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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Not much has changed from last round for me, except I am coming around in regards to SV. The two newbies I have no read on at all. Again with BJ I could go either way. I would err on the side of you being tp. KZA I got towny vibes off the first round however, this round not so sure, there is minimal input. Sharpie did say he would slank, however he has showed up and put some effort in. Willing to take him at face value for now. That leaves Lucky, again I stated I could go either way with him. Hoping he shows up up soon to contribute. For now seeing as the consensus is, though I am not confident about any vote ATM Vote Lucky Lager
  2. Didn't want to " have " to vote for you for just slanking or the risk of losing 3tp, just because you might have been god killed. UNVOTE I am hoping we get some more input in the next few hours.
  3. Mate, we are going over the same old ground. I have " complained " many times about Palestinian wrongs, condemning October 7, and all the previous violence they have inflicted upon the Israeli people. Don't know how many the times I have to say this, I condemn violence full stop ! Wherever it happens in the world. You should apply what you are saying to many of the Isreali supporters in this thread. Apart from you I haven't noticed anyone condemning the violence the Isrealis have inflicted on the Palestinian people. They find reasons to justify it. 70 percent of the people who have been killed in Gaza are women and children. The comments I have seen are at best, that's sad but it's Hamas' fault. Like WTF ? Finding reasons to justify the killing of women and children ? Stating that the ratio of the killing of civilians to combatants is low ? Here are some facts Daily death rate in Gaza higher than any other major 21st century conflict - Oxfam https://media.oxfam.org.au/2024/01/daily-death-rate-in-gaza-higher-than-any-other-major-21st-century-conflict-oxfam/ " Israels military is killing Palestinians at an average rate of 250 people a day, which exceeds the daily death toll of any other major of recent years, Oxfam said today " " Using publicly available data, Oxfam calculated that number of average deaths per day for Gaza is than is significantly higher that any recent major armed conflict including Syria (96.5 deaths per day), Sudan (51.6), Iraq (50.8), Ukraine (43.9), Afghanistan (23.8) and Yemen (15.8) Like the difference in those figures is staggering. And there are estimates of close to 3000 more buried under rubble including 1500 missing children. Now I know this article is nearly two months old and the rate of civilians being killed has gone down, there is never any justification for killing innocent women and children. Lamenting that fact then going on to blame Hamas is just using them as justification for killing innocent women and children ? This article gives more of a current breakdown, dated a few days ago. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68387864 As you can see the Israeli themselves give different figures for Hamas' fighters killed. In relation to the civilian deaths per day " The fatality data for the current conflict form the Gaza health ministry shows a sharp increase in the proportion of women and children among the dead compared to previous wars " " The pace of killing it appears on the face of it, to have slowed down, from about 330 deaths a day in the first month in the first month of the conflict to approximately 110 deaths a day over the past month. " Why do so many of my fellow human beings always come up with reasons to justify the killing of innocent people ?
  4. Itamar Ben-Gvir, a senior member of the Isreali government has been convicted of supporting a terrorist organisation. Also incitement to racism, destroying property. Nothing to argue about there, that is a fact. The article detailed those sanctions. The point of that article was more could be done. It also provided rational, logical reasons why more should be done. You are right, two wrongs don't make a right, however as I continually point out, the " settler wrong " has been going on for nearly 50 years. Don't you believe that this contributes to the " Palestinian wrong " of terrorism and violent resistance ? The endless circle I keep talking about.
  5. So, Sharpie or Lucky, who do you believe is the best choice out of those 2 ? And the more I think about SV's statement about not losing three people this round, if Sharpie doesn't show up and is god killed, isn't good for the town of all three people we lose are tp. That's supposing Sharpie is tp and who we vote for is tp and the scum take out one of us. So if/ until we hear from Sharpie VOTE Sharpshooter
  6. What's the difference between a terror group like Hamas, and " extremist " settler Groups in regards to the " terror they instill the into their victims ? https://www.brookings.edu/articles/extremist-israeli-settlers-are-nonstate-armed-actors/ " The extremist settlers are transparent and ideological in their goals: to drive Palestinians if not entirely out of the west bank then at least 60 percent of the west bank classified by the Oslo process as classified as the Oslo process as Area C which is under full Israeli civilian and military control. Whether they justify it on biblical grounds, revenge or claims for safety in light of the October 7 massacre, their goal is to create a homogeneous Israel " from the river to the sea " . This constitutes ethnic cleansing a crime sited in a recent US designation of a Sudanese paramilitary force. In refusing building permits and cutting off access to agricultural land, the Israeli government severely restricts Palestinian economic activity and movement in area C which under the 1995 interim agreement ( Oslo 11 ) was intended to be gradually transferred to Palestinian control except for areas to be discussed in final status arrangements ( ie settlements ). From it's swearing in in December 2022, the Netanyahu government has promoted defacto annexation over Area C, in essence endorsing the goals of vigilante settlers. Despite admonishments from the Biden administration, there is no sign that the current Israeli cabinet, with ministers such as Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich openly supportive of the extremist settlers goals and methods, will reign in, let alone arrest the extremist settlers who intimidate and attack with impunity. The rule of law that might protect Palestinians or bring violent settlers to justice does not apply. Yet as the Netanyahu government at best looks the other way, it is in the US interest that the west bank doesn't explode in communal violence alongside a war in Gaza and threats from Hezbollah, Iranian - allied militias in Iraq and Houthis in Yemen. It is also in US against interests to see support for Hamas grow, as surely will happen in reaction to settler violence in the West Bank and the war in Gaza. Given the Israeli governments refusal to act, the United States must. The Biden's adminstration's visa restriction policy and delay in transferring rifles are welcome but insufficient. The United States should consider the marauding extremists settlers as non state actors ( NSAA ) and draw on a broader set of mechanisms, including the freezing of financial accounts and other sanctions. Since Visa restrictions do not affect any Israeli - American duel citizens involved in the violence, the US government could widen the target net and pursue Americans who are implicated in group attacks on Palestinian civilians - in the same way that American citizens who are part of international narcotic or criminal rings are no more immune from punitive measures than foreign national in those groups. The United States could also seize assets of US based groups funding extremist settler Groups attacking Palestinians civilians, in the same way law enforcement tries to disrupt financial flows from US based groups financing violent extremism. The United States could work with like minded countries, as happens in counter terrorism and preventing violent extremism efforts, to build coalitions with multinational measures responding to extremist settler violence. European Countries struggling with internal political reactions to the Israel - Hamas war, may welcome joining efforts aimed at curbing settler violence. Israeli government officials who aid and abet extremist settler violence would also face repercussions. While an exact definition of non state armed actors is contested, a general understanding would encompass groups that use violence, threats and intimidation to promote a political, ethnic or religious agenda that comes at the expense of peace and stability in areas where NSAAs operate. Extremist settler Groups would seem to qualify. Like the January 6th insurrectionists in the United States, they are extremist actors, supported by politicians, taking ilegal actions to change the agreed political dispensation. For decades the United States has encouraged Isreal to end settlement expansion and to remove settlement outposts considered ilegal even under Israeli law. The US approach, relying more on words than tangible leverage failed: settlement growth in the west bank and east Jerusalem has nearly tripled in the 30 years after the Oslo process, from approximately 250,000 settlers in in 1993, to 700,000 today. Following multiple Israeli smoke - and - mirrors announcements of settlement freeze meant to placate Washington while allowing construction to continue, frustrated US officials joked that " settlements like water, expand while frozen " Cracking down on violent extremist settlers will not address the challenge of how to establish a contiguous Palestinian state crisscrossed with settlement roads and infrastructure, where most of the largest settlements are essentially bedroom communities for Jerusalem and Tel Aviv that were built with support from successive Israeli governments on occupied land. Nor will and end to settler violence and settler expansion miraculously create Palestinian government institutions. However at the very least, punitive measures against violent settlers should prevent a bad situation getting worse. The United States draws on a wide variety of tools and coalitions to fight back against Palestinian terrorism, and now Washington should expand the mechanisms used against extremist violent Israeli settler Groups - especially in the absence of effective action, and in the light of possible encouragement, from the Netanyahu government. " The Author of this article, Jeffrey Feltman is Jewish - American. He has also worked for several US adminstration's including as the US ambassador to Lebanon, the United States consul general in Jerusalem, amongst other posts. Brookings Institute Media Bias https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/brookings-institute/ Factual reporting very high, highest rating. MFBC rating High credibility. Does all this sound reasonable, logical and factual to you OP ?
  7. I was researching my name to see what if any connection it had to Tupac. And if other names could give any insight into affiliation.
  8. Me and a couple of friends I went down to the fight with left as soon as it was finished. We were so bummed. Apparently the judges realised they had made a mistake and had forgot to deduct the point. They reversed the decision 10 minutes later, declaring the Steph the winner. Stephanie now has won 3 belts in 6 fights. Fuck YEEEAAAH. This article give you an insight into the hurdles Steph has had to overcome. https://berwicknews.starcommunity.com.au/sport/2024-02-29/distancing-from-a-dark-place/
  9. I have never blocked anyone, and I never will. I don't run away from a " fight ". Figuratively speaking. You don't seem to get that slandering someone isn't what good/nice people do. If you are stating that Super is an anti semite, has made anti Semitic comments, then you are basically stating that Sharpie and PO are allowing him to make those statements. For the record are you stating they are allowing anti Semitic comments in this thread ?
  10. Seriously ? I didn't vote for a player who ended up being tp. In fact the two others that voted with me for SV are now dead, and were both town. One of which is NIK, who was taken out by the scum, and you yourself stated, who else shoots NIK in Rd 1 except me.
  11. Respect noted and much appreciated my friend. However as I stated I am Ellen March, a tp. I don't understand why my fellow townies won't come out and tell the rest of us their names.
  12. In that game I never came out and made a specific claim about being tp. Sure I was devious and played the game, but I never made any definite claims about who, or what my role was. Anyhoo that's in the past. Real let down tonight. The judging was messed up in most of the fights. There was 2 draws when guys clearly won the fights. Then for Steph's fight, it was an even fight, however the other girl fought dirty, even had a point deducted and they still hold of declared the fight a draw.
  13. I have felt a bit " uneasy about SV from the start. I have stated this. So UNVOTE VOTE SV
  14. Brother you can prod me all you want, I am not scum. Again I am Ellen March a tp. I am guessing 112 gave us all names, so be honest and tell us what is yours. I know if and when I get voted out, my claim will be proven true and my credibility, which is very important to me, will be intact.
  15. Shit, 3 wagons and I want my vote to mean something. Don't know which wagon to jump on. Literally waiting for my friends to pick me up
  16. I don't like voting for good my friend however he has broken his golden rule and did slank to a win recently as we both have noted. So sorry Brother VOTE SS
  17. As I have already stated get towny vibes of lewt so far. Lucky, I am in two minds. I have already stated what I think about SV. I have questions about everyone. And I would expect everyone to have questions about me. I have seen your vote for me and that's cool. I am as viable a target as anyone at this point in the game. I will reiterate. I am Ellen March a " normal tp
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