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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Ilunga

    NFL Thread

    That's how it's done
  2. Ilunga

    NFL Thread

    Don't you fuck with Te-Te
  3. Ilunga

    NFL Thread

    Cracker of a game......
  4. The theory of rational irrationality. Read Bryan Caplan's The Myth of The Rational Voter Caplan suggests that bad policies are selected by voters themselves.
  5. Ilunga

    NFL Thread

    Not sure about ages however these are some " modern" rock n roll bands. https://www.rockandbluesmuse.com/2022/08/26/20-modern-rock-bands-you-need-to-know-about-2022/ Used to love me some Thundermother, sadly they broke up last year.
  6. Yes I cracked up when they used to compare PO1135809 supporters in their trucks with their flags to the ISIS fuckwits in their trucks with their flags. It's either laugh or cry, right ? I believe religion has a place for people like my parents, who actually practiced what those allegories taught. Kindness and compassion to others. Just seperate the church and state. Or church and skate ? Me " heeb " mate again
  7. That's the thing, all of the west bank was never offered in any deal. And as I have pointed out the most fertile land and the land that holds the most resources, Area C, was meant to be ceded back to the Palestinians. That hasn't happened. And some settlements will remain. https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-offered-intact-settlements-as-part-of-peace-deal/ And they, Israel, never want to bring Jerusalem into any peace discussion, which has been pointed out, is one of the biggest impediments to a peaceful resolution to this conflict. You say blah blah blah, this is peoples lives we are taking about. All of the settlements are ilegal under international law. Your government, the government you work for states this. I have stated that is a circle of hatred that is fueled by violence on both sides. If the Israelis got the fuck out of the west bank like the international community calls on them to do, there would be no violence in the west bank. And the " results" of the violence in regards to all Palestinians and Israelis is so one sided. As I have posted from 2008 - 2020 the period that I can find that matches Hamas " rule " 115,000 Palestinians killed and injured compared to roughly 6000 Isrealis killed and injured. And again, no I actually know all the violence in the west bank isn't committed by the Israelis.
  8. I have never referred to any leader of any country as the leader of the " free world ". Could you or anyone else please explain to me what that statement, the free world actually means ? Do you believe that there aren't forces in our societies that control the circumstances of our lives ? When are you actually free ? Do you get up every day and do exactly what you want all day, every day of your life ? Me, the only time I am truly free is when I am riding my bikes, or ski's. I am so totally focused on what I a doing that nothing else matters. And when I used to hang out with my son. That's true freedom right there. Oh yeah, those years living in the back of my car Ski- bumming at Mt.Hotham. All day, every day, hanging out with the people I love, in a place I love, doing what I love.
  9. When that way of life, and those belief systems start impacting others in a negative manner, then those belief systems have to be challenged. And they are not just myths to me, they actually are myths. The writings in the Torah have no archeological or historical evidence to back them up. I will ask you straight up. Do you believe we should base decisions we make in the 21st century on mythical texts that were written thousands of years ago. Some more words from my " heeb " brother " Would you read a 2000 Year old medical journal Techniques for blood-letting Advice on Trichinosis Would you navigate the globe With a map of flat earth Without DNA testing Would you believe in virgin birth " As for the rest, I am with you brother, however that isn't really relevant in regards to the right of Palestinians to have a state of their own.
  10. It is a just over half of all Palestinians who believe that all of Israel, Gaza and the occupied territories belong to them, in regards to a two - state solution. There are a few different polling figures in the article below, I chose the figures that included what Israelis thoughts are on this, in relation to the Palestinians. According to this article 43 percent of Palestinians and 42 percent of Israelis support a two - state solution. So slightly even more Israelis think all of Israel, Gaza and the occupied territories belong to them. https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/what-do-palestinians-want And while I am being a bit pedantic. For clarification. " All of Isreal " Are you stating that Israel, Gaza and the occupied territories constitute all of Israel ? As I totally agree with you about Hamas. Evil is a subjective thing, however they commit horrific acts that can only be condemned. What are your thoughts on the Isreali settlers and their acts of terror ?
  11. Personally I believe we, our species, are so fucked up. We continually find the resources and put in so much effort in finding new ways to fuck each other up. When so many go hungry, are homeless. Even you guys, the worlds largest economy, second wealthiest by GDP, can't even properly work out a system to look after your citizens own health care. Yet you can spend nearly a trillion on the " military". I remember seeing an interview with one of the guys that was instrumental in forming the NHS in Britian. It was not long after the war, he basically stated if we could use those resources to kill each other, surely we can use some of them to look after our fellow citizens. I know what a Neutron Bomb is. I started looking into neutron weapons after those rumours that Mags threatened to Nuke Argentina unless Mitterrand gave her the " kill switch" codes for the Exocet Missile after one sank the HMS Sheffield. Their are Rumours you guys used Neutron weapons in Iraq in 2003. I grew up at the same time as you. I to thought the " grown ups " in the room we're gonna fuck shit up. It contributed to our, who gives a shit attitude. Gotta live for now because who knows if there will be a tomorrow.
  12. Fuckin Ronnie and Mags. All I will ever remember those dudes for, and she wore the pants in that relationship, was they were responsible for their countries building the Neutron Bomb. Oh and that's right, trickle down economics. We have all seen how that shit has worked out.
  13. Yes I am conversant with a lot of old " by gods " history. Jackson's " Indian Removal " policy would be considered close to genocidal in today's world. At the very least ethnic cleansing. He did some good shit, and some really bad shit. What cracks me up is when the repugs went spastic when treasury secretary Jack Lew announced Harriet Tubman would replace Jackson on the $20 bill. Of course PO1135809' administration shut that down.
  14. He,Roman, used the Torah as justification for Israel's right to Jerusalem. This Torah is the Pentateuch, which tells the story of creation of the world, (a)gods covenant with Abraham and his descendants, the exodus from Egypt and he revelation at the Mt. These things are myths, that have no historical or archeological evidence outside of mythical texts to back them up. So, as I have already asked, do we base decisions in the 21st century, on mythical texts that were written thousands of years ago ? Religious freedom ? Frankly I will defend anyone's right to do whatever the fuck they want as long as it does not impact others in a negative manner. And there's the catch. As I have stated, those " holy sites" in the "holy land " have caused so much shit over the Millennia, and they still are. Anyway getting back to the Palestinians I have stated how I feel. I believe what I have stated is reasonable. I wish the same for the Israeli people. Their society wasn't that free and just, before this phase of the conflict started. We all saw what was happening and what the Israeli people thought about it.
  15. I will ask you this, how much land and resources are needed to form a viable nation state ? I was just reading that Isreal was created from 77 percent of the territory that was known as Palestine. What I believe should happen is what the international community wants to happen. A Palestinian state along the lines of pre 1968 boarders. I have already posted that Hamas changed their charter in 2017 to include that stipulation. Don't get me wrong, they have to go. Palestinians have to not just renounce violence, they will have to enforce that. Punish those who engage in violence. I believe they will need some help from an independent third party. Don't fuck with not just their neighbours but anyone. I would love the Scandinavian countries to be on board with this if they are willing. Big time admiration for the way the run their societies and carry themselves on a global basis. Live my golden rule, treat others, including each other, with dignity, respect and compassion. Apart from that what else do the Palestinians have to do apart from build a prosperous, just and free society ?
  16. No need to stand awkward, you have done nothing wrong. Hamas are fucked, I have already stated they should be taken out of the equation. There are so many Isrealis that feel the same way about Jerusalem. Even a Canadian of Jewish descent on this board. First he stated he didn't want the Palestinians to have any part of Jerusalem, something to do with respect of religious sites. When I questioned him more he started referring to mythical religious texts that where written thousands of years ago.
  17. Your original statement I was replying to was " The larger objection to a two state solution is the Palestinians people themselves. " This is not true, there is mistrust on both sides. There has been violence on both sides. In regards to that violence, those figures from 2008 - 2020 speak volumes. Over 20 times as many Palestinians killed and over 20 times as many Palestinians injured compared to Israelis. We are talking 120,000 people killed or injured on the Palestinian side. Compared to under 6000 people on the Isreali side. As I stated, my heart goes out the families of the victims of both sides however it's going out to a shitload more Palestinians, as evidenced by those numbers. Two of the biggest impediments to peace as that article noted, and as anyone who has followed this conflict knows, the ilegal settlements in the west bank and Jerusalem and the status of Jerusalem itself. The peace that has been offered is not on the terms that the Palestinians want, and as I have posted most of the world agrees with them. I am sorry if my forthright approach makes you think I am belittling you. I have never knowingly belittled anyone in life full stop. I hardly even do this in regards to PO1135809 and Putin, people who I despise, however I don't believe in putting to much shit on them. And I did acknowledge the Palestinians acts of terror which usually followed provocative acts by the Isrealis. This doesn't make them right, but it illustrates it wasn't just the Palestinians that were screwing the pooch in regards to the peace process. Again in relation to Israelis stealing land The settlements in the west bank and east Jerusalem are illegal under international law. Article 49 of the fourth Geneva convention. Both Canada and Australia are signortories and have ratified that convention. And as you have just admitted " As a point of fact neither party has held to the spirit of the agreements " Ergo it's not the Palestinians that are the larger objection to a state solution. It's both sides that contribute to this. As for Israel arresting terrorists, what do you call the acts of settler violence that are often aided and abbetted by the Israeli armed forces ? Aren't those guys terrorists ? I find their actions terrifying. Same as Hamas' actions. Can't you see that what you are accusing the Palestinians off, the Isrealis do themselves. As I have stated so many times, this a continuous circle of hatred fueled by trauma on both sides.
  18. I actually specified east Jerusalem, as you can see from the sentence you have quoted. This is what the Palestinians want and a quick Google search " Most countries support that west Jerusalem and East Jerusalem should be allocated as to the Isrealis and the Palestinians, respectively; this position has been endorsed by the United Nations, the European Union and France amongst others " As for Canada, we are on Canadian discussion board https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/international_relations-relations_internationales/mena-moan/israeli-palestinian_policy-politique_israelo-palestinien.aspx?lang=eng " Canada considers the status of Jerusalem can only be resolved as part of a general agreement of the Palestinian - Israeli dispute. Canada does not recognise Israel's unilateral annexation of East Jerusalem " As for our own government, they have stated east Jerusalem and the west bank are occupied territories, and the Israeli settlements in these areas are ilegal. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-08-08/ty-article/.premium/australia-to-refer-to-west-bank-east-jlem-as-occupied-israeli-settlements-as-illegal/00000189-d529-dbfc-a3bd-d5ff85940000 The same government reversed scomo's governments policy in regards to west Jerusalem which recognised West Jerusalem as Israel capital. However the Albanese government echoes the Canadian governments thoughts stating " Jerusalem is a final status issue that should be resolved as part of any peace negotiations between Israeli and the Palestinian people "
  19. No matter who or what the circumstances are, in team sports athletes must be protected from headshots. As a person who is suffering the effects of many serious concussions during my life time, the effects of CTE can be debilitating on several fronts. Head aches, depression, anxiety memory loss and effects it has on other cognitive functions are not fun to say the least. While it can't be properly diagnosed until after death, an Autopsy, there is enough evidence out there to prove that blows to the head, and not just ones that cause concussions, fuck you up.
  20. @Gurn " Buck Institute Scientists Discover a Potential Way To Repair Synapses Damaged in Alzheimer's Disease " https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/buck-institute-scientists-discover-a-potential-way-to-repair-synapses-damaged-in-alzheimers-disease/ From both a Neurological standpoint and a way to help Alzheimer's patients, this is fascinating research.
  21. " Atlantic Ocean circulation nearing ' devastating ' tipping point study finds " https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/09/atlantic-ocean-circulation-nearing-devastating-tipping-point-study-finds " Using computer models and past data, the researchers developed an early warning indicator for the breakdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), a vast system of ocean currents that is a key component in global climate regulation. " On another note being an old ski-bum my google " feed" has been flooding me with articles about how shitty the Northern Hemisphere winter has been in regards to snowfall in so many places. Those predictions of 30 odd years ago are coming to pass.
  22. I used to like inviting the Jehovah Witnesses inside when they knocked on my door. After making them a cuppa I would break out my copy of Origin of Species and try, politely of course, to keep them around and explain my " belief " to them. I still don't understand why they have stopped coming around. As messed up as Reagan and PO1135809 and some of your other Presidents have been, it's gotta be Andy " by god " Jackson who was the biggest psychopath of all them. Some of the things I have read about him He was a hard fighting, hard drinking bigot with a hair trigger temper and possibly the most terrifying president to ever take the White house. He carried a hickory cane around that he liked to beat people with. He often fought duels, reputedly 103 of them, before he became president Once he fought a guy that was a better shot than him, rather than trying to quick draw, Jackson took the bullet to the chest, due to the rules of dueling the other dude had to stand there while Jackson took his time to aim properly shooting the dude dead. That bullet was in him for the rest of his life, along with others. He was asked if he had any regrets about his life, he stated I didn't shoot Henry Clay and I didn't hang John C Calhoun. Calhoun was his VP, he, Jackson had allegedly stated to him " If you secede from our nation, I will secede your head from the rest of your body " So he even though he had killed and was responsible for the deaths of a shit load of people, he regretted not killing more. I know it was different times back then, but holy shit, this guy was out there.
  23. Funny, that barrel of a gun, and tanks and missiles are what Israel is using to isolate the people of Gaza from the outside world. Also Israel is using guns and tanks in the occupied territories to oppress the Palestinians in those places. Both sides have to put down their guns if a peaceful solution to this conflict is to be found. It's actually laughable that people actually believe that a stateless people, who don't even have a " formal " armed forces", especially the most important component in modern day warfare, an airforce, can destroy a country that has the worlds 17 ranked military force, including a military air fleet that is ranked at nine among 129 air fleets. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/largest-air-forces-in-the-world Note that it is ranked higher than the RAF The Iron Dome anti - missile system amongst other high tech military systems. Oh and I forgot a bunch of nukes that are estimated to be between 80 - 400 warheads. And they, Israel are backed many powerful nations, including the most powerful nation on this planet. What also kinda confuses me, is that Isreal is the 10th biggest arms exporter in the world https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-ranked-worlds-10th-largest-weapons-exporter-in-past-five-years/ And yet they need so much military aide, $3.3 billion a year alone from the US. Human beings, we can't use the resources we have to feed ourselves, properly, look after the health care of many of our fellow citizens, even in the wealthiest society on this planet. Yet we can use those resources to kill each other, in the name of defending ourselves from ourselves. Sigh.....
  24. In response to a few random Palestinians on the streets, I will post the views hundreds of Jewish and Palestinian women that advocate for peaceful - co existence. And you have failed to address some of the other points I made in my post you replied to. That you have just proved the assertion/ claim in the Reuters article that is the Jews attitude to Jerusalem that is one of the main obstacles to a peaceful resolution to this conflict. Do you believe we should be making decisions in the 21st century on basis of the things that are stated in mythical texts that where written thousands of years ago ?
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