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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Dave says ? Israeli Rear Admiral Hagari says. He also states, as I do that you have to replace it, a bad idea, (Hamas) with a better idea. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-20/idf-daniel-hagari-hamas-cannot-be-eliminated-gaza-netanyahu/104001430 "Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, the face of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) daily war briefings and military war videos made the comments during an interview on Israeli TV on Wednesday. " This business of destroying Hamas, making Hamas disappear - it's simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public " Mr Hagari told Israels chanel 13 TV. He warned that the group will remain in control of the Gaza strip unless Israel " develops something to replace it " " Something that will make the population realise that someone else is distributing the food, someone else is taking care of public services... to really weaken Hamas, this is the way " he said. As for your claim about the Islamic Revolution, it has never been destroyed. Dated June this year IS: A persistent danger, 10 years since its peak " https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cv2g3gz08ylo You can't destroy a (bad) idea, you have to replace it with a better idea.
  2. I have all their albums. Their best Album is, I Robot IMO Every song is so good
  3. Every song on that Album is Killer. Best ever cover of Cheap Tricks Pro Feminist Anti Fascist Gay Positive Animal Friendly
  4. We, Australia, don't claim to be the most moral country in the world https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/israel-is-most-moral-country-in-the-world-un-ambassador-claims_uk_66bca939e4b03da4fc019266 We, Australia, don't use our first nations people as human shields in war https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-08-13/ty-article-magazine/.premium/idf-uses-gazan-civilians-as-human-shields-to-inspect-potentially-booby-trapped-tunnels/00000191-4c84-d7fd-a7f5-7db6b99e0000 We, Australia, don't have terrorists who terrorise our first nations people https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-08-22/ty-article/.premium/shin-bet-chief-warns-pm-and-ministers-jewish-terror-is-jeopardizing-israels-existence/00000191-7b9a-de04-af9b-7b9b38070000 https://thejewishindependent.com.au/jewish-terror-is-endangering-israel-security-chief https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-08-29/ty-article/.premium/israeli-army-joins-shin-bet-warning-over-jewish-terrorism-in-west-bank/00000191-9e2f-d453-ab9f-feafbdcf0000 " We don't torture and sexually abuse our first nations people in Jail " https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2024-09-03/ty-article-opinion/.premium/both-enemy-and-friend-we-must-not-let-october-7-render-medical-ethics-obsolete-in-israel/00000191-b952-de3d-abb7-ff7be7500000 " The most moral country in the world " ?
  5. Just Wheeler crappin on. He ranks some of the players of this draft class against some of the previous draft classes. Not much to talk about ATM, so I thought I would post this. https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5698485/2024/08/14/2025-nhl-draft-james-hagens/ Matches, he states, at this early stage, he believes 2025 as a below average draft class brother. I have more respect for your analysis, stating it is an above average draft.
  6. Here is a story about one of the victims, Vivian Silver, of the October 7 attack, and her son's reaction to her murder. " Out of the ashes, the dignity and compassion of Israeli peace activists give me hope " https://thejewishindependent.com.au/out-of-the-ashes-the-dignity-and-compassion-of-israeli-peace-activists-gives-me-hope " I wondered where Yonatan Zeigen found his strength; I realised it comes from his dead mother. Vivian Silver was a Canadian - Israeli humanitarian and peace activist, who was murdered by Hamas' gunmen at her home on Be'eri Kibbutz just a few kilometres from the Israel - Gaza border, on October 7. Yonatan is a man I have never met, but he's someone I greatly admire, and I can see his mothers convictions in her son. The interviews he has given since her murder show an even tempered judgement and a depth of thought that I suspect that I would not have been able to summon, had my own mother been so cruelly taken from me. Isreal and Hamas are still engaged in their bitter war and there's little to suggest it's conclusion will finally bring peace to this blighted corner of the world. But there is hope because of people like Vivian's son Yonatan and so many others like him. There activists that believe the conflicts involving Israel and Palestine - which I have been covering for my whole life - can be resolved if people look beyond their own differences. Yonatan says the wars and bad blood continue not because his mother's work was stupid or naive and futile, with both sides locked in a natural, never ending enmity, but because her efforts were not pushed and championed by more people across the divide. Yonatan's experience has forced me to question what my own response might have been in the same situation. Despite everything he's gone through, he argues that his mother had the right ideas, but not enough people listen. My hope for 2024 is that more people at least try to listen, and that her life and work wasn't in vain. " When there are more people like Yonatan and his friends in Isreal and the occupied territories, and others listen and act on there message, that's when their will be a chance for peace in Isreal and the occupied territories.
  7. More to the point is that scene from the Simpson's. Barney is sitting at the bar, drunk, complaining that alcohol is not giving him that self of sense esteem. Then he grabs a handgun and states, there it is. Powerful statement behind that scene.
  8. I apologized to you privately for my emotional outburst a couple of nights ago. I will now do it publicly. I apologise for getting emotional, and not being the best person I could be. You deserve better. I have a great deal of respect for you. I don't want to damage our friendship any further, so I will refrain from engaging in, what I believe is an important topic. How Isrealis/Jews view themselves in relation to each other, and people who are not Israeli/Jewish. For reference, it's not only Isreali/Jews I feel this way about, it's all people. This thread happens to be about the people in Palestine/Israel. As I have stated before, I will be the first to criticise our - Australia's - past and present treatment of our first nations people. The shameful offshore detention saga...etc.
  9. I thought you were " ignoring " me. I don't know if you have noticed, but Hamas' attacked Isreal nearly 11 months ago. For the last 10 months and three week, it has been Isreal destroying Gaza. You don't get to dictate what people discuss in this thread.
  10. I am a skier. Utah means some of the lightest, driest snow on this planet - Snowbird - to me. The Utah Powder Hounds. Seriously, looking forward myself to name they choose. I believe with their additions this summer, the progress some of their young players, a proper rink. They could be pushing for a wildcard spot.
  11. I have now posted a couple of articles- Isreali sources - that state Mizrahi Jews still face discrimination in Israel today. You can deny it all you want but the evidence is there. This discussion is not limited to Hamas' wanting to kill Jews/Isrealis as much as you would like it to be. We, as a species continue to make the same mistakes, over and over again. It because of people like you. People who never admit to their mistakes.
  12. What I have posted are the words of Israelis /Jews roman. I never stated I speak for 8.2 billion people, I identify with them. Are you delusional enough to believe you speak for all Israelis ?
  13. @Canuck Surfer Brought up " race " in regards to Palestinians. Then he asked what's the difference between Hamas and Zionism. I posted the thoughts of some Mizrahi Jew that believe Zionism is/ has been a way for Ashkenazi Jews to persecuted them and other Ethiopian Jews. Their words not mine. How does the experience of the Ethiopian Jews compare to first nations people in Canada ? Well for starters first nations people in Canada where there for thousands of years before the Jews got to what is now called Israel/Palestine. And as many note, their experience is the same in the sense that Zionism is a colonial settler movement. On top of that the Rabbinical councils want to genetically test Jews, to prove their Jewishness. https://en.idi.org.il/articles/26956 It doesn't come much more racist than this. Imagine if it was suggested that the Canadian or Australian government genetically test Canadians or Australians ? There would be an uproar. Israel is the only place where a people of all skin are united by one skin colour under one flag ? Maybe because it's the only country that allows one " ethnicity ", " race ", certain group of people to migrate there. Unlike here in Australia, where we have 270 ethnic groups that make up our population. Every race, creed and religion. Was watching the first round of the finals last night. Just like at any event, the opening ceremony is a first nations person performing a, welcome to country. This is an acknowledgement that this country is theirs. We have evolved.
  14. Dated last year roman " Does Israel still discriminate against Mizrahi Jews " https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-730393 " Discrimination is still happening today ", she said unequivocally. " I have heard so many stories from Mizrahi Jews that were discriminated against in every aspect of life and there is empirical research to show this is in fact the case. "
  15. This just dropped 13 hours ago. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10134183-utah-hockey-club-debuts-full-uniforms-for-inaugural-nhl-season-in-new-photo
  16. @RomanPer Dated roughly this time last year " Anti - Ethiopian Racism Must be Rooted Out - Editorial " https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-754341 " Despite the fact that many Ethiopians of Jewish descent have succeeded in every sphere they are still a marginalised minority facing discrimination in Isreali society "
  17. Why do think she is an activist roman ? Her own assumptions ? The discrimination and predjudice that Ethiopian Jews experience in Israel is well documented.
  18. Who do I have ? Roughly about 8.2 billion fellow human beings that I share this planet with. Must get confusing for you, one day you are a Ukrainian, the next an Isreali, the day after a Canadian. It's simple for me, I am a human being.
  19. Retired Major General Yitzhak Brik, also known as the " prophet of wrath " for his predictions about the preparedness of the IDF and the MoD since he retired in 2018, stated a couple of weeks ago " Israel Will Collapse Within a Year if the War of Attrition Against Hamas and Hezbollah Continues " https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2024-08-22/ty-article-opinion/.premium/israel-will-collapse-within-a-year-if-the-war-against-hamas-and-hezbollah-continues/00000191-795e-d8d0-a7bb-f9ff81000000 And he backed it up a few days ago " It is Not Hamas That Is Collapsing, But Isreal " https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2024-09-03/ty-article-opinion/.premium/it-is-not-hamas-that-is-collapsing-but-israel/00000191-b3bf-dffe-abf9-bfffd0a50000
  20. https://www.timesofisrael.com/inequality-between-mizrahi-ashkenazi-jews-to-be-measured-with-new-statistics/ " Among Mizrahi social justice activists, the burueas decision is being celebrated as an important victory, according to Lihi Yona, a university of Haifa scholar who writes about how the lack of governmental recognition of Mizrahi Jews affects their standing in the legal system. " Knowing more accurately where Mizrahi Jews are still facing barriers and discrimination can help activists in knowing where direct resources, and help push the conversation where it needs to be: how to fight discrimination rather than how to proves it exist " Yona said. She said denial of the existence of anti - Mizrahi discrimination is so pervasive that the courts tend to overlook it. " And you stated that Mizrahi Jews support Netanyahu, that is correct, however " But the electoral strength of Mizrahi voters doesn't translate directly into representation in government. A 2021 analysis by non profit newsroom Hashomrim found that Mizrahi Jews are still under represented. For example Ashkenazi Jews have served atop major government ministries at about twice the rate as Mizrahi Jews over the last 20 years. "
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