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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Nah if he doesn't show up and vote Lucky can be subbed in.
  2. Gotta be honest with you, the only faith I have in anyone totally ATM is me. BJ has told us why he can't be here. We haven't heard from SV for a while and he usually puts some effort in. 112 is playing. TL is just kinda only voting these first 2 rounds. He usually puts in a bit more effort than this.
  3. I am hanging around for the next few hours for this nightfall. It's not totally critical yet, however if we get it wrong today, we will be getting into do or die territory in the next few nightfalls.
  4. Fuck it I am gonna trust you brother UNVOTE VOTE NIK
  5. Sorry Brother. As I stated I wanted to give another alternative to NIK and no one had a vote on SD. As I stated I could easily place a vote on him.
  6. I could vote for any of those three for three. With NIK it comes down to all the stuff he posted on day one. And SS and SD's interactions with regards to there accusations and no votes IMO. Let's make this a choice of two and see what others have to say, and how they vote. VOTE SS
  7. I have been long time fans of these girls since they first started in 2012. I have posted videos and talked about them before. These girls have been fighting Putin for over a decade. After not doing much for a while they came back last year to help join the fight for Ukraine. The doco, Pussy Riot Rage against Putin, is a must watch for anyone who has despised this maggot, long before the invasion of Ukraine. https://www.freeview.com.au/watch-tv/shows/76f45f03-28b5-435a-a61a-ab9abf1daa5c Great bit of performance art where one of the girls pisses on a picture of putin. They also take aim at Putin's buddy PO1135809
  8. Well it does it seem I bit strange to me. Why didn't they just vote for each other, instead of just accusations ? And they are not giving us any input on any other player's. Admittedly that is a bit hard with the activity level.
  9. Just so we know what's happening with the vote NIK 1 Vote - SV SD 1 Vote - BJ SS 1 vote - 112 No votes SD SS Falc Me NIK TL and DM who is up for a god kill if he doesn't vote this round. So for SS and SD have had there usual feud going but haven't placed a vote on each other for nearly days
  10. Thanks for answering. He has been pretty quiet in games on this board full stop. However what are you thoughts on other players ? For now Unvote
  11. Again. Apart from stating SS is mafia, and he could very well be. What are your thoughts on the rest of us ?
  12. I didn't comment on SD, forgot about him. His SS focus needs to be challenged, so let's make it two votes on him. VOTE SD C'mon mate apart from SD, what are your thoughts on the rest of us ?
  13. They did renounce violence, the Palestinians, and Isreal broke their side of the promise and kept taking land. No standing in the world ? With not only international organisations stating Israel is an arpartheid state but many Isrealis themselves. Combined the with the illegal settlements that the international community also condemns, If this was any other state/ nation, they would have had sanctions applied years ago.
  14. I am still around, checking in now and again. Out of the players who are active 112 as you state, that watcher claim was confusing, I wouldn't do it myself however we all play differently. I do wonder why BJ chose to change his vote close to the end to Lewt but that doesn't mean he is scum. Falcon hasn't made any detailed posts, has he ? I have already explained my reading of NIK. TimeLord posted twice The first he stated "I think agree as well " to a post from KZA And then voted for Lewt, second post. In regards to Sharpie , he stated in one of his posts something about being out of sync with his " town mates ". For what it's worth I am pretty sure sure he stated something similar in my game when he was scum. For what this is worth. You are another player I find hard to read, most of the games I have played with you, you put effort into solving the game, or give a good appearance of doing so if you are scummy.
  15. There is nothing they can do. It is pretty obvious that Isreal has never wanted the Palestinians to have a state of their own since Netanyahu has been in power. How many people apart from you, myself and super 19 in this thread have stated that Palestinians are entitled to a state of their own ? Why has the world while, condemning the illegal settlements, sit back and do nothing about them ? Face it brother, while governments may make statements that pander to the people in our societies that call for justice for the Palestinians, it's all talk, no action.
  16. I thought the basis of this whole discussion, that I started by stating I admired Marx's basic economic principles Every person should have a job There is an eternally stable economic system Efficient distribution of resources And the fact that these things form the basis of forming strong social communities. I also agree with him when he wrote people should have equal rights. As I have pointed out, when he wrote that his manifesto in 1867 most " average " people did not have these things. You championed Capitalism stating it has worked for you. I stated that it also has helped me in my chosen field of endeavour. You have pointed out how communism was perverted by " men " and the societies where this economic theory was employed have failed to deliver on those ideals. What I am pointing out is Capitalism is failing to. As I have pointed out, and you fail to acknowledge, the " elites " of capitalism are controlling more of the wealth each year " Richest 1 percent bag nearly twice as much as the wealth as the rest of the world put together over the past two years " https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/richest-1-bag-nearly-twice-much-wealth-rest-world-put-together-over-past-two-years " While ordinary people are making daily sacrifices on essentials like food, the super rich have out find their wildest dreams. " " Excess corporate profits have driven have driven at least of half of inflation in Australia and the UK. " At the same time at least 1.7 billion workers now live in countries where inflation is now outpacing wages and over 820 million people, roughly one in ten people on earth are going hungry. Women and girls often eat least and last, and make up nearly 60 percent of the worlds population " According to the world bank, extreme poverty increased in 2020 for the first time in 25 years. At the same time extreme wealth has risen dramatically since the pandemic began " Gotta love this little titbit " Elon Musk paid a "true tax rate " of 3.27 percent between 2014 to 2018, according to Pro Publica " How's capitalism working out for Aussies https://www.news.com.au/finance/money/costs/vulnerable-aussies-living-on-just-6-a-day-amid-costofliving-crisis/news-story/9baf04e8f0edd567bc500f186b200f0b " Parents have confessed to skipping meals and selling their clothes to keep a roof over their childrens heads amid a horror cost of living crisis " " Apart from paying for essential living costs, such as housing, food, utilities, health and fuel the typical Australian has nothing left to spend or save " " Meanwhile 52 percent of people are skipping meals to save money and 75 percent are suffering from housing stress " At the same time our " nations richest one percent have accumulated 10 times more wealth than the bottom 50 percent over the last decade " https://www.indaily.com.au/news/2023/01/16/australias-rich-get-richer-despite-inflation I have already posted those disgusting figures from the US, that Paragon of Capitalism. So we get to vote the people in that are manipulated by special interest groups( corporate lobbying) Our quality of life is going downhill. We can call our leaders assholes however that doesn't change anything. Do you know what the most precious thing we all have apart from the people we love, something no amount of money can replace once it's gone ? Time. " In Russia male life expectancy at birth fell from 64.2 years in 1989"(end of communism)" to 57.6 years in 1994 a decline 6.6 years in just half a decade. Female life expectancy at birth fell by 3.3 years over the same period " Is this just a " coincidence " or is there a link. Remember your vaunted Isreali tech industry that led the world ? https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/business/2024-02-04/ty-article-magazine/.premium/dark-clouds-gather-for-israels-tech-industry/0000018d-5fc1-d7f9-a3af-dfe939060000 " The signs are now mounting that the sector is being left behind the the rest of the world " The basis of my whole discussion again is none of these economic theories have delivered. Capitalism delivered for a while but the figures in regards to distribution of wealth are a damning indictment as to how it is working for the " average " person.
  17. Ilunga


    I love words. I really admire writers, poets and songwriters that string words together and bring out the emotions inside of us. What's the name of the game ?
  18. Brother you should have been there when we went to both the Dead Kennedys gigs back in 83. The first one at Monash Uni was awesome, no BS, great gig. The second one at the Seaview Ballroom was completely different. We usually dressed in east coast jeans, " wife beaters " -sleeveless t-shirts- and Runners We had short hair cuts so dudes we would fight couldn't grap our hair and ram our heads into their knees. Common street fighting tactic. Most night clubs in Melbourne required a " better " form of dress, a collared shirt and nice shoes. So when we went into Melbourne we wore a miller shirt and dessert boots and the same east coast jeans, they were pretty " trendy". Gotta think about the girls. Any way once we got inside, and the bouncers kinda gave us strange looks, the place was full of dudes dressed in leather and metal everywhere, full on punk haircuts, coloured hair, we stood out like dogs balls. The punks went berserk when they saw us and piled on, big mistake for them, we lived for that shit, we just circled up and beat the shit outta a bunch of them until the bouncers broke it up. The bouncers didn't hassle us, they saw what went down and probably didn't want to deal with us unless they had to. That ended up being another great gig in the end.
  19. No worries brother, was just trying to work out what happened at nightfall, and we have just done the same work. I checked my work twice.
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