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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. So Petey boys second last count BJ isn't even mentioned at all Sharpie changes his vote to NIK, his last vote and it does even up the vote You weren't mentioned in Peteys boys second last vote but you are now in the one below and Sharpie is still listed as voting for SD when his last vote was for NIK So in actuality it was 5-4 lewt - NIK
  2. I am not insinuating anything. I wanted to check the dynamics of what happened at nightfall. Check the posts from when @112 stated it was tied. Yours was the only vote I could find after that. Unless 112 was wrong and the votes weren't tied at the time she wrote that Post.
  3. So I am stating the obvious however I do want to point it out to leave it here. This was the defining moment at the end of the first NF. Tied vote, till BJ flipped to Lewt.
  4. I had a really good life until the break up with my ex just over six years ago. You all know the story since. In particular the last nearly 6 months of not seeing my son has been so fuckin hard. Then two weekends ago, I smiled/ was happy for 2 days. Skating, watching live hockey, seeing NOFX, so many friends calling me for my birthday. It was so good, then Jason died late on my birthday. I was/am determined to pull myself out of the darkness that I have been living in. A couple of my very close friends are going through some deep shit with their kid's. They can give you the greatest moments of joy, conversely they can give you your greatest moments of pain. Still the best thing that has ever happened to me was becoming a dad. Also my friends and I are getting to the age where some of us are paying the price for shit we did in the past, and some kept on doing.
  5. I don't blame you for feeling this way. I still feel bad. I am a pretty straight up person, I wear my heart on my sleeve. I do find it a bit hard to be a dirty bastard, even though that's part of the game.
  6. Funny, Joe Rogan called Canada a " frozen communist shithole " Hasn't he just signed some record setting deal with Spotify. This minister calls Isreal a " crappy piece of land " and she has to step down. Shows you that being a loud mouthed attention seeker not only pays off big time, but you can also say whatever you want and get away with it. Planet earth.....go figure......
  7. Thanks for the vote of confidence my friend, it means a lot. All said at the end of this game, it will evident that I told the truth when I stated I am town.
  8. Yes I agree with the post. Got my friends funeral tommoz. For those that don't know he was only diagnosed with cancer 4 months ago and now he is gone. Gotta go and get a haircut and pay some bills soon, then pick a few flowers. I will check back in later. So for now VITE NIK
  9. One big problem, no one economic theory works properly for everyone. What do you think of that transfer of wealth during Covid in the world's largest economy ? That Paragon of Capitalism " The top 1 percent of Americans have taken 50 trillion from the bottom 90 percent- and that's made the US less secure " https://time.com/5888024/50-trillion-income-inequality-america/ That's totally fair and just right ? That " top " 1 percent works so much harder and deserves that extra 50 trillion. At the expense of those less fortunate than them. 11.6 percent of Americans, 38 million people live below the poverty line, but they're all just bums right ? The point I am making is greedy men twist all these systems so most of the wealth has ended with with with a small percentage of the population. It has been this way for ever.
  10. From memory, and as most of you know I have issues with mine, I have expressed my " confusion" with NIK's playing style before. I can tell you this, as usual I have no targets that I could confidently vote for. It would be pure guess work at this stage. NIK has put himself in the firing line for sure. TL has not shown up and he usually chips in around this time of the first round. Correct me if I'm wrong but DM hasn't shown up yet, but that can be normal. SS and SD trading barbs and votes Who woulda thought.
  11. I randed 3 out of 4 times scum in the games previous to mine. I know this means nothing however I can assure you and am town. I start of slow ever game, no what what faction I belong. I have commented on the couple of things that I believe are pertinent to the game. The rest consists of fluff , like discussions about screw driver heads, grillers and the like.
  12. I never know what to make of NIK. He is one of those players that I find hard to read. Open wolfing this early in the game ?
  13. Gaza; weaponisatiom of food has been used in conflict for centuries-but it hasn't always resulted in victory https://theconversation.com/gaza-weaponisation-of-food-has-been-used-in-conflicts-for-centuries-but-it-hasnt-always-resulted-in-victory-221476 " As far as deterring further acts of aggression, the use of food as a weapon may only create future enemies, or at the very least alienate friends " Interesting fact I didn't know until I read this article The term Armageddon one of the earliest seiges recorded in history, the battle of Megiddo, in present day Israel in the 15th century BC. That cities name when translated from Hebrew gives us the modern word Armageddon
  14. @D.B Cooper I didn't realise that Propaghandi and Fat Mike had a " feud " going on there a while back Both sides have their say https://www.punknews.org/article/8664/fat-mike-propagandhi-clarify-situation-updated https://exclaim.ca/music/article/propagandhis_chris_hannah_challenges_nofxs_fat_mike_to_meet_me_in_octagon Love Chris Hannah's response. Two messed up clowns in the Octagon getting it on. Also I take Mikes point that the " internet " blew the whole thing up. Also admire how Mike acknowledged the Crap Soros has done but he has also given shitloads of his money away. Like Mike said, that might be his conscience " at work "
  15. @bishopshodan In relation to your comment in the other thread about Fat Wreck Chords and Mike Burkett in regards to a one record deal " Music written from devotion Not ambition Not for fame Zero people are exploited There are no tricks up our sleeve We're going to fight against the mass appeal We're gonna kill the seven record deal Make records that have more than one good song "
  16. No I am sorry, it is obviously me that was confused. Still pretty disgusted by the post that started the thread on Reddit about Gabor. As I have stated I will come to the defense of the people I consider my friend. Shit, we are all friends on this board IMO. We are all connected by a love for the Canucks and ice hockey. Can't see eye to eye with any one in your life all the time, even your life partner and your kids.
  17. I have to reply to this post again in regards to your reference to @Super19 He has told us who he is, he posted a post from his Twitter account in regards to his fathers birthday. His father was born a Jew in Nazi occupied Hungary. His fathers grandparents were killed in Auschwitz from the research I have done. I actually just went to a Reddit thread about his dad. Reading the BS insulting post that started that thread. " He says he's a holocaust survivor and that he was traumatized when his mother gave him to another woman " (that was to save his life) " but he was only 1.5 years old at the end of the war. Was he in a concentration camp, did he endure famine ? " How would you like people to speak about family members of yours who survived the Holodomor like that ? Thankfully the replies a lot of the replies were supportive of his dad. Of course not all of them were. One telling comment to me was " Would you be even asking this if he wasn't supporting the plight of Palestinians " Another " Cool to see people chiming in to say " because you were a really young child you didn't survive the holocaust " Sarcasm Another " can we not do the holocaust survivor policing " His father writes a lot about trauma and the effects that has on our lives. Remember that article I posted about this conflict having trauma as part of its roots ?
  18. Yes I have been thinking the same bout some of those adds myself. " Did you ever go to sleep with Bo Derek And wake up with Bo Diddley " Though the girls probably felt the same about me
  19. Is having a discussion about the injustice that both the Palestinians and Isrealis have experienced fighting ? I don't consider it a fight. I remain polite, I never insult anyone. Never had a single warning point on either board. Why do you believe that so many people have rallied to the Palestinians cause for decades now ? Why do you believe they think this way ? I know what justice is. As I keep stating one people, the Isrealis have a home/ nation/ state. The other people, the Palestinians don't. And they keep losing land, not just due to war, but what the international community deem to be illegal settlements.
  20. There hasn't really much to comment on so far. A bunch of meaningless posts. One that is worth exploring is @112 claim of being the Watcher, however she has declined to comment further. What are your thoughts on this ? Scum trying to confuse us ? Or @112 being " playful "
  21. I never try to, or actually do, insult anyone. As JJR noted Insults are the arguments employed by those in the wrong. I like Pantera to. Who said anything about life lessons, as I stated I admire Mike for the way he links words together and how they make me feel, and his contributions to a scene that both of us love. He gives a fuck about people. As for the other part of our discussion we did agree on some of those ideas that Marx wrote about. People have equal rights and freedoms. Strong social communities. A permanently stable economic system A job for all. You have to remember that when Marx wrote his Manifesto in 1867, most " average " people like us, even in some western and European countries didn't have those things. I am a total believer in the idea that people should be rewarded commensurate to the effort/ work they put in. There are parts of Keynesian economics, that I believe can contribute to a good economy. Same with classical economics, supply and demand. Market Socialism mixed with parts from those economic theories above. You have heard of the Moral Hazard theory ? I suggest you do some research on those big investment banks that drove the GFC. Pushing financial products such as CDO's and and mortgage backed securities that were so dodgy, that the ratings agencies actually backed, knowing they were dodgy but didn't want to lose their customers, those investment banks. A good starting point is the movie . The Big Short. A reasonably accurate a depiction of the events that led to the GFC. Anyway we have things in common. For starters punk music and I do admire Propagandi so much. Anti Fascist Gay Positive Animal Friendly Pro Feminist
  22. In 1917 Russia was proclaimed as a sovereign state and the worlds first constitutionally socialist state guided by communist ideaology. The first constitution was adopted in 1918. As the previous article I posted stated, the Russian revolution is misunderstood by so many people who have not dug deeper into the history of it. I started digging deeply into it the better part of 50 years ago. I can tell you this for certain, that while people like Lenin and Trotsky, who was deported, then Stalin who was just a plain evil fuck, nothing truly Marxist about him, followed by the other leaders of the communist party, none of them have ripped of the people to any where near the same extent as Putin and the oligarchs that have supported him for the last 25 odd years. Under what is considered by the rest of the world variously, as a kleptocracy, Plutocracy and just plain crony capatlism.
  23. Brother his hypocritical statements had to be called out. Basically calling me an idiot for admiring a drunk/ junky, Mike, and then stating he is fan of Mike's ? By the way Mike is a Jew, so there is a distant connection to this topic As I stated he is one of my favourite people. I always support those I love and or admire. If someone attacked your character, I would be one of the first to defend you.
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