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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. I am not trying to convince you who is a prick, he was a prick to use your word. I am just pointing out that he didn't have the influence in the Arab world that many claim and the Germans didn't really want to work with him. I love your word pogromatic. I feel like we should start a petition and have it included in the dictionary, seriously. Do you know Hamas changed their charter ? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/01/hamas-new-charter-palestine-israel-1967-borders " The Islamist movement is not seeking war with the Jewish people, only with Zionism that drives the occupation of Palestine " " The new document also insists that Hamas is not a revolutionary force that seeks to intervene in other countries, a commitment that is likely to be welcomed by other states, such as Egypt. ' So for all those people that claim Hamas wants to exterminate the Jews and take over the world and kill everyone who doesn't think like them, well this is simply not the case. Like you state, both peoples need a home, the big difference between the two is the Palestinians are stateless and in the words of many Jews/ Isrealis are being oppressed.
  2. I really feel for you brother in regards to last game.
  3. So you are a fan, yet you state he is the last person I should be looking up to ? This just gets better.
  4. Those damned peasants eh. Forcing those the wonderful Russian elite,who had treated them so well, to abdicate and then forming a socialist government. How terrible of them. https://www.history.com/topics/european-history/russian-revolution " The leaders of the provisional government, including a young Russian lawyer Alexander Kerensky, established a liberal program of rights such as freedom of speech, equality before the law and the right of unions to organise and strike. They opposed violent social revolution. Such terrible things.
  5. So when challenged and you can't come up with any facts. You claimed you know shit and now you don't. I don't want to throw anyone under the bus and yet you already have. So that off again on again drunk/ junky is also a great musician and a smart businessman. And I should not admire him ? I admire him mainly because of the fact that as @bishopshodan notes he is an incredible lyricist. The way he links words together and makes people feel. And by your own standards he has built a record company, owns a travelling show. And has a legion of fans around the world. Just the other night Stevo from the Clowns stated how Stoke he was to have signed with fat wreck chords. This post speaks for itself in regards to your credibility.
  6. I haven't ignored any of your posts, I have addressed every point you have made. You have actually agreed with me that people should be treated equally. That was my point, plain and simple. I am a communist ? Never been a member of a communist party anywhere. And as for my Marxist BS, you have actually agreed with some of those ideas. Go check your posts. I certainly don't see much laziness. There is always a few people that don't want to work,so yes they don't deserve to rewarded in the same way as a person who wants to contribute to society. As I stated we, here in Australia are nearly at full employment in regards to employable people. Ooh look just a few charities that Mike donates to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protect:_A_Benefit_for_the_National_Association_to_Protect_Children https://www.thefader.com/2016/11/21/15-artists-labels-donating-proceeds-charity And he has started up the Punk rock museum in Vegas giving back to the scene. You can actually go in and play the some of the instruments he has assembled. Yes he owns a label, however it is well known in the industry he pays better than the big labels. And he used to sell records and CD'S cheaper to the public, they used to have stickers on them stating make sure you don't pay more than $20. Before streaming fucked it all. I note you have totally ignored my points about the distribution of wealth and the GFC. Those hardworking bankers right ? As for Russia still feeling the effects of communism, that's plain BS. Putin and his cronies have been ripping of the Russian people for over 20 years. Communism ended over 30 years ago. You keep making this about you. You were poor. You worked hard. Well so have a lot of people. Where did I say that people shouldn't be rewarded for working hard ? I didn't. Where did I say that people who work harder than others should be rewarded the same as those that don't ? I didn't. You were in the scene ? You admire Propagandi ? You are living up to our punk ideals, and betcha the boys from propagandi would love reading your posts. And again I am not a communist. Quote me where I claimed I was one.
  7. The " irony " of the ignorance of Ben Gurion's comment, " Our god is not theirs " Jews, Christians and Muslims all believe in the Abrahamic " god "
  8. So according to the Holocaust encyclopaedia https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/hajj-amin-al-husayni-wartime-propagandist The same Mufti that was exiled from Palestine ? " With out any institutional basis for authority over Arabs in the middle east, the former Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin al Husayni sought public recognition from the Axis powers of his status as a leader of a proposed Arab nation. " " The Germans, and Hitler in particular repeatedly denied al Husayni's request for the legitmisation. " They were reluctant to iniate unnecessary disputes with Italy and Vichy France, and harboured doubt's about his actual authority in the Arab world " Now none of this legitmise's Husayni's comments, however an exiled Mufti that had no real power in the Arab world ? And the Germans and Hitler repeatedly denied his request for legitmisation ?
  9. Make sure you buy all your beautiful partners/wives and husband's flowers...... I am not biased in this regard at all....
  10. Nothing wrong where you get your appetite...so long as you come home to eat your dinner...
  11. I am confused at the best of times. I am more confused than ever
  12. Same brother. When I lost Tusk I was heart broken. I cried for days. Its still one of the hardest things I have done, carrying her down the paddock and burying her. Dad offered however I wanted to do this myself. I did want to get another dog so Lachie could grow up knowing the love of a dog. However you know what's happening on that front. My friends whose dogs are like their kids to them are always encouraging me to get a dog. As recently as yesterday Arvo, my oldest friend was encouraging me to do this. He has at least 2 dogs at any given time. One of his current dogs is called shadow to. All the pups in her litter died, he actually had to give up working for a few months, she needed even more work than a human baby after she was born.
  13. For full disclosure Deb, I gotta be honest with you. My parents were the kindest, most gentle people I have ever known. When mum quit her job, way back when not many women had professional jobs like hers, to start the farm, twice, the plants that my parents planted were destroyed. First by Frost, and then by rabbits. My dad had to stay at work to earn money at the time to support us, so he didn't have the time to fence the property at that time, so he bought a gun and shot some of them. I don't know he didn't enjoy this, he didn't like killing anything, morals they passed on to me. However he felt he had no choice. Neighbours have destroyed the fences that my dad and I constructed around the farm and now I have a different problem with them. The bushes are established so they don't eat them however they disturb the soil at the bottom of the Bushes. This is a no- no with Proteas, you can't even pull weeds. They are prone to root diseases and have fine hair roots and doing this makes them more exposed to those root diseases. However I refuse to kill them. As I taught my son, nature is like a motor, you break one part of the motor, well that part is connected to another and another and so on. Eventually the motor will start breaking down. I believe that it is pretty obvious that is what is currently happening. Check out the current extinction rate. It is unprecedented.
  14. Unconditional love is such an awesome thing. Think about how many people actually give you this during your lifetime. Like my father taught me, if you are lucky you can count them on one hand. Actually I have been a bit luckier than that. I wonder if that's because once I love you, I always will. Might not always see eye to eye, but I will always be there you for.
  15. Brother one of the dogs that owned my mum and me was called Blackie, she looked like a mostly Rotwieler cross. It was roughly 30 odd years ago when I use to visit a friend in Cranbourne after the Ski- season and before he went to whistler for their season. Their family had a quarry up the back of Cranny. When I got there after work he told me he saw this dog on the side of the road as he was driving up the road to work, and then when he drove home. So we drove up and checked her out. She looked really fucked up, but she had sat there all day waiting for that human #$##* that had dumped her there. I opened my back door and encouraged her to jump in. She did. We went up to grocery store and got a can of PAL, dog food, and went back to Pauley's home. I have never seen a dog eat that much food that quickly. She then jumped into the back of my car. I hung out at my friends house for a while and when I went to go home she was still in the back so I took her home. After spending a lot of money on vet bills, she kinda got better however what had happened to her had a lasting effect, both physically and mentally. She had four years on the farm here with us, was a friend to Tusk, my beautiful girl, dog that already owned me. She used to follow mum around the farm, joined to her like a magnet. At least we were able to give her some love and a good life for part of hers. A few of the dogs we have had over the years were dumped by people. Being up here in the hills, people used to drive up here and dump their animals. Our first dog Percy, we found her under our house. Sigh....I can't understand how people can treat any animal that way, let alone one that gives you unconditional love once you have earned it.
  16. Please 112, don't insult those 12 members of the Jury by calling them PO1135809's peers. They deserve better than that.
  17. Brother when I was younger in those years of misspent youth I have talked about, there were groups of young assholes that used to go " poofter " bashing. They are another group of guys we used to love to run into and " teach " them the error of their ways. Anyway there was this bar called Bojangles, it stayed open a few hours later than any other bars at the time. It was different from today where there are 24 hour bars Lots of transgender and drag queens used to hang out there, it was Melbourne's first drag venue. We used to go and and a few of the trans ladies used to chat us up and buy us drinks. It was such a cool place.
  18. No matter how many times I hear this song, it makes me feel emotional.
  19. " One of hundreds of attacks since October 7 " If a Palestinian did this he would be labelled a terrorist. Not one person apart from me acknowledged this post.
  20. Brother Isreali/ Jews themselves have been calling their regime arpartheid before these attacks. Again https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/05/amnesty-israel-apartheid-israeli-politicians-agreee How about an ex head of the Mossad ? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/06/israel-imposing-apartheid-on-palestinians-says-former-mossad-chief And sadly people don't care what human rights organisations state, they are biased right ? Not meaning you, but what others have stated. Especially Israeli organisations This article details the reasoning they B'tselem use to come to this conclusion. http://www.btselem.org/publications/fulltext/202101_this_is_apartheid A quarter of the 7.6 million Israeli/Jews that live in America believe that Israel is an apartheid state. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/04/us-jews-rift-gaza-israel-crisis And they are not peaceful neighbours. This is another one of those " not to be believed" humanitarian organisations. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/palestinians-west-bank-2023-was-deadliest-year-record I can't find anything about only one in five settler violence was against purely peaceful people. I would like to see confirmation of that claim from an independent source. Do you believe in international law and the Geneva convention ? The Isreali settlements are violating the fourth Geneva convention. The displacement of Palestinians due to their land being taken from them for those illegal settlements violate article 49 of the fourth Geneva convention. Do you believe in the rules based international order ? https://www.chathamhouse.org/2024/01/will-war-gaza-become-breaking-point-rules-based-international-order " The Palestinian conflict is exposing the inherent contradictions, in the West's stance as the guarantor of the international order " And if you are wondering about that source, Chatham House, Russia has declared them " undesirable" in Russia. https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-chatham-house-undesirable/31793383.html This is a circle of hatred that has been going on for decades that both sides contribute to. They both commit acts of violence that can't be condoned. There is one massive difference. One of those groups have a state/nation. The other group is stateless.
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