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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Of course he has been accused of all these things to his face, because they are true. And of course he is going to deny them. So do you believe in the Great Replacement conspiracy theory ? Do you believe in the Eurabia conspiracy theory. He has been known to promote those theories. This is seriously fucked up shit. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/08/a-deadly-ideology-how-the-great-replacement-theory-went-mainstream You sound like a conspiracy theorist. And if you are going to defend the killing of thousands of women and children, and the starvation of hundreds of thousands more. You lack any sort of moral insight.
  2. There's no trying about it. You mentioned the dude, I researched him, I have presented evidence of the sort of person he is. There is more evidence out about his Islamaphobic views. His views are far right views on immigration. Even though he is gay, he has very questionable views on transexual and transgender people. I will admit with his Oxford education, he is a " polished " right wing nut job. The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray - Gentrified Xenophobia https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/may/06/strange-death-europe-immigration-xenophobia " The right wing journalist cites Enoch Powell and wants to protect white Christian Europe from " outsiders ". " Gentrification comes for everything eventually. Down at heel neighbourhoods, peasant cuisines, football all have been polished up for middle class consumption. So perhaps it was only a matter of time before someone gave Xenophobia the same treatment. Naked racism may be still unacceptable in polite society. But post Brexit vote there's a clear market for a slightly polished, better read more respectable way of saying that you'd rather not live next door to Romanians or think Muslims are coming to rape your women folk. Think daily mail columnist Katie Hopkins but with longer words, and for people who wouldn't be seen dead on English defence league march - although one of the more ridiculous contentions in this book by the journalist Douglas Murray is that the EDL are terribly misunderstood chaps who have a point, and aren't really to blame for the way their rallies always end in violence". For reference the EDL is a far right Islamaphobic organisation in England. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Defence_League And check Enoch Powell's Rivers of Blood speech. You want to listen to, and believe a far right, Xenophobic, Islamaphobic bigot, that's up to you.
  3. The dude is a associate editor of The Spectator magazine in Britian. Here is a write up about their sister publication here in Australia. " Spectator Magazine keeps publishing white supremacists and anti - Semites " https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/04/21/spectator-australia-right-wing-media-far-right-white-supremacist-neo-nazi/ " Spectator Australia has repeatedly published far right white supremacists who are using the popular conservative publication to mainstream and normalise their extreme beliefs. Spectator Australia is the local arm of the storied UK - based news magazine and has become a home for conservative writing in Australia. Edited by Sky News host Rowan Dean, it has published prominent right wing figures like Tony Abbott, Alan Jones and Andrew Bolt. " As you know Sky News is the Murdoch's Fox News here in Australia. And you know who those right wing nut jobs are. " The publications on line only vertical " Flat White " publishes a wide range of conservative writers on Australian current affairs. Crikey Australia can reveal that spectator Australia have published at least three writers who have schemed with Neo - Nazis, and are enmeshed in far right online communities, and in at least one case, have worked with known Neo - Nazis to try and disrupt their political enemies. " The article them goes into more detail.
  4. Douglas Murray eh ? Never heard of the guy so I thought I would research him. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/when-it-comes-to-palestine-the-kids-arent-all-right/ I could quote a few things from this article however this best illustrates his " views " " So what is going on ? One driver of youth opinion in the US and the UK is the consequence of mass migration and a country like our own. " " Concerned about " Colonialism " and " oppression " and the rights of " indigenous people's ". Though only in very specific circumstances, like America, Canada and in Australia. Not in Britian of course " Those damned immagants that are ruining British society for " indigenous " British. This dude is a apparently a well known Islamaphobe Here is one of Books The Strange Death of Europe. Immigration Identity Islam https://www.amazon.com.au/Strange-Death-Europe-Douglas-Murray/dp/1472958055 Here he is in person claiming " Islam is destroying France. Here is an article about Murray " True Danger from the right comes from the likes of Douglas Murray " https://www.thenational.scot/politics/23918618.true-danger-right-comes-likes-douglas-murray/ " Folk such as Murray end up as intellectual nihilists desperately trying to forge some impossible conservative Valhalla to find an anchor in life. At least it begins that way, but it quickly slides to an intellectual justification for outright fascism. The mass demonstrations in the UK and Europe seem to have unhinged Murray. I've seen a video of him circulating on social media in which he says the police in Britian " have lost control of the streets" ( shades of Braverman) and that " we might need to send in the army ". What are the army supposed to do - shoot demonstrators ? " " Last month 12,000 people turned up at the O2 arena to hear Murray and Jordan Peterson , the other intellectual superstar of the global alt right. This was billed as the launch of the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship (ARC get it!) They were joined by luminaries such as American social media guru Ben Shapiro. " Lot more in the article " So if you are into far right Islamaphobic dudes that promote theories such as Eurabia, a far right anti Muslim conspiracy theory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurabia_conspiracy_theory And the Great Replacement theory another far right white supremacist theory, https://www.britannica.com/topic/replacement-theory Theories he has been known to promote. He's your man.
  5. Thanks Jan. It's not a matter of being right, it's a matter of what is right. Everyone who knows me, knows the only thing I hate is injustice. Fascism is right up there at the top of the list of injustices. There is discrimination and then there is discrimination. All those countries you mentioned get criticised for their discrimination, both internally and externally. Israel seems to get a free pass. A bare handfull of the regular posters in this thread criticise Isreal for its discrimination. Again what amazes me is that people who are well known for their anti religious views give this Isreali government a free pass. Again, Israel has never had seperation of church and state. With this particular government, it's the religious nut jobs that have been calling the shots. I have provided evidence that Isreal was founded by people, some of whom were fascist thugs who terrorised their own people. One of those went on to become a PM of Israel and founded the current ruling party. That this current political regime is Fascist, again an ultra nationalist far right political ideology. Like it's blatantly obvious. Many Isrealis themselves say this. If this was any other country on this planet sanctions would be placed on it for their treatment of the Palestinians. Jewish voices within the society I live are calling for this to happen. The Jewish Council of Australia " Australia must cut all military ties and place sanctions on Israel " https://www.jewishcouncil.com.au/media/wongs-speech-good-step-more-must-be-done It blows me away that people who are usually compassionate in regards to other human rights issues turn a blind eye, or even try to justify what is happening in Gaza right now. What about International Humanitarian Law Jan ? Hundreds of thousands of children are starving. Hamas' is not to blame for this. It is Israel that is restricting aid from getting into Gaza. Aid from other countries. Remember those bullshit claims by Israel about UNRWA workers being terrorists ? Months later they have still not provided any evidence for those claims. Israel, and others might think they are getting away with these crimes now, however history will damn them. As it will damn those that have supported them. It is delusional to believe that killing thousands of women and children, and starving hundreds of thousands more is " defending yourself " Again words have meanings Collective Punishment " The indiscriminate punishment imposed collectively on for omissions or acts for which some or none of them may or may not have been responsible " Any rational, logical person knows what is happening in Gaza literally fits that definition. Yours is certainly longer. I keep on telling you, they say big hands, big feet, big willy. And they say two out of three ain't bad. Well mother nature ripped me off.
  6. So there you go. You made false claims. You are called out on it them, and they have been proven to be false. You usually have plenty to say, you seem pretty reticent right now. Again, this directly deals with you. The country you are living in would not accept you as a permanent resident, if it had the same laws as Isreal. Nothing to say about this. Most countries have some sort of Jewish community/population. As I have pointed, and as I have pointed out, that Jewish community has a very powerful voice in some countries, mine in particular. I have provided evidence for this. Trying to research whether Isreal has an Australian community, it appears not. It seems the same applies to Canadians. Words have meanings Roman. Again the definition of fascism. An ultra nationalist far right political ideology. What we are dealing with in these last few posts are evidence of Jewish ultra nationalism. Tell me Roman, you have used the Torah as the justification for Israels right to " own " all of Jerusalem. Do you believe the Torah in regards to intermarriage between Jews and " gentiles " It expressly forbids it. " All branches of orthodox Judaism do not sanction the validity of legitimacy of intermarriages " What are your feelings about this. Why I bring this up is that while I don't hate much, I fuckin hate racism. Like imagine we had a " rule " here in Australia that an Australian can only marry an Australian. In Canada, a Canadian can only marry a Canadian. Can you imagine the public outcry. And while I am aware that Jewish people do intermarry, there is a cultural pressure to marry within your ethnicity. I have dated, to put it politely, white girls, black girls, asian girls, I have tried my best to cover the spectrum. Never married, don't believe in that institution. This is more evidence of Jewish ultra nationalism. Fuck Nationalism Fuck Militarism Fuck Racism
  7. For reference, this is last year's EA Play Off simulation. https://www.facebook.com/EASPORTSNHL/photos/a.434709745995/10160664470485996/?type=3 Seattle knocking off Colorado, then Dallas, then the Oilers to make it to the final from the west. Boston knocking off Florida, then Tampa, then NJ to make it to the final from the east. Things that make you go hmmmm.
  8. Congratulations to the LA Kings for winning the GFL Presidents Trophy by a very large margin. Ari Gold built a helluva a team. Congrats to all the division winners. I know some of the teams that didn't make the playoffs were building for the future, you guys will be contending soon. To those GM's that did reach out in regards to trades, thanks for reaching out. Thanks to all the GM's for making the inaugural regular season a resounding success. Thanks to @Gator for creating this league and the work he puts in. Thanks to @Relyt Krets for the mountains of work he has put in. For a person who retired he is still putting in the hard yards. I am sorry I haven't been around much, my personal life is fucked on a few levels.
  9. Stop trying to weasel your way out of what you claimed. You made an assertion, back that up with facts. I back my claims up with evidence to prove what I say is true. As I have stated, what is the most important point, is that most countries don't require their immigrants to have the ethnicity of the country they are immigrating to. Again https://www.britannica.com/place/Australia/People " Today the population of Australia consists of 270 ethnic groups " Now why is this important, because we, here in Australia, used to have what we acknowledge was a racist immigration policy, in the 50's - 60's, the white Australia policy. If we, Australians, and others, have acknowledged this as a racist immigration policy, why isn't Isreals policy of basically limiting immigration to people of Jewish ethnicity only, racist ? Will you address the fact that Canada, the country you live in, Canada, would not accept you as a permanent resident if Canada had the same immigration laws as Isreal ? And why I have brought this up, is this is a thread about Isreal/Palestine, and issues connected to, Isreal, the West bank and the Occupied Territories. It also is provides evidence about my assertion, that Israel is an ultra nationalist state.
  10. Sam Carrick...Jack Drury..... Brent Burns.... Mikhail Sergachev Matt Grzelyck.... Cody Ceci Scott Wedgewood Good luck to my opponent, don't think they need it. Good luck to all involved in the CDCFL Playoffs. And we get fuckin real playoff hockey for our Canucks ..... FUCK YEEEAAAH
  11. People can't immigrate to the 90 percent of the worlds countries ? Source and evidence for that assertion please. Here is a list of the top ten countries in the OECD Immigration wise 2022. That country, you mentioned, the US, took in over 1 million migrants that year. Canada took in over 400,00. We had one of our lower years, only 166,000. Last year we had a net gain in regards to immigration of 550,000 thousand people. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/21/migration-numbers-australia-2023-rise There is always a few dog whistles from the right wing nutjobs. Every year we have a net gain in regards to immigration. The one real difference, is that all these countries don't require the people emigrating to their countries, to be the ethnicity of the country, they are immigrating to. Buts that's not ultra nationalistic is it Roman.... You do understand that you wouldn't be living in Canada if they had the same immigration laws as Isreal, right ?
  12. I have stated many times that Israel has the right to exist. I even stated, when the " debate " about the use of the word Zionist was an insult or not, that you could call me a Zionist in the sense that I believe that Isreal has a right to exist. As I have stated, and provided the evidence to back up my assertion. Both Canada, and Australia are the two most multicultural countries on this planet. We both have well over 200 ethnicities that make up our populations. That's part of what makes our countries such good places to live. For the main, tolerant, compassionate societies. Isreal has basically 2 ethnicities. Isreali Jews and Arabs. In regards to Isreals immigration laws, if Canada had the same immigration laws as Israel, Roman wouldn't be allowed to live in Canada. Think about that.
  13. C'mon be honest with me my friend. Would the Jesus that we were taught about in school be condoning what is happening in Gaza right now ? We both know exactly what his words would be. To both Hamas' and the IDF/Israeli leadership.
  14. Bottom line if I had my way national " identities " wouldn't exist at all. From memory I believe Optimist agreed with me on this. As I keep bangin on, we are all human beings. We all share this planet together. From what we currently know, all of our ancestors came from the south east of Africa, roughly 200,000 years ago. Nationalism is a curse. It divides us from each other. Again as I have stated, I hope one day we don't refer to ourselves as Australians, or Canadians, or Jews whatever We refer to ourselves as Terrans. People who live on planet Earth.
  15. You believe in Jesus don't you brother ? If he was a real person and was alive today, what do you think he would be saying about the hundreds of thousands of children that are starving in Gaza ? Would be be blaming Hamas', or would he be advocating for aid and a peaceful resolution ? If you actually believe the words he supposedly said that are quoted in the bible, try starting with Matthew 18:6 " Anyone who causes these little ones to stumble, it would be better to have a millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea " Now that tells me that Jesus, if he really does exist is telling us, if you fuck with kids, you are gonna get fucked up.
  16. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    As you know, I am an agnostic like you brother. However if I was a believer I wouldn't blame a god for the bad shit that happens. Just as I wouldn't attribute the good that happens to individuals, or events, to a god. For starters good and bad, wrong and right, are subjective things. What mystifies me is that people who claim to be non believers, such as the person who wrote that song, seem quick to place the responsibility of bad things that happen to believers, on the god the believers, believe in. Or at the very least use those bad things as a reason for the non existence of a god. If we are to use that logic, does a subjective good provide evidence of a god ? My life experience is bad things happen to all of us. What defines us, is how we react/deal with those when they happen. My oldest, closest friend, the best person I know, has had some really shitty things happen to him from the age of five onwards. It how he has dealt with these events that is a major part of what makes him the best person I know. He doesn't attribute blame or carry malice in his heart. In fact the very opposite is true, the people who let him down, big time, his family. Later in life when they needed him the most he was, and still is there for them.
  17. Actual Israeli/Jewish immigration lawyers. https://lawoffice.org.il/en/moving-to-israel/ " However Isreal is not an immigration country. Despite being a modern liberal democratic (sic) country, it does not have laws and regulations that enable foreigners to settle in the country for the long term. " And yes this conflict, like most conflicts is pointless. Stupid people killing and maiming each other for pieces of land. The history of our species. With mostly innocent people paying the real price, as this particular conflict illustrates. " We don't inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children " European power ? This displays your total ignorance of Australia. For the last 30 - 40 years our focus, as a nation, has been the Asia Pacific region. This is the part of the world we are located in. As I have already stated we used to have a " white Australia " immigration policy however that was well and truly finished by the 1970's. Since the end of the Vietnam war, we have had a large influx of Asian people. Africans in the 90's. We have had our moments of shame. Our treatment of refugees and asylum seekers under right wing nut job governments. This is the difference between me and people Iike you and Roman, I am prepared to admit to the mistakes we have made. Our acts of inhumanity. So the 7.5 million Jews in America don't have a home ? They don't control their destiny ? They have one of the, if not they most powerful lobby groups in America, they actually shape/ influence American political policy. Same here in Australia. Here is an example of the " power " of the pro Israeli lobby group here in Aus. https://michaelwest.com.au/crossword-clues-and-bullying-the-almighty-power-of-the-australian-pro-israel-lobby/ In 2019 Fairfax Sydney and Melbourne mastheads made an error in the daily crossword section. In the daily crossword section the answer to the clue " holy land " turned out not to be six letters starting with an I, as some would expect but nine letters Palestine: So affronted was the Australia/Israel Jewish affairs council ( AJIAC) that they demanded an investigation. Fairfax acceded, blamed the error in an external contractor and apologised to Colin Rubenstein executive director of AIJAC. This is just one of many examples which John Lyons uses to illustrate the power of a lobby group so influential, it can force changes to government policy, hound Journalists out of their Jobs and pressure the ABC board to justify the appointment of foreign correspondents " Tell me, who is controlling whose destiny here ? So where did I say that Ben Gurion was a fascist ? I did not. I said some of Isreal founders. I named Menachem Begin. And I based that Judgement on a letter that Albert Einstein and a group of very prominent Jews wrote to the New York Times in 1948. Listing the reason why he believed Begin and his Terrorist buddies in the Irgun and Stern Gang were Fascists and terrorists, who not only terrorised and murdered Palestinians the also did the same to Jews. I have no doubt you have read the letter I have posted here is link to it. https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/from-the-archives-fascism-and-terrorism-in-israel-einstein-and-others/ And don't bother trying to deny the contents of the letter. I will take the word of Albert Einstein who was alive at that time and was conversant with events in Isreal. That same Fascist Terrorist, Menachem Begin went on to form the Likud part in 1973. That party has ruled Isreal for the better part of the last thirty years. Now what is the definition of fascism ? A ultra nationalist far right political ideology. Israel is about as ultra nationalist as they come. The right wing nut jobs that control the Knesset make our right wing nut jobs here in Aus look like liberals, which is ironic, because they are called the liberal party, and they are nut jobs. Isreal has a wannabe dictator in Netanyahu. He is almost as corrupt as PO1135809 He wants to take away the power of the courts among other things that get in his way of the total control of the Israeli power structure. https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2023-10-03/ty-article-opinion/.premium/israeli-neo-fascism-threatens-israelis-and-palestinians-alike/0000018a-f6a1-d12f-afbf-f7f5e33e0000 https://www.timesofisrael.com/tel-aviv-mayor-warns-israel-heading-toward-a-fascist-theocracy/ https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2017-04-22/ty-article-magazine/.premium/is-israel-becoming-a-fascist-state-seven-telltale-signs/0000017f-e692-dea7-adff-f7fb230d0000 https://www.timesofisrael.com/ehud-barak-govt-shows-signs-of-fascism-mass-non-violent-revolt-may-be-needed/ Now let's get back to Australia and it's first nations people. I have been the first to point out our bad treatment of them in the past. As I have pointed out before and detailed, we have given much of their land back to them. Their representation in our Parliament is greater than the percentage of our population. They also have members in the senate, the second check on power any sort of even pretend democracy has. Something Isreal does not have. Israel do not have seperation of religion and state, in fact it's ultra religious nutjobs that are influencing the decisions in the Knesset. Like Canada and America we have much to be ashamed of in our treatment of our first nations people. We are cleaning up our act. We aren't killing tens of thousands of them, and starving hundreds of thousands of children, which is what Isreal has and is doing to the Palestinians. Back to Australia and our Multicultural society, which is made up of 270 different ethnicities/ancestries. https://www.britannica.com/place/Australia/People " Today the population of Australia consists of more than 270 ethnic groups. " As I have stated before Australia, like Canada is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. https://www.thetoptens.com/nations/multicultural-countries/ Australia number 1 Canada Number 2 https://www.worldexcellence.com/discover-the-12-most-multicultural-countries-in-the-world/ Yes when I was a kid 50+ years ago, some Australians called other Aussies that were born outside of Australia " wogs " They used to call us skippies. One of my Dutchie mates actually came up with the name " clog wogs ", for people who were from Holland, the place his parents came from. Do you know what the acronym " wog " means here is Aus ? Western Oriental Gentleman. Seeing as you have brought up derogatory terms. Here is one Jewish people across the world use to describe people of non Jewish ancestry. " Goyim is a Derogatory Word That Even Offends a Jew " https://www.summitdaily.com/news/goyim-is-a-derogatory-word-that-even-offends-a-jew/ " I find it disturbing that your paper printed out the letter, " Goyim are out in hordes " by Matt Crane. As a Jew I am offended by the term " Goyim ". In general when Jewish people use this term it has a derogatory and racist undertone, as was the context it was used in Matt Krane's letter. It could be argued that it is only a Jewish word meaning gentile: however it has a demeaning connotation. " As usual you have tried to fling some " shit " at the wall, it hasn't stuck, and again you have proven to full of the proverbial.
  18. You are a god fearing Mormon. You actually want to go on a holiday so your can preach the word of your god door to door. I pity those people on the Island.
  19. The Flyers Play Off Roster Jon Drouin...Mika Zibanejad...Kaapo Kakko Alex Iafallo...Pavel Zacha...Charlie Coyle Miles Wood...Blake Lizotte...Jimmy Vesey Miro Heiskanen.....Neil Pionk Brady Skej.....Brett Kulak Scott Wedgewood Good luck to the Hurricanes. And all the other teams participating in the GFL playoffs.
  20. As I have stated a few times, I have " sponsored " a number of kids in Africa for decades. When I brought up, what was at that time the world largest humanitarian crisis on this planet, the plight of the people in Yemen, in the Ukraine war thread on the old board, I was told by a regular poster in this thread, that if I cared that much about it, I should start a thread about that. I did. Apart from those I have come to know that are compassionate, kind people, no one cared enough to even comment briefly on the situation there. I am well aware of the suffering that exists in this world. For some reason I feel their pain. Like it actually upsets me that people are starving, that they live in fear. That they don't have what we do. A safe place to raise their kids, food to eat and access to a good education. The very basic of human rights. I was raised by people who gave a large chunk of the wealth they earned to people that were far less fortunate than us. They instilled those values in me. My heart tells me that this is the right thing to do. And it's not just in other countries that kids are living in poverty. As of 2022, over 750,000 kids live in poverty here in Australia. Which according to The Smith Family is one in six Aussie kids. Again I " sponsor " a couple of " Smith " family kids. https://www.thesmithfamily.com.au/ I give a bit of money, that's good. The real heroes are the volunteers who actually give their time to helping these kids, and others that are far less fortunate than us. Apart from our loved ones, time is the most precious thing we have. It can never be replaced once it is gone. We have just lost a true Australian hero, Les Twentyman. He devoted his life to helping those in need. To those who some others in society looked down on. https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/les-twentyman-wrote-his-own-eulogy-these-are-his-parting-words-20240415-p5fjz2.html I count myself very lucky to have met this man, shake his hand and have a brief chat.
  21. Who in their right mind punishes kids for the actions of adults ? So let's follow your logic, you murder someone, that gives me the right to kill and/or starve your kids ? And in the case of the Palestinians, the kids of people who weren't even involved in the terror attack on October 7 ? And just so we are clear, are you accusing me of being a Hamas supporter simply because I am advocating for aid to be delivered to the Palestinians, with the focus on food being provided first for the children ? Unlike you I condemn all violence. All those Sunni countries. So are you are supporter of Saudi Arabia ? You know the country where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from. Their leader who ordered Jamal khashoggi to be murdered and chopped to bits. Where women cannot get married or obtain healthcare without the permission of their " male guardian ". Other basic rights such as free speech and the right to a fair trial are denied. As for your hope that Israel survives, they were attacked over 6 months ago for a couple of days. For more than six months they have been the aggressor. They have never been at risk of " not surviving ". I am in agreement with you about the corrupt Palestinian leadership, they should be removed. What are your thoughts on the corrupt Isreali leadership ? I am especially interested to hear from the people who I know are very anti - religion about the far right religious fanatics that are making the political decisions in Isreal right now. There has never been a real divide in Israel between religion and the state, and now as I have stated, fanatical religious dudes are making, or at the very least, influencing the decisions that are made in the Knesset. Remember all the bullshit claims Isreal made about UNRWA employees months ago being terrorists ? Months later, they have yet to provide any evidence to back up those claims. They have, and are continuing to stop the UNRWA from delivering aid to Gaza. So we are clear, advocating that countries, in this case Isreal abide by International Humanitarian Law is not supporting terror organisations such as Hamas, or trying to justify the acts of terror they commit.
  22. Yes those couple of years with the better part of 5 million in dead cap are going to be painful. Still blows my mind that the Wild have a had a few years of close to 15 million in dead cap. It will be interesting to see what management do in regards to signing our UFA's, who they retain, and how much they pay them. I have my own ideas however can't be bothered discussing those. One thing I will say, unless something drastic happens with Hughes, injury, form, he should be the priority signing when his next contract comes up. He is one player I would like to see, be a Canuck for the whole of his career.
  23. No problems brother, I know your work schedule takes you away from home at times. Hope every is good with you and your loved ones.
  24. Agree with the top paragraph. I used to think like that in regards to ELC's as a fantasy GM. Then when I was lucky enough to get a very knowledgeable member as my AGM he pointed out that signing players to their ELC's in the first couple of years is good, especially if they are not playing in the NHL. By the time they get there, their ELC will have run out in a year, maybe two and very probably they haven't made a huge impact, so you can sign them to a cheaper bridge deal, that takes you closer until you have to give them that longer, higher paying contract that takes them into their UFA years. If they have proved they have earned it, playing that year maybe two longer on a bridge deal. Good for the player in a way to, showing them you are committing to them early.
  25. I hope you have a fantastic time. What an awesome trip that will be. I know you are very probably going to see the pyramids. If I ever go to Jordan I would love to visit Petra.
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