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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. I am not against taking out a slanker, however we should think about the reason for which one we choose. Who has slanked the most. Sharpie is number the number one, he did say he would slank, no excuse. Demko has only made 2 posts and they have both been in relation to meansean. Falc has posted a few times saying he is busy IRL. Everyone else has made some sort of effort.
  2. I know this is bringing my personal life into the game however I am so excited. My friends daughter, my Avatar, is fighting tonight for another two belts. Her trainer Blake Caparello, a guy we have got to know pretty well, just won a NABA gold title last Friday night in the US at the ripe old age of 37. Gotta leave for the fight shortly before Night fall so I won't be around then.
  3. I am not condescending. I treat you like I do everyone else, with respect and dignity. You seem to make it personal with a lot people. And frankly I am tired of you slandering someone, calling them anti Semitic. You continually play the victim card, calling on the mods to moderate behaviour you take offence to. I totally trust Sharpie and PO to moderate this and all threads. And I believe if anyone stated anything that was anti Semitic in the slightest, they would be all over it. It's just a discussion board, a place where people discuss things. No matter what comparisons you want to bring up, taking the piss out of someone/ something is totally cool as long as there is no ill intent. And yes it's totally cool to take the piss/ make a joke about first nations people, again as long as their is no ill intent. I think it was @Optimist Prime who posted this song. This song is politically incorrect as fuck nowadays, however all he was doing was taking the piss, like all his songs do. Every single one for forty years. Just like this one, he wrote when the Canadian authorities told him, he can say fuck, shit whatever, but you can't say cunt in Canada. You should lighten up and learn to take the piss out of yourself. Here I will show you how it's done. They say big hands, big feet, Big d#$#, and they say two outa three ain't bad. Well mother nature ripped me off. I will take the piss out of everyone/everything including myself. As I have stated on the old board long before you were on there, I don't care what race, creed, religion a person is, all that matters is that they have a good heart, that they are a good person. I treat others the way I wish to be treated myself.
  4. This reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where Jerry got a little bit pissed at a guy who had just converted to Judaism, making Jewish jokes. You do realise this was a Jew making a joke about other people making jokes about " his " people. And to actually compare telling jokes about a people, to people using the N word in relation to African Americans is BS. And to introduce some humour into this thread. This is a Jewish site that states that in some cases it's bloody hilarious when non Jews tell a " Jewish " joke. https://forward.com/life/420764/11-jokes-about-jews-by-non-jews-that-arent-anti-semitic/ You see Roman it's all about intent. And you often don't seem to be able to tell, when people aren't being anti-Semitic
  5. The only thing forced about my vote, was SV, was who at that time I felt the most Sus about the most. Voted for him got a reaction and will now actually unvote. As for being buddy, buddy. All those conversant with me know that's my personality full stop. UNVOTE
  6. Well of course you are not going to like me voting for you. It's early in the game, this is all purely guess work, and I have a lot of respect for deviousness playing this game.
  7. And even if they go to trial, the conviction rates here in Aus are fucked up. This article details the BS, victims of sexual assault have to face in our " Justice System " https://www.elle.com.au/culture/politics/sexual-assault-justice-system-australia-26944/ " As it stands, only 1.5 percent of sexual assault cases end in a conviction "
  8. I love you brother. Why aren't you down in Mammoth ripping pow. Was reading Cali has been puked on the last month or so.
  9. Currently I get towny vibes from KZA and Lewt. Falc has posted twice, I think. However I got that badly wrong last game when I accused him of being scum for that reason, and he was voted out that round. Meansean, got no read on him at all. Same with Demko, he hasn't posted much. Both new players. SS, breaking his golden rule, he told us he would be slanking however he virtually slanked his way to a win a game of two ago. NIK, as I have always stated, I find him hard to read, not really wanting to vote for him this round ATM. Lucky, told us he would be slanking however he posted a bit last night. He hasn't been scum for a long time from memory. I know it's randomised but sooner or later he has to rand scum. BJ, could go either way at this stage of the Game. SV, I have already voiced my suspicions about his opening post, like it's nothing solid however I don't have much to go. So for now VITE SV
  10. I was reading about the French and Jordanian airdrops. So has Egypt. Great to see some humanitarian aid getting through to the Palestinians. Good on you guys for doing this. I wish we could do something similar.
  11. Well apparently I have had a sex change for this game. I am Ellen March, a supposedly regular tp, but there's nothing regular about me baby. All my life, people keep telling me I am " special ". I don't think they mean this in a good way. And no I am not hinting at a special role.
  12. I never do mean. I don't call my fellow players, shartpooper or lucky Looger....
  13. You have to bold your votes, and when you change them, you have to unvote and then place your new vote. Wait until a hectic nightfall happens.
  14. Yeah, it is a bit dodgy voting for a person that isn't even in the game. Even accounting for their feud.
  15. No I am not either. Way too early to be claiming anyone's affiliation.
  16. Yes, but is that SS just carrying on their feud ? Wasn't even a proper vote. Wasn't correctly posted.
  17. I am very sorry to hear about this. I don't want to even try to imagine something like that. I will not continue this discussion with you any further, except to say how our personal experiences, impact how we view events from those moments on.
  18. Good start. By my calculatin, we have heard from everyone except for Lucky.
  19. This is an interview with this man, Dr Michael Biggs, an associate professor of Sociology who has investigated protest by self immolation across the world, as well as other forms of social/political protest. https://www.stx.ox.ac.uk/people/michael-biggs Why self immolation is used as a form of protest https://www.npr.org/2024/02/27/1234114390/why-self-immolation-is-used-as-a-form-of-protest " INSKEEP: I should state the obvious. We are taking about suicide, which also has a stated political purpose. So do you see self immolation as any different from other cases where people commit harm to themselves or others? BIGGS: It is. It is very different because in this case, people are acting on behalf - the individuals are acting on behalf of a political cause. And so in most cases, there is no clear previous psychological instability. And so often it's very normal people, very-people who are committed to a political cause, who take the most dramatic step they can imagine to send a communication about the importance of that cause. INSKEEP: I think you are telling me that you do not see a mental health crisis here. You see someone that is making a very deliberate political statement. BIGGS: Yes. I mean of course, it varies depending on the case, but and-of course, the actual interpretation of the action depends on how sympathetic you are. If you are very sympathetic to the person's cause, then you'll say this person is a great martyr for the cause and a hero. If you are unsympathetic, you'll just say he was just or she was just mentally ill. INSKEEP: You know, when I heard about this incident, I immediately thought about a Buddhist monk who set himself on fire in Vietnam in 1963 to protest the US led government in Vietnam. This was before I was born, but I read about it. And there's something about this particular kind of act that sticks in the mind. Is this often the case? BIGGS: Yes. Of course, and that's why where having this conversation today, is precisely why it's so dramatic, and so-such a terrible action that it takes public attention. And that's the whole point of it. INSKEEP: Wasn't the Arab Spring set off by an act of self immolation? BIGGS: Yes, Yes, exactly. In Tunisia, Bouazizi set himself on fire, although it's not clear that he was actually-had a broader political motive. May have just been an act of frustration about his particular treatment by the police. But that led, of course, to the revolt in Tunisia and the Arab Spring. INSKEEP: Oh, you underline a big insight there, I think, which is true of many protests, many public events. It's not merely what the person does, it is how people interpret it afterward and make meaning out of it. BIGGS: Absolutely. Yes. That is crucial. Although of course the individual can-or herself- can change that, by the way that they, the note that they leave or the particular location they choose for the action as well. INSKEEP: So how would you fit Sundays action with this US Air Force airman stood outside the Israeli embassy and set himself on fire, was pronounced dead some hours later on Sunday-how would you fit that action into the broader history of self immolation? BIGGS: Well, the clearest parallel would be Norman Morrison in 1965, who was a Quaker, and he set himself on fire outside the Pentagon to protest the war against Vietnam. And that had a comparable impact on-in the news at the time. And obviously he was copying the, self- consciously echoing the actions of the Buddhist monks. INSKEEP: Is it common that this becomes a major event, that may effect the debate a long time after the incident? BIGGS: It has a bigger impact in countries outside the west, in countries like South Korea, Vietnam, Tibet and India. INSKEEP: Why would that be? BIGGS: In America, it's often seen as-or in western countries, it's often seen as too extreme because of the way we react to the method of dying by burning. And also in a democracy, we just see it as there are other ways of making our voice heard. " So the key takeaways from a this interview with an associate professor who has studied this subject of self immolation extensively. " And so it's clear, that there is no clear previous psychological instability. And so often it's very normal people, who are committed to a political cause, who take the most dramatic step they can imagine to send a communication about the importance of that cause. " " I think you are telling me that you don't necessarily see a mental health crisis here. You see someone that is making a very deliberate political statement Yes, of course, it varies depending on the case, but, - and, of course, the actual interpretation of the action depends on how sympathetic you are. If you are very sympathetic to the person's cause, then you'll say this person is a great martyr for the cause and a hero " I personally have not called Aaron a Martyr or hero. I have stated I wished he would have used other means to convey his message. " If you're unsympathetic, you will say he was just or she was just mentally ill " That's the majority view of this board, who by the way are unsympathetic to his cause. And it's actually ludicrous that people don't believe this was a political act. And for making our voices heard in democracies, do you think Aaron felt that the protests that had been going in since the start of this conflict, in the US were being heeded ? Fuck no they weren't. You even have thousands of Isrealis/Jews protesting this conflict, and nothing has changed in regards to the humanitarian situation in Gaza. That is only getting progressively worse. This is now three articles I have posted from sources that have studied this subject. And they refute the claims made in this thread about people like Aaron's mental health. They also explain why some here in the "west" will label people who commit self immolation as mentally ill. You do Aaron a great disservice by stating he is " off his rocker " You might not agree with his actions, or the cause he was trying to bring people's attention to, however there is no need to abuse him. As the Professor Biggs stated, that only highlights your bias.
  20. Yes, can't make up my mind on SV's entrance. Claiming he randed town after the previous 2 games as scum. I know he was scum in those games however I just feel a bit funny about that post. Either way, he is a bloody good player.
  21. Mafia are scum baddies Rand or randed means when the host users a randomiser to assign roles. There are a few other terms that are going to probably confuse you, they do me.
  22. " Vendettas " that go back years I believe. All in good fun. Yes NIK is Naslund Slankers are people who don't post much. Sharpie is @Sharpshooter
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