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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. " We know from painful experience that freedom is never given by the oppressor, it is demanded by the oppressed " Martin Luther King
  2. Yes we do have a third party, the greens. It's who I vote for in the senate. Where they and other independents hold the balance of power. A check on the lower house, where labour holds power, and the " teals " and libs combined can't overturn legislation. However that legislation has to them pass through the senate. As I have explained, this election in the US is critical for democracy, not only in America, but the message it sends to the rest of the world. A quick Google search, and most pundits don't believe that trump will go to prison before the election. I certainly don't. Way before the trump thread, I have stated that the US barely has a legal system, it certainly doesn't have a Justice System. What I don't like is calling anyone scum. It is divisive. I don't call the Isrealis who commit war crimes/ crimes against humanity scum. I don't call anyone scum. And I hope that anyone, anywhere who commits war/crimes, crimes against humanity is held accountable for their actions. I don't " come at you " in this thread because of anything you have stated in another thread, I am challenging your posts in this thread. I have not attacked you personally. Apart from one particular member who continually attacks my character, I never make it personal. This is a forum where we get to discuss the subjects that we are interested in. I am not enamoured of Kamala myself, however it's a no brainer that if you are an American, you have to vote for her to stop trump from being president again. And who knows, she might turn out to be a decent leader. It's about time, the worlds biggest economy had a woman as its leader.
  3. I asked you if you had to choose between trump or Harris and you gave a third choice. That's not answering my question. When you post information from trumps social media account, that has relevance for all the members of this board who contribute to this thread. That would be like me posting from a Palestinian/Hamas source in the Gaza war thread. Something I have never done. In fact many of the articles/videos I post are from Isreali sources. And here you go again, making it about me, not about what I a posting. You can't, or won't refute what I post, so you take sly little digs at my character. That's cool, I have a thick skin. Please spare me me your false pity. You don't feel sorry me. And I certainly don't want or need yours, or anyone's pity.
  4. Again with the whataboutism, and trying to bring what I state in another thread, to discredit me in this thread. And what I call out in the other thread is the injustice that one group of people have suffered for over 50 years, and the inhumane treatment that they are suffering now. I asked you, if you had to choose between the two. And you still dodged the question. And now you are posting from trumps social media account. I don't abuse anyone, however this man is a disgusting human being. He has admitted to being a sexual offender. He abuses people, lies constantly. When he has used them up, he throws them away. You are not being clever trying to bring up what I state in another thread. You are illustrating your desperation to defend yourself in this one.
  5. @Sabrefan1 is not posting tweets that are in support of trump. I am not posting articles or opinions that are in support of Hamas'. You are posting tweets that are in support of trump. See how this works Elias ? In any other election, I would vote for Jill Stein as well, however this election is too important to get it wrong. There is too much on the line. America and the world does not need another four years of trump.
  6. So in a very tight race, where every vote could be important, you wouldn't vote for the candidate that has the only chance to stop a corrupt, sexual offender who threatens the very fabric of democracy itself, from regaining the presidency. And it is very unlikely that trump will go to prison. While I share your disdain of politicians, what America decides in November will not only shape America, it will shape the world. No matter how you polish that turd, your posts come across as a defence of PO1135809.
  7. I am not defensive. No what aboutism Elias, I asked you a simple question. If you had to vote for either trump or Harris, who would you vote for. Simple answer please.
  8. Why are you posting in defence of PO1135809 ? I am asking you to state here and now, if you had to vote for either trump or Harris, who would you vote for ?
  9. Brother you know I can't do that shit on my phone, that's why I post so much info. The Jerusalem post comes up in my google feed, no pay wall for me, and I have not subscribed. From that article https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-815963 " Next he said it was inadequate to call the current Jewish violence " nationalistic crimes " but that it must be called Jewish terror, especially because the goal is to enforce broad oppression over another minority group, and the attackers are not a minority taking small shots at the majority. " This is the current serving head of Israel's security service stating what is obvious to us all. Add those comments of his I have already posted, about how he feels about this as a Jew, an Israeli and a security official. And how this pertains to Isreals society and support for Israel internationally. I have posted information from Isreali sources, that Isreal is using Palestinians as human shields in Gaza. That they are committing acts of terror in the West Bank. And the silence is deafening.
  10. My heart goes out to John's and Matthew's families. This is a tragedy on so many levels. Parents burying their children, children growing up without their dads. Partners losing the love of their lives. People have brought up cyclists on the road. These, expletives, deliberately mowed down a couple of cyclists and then posted the footage on Instagram. I am a mountain biker. I have to ride on the road here and there in-between trails near my home. The abuse I get is out of hand. Up here in the hills the roadies- cyclists - come up and ride a lot. It can be painful getting stuck behind them, however they have every right to ride on the side of the road. They actually contribute to the economies of my town and others here in the hills, spending money in the cafes mostly. I am also a motorcycle rider. I have lost count of the times I have nearly been taken out by a car, whose driver never even saw me. Last weekend a friend showed me a picture of his Harley lying in the middle of the road written off. A driver had been following him for about 5km, when Bas indicated and slowed down to turn right, the driver rear ended him. He was lucky he didn't get seriously hurt, let alone killed. So many drivers don't seem to use their mirrors. Both in my car, and on my motorcycle I am constantly scanning the traffic, expecting people to crash into me.
  11. Did you read what Ronan Bar, the current head of Israel's security service, Shin Bet stated in that article ? " He wrote that letter out of deep concern as a Jew, as an Isreali, and a security official. " " According to Bar this process is harming the fabric of Isreali society domestically and endangering support for the Jewish state globally, even among its allies. " He is stating the obvious. We all condemn Hamas', and rightly so, for acts of terror, and using Palestinians as human shields. Yet when the Isrealis do the same things, the silence is deafening from those in this thread that only support Israel. SBS are having a true story collection playing ATM on the world movie channel- 32. If you can access SBS on demand, check out the movie, The Survivor. It is about Harry Haft, an Auschwitz survivor. This is not an easy movie to watch, however I highly recommend it.
  12. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    " Why Agnosticism is the real and true enemy " https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/columnists/miles-kington/why-agnosticism-is-the-real-and-true-enemy-96426.html " On Tuesday I brought you part of the proceedings of a recent meeting of the United Deities ( the steering committee of gods past and present that watches over our doings ) and they were just getting started on the subject of blasphemy when we left them. I thought it might be interesting to see what the gods had to say about such a god orientated crime. " " 6. The Chair god said that he hated bringing people back to the subject but in 1917 after a far ranging debate in the wake of the Russian revolution, it had been decided to admit athiesm as a bonafide belief system, because athiests actually had the grace to actually disbelieve. It was agnosticism that was recognised as the real and true enemy of the gods, because agnosticism meant people didn't really care whether gods existed or not. "
  13. " The Taliban tried to silence these young musicians. Now they are playing Carnegie Hall. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/afghan-youth-orchestra-carnegie-hall-taliban-rcna165311
  14. " People Seen as Wise Share These Characteristics - All Over the World " https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/people-seen-as-wise-share-these-characteristics-all-over-the-world/
  15. The Redwings are terminating the contract of Ivan Prosvetov as he has signed a 3 year contract with CSKA Moskova in the KHL https://thehockeynews.com/ahl/latest-news/former-colorado-eagle-ivan-prosvetov-signs-three-year-deal-in-khl
  16. Dunno if this has been brought up before " The untold story of " dangerous " Australian Casino connections that saved Donald Trump from financial ruin " https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-08-31/trump-chinese-triads-brisbane-casino-cheng-family/103929232 They, the investors, even take the piss out of PO1135809.
  17. @canuck2xtreme These contracts have to be added to Detroit's minor league roster, please and thank you.
  18. Gibby Haynes Butthole Surfers singer fronting Ministry for this track The story behind Gibby singing this track https://www.loudersound.com/features/the-story-of-ministrys-jesus-built-my-hotrod-gibby-threw-up-spit-up-some-gibberish-and-left
  19. @Coconuts Thanks for posting the Butthole Surfers song Long time fan
  20. How are things going in the West Bank ? According to the head of the Shin Bet, Ronan Bar, Jewish terrorism is going on in the West Bank. " Shin Bet Chief to Netanyahu: Jewish terror in west bank on brink of disaster " https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-815963 And the IDF agrees with him. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-08-29/ty-article/.premium/israeli-army-joins-shin-bet-warning-over-jewish-terrorism-in-west-bank/00000191-9e2f-d453-ab9f-feafbdcf0000 " Israeli Army Joins Shin Bet Warning Over Jewish Terrorism in The West Bank " And remember what you stated last year about what would happen in regards to land grabs in the West Bank ? " Israel's settlers are winning unprecedented power from the war in Gaza They are gaining land - and sway over the army police and politics " https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2024/08/27/israels-settlers-are-winning-unprecedented-power-from-the-war-in-gaza " Driving along highway 60 which traverses the West Bank north to south, and it feels like a real estate road trip. It is festooned with signs in Hebrew offering "Two last apartments in Mitzpe Levona" and promising that "your grass can be greener" seen from a Villa in Tzofim. These are boom times for Israeli settlers who are gaining land, military influence and political power. "
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