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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. These are not opinions Roman. These are facts. Words like Apartheid, collective Punishment, racism, fascism and unjust/unethical wars have meanings for a reason. I post evidence that back up my assertions that the meanings of these words apply to this war, and Israels past and present treatment of the Palestinians. A lot of my sources are Isreali/Jewish. I print out the information so it is there for all to see. You are under no obligation to read my posts. So you can't provide evidence for your claims that foreign funding is behind these University protests. I thought as much. I couldn't either. So now you are extolling your virtues as a businessman. I totally admit that I inherited a business that my parents built up. They didn't just build a business, they bought and cleared the farm. They were one of the first to grow proteas for cut flower production in this country. They actually " created " some of the protea varieties on my farm. It was their dream that my brother or myself took over their legacy, and more importantly kept the their reputation for the quality of our product intact. I have done this. Many times before they died they told me they were extremely proud/happy of what I have done, and the person I am. If I was driven by the urge to make money, I wouldn't be farming. This, to me, is worth more than all the money in the world. I currently have a fractured toe, MTB crash. And the first half of the year is a lot quieter on the farm than the second half. So yes I have more time. It is also a distraction for me, in relation to events in my personal life, as well as being a subject I have always had strong feelings about. As usual you try making it about me, rather than the information I present. Where did I say you fear anyone. Again words, sayings, have meanings. You should look up the meaning of the saying "without fear or favour "
  2. You should read my posts after this mate. I explained I have no computer skills. When I first posted those twitter sources, they were simply links. And again, they prove my point about the credibility of information sourced off twitter. And anyway who is asking to to read them. You could just scroll down through them, or ignore them all together. It took me a few seconds to scroll down to the next post. How about you actually contribute something to this discussion. I am interested in everybody's views opinions on this unjust conflict.
  3. Read my later posts Roman. I have zero computer skills, when I first posted those twitter sources, it was a link. And again it emphasizes my point about the credibility of information sourced from twitter. Instead of continually to appealing to the mods, why don't you address the actual information itself. You did provide links to the foreign funding of US universities. Can you provide evidence that these funds are used to fund the protests ? Israeli/Jewish source in relation to funds that were not reported to the were not reported to the US department of education as required. https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-774728 " Institutions receiving such undocumented money, campuses receiving undocumented funds, exhibited twice as many campaigns to silence academics as those that did not.... From 2015 - 2020 institutions that accepted money from middle eastern donors had on average 300% more anti Semitic incidents than those institutions that did not. " You are correct Qatar leads the list however look at who is on that list " Leading the list of countries that providing the highest levels of undocumented funding is Qatar, contributing an astonishing 2.7 billion. This is followed by England Saudi Arabia, Bermuda, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Switzerland, India, Germany and the United Arab Emirates." I have only posted the facts from this article, not opinions. I condemn the any anti semitism anywhere. There seems to be a rise in anti semitism in Universities with undocumented funds from the middle east, stop that funding. Again Roman, I post facts with out fear or favour. Unlike you.
  4. It does kinda empathize my point about the " credibility " of news/information that is sourced from twitter. Yesterday when I researched that Citizens Free Press account, I saw a Steve Bannon clip, an association to Newsmax. For those that don't know Newsmax. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/newsmax-bias-credibilty-reliability/
  5. I thought I was just posting the link. After about a minute, all those fuckin tweets came up.
  6. I will admit my memory is really fucked due to many serious concussions, however I can't remember you ever criticising Isreals actions. Would love you to prove me wrong. And I apologise in advance if I am wrong.
  7. As I have explained, I have zero computer skills, I only have my phone, wouldn't know how to use spoilers. And please unless you have contempt for me, please
  8. Did you read that Vox pop article. The part in regards to the Israeli reporter, reporting that Isreal right from the start of this " war " has targeted civilians in a way they never have before. This report was based on interviews with senior Isreali intelligence and military officials. Targeting civilians in war is wrong, full stop. No grey area whatsoever.
  9. Well as I have pointed out, and provided evidence for my claims, what is happening know is not only morally/ethically wrong, it isn't and very probably will not work. Hamas cannot be destroyed by using violence. Isrealis themselves are coming to realise this. You know what my experience in life is, if you treat people with kindness and compassion they are more likely to be receptive to your beliefs. Try giving aid and shelter to the Palestinian people. Take away their need for resistance. There need to support an organisation like Hamas.
  10. First off, thanks for acknowledging you read and appreciated my post about the ethics/morals behind this war. Means a lot brother. As for offering citizenship those people ( the Palestinians who lived in Israel /Palestine ) citizenship, do you want Isreal to be like the Arab countries, who you rightfully point out were wrong to expel the Jewish populations from their countries ? As for that Israeli Rabbi marching into Hebron and reclaiming it on religious grounds ? What do most of the pro - Israel supporters, many of them anti - religion, think about this ? I know what I think about this. If you are basing your claims to land/ country on religious beliefs, then they have no real validity. I have stated a few times that the " ideal " solution would be a one state solution. Knowing this is not a reality, I have already offered my views in regards to what should happen.
  11. I said people who were still posting brother. Yes the bias and hypocrisy in this thread blows me away me. As I have noted, people that condemn bigotry and religion in other threads, are fine with it in this thread, in regards to support of Israel.
  12. You really are a glutton for punishment aren't you. You make BS statements, they are debunked, yet you keep coming back for more. I, and others have provided evidence that Hamas helped create Hamas' Here you are....again https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2023/11/21/world/israel-failed-policy/ " Hamas for it's part is alleged to have have emerged out of the Isreali financed Islamist movement in Gaza, with Israels then military - governor in that territory, Brigadier general Yitzhak Segev disclosing that in 1981 he had been given a budget for funding Palestinian Islamists to counter the rising power of Palestinian secularists. Hamas a spinoff of the Palestinian Branch of Muslim Brotherhood, was formerly established with Israels support soon after the first Intifada flared in 1987, as an uprising against the Isreali occupation of Palestinian lands. Israels objective was twofold: to split the nationalist Palestinian movement led by Arafat, and more fundamentally to thwart the implementation of the two state solution for resolving the protracted Israeli - Palestinian conflict. By aiding the rise of an Islamist group whose character refused to recognise the Isreali state, Isreal sought to undermine the idea of a two state solution, including curbing western support for an independent Palestinian homeland. " Media Bias on my source The Japanese Times https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/japan-times/ Factual reporting High Least biased MBFC Credibility Rating High credibility. Now let's deal with Israels ongoing support of Hamas Isreali source " For years Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it's blown up in our faces. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ Really taxi, I rarely do this, however this the third time you have basically called me a liar. " Better to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt " Abraham Lincoln
  13. We are allowing them self determination. Self governance without being occupied like parts of the west bank. Without being terrorised by settlers with the support of the IDF, as they have been in the West Bank. Without being Blockaded and Isolated. As Gaza has been for the last 17 years. That they can form a functioning capital city in East Jerusalem. All the things that most of the international community wants, including the US, mine and your societies.
  14. What has this got to do with my post in regards to your claim that " a person doesn't support everything the IDF has done" Apart from me @Warhippy @Gurn @Odd., who else actually criticises the IDF ? Actually state they don't agree with some of the IDF's actions ? Nobody. Again I would believe your statement that people don't agree with all the things the IDF has done, if those people actually criticised the IDF. Every single person here has condemned Hamas'. I have presented evidence from and Isreali/Jewish source, whose work is the benchmark in ethical, just wars. Laws have been based on his work. He has always been a staunch supporter of Isreals right to defend itself. For months after the attack he still layed the " moral " blame I Hamas'. Now he is saying Israel is fighting an unethical/unjust war on several fronts. He, and now others in Isreal are stating this war is unwinnable. I have already stated what I believe should happen in regards to a Palestinian state. Fully independent West Bank and Gaza. East Jerusalem as their capital. Leaders chosen from people who have a history of being peacemakers. I have actually posted articles about Palestinians who have a history of working with Isrealis for a peaceful resolution to this conflict. No Palestinian armed forces. Their own police force. Who helped found Hamas' Jim ? Not Iran. It was Israel. Who has been funding Hamas' for years. Both Iran and Israel. The Palestinians' have never had a theocracy remotely like what Iran has. If Palestinians were given their freedom, Hamas becomes redundant. For the better part of 20 years Israel has propped up Hamas in an attempt to make a two state solution impossible, that's a commonly known fact. As I have continually stated, one thing hasn't been tried, actually giving Palestinians their freedom. Something you, I and the Isrealis have. As for the Nova victims, I thought I would post some new facts in that post.
  15. Anzac Cove ? Wasn't that where Australians invaded a Muslim country half a world away that had never even heard of us, let alone fucked with us. All because Churchill, who was first lord of the Admiralty at the time came up with a plan, something the British had wanted to do since the days of the crusades, sail up the Dardanelles, land, invade and go on to Conquer Istanbul. They sent the Aussies because they didn't trust the " wild colonials " in Europe at that stage. They sent us to Cairo first, where some of the shit the Australian soldiers did confirmed their fears. And tell me, for five hundred years, how did those " bastard British and Europeans" treat their own people, the average British person was a peasant at home, or cannon fodder in their wars. And the indigenous/ first nations people of the countries they colonized ? Ask the first nations Americans, what few there are left after genocide was committed on them. https://hmh.org/library/research/genocide-of-indigenous-peoples-guide/ " When European settlers first arrived in the Americas, historians estimate there were over 10,000 Native Americans living there. By 1900 their population was under 300,000. " The genocide no one talks about. Fucking British generals in WW 1, when the British press started questioning the millions of British soldiers who where pointlessly dying in France, Kitchener basically stated, it is their duty to die for their king, for Britian. Fighting, dying all for a few miles of land.
  16. Anzac Cove ? Wasn't that where Australians invaded a Muslim country half a world away that had never even heard of us, let alone fucked with us. All because Churchill, who was first lord of the Admiralty at the time came up with a plan, something the British had wanted to do since the days of the crusades, sail up the Dardanelles, land, invade and go on to Conquer Istanbul. They sent the Aussies because they didn't trust the " wild colonials " in Europe at that stage. They sent us to Cairo first, where some of the shit the Australian soldiers did confirmed their fears. And tell me, for five hundred years, how did those " bastard British and Europeans" treat their own people, the average British person was a peasant at home, or cannon fodder in their wars. And the indigenous/ first nations people of the countries they colonized ? Ask the first nations Americans, what few there are left after genocide was committed on them. https://hmh.org/library/research/genocide-of-indigenous-peoples-guide/ " When European settlers first arrived in the Americas, historians estimate there were over 10,000 Native Americans living there. By 1900 their population was under 300,000. " The genocide no one talks about. Fucking British generals in WW 1, when the British press started questioning the millions of British soldiers who where pointlessly dying in France, Kitchener basically stated, it is their duty to die for their king, for Britian. Fighting, dying all for a few miles of land.
  17. I would believe this if people spoke out against the " things " " a person " doesn't support in regards to the IDF actions. Again the majority of posters support Isreal and actually come up with reasons to justify all that they do. Apparently some of the Nova music festival survivors of the October 7, "think the tragedy could have largely been averted " They are suing Isreali Police, the IDF, the defense and Shin Bet. They are suing them, the first civil suit of its kind in Israel. https://www.timesofisrael.com/42-survivors-of-the-nova-rave-massacre-sue-defense-establishment-for-negligence/
  18. That was ( sadly brilliant " What a talented kid. This is a an Isreali and Palestinian addressing racism in Israel with rap. This is in regards to racism Palestinian Isrealis endure. The Isrealis that Roman claims are treated like equal citizens. It was the Isreali who was the driving force behind this project. The words he raps are basically things he hears stated all across Isreal. He talks about this after the rap. The interviewer commenting on whether she actually wanted to play that rap because " People actually talk this way in Israel ? " Referring to the Isrealis part of the rap.
  19. Detroit has a long term plan in place. We might not look like much now however in a few year's we expect to be, at the very least a team that makes the playoffs. We have a very good core of young players. While young and yet to prove themselves, we feel we have very great depth at the centre position. We have a very promising young core of Defenders. In saying that I would like to thank my fellow GM @MatchesMalone Who has strengthened this team with his acquisitions. And thanks to Curt, Mike V, Reylt, That Mike, Lethunder and everyone past and present who has made this league a reality. And all of the other GM's as well.
  20. Of course I did. I have never said, ever, since I first read the communist manifesto 45 years ago that communism will never work because it doesn't take into account human nature. I have always stated that. That is doesn't take into account the fact that some people put in more than others. They were five ideas, and those ideas are not limited to communism. If I had to choose one label, I am a humanist and those that know me well would agree with that label. You don't seem to understand that Alf was trying to wind me up. He was taking the piss out me. He basically accused me of being an anti semite yesterday, knowing one of the few things I hate is racism. And I don't talk down to anyone DB. I post facts mate, then I post links to evidence to back up my claims. You jumped into the middle of a conversation just to put shit on someone. Don't lie to yourself and others, own it.
  21. I promote communism ? A post I made months ago where I stated as a kid I admired Marx's theory when I read his communist manifesto. You are delusional to think that is promoting communism. I have stated a few times that communism will never work because it doesn't take into account human nature. So how can I be a commie, if I say communism will never work ? You interjected yourself in a conversation between two other people, putting shit on me. You have a habit of putting shit on people you disagree with. And where did I even suggest I am in better than anyone. Stop projecting dude. You have a habit of deriding people you don't agree with.
  22. You love to abuse people don't you. Does this make you feel better about yourself. As JJR noted. Insults are the arguments employed by those in the wrong.
  23. You seemed pretty accepting of David Murrays beliefs. A man that promotes intolerance, Xenophobic ideas. And pologises for the likes of Trump, Le Pen, Vilders. But he supports Israel so it's all good right ? And who condemns all violence in this thread Alf ? And who justifies violence used by the Israelis in this thread Alf ? It's like living in an alternative universe, people are totally unaware of their own actions.
  24. Read that post of mine, Vox Pop article. Actual facts about the morals/ethics behind this conflict. The admissions by Isrealis themselves they have no compunction in murdering Palestinian civilians. That this is not a just/ethical war, on several ethical fronts. And it is a virtually unwinnable war. Walzers comments are very telling. A man, a Jew, a huge supporter of Israel. A person whose work is the benchmark in regards to just wars. Laws have been made in regards to his work. He condemns/criticises Isreal. Comment on these facts, and we can start a real conversation.
  25. C'mon brother. Your message didn't make me upset. I clearly stated I was being cheeky, and even made a joke about " faith ". I then went into some very personal details in regards to my brothers connection to this religious holiday. And this is what passover is, a religious holiday. I just had to point out your comment in regards to that quote the god thread, and the significance of that in regards to this religious holiday. I just couldn't help myself. That is a quote that seems a bit rude to me. Why would you want to tell someone rudely, or politely for that matter, they have wasted their lives believing in something you and I don't believe in ?
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