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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Yet another Isreali source Roman https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/finished-with-the-bluffing-jewish-national-fund-embraces-its-illegal-activities/ " The JNF has set aside nearly $12 million for what it describes as " land purchases " in the occupied West Bank. In reality the JNF will be funding the confiscation and takeover of Palestinian lands by Isreals occupation authorities. " They are not just buying land Roman the land is confiscated or annexed, and funds from the JNF are then used to build settlements. Even Israels best buddy, the US, States these settlements in the west bank are " inconsistent" with international law. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/blinken-says-israels-new-settlements-west-bank-inconsistent-with-international-2024-02-23/ And this is because there will be no land left eventually for a Palestinian state. Which is exactly what you and many other Isrealis want. Are you going to deal with your hypocrisy in regards to Russia's annexation of land in Ukraine, and Isreals Annexation of Palestinian lands ? And I don't pretend to be anything other than what I have always claimed I to be. A farmer who used to be a ski - bum.
  2. Sorry for getting it wrong. They looked like machine guns to me. I am lucky enough to not have seen many of them. They used to be legal way back in the Northern territory. We used to get in our four wheel drives and leave freezing Victoria in winter to head up north on hunting and fishing trips. We used to hunt wild pigs with dogs and knives. But up north we would carry a gun, big Razorbacks. I still can't believe they tried to sell a bunch of heavily tattooed guys, with their heads shaved - camping purposes - machine guns in Alice Springs. We did get " solids " for our shotguns. Couldn't purchase them down south. They make a mess of anything you shoot them with.
  3. @Sabrefan1 The only thing we have to worry about at the polling booth, is the quality of our democracy sausage https://www.sbs.com.au/news/the-feed/article/the-origins-of-the-beloved-democracy-sausage-its-a-long-time-love-affair/ggag8kvjs It's gotta be a quality lipp and asshole mate !
  4. Mate, I find nothing funny about nutjobs with machine guns. Don't need to go to a gym to be able to pull a trigger. Yes I find people that hide their faces like those guys, and protesters who do this, lack a certain " sense " of credibility. If you believe in what you are protesting for, why hide your identity.
  5. You simply refuse to acknowledge that what the JNF is doing, is in violation of International Law. So how can they be legal Roman if they violate international law ? That's what that article detailed. The purchasing of the land breaks international law. The articles details how they used to hide their activities, because what they were doing is in violation of international law. Now it seems they don't really care about hiding their actions in regards to breaking international law. Much like you don't. You only seem to want to obey laws when it suits your purpose. And do you want to address the Annexation of land in the West Bank ? Like you get really pissed off about Russia Annexing Ukrainian land. But it's all good when the Isrealis Annex Palestinian land, right ? Just be honest with all of us Roman. You believe that all of Israel, east Jerusalem, the west bank and Gaza belong to Israel. And going by you referencing the Torah/Talmud, you believe a god gave it to the Isreali people. And I thought you weren't going to engage " with me Roman. It's good to have you back.
  6. Cool. You just can't imagine how that seems to an Australian. Rolling up to a polling booth, to be confronted by a heavily armed nutjob.
  7. Yes I repeated it because you called me out on it. I posted exact numbers of arrests from a article I read. Yes the way we treat the young people we send off to fight our wars is fucked up. I have always blamed the jerkoffs that send them off to war, not the young men themselves. Also using patriotism as a tool to induce them to fight these stupid wars is BS. I found out the other day, lots of stuff about the Military in regards to Anzac day, in the media. That more servicemen take their own lives after retiring from the armed services, than are killed on active duty. Your country https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2021/09/28/veterans-suicide-prevention-afghanistan-anna-richardson-sarah-roxburgh " Veteran suicide is one of the greatest crisis of our times. Since September 11, 2001 just over 30,000 veterans have died by suicide - more than four times the number of military personnel that have died in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan " You guys have always had a fair bit of anti semitism in your country, and from some very prominent figures, Henry Ford springs to mind. All the BS about Soros. I have already posted about Netanyahu's son Yair, who posted an anti Semitic trope about Soros in the US, and how it was liked by David Duke, and the daily stormer called him bro. Anti semitism exists everywhere. And if you read history, history does repeat itself. We rarely learn from the lessons of the past. I support the students views, that killing thousands of women and children, and causing starvation for hundreds of thousands more is not an appropriate response to the events of October 7. The end does not justify the means. We are living in World that is meant to be governed by international human rights law.
  8. Kinda funny how heavily armed police didn't show up to arrest these heavily armed Trump supporters who were " policing " voting stations. But heavily armed police can enter educational institutions and arrest unarmed and mainly peaceful protesters.
  9. Source please for " Vast majorities of land/properties now being claimed as stolen by Jews were in fact legally purchased from previous owners " Here is evidence to back up my assertion that Israel has stolen this land. They just use another term, Annexation. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-52756427 " What is annexation and why does it matter here. Annexation is the term applied when a state unilaterally proclaims its sovereignty over other territory. It is forbidden under international law. A recent example was Russia's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014. " Funny how you get pissed about Russia Annexing Ukrainian land, but when Isreal does it, it's all good. And that article is four years old. The amount of land " annexed " and the number of settlers has grown. Now about your claim in regards about " legally " purchased land. Israeli source https://peacenow.org.il/en/jewish-national-fund-to-officially-start-acquiring-more-land-in-the-west-bank Cut a long story short " By declaring it will be conducting settlement activity in the west bank, the JNF ( Jewish National Fund ) is openly violating international law. Although the JNF has always had activity in the occupied territories, both in financing projects in the settlements and purchasing land, this has always been done discreetly and there have been years when land purchases have been halted. If the proposal is approved the JNF will no longer be able to abdicate responsibility and claim that the actions were taken without authority or unofficially. The JNF will be taking full responsibility for its activities in the settlements and their violation of international law. The JNF was established to assist in the establishment of the state of Israel and the mandate given to it by the Jewish to act " in the state of Israel in any area under the jurisdiction of the government of Isreal ". The activity outside of Isreal sovereign territory raises legal questions, not only under international law, but also in terms of suitability for the purposes of the JNF itself. " This is why I provide sources for my assertions Roman. You make claims, most of the time without sources to back up your claims.
  10. Alf, the biggest idiot of them all might get another chance to lead his legion of idiots in the US and " your " side.
  11. So you weren't commenting on the poster, when you accused me of hating Israel a few days ago ? What were those truckers, and their convoy Alf. I seem to remember you calling them idiots. There are " idiots " in every society. As this American Jew stated
  12. Yes. But don't those figures schock you brother ? 300,000 people left out of 10 million. The world is rightfully horrified by six million people being killed. Over 9 million ? My post was in reply to that statement about a " blood drenched " flag. Patriotism " A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of coloured ribbon " Napoleon Bonaparte " Patriotism is the virtue of the viscous " Oscar Wilde " Patriotism is your conviction that your country is superior to all others because you were born in it " George Bernard Shaw " It is lamentable, that to be a good patriot, one must become the enemy of the rest of mankind " Voltaire
  13. Alf, you really should stop drinking mate. Yeah blah blah Hamas is evil. What about the Isreali settlers who murder Palestinians, and commit acts of terror against them Alf ? Are they evil ? And they might not throw " gay ", as you so quaintly put it, people of roofs in Isreal, however LGBTQ's people's rights are under threat there. " Israeli protestors fear for the future of the country's precarious LGBTQ rights revolution " https://theconversation.com/israeli-protesters-fear-for-the-future-of-their-countrys-precarious-lgbtq-rights-revolution-205915 https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-01-11/ty-article-magazine/.premium/lgbtq-israelis-describe-being-shunned-by-global-community-after-october-7/0000018c-f92a-dd94-a9cc-fbee4d680000 " One MK ( member of Knesset ) declared in June that homosexuality " poses a more dangerous threat to Israel than ISIS, Hezbollah or Hamas " And where did I make it " about " the poster.
  14. The students weren't armed. I know the US is like any society, it has good people, bad and everything in between. But holy shit mate. Like we ain't perfect but the US is a pretty fucked up place.
  15. My dad didn't fight for any flag. There was an obvious evil, the Nazi regime that had to be destroyed. He fought for justice, fighting against evil. What little he would say about it, was his fellow soldiers felt the same. This patriotism BS is how they suck young men into fighting unjust, stupid wars. WW1, exorting young Australian men to fight for king and country. In a pointless war in Europe, against men who were fighting for their Kaiser and Father land. I used to speak to a lot of WW2 vets and Vietnam vets on Anzac day. The WW2 vets never talked about a flag. They talked about the Japanese who had invaded and conquered much of the pacific islands/countries and wanted to invade and conquer us. They were fighting against them, not fighting for our flag. The Vietnam vets were mainly 19 year old kids, conscripted to fight in an unjust war. One of them is my neighbour, a few houses away. This song best describes their experiences And there you are getting angry, " Yeah it would get ugly fast, definition of not being peaceful " We had a couple of " loudmouths " in our " gang ". Funny when the shit hit the fan, they were nowhere to be seen. I don't know many really good street fighters that bragged about how brave they were, or what they would do. They didn't mouth off, they just fought. And that's what my friends and I loved to do. Fight rascist skinheads, bikers, bouncers at the " middle " night club. The west side sharps amongst others. The only gang we were really scared of was the Lebanese tigers. No one really fucked with them. Have you ever been involved in a mass brawl ? Where people can actually fight ? I used to be shitting myself before a fight started. Once you were fighting, you were too busy to be scared. Have you ever had a gun held to your head ? I have, I was fuckin scared. As for flying flags, like who gives a fuck. This illustrates the stupidity of our species. A piece of cloth upsets you. What upsets me is that thousands of women and children have been killed. Hundreds of thousands more are starving. Gaza is in ruins. Shitloads of journalists have been murdered Aid workers have murdered. And yes I am very worried about the Isreali hostages. And my heart breaks for the families of the victims of October 7. If you have read all my posts you would know this. Because I have an " intense " nature, that was the nickname people at Mt. Hotham gave me, Intense dave. I am also covered in tattoos. I have tried to cultivate a gentle attitude, to promote peace and non violence. I know what the consequences of using violence are. So if people came and stole your land and terrorised and murdered your loved ones like the Isreali settlers have been doing for decades, you would " level their whole block " ?
  16. What relevance do the plant's I grow have in relation to our discussion about your " blood drenched " flag. And actually I grow a few plants that are native to Australia, Banksias, Persoonia, Wattles, including one protea which is native to Australia, the Waratah, which is the " state flower " of New South Wales. Back to the stolen land again. I stated nothing about you stealing land. You stated, something about a blood drenched flag, I stated it was drenched in the blood of the millions of first nations people that were slaughtered in your country. There were between 11,000 - 14,000 first nations people killed here in Australia when The British settled this country. Your country https://hmh.org/library/research/genocide-of-indigenous-peoples-guide/ " When European settlers arrived in the Americas, historians estimate there were over 10 million native Americans living there. By 1900 their estimated population was under 300,000. " People talk about the holocaust, 6 million people killed which is horrific. 300,000 people left out of 10 million ? What word describes that sort of killing.
  17. As I stated, it seems incomprehensible to an Australian, the need for heavily armed police to enter an educational institution, especially when the students are unarmed and essentially peaceful. Dead or not, your country has a history of heavily armed people entering educational institutions, and in that instance, killing unarmed students. The history of heavily armed intervention continues to this very day. Apologies for not being more specific, in regards to the Columbia University and CCNY Back in 1968 there were 700 arrests at Columbia University in relation to Vietnam war priests. And the 282 arrests made yesterday, were made at both Columbia University and CCNY. To be even more specific, 109 arrests at Columbia University. 173 arrests at CCNY. My point was still valid about the history of arresting student protesters at Colombia University. Mate, I have heard it all my life. The generation blame game. " Young people these days " That was basically the theme of your statement " The younger people in my generation as well as the older millianials did a poor job in too many aspects in raising gen Z'ers as a whole in the US. " And there you go again " They are unprepared for the realities that life is bringing them " Again echoing sentiments I have heard each generation say about the next. And you must be forgetting about the criticism the " hippies " and people in the sixties received. And the reaction to young people protesting for civil rights and against the Vietnam war in the 60's, from the generation that raised them. Those " long hairs " John was singing about. An article about the generation blame game https://theconversation.com/why-we-keep-playing-the-generation-blame-game-and-why-we-need-to-stop-82219 " The real problem is that ordinary folk of all generations are being conned - and coached to blame it on each other.
  18. You mustn't have noticed how I also criticise my societies actions. Our treatment of our first nations people. The War crimes committed by Aussie " special " forces in Afghanistan. Our treatment of refugees and asylum seekers,under right wing nut job governments. Just to name some. I criticise without fear or favour. You know what blood your flag is soaked in, the blood of the first nations people who the British and Europeans committed genocide upon when they came to the Americas. An estimated 10,000,000 first nations people when Europeans first got to the Americas. 300,000 left by 1900. What comes to mind when I think about Americans and their flags, is those moron Trump supporters. Driving around in their big ass trucks, flying their American flags, with their make America great again BS. Which leads me to Trump. That this idiot, this self confessed sexual assaulter. Serial con man, pathological liar, has a really good chance at being your next president. Like our leaders ain't much, however they are mental giants and pillars of society compared to that guy. I guess this is normal for you. You live in a place where mass shootings happen on a daily basis, on average. Police pull their guns when they pull over a car. It's just another normal day when heavily armed police storm and educational institution. After all, you have a history of shooting unarmed students. Driving while black, is well you know. It's not nationalism to point out how things are better in the society that I live in compared to yours. Here is the definition of nationalism " Identification with ones own nation and supports for its interests especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations. I don't identify with my nation as you well know. As I keep stating, I, indentify as a human being. And I certainly don't support my " nations " interests to the exclusion and detriment of others. Like it's so fucking ridiculous that people get upset about a flag being lowered, and an appropriate response to that, is an heavily armed response. But I guess, in America, the gun has, and will always be the answer to your problems.
  19. Where have I stated the Palestinians don't hold any accountability ? I have continually stated that this is a circle of hatred that both sides contribute to. Long before this thread was started. What I blame the Isreali regime for, is murdering thousands of women and children. And causing the conditions for starvation/famine for hundreds of thousands more. For murdering 3 quarters of the journalists killed in the world last year, in Gaza. For murdering aid workers, one of them a beautiful Australian woman. This is not how a civilised, humane country responds to events like October 7. And I don't have to research anything about Canada, I have spent lots of time in your country. Canadians are much the same as Australians. A good, decent people on the whole. Again you state they should rise up, would you if you had a young family ? I have already stated I would not. My families safety is my first priority. Even if was a young bloke, I used to put myself in very violent situations, with racist skin heads, bikers, other guys that loved a fight like we did. I have been shot, stabbed and beaten with various weapons. I still don't know if I would have the courage to attack Hamas' if I was a young Palestinian if I was young and single. And you know what the families of the hostages want ? They want a ceasefire 18 hours ago. How do you feel about the terror groups that helped form the state of Isreal ? The Stern Gang, the Irgun. Some of their leaders went on to be leaders of Isreal. How do you feel about the acts of terror the Jewish settlers commit on Palestinians' in the west bank. Often aided and abbetted by the IDF ? Me I condemn them all, both Palestinian and Israeli. I have posted articles about both Palestinians and Isrealis who have forgiven the other for killing their loved ones. The Israeli who formed this organisation did so after Hamas' killed one of his relatives. https://www.theroadtorecovery.org.il/ This organisation drives Palestinians to Israeli hospitals. I sincerely hope I could be a person like this. I certainly know what it is like to carry hate in my heart - guy who shot me - . It ate me up from the inside. It was only when I forgave him that I could move on with my life. I don't carry anger in my heart for anyone, especially on this board. I make it a point to never make it personal. I have learnt about you to. I have respect for you, as I do for everyone on this board, even the people I don't agree with. Respect costs you nothing, and it goes a long way. Just because we don't agree doesn't mean we can't be friends. I often think of this song about discussions on this board Audience House on the Hill Brilliant record.
  20. Seriously ? You see taking down a flag as an act of violence ? The definition of violence " Behaviour involving physical force with the intention to, hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. And I certainly don't believe the appropriate response, is for heavily armed police to enter an educational institution on the basis of anything to do with a flag. I can guarantee you that would not happen here in Aus. You use the word sacred. You know what is sacred to me ? Human life. The wellbeing of women and children. I not only believe, it is our right to protest for what we believe in. There is a long history of student protests in western Universities. Or do you want us to be a place like Iran, where people can't protest at all ? So you don't believe students had the right to protest the Vietnam war ? Are you an American ? Didn't you guys used to burn British flags back in the day ?
  21. " Illegally " That's why I used quotation marks. Why did that article I posted, state mainly peaceful. We, here in Aus don't have a history of shooting protesting students. Sending heavily armed police into our educational institutions. As I stated, it's incomprehensible to me. Amazing how one generation blames another. The generation blame game. The young generation blames the old generation for problem's. The older generations bullshit on about how young people just don't have any respect. I am 60. Watching people from my " generation " make the same complaints that the generation before us did. And so on, and so on. " He said long hairs and skinheads have ruined his game Remember the days when we all looked the same That fella called Ringo and his mates are to blame But I guess I'm wasting me breath on you sonny Young people these days don't have the pride Grooming and manners have taken a slide Well the world to the old man had grown a bit strange So I bought a few tallyho's and tipped him the change " In my 60 years of life experience, there's dickheads in every generation.
  22. Taking care of " illegal " business ? The United States, a place where " SWAT teams " " Illegally " ( campus bylaws require that faculty vote to approve of any deployment of NYPD on campus, this vote did not occur )enter places of learning to arrest what are mainly peaceful demonstrations. Columbia has a history of doing this, in regards to the 700 arrests that were made in 1968 in regards to protest about the Vietnam war. The University has since denounced it's decision to do this. https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4634531-police-riot-gear-enter-columbia-university-palestine-protests/ I wonder this decision will be viewed in the future. This seems incomprehensible to an Aussie. Our Universities, at least for now, are stating they support the rights of staff and students to peacefully protest in line with Australian law. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/may/01/australian-university-students-gaza-encampment-pro-palestinian-camping-protests
  23. And ? I have a case full of trophies mainly because of one thing, I never, ever gave up. Sure I got beaten, I would go home and literally cry because I hate losing that much. However I would train my ass off and win next time. Adversity brings out the best in some. We will see if our team really has that ability to dig deep, next game. Or if it is required, the game after. As I stated, we are 3 - 2 up. I ain't giving up on this team.
  24. Yeah, like fuck, adversity is meant to bring out the best in us. And we are still 3 - 2 up in this series.
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