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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. The Redwings call up Michael Kesselring.
  2. @MatchesMalone is way better at trading than I am.
  3. Came to Canada in the mid 90's to ski, as skiing was my life. Minimum 200 days a year between Aus, Canada and other parts of the world. Anyway got introduced to Hockey Night in Canada, and drop in hockey at Big White, just a bunch of locals, and was hooked. Of course being in BC, just had to follow the Canucks. Can't remember the real early highlights of games I watched when I first got to Canada. On moment that does stick out from those early years of watching Hockey was McSorley's hit on Brashear. I used to be a bit more " punchy " back and those days, I remember screaming at the Telly. I remember I used to love going to Value Village in Kelowna and looking for and buying old Jersey's and other Canucks paraphernalia. Would always spend some time at Whistler and a buddy there took to a game. We had seats right up close to the ice, it's not what you know but who you know. Never took team sports that seriously back then before I found hockey, was more into individual pursuits like MTB and skiing. However once I found hockey, I even played drop in hockey over here in Aus. I can clearly remember 2011, and my memory is screwed, watching every game of the final, still thinking we were gonna win game 7. The feeling of devastation when we lost. My thoughts on this year are based on head not heart. In team sports it usually takes a few attempts at play-offs/finals here in Aus, to actually win it all. Play-offs/finals are like a different season, first the mental confidence of knowing you have been there before and succeeded, and the time you had to make decisions/plays in the regular season disappears. I am not saying the Canucks can't win it all this year, just tempering my expectations. I do believe like most that we have a core of players at the important positions that is the basis of a successful team. It's the role players, the meat and potatoe players that are the difference between the top teams.
  4. Really sorry to hear about the passing of your father brother. I was talking about the loss of my parents in another thread. They never truly leave us, they live on in our hearts. When I go visit my parents grave and see the words on their headstone, Devoted Husband- Wife, loving parents, beloved Nana and grandad. That gives me so much comfort.
  5. That's an insult to Cartman.
  6. As I have stated many times, it's always a choice between the the lesser of two evils for us here in our supposed democracies. The parties choose their own candidates. Political lobbying as well as political donations. Trey and Matt hit the Nail bang on the head when they came out with this Doesn't the turd sandwich really remind you of someone. Like seriously
  7. Ergo, that's why I keep on pointing out it's the intent behind the use of the word, and/or a joke.
  8. Gotta disagree there brother. Words have specific meanings. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/zionist Zionist " someone who belongs to or supports a political movement that had as its original aim the creation of a country for Jewish people, and now supports the state of Israel " You could describe me as a Zionist. I support the right of the state of Israel to exist. The analogy you have provided is completely different. I spoke about this when I was talking about humour/jokes. It is the intent behind the use of the word or joke that is told that defines its meaning. Also the racial connotations behind the N word are far different from the term Zionist. As Roman has noted he doesn't mind being called a Zionist, IMO he seems proud to wear that label. White, black whatever race you are, it's still acceptable to use the word Zionist.
  9. More Jewish voices speaking out. It's messed up how they indoctrinate their kids. However when they actually go to Israel, join the IDF and serve in the occupied territories and see the truth of the situation there, well it's obvious from their reactions how they feel once they learn the truth. Thanks for posting, that's a doco a will try and find. This is an article about the film makers https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/nov/12/israelism-documentary-american-jewish-israel-palestine-conflict Lots I could quote, but one thing I have always thought about but never mentioned was this, in regards to Trump, remembering that AIPAC is the largest Israeli lobby group outside of Isreal " The directors point to Aipac's unwavering support for Donald Trump even as he refused to condemn antisemitic white nationalists, as evidence as the way the organisation prioritises support for Israel over other interests. " And then there was the time he tweeted " an image of Hilary Clinton surrounded by money with the words, the most corrupt candidate ever, inside a six pointed star, the shape of the star of David. This is the guy that Netanyahu claimed " Trump is the best friend Israel has ever had in the Whitehouse "
  10. Yes not all Jews are Zionists, in saying that I don't believe all Zionists are bad people. They are like any group of people, good - bad and everything in between. " Not all Jews are Zionists " https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2023/12/29/barron-ritz-jack-jews-zionists/ This article is written by Jewish Harvard students I could quote a few things from this article however these comments seem pertinent in relation to anti Semitic comments " We do not deny the threat of anti semitism which purportedly prompted this hearing. In fact we are hyper- aware of antisemitism's evils. Our ancestors fled extermination in Europe and their experiences are anything but unique. To be Jewish is to inherit the generational trauma of constant trauma. Today, this trauma is reinforced: there has been a ride in nation wide rise antisemitic crimes since the October. 7 terrorist attacks. Yet discussions about fighting antisemitism are neither honest or effective as long they conflate criticism of the Isreali state with such hate. Just as we fear rising antisemitism, we fear how claims of antisemitism have been weaponized to other forms of bigotry. Over the last few months we have seen our pro-Palestinian peers ruthlessly silenced, doxxed, and harassed. These attacks have largely targeted Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and black students, and they have been shamefully justified under the guise of combatting antisemitism. Yet while antisemitism has received an abundance of media coverage, government enquiry and administrative response, anti Palestinian hate, xenophobia, and racism have only seen a fraction of that attention. " Remember this was a huge controversy, students suing Harvard.
  11. How about 36 Rabbi's in North America alone https://www.trtworld.com/us-and-canada/dozens-of-rabbis-protest-at-un-to-demand-israel-end-its-war-on-gaza-16598620 And then there is Rabbi Arik Ascherman Rabbi helps occupied West bank farmers amid rising Israeli settler violence https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2023/11/13/rabbi-helps-occupied-west-bank-farmers-amid-rising-israeli-settler-violence " There is no excuse, no explanation, no justification for what Hamas did " in its October 7 attacks on southern Israel, said the US-born 64-year- old, a veteran activist with the Rabbi's for human rights group, referring to the deadly incursion in southern Israel by Hamas, the group that rules Gaza. " But the average Isreali today is not prepared to distinguish between Palestinian terrorists and terrorised Palestinians " he added, alluding to a rise in settler attacks since October 7 " Here is a guy that is living in Israel helping to protect Palestinian farmers in the west bank And here he is being attacked by an Isreali settler And he wasn't the only Rabbi from that group to help the Palestinians Rabbi's form human shield to protect olive harvest in west bank https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/12/10/rabbis-for-human-rights-protect-west-bank-olive-harvest/ " Rabbi Avi Dabush heads the charity and continues the work despite being displaced from his home at Kibbutz Nirim, one of the communities that was hit hardest during the Hamas massacres on October 7. " We won't go home for at least another year " Mr Dabush told The Telegraph. The war and the tensions it has sparked makes him and the organisation even more determined to continue its work Inspite of the new challenges the war has brought he said. " Here is a victim of the October 7 attacks who hasn't lost his humanity.
  12. It ain't brother, buy what can I do. She had convinced him I am not his dad by telling him I am not his dad because he is an IVF child. This is not only breaking the court orders, more importantly it's a very serious form of child abuse, Parental Alienation. I am in a damned if I do, damned if I don't situation. If I go back to the courts he will resent me now, and maybe later in life. If I don't he might believe I have given up on him. All the advice I have had is to let it go and he will come back to me eventually. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through.
  13. You know me brother, I don't hate anyone or much of anything. Only love for my Mafia brothers and sisters. Now the game is over I can say, all day I have been thinking of my son. He turned 11 today. I haven't seen him in over six months, how he must have changed so much. I am crying as I type this.
  14. I am so very glad the two people I trusted, who I call my friends, are the people I know them to be. Fuckin honest good people.
  15. Thanks for hosting a great game 112. That was intense. Mostly of my own making. Thanks to all, and congrats to Lucky, KZA and MSB
  16. I believed you at the end Sharpie, I tried to post however 112 must have shutdown the thread.
  17. I always had the feeling that MSB was playing the Newbie card from round 3 I brought this up and asked you guys what you thought.
  18. You call it BJ, I ain't got the guys for this. I am weak as piss when it comes to trusting my friends.
  19. You promise you are town, like super promise me you are town ? I have gotten to trust BJ
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