
  15. Yes I am passionate to. They called me " intense " at Mt.Hotham. I am sorry to hear about your childhood. Every child should have parents who love and cherish them. I had the best parents in the world, they actually chose me to be their son. Gave me heaps of love and support, a great education, and yet I still managed to fuck things up after I left high school. There is nothing wrong with being passionate, I wear my heart on my sleeve and I am happy to do so. You are very similar. My dad was not only a veteran, he lived through the blitz. In particular the fire bombing of Coventry. He took us back there in 1975, and you could still see some of the damage that had been done, 30 years later. I know exactly how he would feel about what the IDF have done to Gaza. Standing up for women is one of the best things a man can do. Big time respect for you, for that. I did the same in regards to a guy I know who used to beat his girlfriend. He was a way better fighter than me, however I couldn't stand by and watch it happen. Copped a few punches to the head, and was told to mind my own business. I own what I have done, both good and bad. I am a strong willed person, I made those choices. For sure our lives are shaped by events, some we have control over, some we don't. But bottom line, we choose to be the people we are. Being a dad was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I never thought I could love a person the way I love my son. Our kids give us our greatest joy, conversely they give us our greatest pain. Music has always been a big part of my life for 50 years. My friend, who is from Kelowna originally, and I, went to see NOFX for their very last gig in Australia back in January, and we were saying, that other things have come and gone in out lives, but punk rock has been there since punk basically started. I can still vividly remember walking the streets of London in 1975, an 11 year old kid, seeing all the punks, being old enough to know the scene wasn't just about the music. A couple of years later bought, never mind the bollocks heres the sex pistols, been a punk rocker ever since. Thanks for your post. I call people brother/sister because I really believe that we are all connected in some way. You can always find what you look for in a person. We all have good and bad in us. All we can do is strive to be better. Much love to you my friend.
  16. My comments blah blah blah, were a reference to Alf's repetitive " Hamas is evil " every second post. That has been his contribution for much of this thread. It starts to get tedious. He actually accused me, in a backhanded way of being an anti - semite. That really pisses me off. As I have stated, one of the few things I hate is racism. And I am sorry if I offended you, that was never my intention. Thanks for informing me about your life. I don't know what 10 - 1 means, but would like to know. I am sorry to hear you were shot. And if you have been shot, it's incomprehensible to me that you promote violence. Shit talk wasn't part of our " game ". We just fought, no mouthing off, apart from a couple of people, who like I stated, mouthed off and were nowhere to be seen when the shit hit the fan. And we certainly never called it business. Fights are brutal, violent, scary things. I am not on any high horse, just telling you my life experience, and explaining, as I have many times on this board, that after using violence as an answer to problems, and seeing that only caused more problems, I now promote peaceful means to solve our problems. You are claiming I am bullshiting ? Well this is me mate, a brief life story, I never asked for this, other people wanted to tell my story And as the title states, I was angry, being adopted, the BS system. I learnt my lesson and grew as a person. Its admirable that you work with/ help veterans. That sounds like rewarding work. And I never claimed to have expertise, I stated I used to talk to veterans about war. And why are you so angry ? As I stated in a previous post, we might not agree but we can still be friends. And what's with the Aussie crap ? Have you ever spent time in Australia ? Do you know many Australians ? I have actually spent quite a bit of time in your country. I also spend a fair of time with Canadian friends of mine here in Australia that married Aussie girls. So I do know what it means to be a Canadian. The irony of you stating that " I am on my high horse " " And I know nothing about peoples lives " And then you make statements like that. You state in regards to what happened to the Isrealis, if that happened to you, you would come hard, or some such things. Well what about the acts of violence and terror that Isreali settlers have committed inflicted on Palestinian in the west bank for decades. What are your thoughts on those ? Edit. I was just watching that video again. The ski gear I am wearing is covered in Farsi. Inspirational quotes by Marilyn Monroe, Albert Einstein amongst others.
  17. His numbers in the NDTP and the USHL are insane for a 17 year old. 19 points including 9 goals in 5 games at the World Juniors is nuts. Have you watched Michael Misa at all ?
  18. I have already debunked this claim. Reuters fact Check " Video of people thrown from roof shows punishment by IS not Hamas. https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/video-people-thrown-roof-shows-punishment-by-is-not-hamas-2023-12-14/ Now all can find about a killing in regards to a gay man in Gaza and the occupied territories is this, and it wasn't in Gaza, it was in the West Bank. And it was horrific, he was decapitated. The Palestinian police did arrest a suspect. " Palestinian police have arrested a suspect in the killing of a 25 year old man after his body was found decapitated in the west bank. " https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835 I expect better from you brother. What did you think about the Isreali ministers comments about homosexuality being a greater threat to Israel than ISIS, Hezbollah and Hamas' ? Me I condemn all forms of predjudice. If you actually want an insight into what LGBTQ peoples lives are like in Gaza, check it this article https://time.com/6326254/queering-the-map-gaza-lgbt-palestinians/ Some heartbreaking stories in there. One guy stating " My biggest regret is not kissing this one guy, he died two days back. We had told how much we like each other and I was too shy to kiss last time. He died in the bombing. I think a big part of me died to. And soon I will be dead. To Younus I will kiss you in heaven. " So I ask you brother, who is murdering gay men in Gaza right now ?
  19. Secular Israelis using religion as the basis for their claim to Isreal/Palestine Danny Dannon Israels ambassador to the United Nations, brandishing a bible, stating, " this is the deed to our land " https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/israeli-ambassadors-bible-speech-at-un-goes-viral-589986 David Ben Gurion another secular Israeli, the " God Father of Israel " https://www.solonchabad.com/templates/articlecco_cdo/aid/2395841/jewish/The-deed-for-the-land.htm " In 1936, there was a mass riot throughout the land of Israel. The British government, which at that time controlled the land sent out a committee of to hear out the representatives of both sides and try and resolve the Arab - Jewish conflict. The chairman of the committee was Lord Peel and one of the witnesses to testify before the Peel commission was the chairman of the Jewish agency: David Ben Gurion. Ben Gurion spoke on the right of the Jews to the land of Israel. When he finished, Lord Peel turned to him and asked, " Mr Ben Gurion where were you born ? ", " in Plonsk Poland ", he answered. Lord Peel continued, " if a man lives in a house for many years and suddenly, someone else appears and claims ownership of the house, international law dictates that the burden of proof rests on the claimant, not the occupant. Mr Ben Gurion dou you have a deed or a contract of sale that gives you the right to take the place of native Arabs who have lived here for generations ? ". On the witness stand was a copy of the bible, upon which the witnesses had sworn. Ben Gurion suddenly picked up the bible in his hand and declared, " This is our Kushan " ( A Kushan is a certificate of registration ). " Then there are the religious nutjobs like this guy What are our avowed anti religious posters thoughts on this ?
  20. Where do I label some Isrealis actions, as representative as Isrealis as a whole ? I don't. And in fact by quoting Isreali/Jewish sources, I am illustrating that all Isrealis/ Jewish people don't think the same. You really don't think before you post do you. That's the thing Roman, most of us point out, and condemn the " bad things " Palestinians do. And condemn them. You, and many others only focus on Hamas and the crimes against humanity they commit. I have yet to see any regular supporter of Isreal condemn the acts of violence and terror, that Israeli settlers have been perpetrating in the west bank for decades. I don't count @Canuck Surfer amongst those.
  21. This is pure gold coming from you. You don't have the courage to tell us what your believe in regards to who has what rights, to what land, in Isreal, the occupied territories and Gaza. Again Roman, your thoughts on Isreal annexing Palestinian land, and Russia annexing Ukrainian land ?
  22. This post illustrates you have no credibility whatsoever. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2023/11/21/world/israel-failed-policy/ " Hamas, for its part, is alleged to have the Israeli financed Islamist movement in Gaza, with Israels then military governor Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev disclosing that in 1981 that he had been given a budget to for funding Palestinian Islamists to counter the rising power of Palestinian secularists. Hamas a spinoff of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, was formerly established with Israels support soon after the first Intifada flared in 1987 against the Isreali occupation of Palestinian lands. " There in black and white taxi. Hamas founded with Isreals support. " Isreals objective was twofold; to split the nationalist Palestinian movement led by Arafat, and more fundamentally to thwart the implementation of a two state solution for resolving the protracted Israeli - Palestinian conflict. By aiding the rise of an Islamist group whose charter rejected recognising the state of Israel, Israel sought to undermine the idea of a two state solution, including western support for an independent Palestinian homeland. Israel spy agency mossad played a role in this divide and rule game in the occupied territories. In a 1994 book, " The Other Side of Deception" Mossad whistleblower Victor Ostrovsky contended that aiding Hamas meshed with " Mossads general plan " for an Arab world " run by fundamentalists " that would " reject any negotiations with the west " thereby leaving Isreal as " the only democratic, rational country in the region ". Avner Cohen a former Isreali religious affairs official involved in Gaza for over two decades told a newspaper interviewer in 2009 that, " Hamas to my great regret, is Israels creation. " Israel by contrast persisted with its covert nexus with Hamas. With the consent of Isreal, Qatar, a long time sponsor of jihadi groups funnelled $1.8 billion to Hamas just between 2012 and 2019 according to the Haaretz newspaper. Israeli prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been in power for much of the last decade and a half, told a meeting of his Likud party's Knesset members in 2019 that " anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas " adding " this is part of our strategy - to isolate Palestinians in Gaza from Palestinians in the West Bank ". Those are facts taxi. Here is a fact checking/ bias organisations assessment of my source https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/japan-times/ Factual reporting High Least biased High credibility rating Unlike you, who is continually proved to be wrong. And when you are presented with evidence that proves you are wrong, you don't have the courage to admit you are wrong. You double down with your lies. As for sanctions, I never stated that Isreal had sanctions placed on them. I stated that I agreed with the Jewish Council of Australia when it stated, that we, Australia should place sanctions on them. And where did I say that the JCA speaks for all Jewish Australians ? I didn't. They speak for Jewish Australians who have a conscience.
  23. @RomanPer Just be honest mate. You believe a god gave Israel to the Israelites. And Isrealis own all of it. Now is your chance to deny this. And to state that you believe that the Palestinians have a right to a state of their own, that includes East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. Have the courage to tell us all what you really believe.
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