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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Yes, the for the people who live in a dictatorship, life is hell. However if you are a supporter of the west and have shitloads of oil, well then, you not only get a pass, the west will help you overthrow a democratically elected government to get back into power. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/jun/08/bae44 " The Shah was a pro western dictator. In the early 1950's there was a struggle for power between him and Mohammad Mosaddegh a fervent nationalist. When the Shah was forced to flee the country the British and American financed a coup to overthrow Mosaddegh and put their man back in power. The Shah ran a brutally repressive regime, enforced by the notorious Savak secret police. He was backed all the way by the British and American governments. " And he's not the only one https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2018/10/19/yes-the-u-s-sometimes-supports-warlords-and-dictators-so-when-should-we-stop/ " He may be an SOB, but he's our SOB " I do like that articles final statement. " We can afford to hold MBS accountable. He is one SOB we don't have to live with. "
  2. Literally watching right now an ABC -Aus- news report, the reporter is in the West Bank interviewing a mayor of a Palestinian village. He takes the reporter to what looks like the villages olive groves. Almost immediately a couple of settlers rock up on a four wheeler with machine guns and threaten the group. Within a few minutes Israeli soldiers rock up and " advise " them all to leave. How would all of you like to live in conditions like this ? To bad the only " flawed democracy" - and that's what it is, check the world ranking for democracies - in the middle east. Doesn't allow people whose land they occupy much freedom. Surely that's the definition of persecution, all captured on film.
  3. I have been thinking about this post in regards to your comment about a dog. I am a dog lover. One of the dogs that owned our family was a victim of some serious abuse. I am reasonably certain it had been beaten and I can tell you this, she did not have any hate in her heart. I know I am being pedantic however as I stated, I am a dog lover. To compare an animal that will give you unconditional love to the worst examples of our species ? I have always felt that this is doing a great disservice to man's and woman's best friend.
  4. The shows that while fictitious, and where a pisstake, yet came remarkably close to the truth in regards to politics, from the era you are talking about, and are still relevant today. Yes Minister Yes Prime Minister I still watch the reruns whenever they come on.
  5. Alcohol causes more harm than illicit drugs Both on an individual and societal level. https://www.addictioncenter.com/community/why-alcohol-is-the-deadliest-drug/ https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6A000O/ https://www.otago.ac.nz/oms/engage/news/alcohol-causes-more-harm-than-meth-and-other-illegal-drugs-study I could post study after study that comes to this conclusion. I never was a big drinker, however giving up drinking alcohol was one of the best things I ever did.
  6. While I don't want to down play physical violence, I believe emotional violence leaves a deeper lasting effect. It scars a persons " soul ". My ex was a victim of domestic violence as a child. As far as I know it wasn't physical in nature, it was emotional/mental and coercive control, mostly from what I can gather. Her father treated her mother, her and her 2 sisters as possessions. This is her sister https://www.wehi.edu.au/news/missing-key-could-overcome-drug-discovery-barrier/ This highly intelligent, beautiful woman is basically a recluse. We would only see her at our Christmas get together. She always had this aura of sadness about her. As for my ex she is repeating to a certain extent what happened to her. She is very controlling of our son's life. He is will be 11 in a couple of weeks and he has been seeing a psychologist for over 4 years. He is anxious all the time, and can barely spend the 6 hours away from her going to school. I feel so helpless in regards to being able to help him. I have witnessed this cycle of people who were victims of domestic violence or witnessed their mother being a victim, repeating what they have witnessed. One of the guys I grew up with watched his dad beat up his mum for years as a little kid. When he was 13, he was a big kid/ guy, he beat the crap out of his dad. His dad never touched his mum or him again. A few years later he started going out with one of my friends, he started to hit her after a while. He was a much better fighter than me however I would still try and defend her. I copped a few punches to the head, being told to mind my own business. There is actually a happy ending to this guys life, he eventually hooked up with another friend of ours, had 2 boys, was both a devoted father and partner. He actually broke the cycle of abuse/violence. Something many victims are unable to do.
  7. The program is called Voluntary Assisted Dying here in Victoria Australia. We were the first state to introduce this Law in Aus, back in 2019. https://www.health.vic.gov.au/patient-care/voluntary-assisted-dying-overview What little I know about it is in relation to my oldest friend looking into this, when one of our friends was dying of cancer. What I do know is you want to plan, start the process, at least 6 months in advance according to my friend.
  8. One of my all time favourite comedy routines.
  9. Yes, me to brother. I have been a supporter of his for a long time.
  10. The two most precious things we have in this life are our loved ones and friends and...Time. And the combination of those 2 things, time with our loved ones is the most precious, valuable thing we have. Both are irreplaceable once they are gone. Everything else in your life you can replace. I hope you didn't think I was referring to you with that dumbass kid comment, that was all about me. As for the rest I couldn't find fault with the Ukrainian people wanting some form of revenge, in the case you have mentioned, burn Moscow down. However when does the circle of hatred end if we, as humans, continue down this path. That's what behind this never ending conflict, a never ending circle of hatred and revenge, and the inability of people on both sides to comprise. I do believe that if the Palestinians were given a state of their own that would be a starting point. They would have no reasonable justification for continuing this conflict. Earlier in this thread I related a story, and posted the article, about a Palestinian man whose daughter, son in law and grandchild, were burnt alive in a settler attack. He was raising his grandson who survived, suffering burns to 60 percent of his body. He was teaching his grandson not to hate, but forgive. When we have more people like this in the world, than people who carry hate in their hearts, well maybe we can evolve to the point we stop indulging in this pointless conflicts/wars, where there are no real winners, only losers.
  11. A lot of men also love their women. I waited a long time to meet what I thought was my soul mate. My parents example of not only true devotion to each other, but also illustrating to me, the sum of the parts is greater than the whole, well I wanted nothing less to both give that and be a part of such a relationship. What kind of domestic violence do you call it when the person you loved the most, until your son came along, tells you, you are not a real man because he cannot " give " you a child ? I would have rather she hit me. Bones and bruises heal. That shit I will carry around with me for the rest of my life. What kind of mother films their son self harming while denigrating the other parent at the same time ? What kind of mother commits a harmful form of child abuse, Parental Alienation, telling their child their father, is not their father, simply because he is not his biological father ? After all this I still kinda defend my ex to my friends. We all make choices about the people we want to be. I focus on both the good times we shared, and the fact that without her drive to have our son, he would not exist. The best thing to ever happen to me would not have happened except for her. No matter what she has done, or will ever do, she will always be the mother of our beautiful boy.
  12. I was born in a distant galaxy on the planet Pubatron. I was sent to planet Earth, known to us as the 3rd planet from your sun, to observe your species. I was placed with a family on the continental body you call Australia. I have travelled extensively across your planet. I find human behaviour both confusing and understandable. At your best, you are an incredible species. At your worst, well we won't go there. I stumbled across this game that is played on ice when I was in the place that is known as Canada. I find this game fascinating. Both skillful and brutal. Key components of your human condition.
  13. Thanks for your input. I only asked because I believe you are the best source on this site in regards to information on this subject. As for Lord of the rings, I first read those books when I was still in primary school. I didn't know it at the time but Tolkien was a devout Catholic, like my parents. He called his LOTR a " fundamentally religious and Catholic work ".
  14. A question probably many of us, have asked many times, Why do kids have to grow into adults
  15. I have asked the same question myself. And also brought up the fact that the current actions of Israel are " breeding " a whole new generation of extremists. It seems like a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. What is a fact is one people are stateless, the other people are not. One people pay a greater human cost than the other people do. As for people focusing the blame on Israel, most of the regular contributors in this thread are, and have been die hard Isreali supporters. I am reasonably certain that a few Palestinian supporters don't even bother to post much. One explicitly stated his feelings about how this thread is moderated. I still can't believe that someone stated he would stick people's faces into their own piss. Do you believe this is acceptable discourse anywhere, let alone on this site ? The violence against women you bring up is a huge issue. I grew up with it around me. Not in my family but in some of my friends families. One of my friends mum, she had the worst black eyes I have ever seen on a human being. I was in my early teens and I didn't have the courage to stand up to her husband. His son was a cop, he didn't even do anything about it. As for equality, as I have stated a few times, if I can be half the person my mother was, I have done a great job. I will never be her equal. As for justice I have made my feelings abundantly clear in this matter many times, in many threads.
  16. Let's be serious brother. Who takes this guy seriously ? Getting back to reality, a few weeks ago Sinn Fein vice president Michelle O'Neill was named First Minister of Northern Ireland. While this was agreed to in the 1998 good friday peace accord it has taken the better part of 30 years to happen. An Irish nationalist named as the leader of Northern Ireland. Who woulda thunk this when we were growing up. At least we are one third of the way there in regards to those words from Aussiemandias " And the Irish hate the Irish And it's Arab versus Jew You're cactus if Kurdish "
  17. My reply, especially the part, I take issue with this, was mostly tongue in cheek. I think you know me well enough to know that. What I admire about, is you never attack another members character, or take sly little digs at their expense. I can tell you this, when I was a dumbass kid I would have fought to the death for a " nationalistic " cause, now I would not. I would fight to the death, give up my own life if it meant saving my son's and other people who I love lives. But I am certainly not going to give up my life for a piece of dirt. And I am a farmer, I value dirt. I am a parent. I have a more important duty than dying for my country. Think of all the hundreds of millions of people who have died in the name of their country down the centuries. What a pointless waste of life. In saying this I know I live in the " lucky country " and there is little chance anyone will invade us, still, what is the point in dying for anything apart from your loved ones if you have a choice in the matter. All this does not mean I would not fight to defend my country if I had to, but again I would not fight to the point of deliberately sacrificing my life, last man, last bullet shit. As that nutter George Patton noted, " the object of war is not to die for your country but make the other bastard die for his " And even that is a crock of shit. I don't want to kill anyone. I don't even want to hurt anyone. As for geopolitics, I know wrong and right, bad and good are subjective things. What I also know is that when I see all the death and destruction, the pain and suffering in both Israel and Gaza and the occupied territories o believe that many of the acts constitute injustice. Thanks for the great post Jan, your respect for others is much appreciated by me.
  18. Thanks for the answer. My stupid memory. As I have stated, I remember vividly the events at the Berlin Olympics. I believe, from the research I have done, and what someone like me can know, that the Movie Munich seems to be a really accurate depiction of the events both at the time, and those Isrealis whose job it was to track down the terrorists. I was very surprised by how " normal " these people were, how they were portrayed in the movie. Must see viewing IMO. Again it all comes down to comprise, get the fuck out of the west bank completely, allow the Palestinians East Jerusalem as their capital, ie pre war 1967 borders, all of which is what the international community supports. Even Hamas amended their charter to accept this resolution. Not that I want Hamas to exist anymore. As I stated the even the Irish have managed to get their shit together. The nut jobs on both sides of this particular conflict haven't been able to replicate their feat. While the Isrealis might get rid of Hamas, what will replace them ? The right wing fruitcakes in Israel have been getting more powerful over the last few decades. Very similar to how the PLO was a secular nationalist movement, Zionists were to. Now there are a lot more religious Zionists, they have became a more religiously Nationalist movement, just like Hamas. Or more to the point, their voice is louder, especially in the government. This article is a good read about the break down of Zionism in Israeli society. https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-742927 One of the big key takeaways aways from that article for me and those " athiests " that are regular contributors to this thread. " for a state without seperation of " church and state " the role of religion in government life has always been a point of discussion in Israel. Israel has never fully clarified the lines where religion plays a role in national policy and the ambiguity of religions role has led to robust debate among Israel's citizens. " Hey Primal, got to seperate the church and state.
  19. As you have just pointed out, Hamas rules through/by fear. I read Primals comment on Boko Haram as a back handed attempt at comparing them to the Palestinian people. The people I have been arguing for in regards to receiving aide. His comment was about them, Boko Haram receiving aide. I certainly haven't stated that Hamas should receive aide and never will. Let's take the two choices you have given the Palestinian people, fight or flight. I have already dealt with the fight scenario in regards to what I would do. Would you risk your family, especially your kids in fighting them, I wouldn't. Would you lead the charge, be in the first wave attacking them. I would have probably thought about this back in the days of my misspent youth when I did some crazy shit, however now at 60 and with a son to support, even though I don't see him,I know my limitations. Flight, where are they going to go ? This article details why their " Arab Brethren" don't want to take them in. https://apnews.com/article/palestinian-jordan-egypt-israel-refugee-502c06d004767d4b64848d878b66bd3d Also why should the Palestinians give up the little that is left of their home land ? Palestinian Ideology under the PLO which was a secular nationalist organisation has changed under Hamas to a more religiously oriented Ideology. https://carnegieendowment.org/sada/20790 Can't be bothered at this hour of the night to copy things from the article however there are quite a few factors involved in the change under Hamas, including both Palestinians, Isrealis and outside factors. Apart from all of this, I will ask you one simple question. Stating in advance I know you well, and I know you a very decent person with a shit load of humanity for others. Do you believe that Isreals actions since October 7 are a proportionate response, killing thousands of women and children, virtually destroying Gaza itself, putting nearly 2 million people on the brink of famine. All of this is proportionate for the killing of 1200 people ? And please don't get me wrong those 1200 peoples lives are just as important as the thousands of Palestinian lives that have been lost, and the millions of more that are at risk of dying. Remember the larger percentage of lives we are talking about here, are women and children. The people who are always the real victims of war.
  20. @StanleyCupOneDay If you had to call it today. Who do you believe will win ? And by roughly how many electoral votes ? My interest is ramping up a bit coming into this election cycle. I don't usually contribute to the these US politics threads, it's a complete shitshow. I certainly hope Biden beats PO1135809. It is a really fuckin scary proposition, another four years of PO1135809. Not just what this means for America, but the impact this will have on the world. I do wish the American people had two better, and younger people to chose from.
  21. I don't know how it has escaped people there has been a new party in the US for the last 8 years of so. The Trumplicans.
  22. I take issue with this post. As I have stated many times I support, give money to a couple of human rights institutions, and support/sponsor both children over seas and within my own country. My parents taught me to do this and my heart tells me this is the right thing to do. Even if it's just a discussion board talking about these people is giving them a voice. For example I started a thread on the old board about the Humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Also I have mentioned quite a few times, I believe the squeaky wheel gets the oil. I have written to both my local member and my national " member ", who used to be a real " member ", Tony Smith who was at the time, speaker of our parliament. I believe that we as voters don't just have a voice at the ballot box, but in voicing our concerns to the people who are meant to represent us. Do I strike you as a person who is backwards in coming forward ? As for products from China, I try and buy my electrical products from south Korean companies. Samsung mostly. My fridge and washing machine are Aussie made, and so is my dishwasher, my hands. My car is over ten years old, one of the last two be built in Aus. It also runs on LPG as all my cars since the 90's have. A Shitload better for the environment than petrol or diesel engined cars. As for toys I do admit to buying Lego my son loves it. Some of it is made in china. Regarding fruit and veggies I am lucky, I live in a farming area and I get most of my product locally, supporting a couple of locals who are having a crack. They have a bigger version of the hicks from letterkenny's road side stall. My government, the Australian government first imposed sanctions on Russia back in 2014 and extended them in 2015, 2022 and again last year. As for feeling good, I try and live as sustainablely as possible. Right now I am sitting in the dark, the TV is on. I never use a heater or the cooler, split system. Put on more layers when I am cold, walk around the house in my undies when it is hot. One of the bonuses of being single. Most of these things I have mentioned before on the old board.
  23. Seriously. Are you comparing over 2 million Palestinian civilians to the terror group Boko Haram ? Are all Palestinians now part of Hamas ? You do realise what your governments position on aid to the Palestinians is. The government you worked for. " Canada provides additional humanitarian assistance to in Gaza " https://www.canada.ca/en/global-affairs/news/2024/01/canada-provides-additional-humanitarian-assistance-in-gaza.html Dated Jan 30th " Canada wholeheartedly recognises that Palestinians need for Humanitarian assistance is growing by the hour. The scale of the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza strip continues to require our urgent attention and immediate response. We must insure that Palestinians civilians who need life saving assistance receive it quickly " Your government recognises the fact that civilians shouldn't be punished for the actions of extremists. Canadians as a whole are a bloody good bunch of people. How would you feel if the roles were reversed. I would absolutely be arguing for aid for the Isrealis. Fuck it I will use Mike's words again " And human rights and freedom are just words That have lost all their meaning in a world that is bleeding " More words from that song, " Will we see the end of civility " I read one post today that said " And I will be happy to be there, along the way, sticking their faces into their own piss " Really Optimist ? Do you consider that comment civil ?
  24. Again way to twist what I have stated. Isreal is under no obligation to feed the millions of people who did not attack them. Remember it was Hamas fighters that attacked them, not 2 million plus Palestinians. And also remember the reason why Israel handed the job of doing this to the UNRWA in the first place. So they weren't responsible for providing aid to the Palestinians. What they are obligated to do under international law is allow aid to non combatants/ civilians. https://www.justsecurity.org/91424/the-law-of-relief-action-is-israel-required-to-allow-fuel-into-gaza/ " IHL (International Humanitarian Law) prohibits the starvation of civilians as a method of warfare. This prohibition is enshrined in articles 54 para. 1 of additional protocol 1 (AP 1) article 14 of additional protocol 11 (AP 11) and customary humanitarian law. While it is undisputed that these provisions cover the wilful starvation of civilians, it is less clear how the law applies to the pursuit of a military goal leading to its incidental causation. As I have argued elsewhere sieges are not per se prohibited under these regulations but there is an absolute red line that may not be crossed. As soon as civilians are in need meaning " in fact " inadequately for survival denying access of humanitarian aid...may constitute a violation of the prohibition of starvation as the ICRC explains. Consequently even though Israel is neither state party to AP 1 or AP 11 Israel could be required under customary international law to provide or allow for civilians to receive necessary humanitarian aide if its affirmative conduct - such as complete siege - may otherwise cause mass starvation " Apart from international humanitarian law, Does your heart tell you that millions of people who are on the brink of famine is a proportionate response to the events of October 7 ? My heart and sense of reason tells me this is not a proportionate response. And I believe the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is heart breaking. Politely as possible, however don't you realise how ridiculous your analogy between the Ukraine war and the war in Gaza is. One nation state, Russia, invaded another nation state Ukraine, and has continued to both occupy and attack them for the last 2 years. Neither the Ukrainian or Russian people for that matter are starving. A stateless Terror Group Hamas, attacked the nation state, Israel, killing 1200 people , then a day or two later crawled back into their holes in the ground back in Gaza. While Isreal has been attacking them in Gaza for the last 4 months, killing thousands of civilians, causing the massive destruction to both homes and infrastructure, and as has been pointed out, put over 2 million people on the brink of famine. Apart from the fact that these are both armed conflicts, they are both completely different circumstances/ scenarios to each other.
  25. I still don't see how any of this has to do with millions of people starving. When aid could be distributed by an outside party,or if the Isrealis are really worried about arms and such, oversee the aid themselves. One of the biggest reasons they(the Israelis) let the UNRWA do this in the first place was so they weren't responsible for providing aid to the Palestinians. I know the war is still going on because of Hamas but does that mean starving 2 million people is justified ? I have also stated that Hamas does not care about the Palestinian people. Again the majority paying the price for the actions of a few ? I have never trusted Erdogan or Hezbollah full stop. I have made my feelings very clear in other threads how I feel about the " sultan of Turkey "
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