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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. League or Union ? My oldest friend and I have made it our weekly ritual to watch the Melbourne Storm each week...NRL. Those dudes are tough. Helps us forget the BS we are going through in regards to our kids.
  2. Yes, they are also in our building, playing for the playoff lives. Tocchet really only has to tell the guys, keep doing what you are doing and the odds are will win the game, and the series. Hughes is a machine. He truly is the leader of this team. And he is only probably gonna get better.
  3. Overall I thought we pushed harder for more of that period than they did. The only real criticism one could make is that we didn't score. I believe we looked the team most likely to score in that period.
  4. Am I the luckiest Canucks fan in Australia ? Finally watching a Canucks playoff game live Edit. It's been ten years
  5. With all this BS about what's happening in Universities in North America, it makes me want to bring up what I saw on the ABC world news last night. Do you know Israel has destroyed over 80 percent of the schools in Gaza ? The report then went on to detail how a teacher is travelling around Gaza running " out door " classes for the children. When one of the kids was asked why he wants to go back to school, he answers he wants to find out if his friends are still alive. Can you imagine if this was your beautiful little girl ? Hundreds of thousands of children are starving, they have no access to an education, yet the narrative is about what a few extremists are doing in North American educational institutions.
  6. Firstly, are you going to acknowledge you were wrong in regards to your claim that Israel did not help to form and fund Hamas' ? Or are you going to do what you always do, throw some BS out there and not admit you were wrong when it is debunked. Isreal does not recognise Palestine as and independent state. Doesn't matter what the rest of the world states, when Isreal occupies the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and blockades Gaza. Effectively there has never been an independent Palestinian state. For decades Israel has been working against a two state solution, that is why they helped form Hamas'. Aylon, an ex head of the Shin Bet, who has actually made friends with Palestinians in Isreali jails is advocating for an independent Palestinian state, for the reasons, he, and I, have mentioned in other posts. rational, logical reasons. As for your claims about the Palestinians being offered a deal Here is an accurate timeline of the various attempts at a peaceful solution https://www.vox.com/world-politics/2023/11/22/23971375/israel-palestine-peace-talks-deal-timeline Bottom line " The more extreme elements of Israeli and Palestinian society, and their political leaders, have forestalled negotiations at critical moments. " So it's not only the Palestinians fault. Your claims about what neighbours are supposed to do. Are they supposed to steal your land, and terrorise, kill and injure you ? https://www.npr.org/2024/03/23/1236628495/israel-settlers-attack-west-bank-palestinians-settlement-outposts https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/22/israel-settlers-violence-against-palestine-west-bank These are only a couple of examples from the last month or so. This has been going on for decades. Bottom line taxi, none of this justification for the killing of innocent women children. And causing the condition for starvation/famine, for hundreds of thousands more. Also murdering journalists and aid workers. If this was any other country, civilised countries would be placing sanctions on them. Just as the Jewish Council of Australia wants us to do. https://www.jewishcouncil.com.au/media/australia-must-cut-military-ties-sanctions-israel#:~:text=JCA,the escalating violence in Gaza.
  7. What I was referring to was Aylon's comments about giving the Palestinians hope, giving them ideas. That if they were given a state of their own, the BS might stop. Because they would have something to lose.
  8. A nice dose of Islamaphobia. Muslim cultures do not value life ? Here in Aus our closest neighbour, Indonesia, is the fourth largest country on this planet in regards to population. It is a Muslim country. It has one of the lowest murder rates in the World. I went out with a beautiful Indonesian woman for a few years. Highly intelligent, masters degree in languages. And for your information the mass killings in Indonesia in 1965 - 66, described by some as Politicide, was a purge by the Suharto government of communists. And check out the perpetrators https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesian_mass_killings_of_1965–66 Indonesian army and death squads supported by, the United States, the United Kingdom and other western governments. Here is yet another Isreali voice that does not promote this kind of BS. https://www.npr.org/2024/04/12/1244265663/why-israel-is-losing-the-war-of-global-public-opinion-over-its-tactics-in-gaza And Ex head of the Shin Bet Ami Aylon. Aylon: " The major mistake our leaders did on the on the second or third day after the October 7, our cabinet ministers decided not to discuss the day after. Once we do not know how to describe the day after, we do not have any concept of victory, you know, war is only a means to achieve a better political reality. This is the definition of victory. Our leaders did not understand that when we fight a war against a Terror - ideological, theological, radical terror organisation we are fighting in two dimensions. One is the battlefield but in order to defeat Hamas, we have to win the war of ideas. And we cannot do it with military power. The only way to do it is create or present a better idea. Can that still happen ? Aylon Of course, the first question we have to ask is why is Hamas fighting. My answer is very, very simple. They see themselves as a people. We do not recognise them as a people who deserve a self determination and a state alongside Israel, but what Biden is telling us now - and I believe that he is totally right - that we have to launch again the negotiation in order to create hope among Palestinians. Can I ask, based on your experience as the former director of the Israeli security agency, did the scale of the October 7 attack surprise you ? Aylon No, it did not surprise me, because 50 years earlier, on the 6 of October, the October war started, and we lost 2000 and almost 700 people. After what we learned after Yom Kippur is that our security doctrine should be based on, yes, a major and very powerful military organisation, IDF, but in addition we have to use diplomacy and this is something we forgot. I think that most Israelis do not understand that victory for Israel is to see, on the other side of the border, a Palestinian state, because once they will have a state, they will have something to lose, and if I learn something in the Shin Bet, the most dangerous enemy is an enemy that has nothing to lose. This is exactly what we saw on 7 of October. The leader of the democrats in the United States, Chuck Schumer, said recently that, you know, be feels that Netanyahu needs to step down, that a new government needs to take place in order to achieve these results. Do you agree with that ? Aylon I totally agree. I think that Netanyahu is a great leader, but this is a leader who leads his people to a dead end. He is leading us to the end of Zionism. If we shall follow Netanyahu, we shall go on, you know, building settlements, and we shall face an ongoing war, that nobody, nobody knows will end. The only way for us, first of all, to defeat Hamas, because for Hamas, it's a nightmare - this is the end of the dream of Greater Palestine, we have to present a better future in which most Palestinians believe. Do you have hope that a better day will be possible ? Aylon Yes, I have hope, because I was the deputy, then the commander of the Navy and, later, the director of the Israeli Shin Bet. I was sitting with Palestinians who are in our jails. We saw them as terrorists, but they became my friends, you know Jibril Rajoub and Mohammad Dahlan - and we cooperated. And they told me everyday, we are doing everything in order to stop terror, Jewish terror, Palestinian terror, just because we believe that on the end of the road, we shall see, we shall have our freedom, our state alongside Israel. The moment that our people will not believe, forget about us. And if you ask me what happened, when the diplomacy collapsed, this is exactly what happened. They lost hope, and when they do not have hope, we shall not have security. " @Bob Long Are these not the ideas I promote ?
  9. And thinking like the IDF Alf ? The US is on the brink placing unprecedented sanctions an IDF unit made up of religious nutjobs that have committed human rights violations. https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/radionational-breakfast/idf-unit-sanctions/10375605 Don't you bag out religious nutjobs Alf ?
  10. Great article about people like you, and regimes that use terms like vermin to dehumanize people. " Less Than Human': The Psychology of Cruelty" https://www.npr.org/2011/03/29/134956180/criminals-see-their-victims-as-less-than-human " During the Holocaust the Nazi's referred to the Jews as rats. Hutus involved in the Rwanda genocide called Tutsis cockroaches. Slave owners throughout history considered slaves less sub human animals. In Less Than Human David Livingstone Smith argues that's it's important to define and describe dehumanisation, because it's what opens the door for cruelty and genocide. " We all know, despite what we see in the movies", Smith tells NPR's Neal Conan, "that it's very difficult, psychologically, to kill another human being up close and in cold blood or to inflict attrocities on them ". So when it does happen it can be very helpful to understand what it is that allows human beings " to overcome the very deep and natural inhibitions they have against treating other people like game animals or vermin or dangerous predators. "
  11. Source for the people of Gaza are programmed to hate please That's such a Bullshit statement. " They shoot horses, don't they " Are you really serious ? They are starving Alf. They are killing them to survive. Unlike people in your country. https://www.hsi.org/news-resources/canada_horse_slaughter/ " With nearly 72,000 horses slaughtered in 2013 alone, Canada's horse slaughter industry is among the largest in the world, and a shameful betrayal of our loyal companions. Horses are slaughtered in Canada primarily to provide horsemeat to European and Asian countries. Horses are brought to slaughter in every possible condition, old, young, sick, healthy, injured and even pregnant. "
  12. It affects us all Alf in one way or another. Primarily the Palestinians and the Isrealis are the real " victim's ". You see Alf, when you think as I do, that we are all one people, sharing this planet together. That you have compassion and empathy for those people you share this planet with. Then the suffering of others " hurts " you.
  13. Name one person who has supported Hamas in this thread that is still posting. I know I have condemned them countless times, and I believe others who have posted in support of the Palestinian people have condemned Hamas as well. It seems to me that people conflate support for the Palestinian people, with support for Hamas'. Just like they conflate criticism of the Isreali government and the IDF's actions in the occupied territories and Gaza, with anti semitism. No one is asking to Israel to " put their guns down ", though I wish both the Palestinians and the Isrealis would. I wish every one would lay their weapons down. Lyrics from the Bad Religion song, Sorrow, I posted " When all the soldiers lay their weapons down When all the kings and the Queens relinquish their crowns Or when the only true messiah rescues us from ourselves " I want them to stop killing civilians, especially women and children. And allow humanitarian aid to be delivered to the Palestinian people. In regards to the meaning behind the song Sorrow, it's Bad Religion take on the story of Job in the bible and to use Brett's words " That's not God, that's religion. That's an example of how detestable religion is. When asked what the line " When the only true messiah comes to save us from ourselves " He states " That it means we are our own messiah and the meaning of life comes from ourselves " https://www.thebrpage.net/theanswer/?article=sorrow Seems very pertinent in regards to this thread. Here it is again, such a powerful song. I long for the day when we, as a species, don't have to lament about the " sorrow " in this world
  14. Exactly Alf, put yourself in their shoes. Tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians have been killed. Over 1.1 million people are suffering from catastrophic hunger, with 300,000 of them facing famine. Their " country " has basically been destroyed. Put yourself in their shoes Alf. And yes Alf, I believe most people, in most of the places of the world, think like I do. They want a safe place to raise their kids, food on the table, and access to a good education. The most basic of human rights.
  15. Nowhere in their doctrine do I see a World Caliphate mentioned. https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/doctrine-hamas And while I disagree with most of it, there are some surprising things in regards to women and other beliefs they profess to hold One stands out Article 31 " Under the wing of Islam, it's possible for the followers of three religions - Islam Christianity and Judaism - to coexist in peace and quiet with each other. " It does go one to qualify that this has to be under the wing of Islam. However put that into context how Isreali/ Palestinian Muslim's have to live under the wing of Judaism in Israel. I believe you are confusing Hamas' with ISIS Alf. It was ISIS that wanted/wants a world caliphate. And before people confuse this post as supporting Hamas', I condemn them. I am refuting Alfs claim, with evidence, read their doctrine I have provided, that Hamas' wants a World Caliphate.
  16. That's bloody beautiful brother. You actually made me smile. How I would love see us " pull a Bradbury " and win it all. Such an apt analogy, ice skating reference.
  17. Exactly my point. So why don't we try and help the Palestinians get what we have. Occupying/controlling them, continually taking more land from them isn't working. I have provided the figure for Palestinian deaths and casualties since 2005 until 2023. 120,000 compared to nearly 6,000 Isreali deaths and casualties. I mourn them all, however maybe if Isreal wasn't occupying the West Bank and east Jerusalem, and blockading Gaza there would be, at the very least far less deaths and casualties. Music brings people together so I will post this song One of the first punk bands I used to listen to back in the 70's
  18. All good points Deb. I am very aware of your loyalty in regards to JT and I admire it immensely. As a person who wears his heart on his sleeve myself, I do respect that about JT. I have never questioned his passion or his talent. I do admit before he signed his contract I was worried about term and length, however he is the " spiritual " leader of this team IMO. He gives 100 percent, never leaves anything on the ice. I am glad we kept him and that contract is more than good value for what he brings both on and off the ice. I know these athletes can't perform to the best of their abilities over an 82 game season. I am aware that many of them carry niggling little injuries a lot of the time. One year, 2000, I spent roughly 280 says that year skiing, both here in Aus and in Canada. My knees were sore, my back was dodgy however there was that many powder days you had to ski. I am also very aware how some personalities and talents click with others. I was very fortunate to be brought up by two people who not only loved each other dearly, they were also the perfect example of The sum of the parts is greater than the whole This is what every team, in every team sport is striving to achieve. As my father taught me, you can't win them all son, you can only try to win the ones that matter. And you are talking to a person who hates losing. I believe that's a key component of being an elite athlete. I am far from being the most talented MTB rider or skier, however I hated losing, that would drive me to train harder when I did lose, give 100 percent, believe 100 percent in myself, and come back and beat the guy who beat me. Traits I also believe JT has. I will always love the Canucks. I have a team signed jersey signed and framed that cost me a fortune hanging over my telly. 2004. Myself and couple of my Canadians friends that married Aussie girls are revelling in these playoff games. We talk every day, and we are enjoying every second of it.
  19. I have watched lots of Hockey over the years. Before my relationship break up, I had the NHL package. Like any sport this ain't rocket science. After many years on this and the old board I can tell who knows what they are talking about in regards to game, and who doesn't. Who is biased, who is not. While I am a Canucks fan, I am a fan of the game first and foremost. I have a few friends here in Aus who are from BC, that married Aussie girls. They still play. I talk with them a lot about the game. Hockey, AFL, NRL are systems based sports that rely on the athletes " buying "into their coaches systems, playing their roles. Of course you have players who have different strengths in different areas of the game. Those that read the game well, " hockey IQ, those who rely on pure skill, those whose physical game is their strength, etc. The basis of the sport of icehockey is a sport itself, ice skating. That's another topic I could wax lyrical on but I won't. Anyway people on this board have earned my trust and respect. I don't give that lightly.
  20. Hermaphrodite here. You can tell me to go fuck myself and I can actually do it. I live in Australia. I don't have an internet connection apart from my phone and tablet. I never use a credit card, ever. Today I was informed of a way I might be able to watch the games.
  21. There are certain people whose opinions on hockey I value and respect that used to be on the old forum and now on this forum. I listen to them. I know the difference between constructive criticism and hockey analysis, as opposed to opinions that are based on emotion or lack of knowledge of the game.
  22. Nah Australia is the best country in the world. The only place you can find Kangaroo's, Platypuses and Wombats. And Numbats, Wallabies and Wallaroo's. And who else would think to make a condiment, from spent brewers yeast extract. We introduce our kids to " alcoholic " products at a young age.
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