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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. I was about to post about SS however the post came up What do you mean by this ?
  2. He's either really a newbie just following others, which in one post, he states I ain't no lemming. Or he is using the cover of being a newbie to slide on by. His consistent themes are, newbie and slankers.
  3. I take freedom and justice very seriously. Conversely I take injustice very seriously as well. As I have mentioned several times on this and the old board, my mother used to ask me, why do you take the weight of the world on your shoulders son ? Why do you feel others pain so much ? The only answer I have for this question is that this is the person I am. I have always felt this way. Do I genuinely believe a " Utopian " world will ever exist in my or even my son's lifetime ? No I do not. Will I ever give up advocating for what I believe in ? No I will not. All my posting is done on phone, I don't have another internet connection apart from my son's tablet. Why alas that you have posted ? You have treated me with respect and dignity. You thoughts deserved to be heard equally as much as anyone else's. Why do you think this thread is close to four hundred pages ? Why do you think this never ending conflict generates so much dialogue, protests and interest across our planet ? Because one way or another, this conflict brings out emotions in so many people.
  4. They are made unrealistic by people who don't think like me then ? Like just about everybody else in this thread, apart from the usual suspects. And because I advocate for others to have what we take for granted, that makes me Utopian ? And seriously I find nothing about this conflict, or any conflict to " lol " about. Do you think it's just religious fanatics that cause all the shit in the world. Tell that to Xi Jinping, To Kim Jong Un And while Putin panders to the Orthodox Russian people, do you actually believe he is religious ? And the war in Ukraine is a religiously motivated war ? As has been well documented, the Ukraine war is all about territory/land. Just like most wars have been. Check the god thread for details on that subject. Anyway thanks for a polite, respectful dialogue.
  5. Thanks BJ. Whether or not we, the town, win this game, my friends believing in me, is far more important to me. I will leave my vote on MSB for now however I will also wait for what unfolds in the next few hours to make my final decision on which one out of those two, to vote for.
  6. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    That was one of @Playoff Beered favourites. Even though we used to argue a lot, I miss him. Smart, witty, intelligent poster on the whole.
  7. This is the hardest decision, final nightfall I have ever been involved in. Just don't know. It doesn't help that we don't have much " history", confirmed scum interactions, with the us, the remaining players.
  8. I trust your read on this take BJ. It kinda makes sense. I know this is kinda weak however I don't have much else to go on. We should all be suspicious of each other. I have come around on you for the reason I gave. Again, in all honesty, I hate losing. If the town loses, I lose. Also there is the motivation of breaking the scums run of wins. Which all the rest of the remaining players, apart from MSB, have all been a part of. Bottom line, while I want to win, I want this game to end so the remaining people in it know I have been true to myself. Being honest. Can't wait to read the DPS.
  9. This is not the case in regards to Gaza. Killing 20,000 women and children and basically destroying Gaza in response to the killing, raping and brutality that happened on October 7. And maybe it's the way I was raised,but the killing women and children affects me more than the killing of men. Especially children, they are totally innocent, have no choice of say in any of these events. And yes killing innocent men is wrong as well. And no I would not kill an innocent person to save, others. As you can see from observing our world, there are plenty of people with guns, and other weapons for that matter, willing to do the job. You know why, why my " hypothetical Utopia " doesn't exist ? Because enough people don't believe in it. Just because you say they are unrealistic solutions doesn't mean they are. We are a stupid species that never learns from the lessons of the past in regards to human conflict. That is evident to those of us who study history. In my case for over half a century.
  10. I know I am not. I do not believe BJ would put in all this effort, this round, into solving this game if he was scum. I am virtually certain he is tp. He is also a very experienced player. He is very good at reading the game. As I have stated apart from the information BJ has provided, I have no real idea ? Also why would it only be Lucky who is going to steal the game ? KZA is scum to.
  11. As you know, there is not much I hate, hate is such a wasted emotion. I do really hate racism. A person is a dickhead simply because they are a dickhead, not because of their race, creed or religion. Conversely a person is a good person because they are a good person nothing to do with race, creed or religion. In any given group of people you will find good to bad and everything in-between.
  12. I " downplayed" the status of their democracy because of the effects it has on this conflict, for the reasons I gave in that post. I have condemned Hamas and all the acts of violence the Palestinian people have ever committed on the Palestinian people. I have yet to see you condemn the extremist settlers who assualt and kill innocent Palestinians. The Isreali soldiers who support them, and the extremist Isreali politicians who support them. Again I don't believe the means justifies the ends for the reasons I have given many times. The fantasy land that floats my boat as you so quaintly put it, is that we treat each other with dignity and respect. That we are all human beings that share this planet together. That every single human being deserves the right to raise their kids in a safe environment. They have food on the table. Access to a good education. Hope for the future. It sucks that the majority of people don't think like I do. If they did, we wouldn't continue to fight these pointless wars over pieces of land. I have already suggested a one state solution. One world, one people. Just think about the hundreds of millions of people that have been killed in the name of " nationalism " over the Millennia. I will ask you a question I have already answered myself. Would anything induce you to kill innocent women and children ? No ifs buts or maybes, a simple answer. As I have stated, I would risk my life to save them.
  13. Gotta love this. Two likes for a post, the poster didn't even have the courage to commit to.
  14. This is good enough for me to follow your lead. I don't have anything else to go on. VOTE MeanSeanBean
  15. Thank you my friend. Your trust in me will be vindicated. Nothing, especially winning a game, is more important to me than that.
  16. For full disclosure it was in response to a post of mine. The post I am referring, Lewts quoting me, is on page 4
  17. Thanks BJ, your respect means lot. I am keeping my shit together today, no outbursts. Don't know what else to say. I know it's reaching for straws however there was Lewts comment about me " being a sweetheart " back in round 1. I was gratified by his character assessment however it could also indicate he not only thought highly of me, he had investigated me and was trying to tell people I am tp, in very roundabout way.
  18. Totally nailing my character as you, and Sharpie especially well know. Lucky actually warned me a game or two ago about bringing my personal life into the game. I can't help it. I open up to the people I consider to be my friends. Even " internet" friends.
  19. Ask those who know my posting history both in and outside of this game, especially Sharpie because we interact a lot. I wear my heart on my sleeve and am happy to do so. I am told this is my saving grace, that I do indeed have a good heart, I am also a bit " out there ". You will see that what have claimed is true in about five hours. I am Ellen March a tp. Nothing is more important to me now after I have gone to all this effort to defend my good name. This game has become too much about me as far as I am concerned. I want to break the scums streak of wins however I have more important things on my mind today. I don't have a clue which one of you guys is scum.
  20. If you are tp you are going to lose us the game, if you are scum, congrats in advance if I get voted out.
  21. And this will be proven true at the end of this round. Knowing me, do you believe I would lie, like this to win a game ? As much as I want to win, I would not go to these lengths in regards to lying.
  22. So you are willing to criticise one side, the Palestinians, while totally ignoring the injustices visited upon the Palestinian people, while also not offering any solutions ? You criticise Hamas' and rightfully so. How about the Isreali right wing extremists that control their government. The extremist settlers and soldiers who assault and kill with impunity Palestinians civilians in the West Bank ? And of course there's a solution, let the peacemakers on both sides make the deal. The problem is the nutbag extremists on both sides control the narrative. As for your detailing made up scenarios of how things could get worse. They already have borders, which they, the Isrealis ignore in the case of the West Bank, from which they continue to steal more land from the Palestinians there. And no of course I don't believe they should have a military. I do believe they have the right to police their own citizens. Yes it's not a competition, however as you can see there are nearly 25 times more Palestinian victims in that time period than Isreali victims. Like WTF man, there were 120,000 between Palestinian killed and injured between 2008 and 2020 alone, how fucked up is that. And yes it's fucked up that 5,800 Isrealis were victims to, but you can see how one sided those figures are. Yes I have stated Hamas' has to go, however at the cost of 20,000 innocent women and children ? And who knows how more to come ? Do you believe that mass murder, October 7, 1200 people justifies mass murder, the last four months in Gaza, 20,000 people. And the virtual destruction of Gaza itself ? I don't. And you have obviously not read all my posts or you don't remember them. To paraphrase one post Do I believe this will be an easy process, fuck no. I am looking for the ways and means to bring an end to this never ending conflict. I am the only poster who posts articles and videos about Palestinians and Israelis working together for peace. You seem to want to find every reason there is for this conflict to continue.
  23. This is not telling the whole story, according to Ehud Olmert, the Isreali PM who was negotiating with Abbas, states, Abbas actually never said no to the deal https://jordantimes.com/news/region/abbas-never-said-‘no’-my-plan-says-israels-former-pm-olmert Now it has been reported that Abbas has since stated he rejected the plan, but as you can see, the person who was negotiating with him at the time has stated Abbas never rejected the deal out right, at the time
  24. As Sharpie stated I would never use my son for anything, full stop. As for using real life events, that's my nature, I do this no matter what thread I am contributing to. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I am happy to do so. As I have stated all along, I have never come out and categorically stated I am tp, when I was scum. And this will be proven to be true at the end of this game.
  25. There never was an independent Canadian state at one point in time. There never was an independent Australian state at one point in time. And not that Iong ago in the scheme of things, just under 125 years ago. So with this post you are basically denying the right of the Palestinians to have a state of their own, just because they have never had an independent state. How many times to I have to say I condemn Hamas' use of violence, in regards to your barrel of a gun. And you must remember, the state of Israel was formed off the back of many barrels of guns. And acts of terror. And what's with the hyperbolic comment about me beating my chest about the Kurds ? I was the first to actually bring them up in this thread, stating I feel sorry for them most of all. They get screwed by everyone. Here's a reminder of when I first brought up the Kurds " And the Irish hate the Irish And it's Arab versus Jew You're cactus if you're Kurdish " TISM As I have previously stated, the Irish have got their shit together. We are two thirds of the way there. If there was a thread about the Kurds, I would be advocating for them to have freedom and justice, just like I do for the Palestinians. Just as I state that freedom and justice are basic human rights that everyone should enjoy. I would start one up however I am reasonably certain that it would be like the thread I started about Yemen on the old board. Apart from the obvious couple of compassionate people who contributed, no one else cared. And why do they rely on that nation ? Because that nation has blockaded them, and occupied their other territories. You should well know, I strongly believe in freedom and justice for everyone. That's part of the reason I am in this thread, and on this board everyday.
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