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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. So ? This has no bearing on David's right to speak out on his own behalf. This has been the centre piece of our discussion. He wasn't rude. He praised his coaches. He simply expressed his belief in his abilities to play at the highest level. Again, it has pointed out that, the Blue jackets coaches aren't doing a good job of not just developing talent, but building a team. You are certainly entitled to your opinion however your very first post that I replied to was a few lines insulting the kid. You stated he was a narcissist, that's what being entitled means, that is a character trait of someone who is a narcissist.
  2. My opinion and your opinion are, however David's opinion is not. It's his Career that he has devoted his life to. To say his opinion is irrelevant is ridiculous. As has been pointed out, the Blue jackets aren't proving to be the best decision makers in regards to developing their players. So according to your logic, no employee of any organisation, is allowed to speak out in regards to their situation in their work place ?
  3. The ones we love are with us forever......in our hearts.....
  4. Love me some DOA Being a hockey board As for the reggae connection, it was when El Hefe, Aaron Abeyta joined NOFX just before White Trash two heebs and Bean, that NOFX added that " wind " sound to their music. He plays the trombone and the trumpet. When he joined Fat Mike stated he was the only real musician in the band. One of NOFX'S most moving songs is Mike's tribute to his close friend Tony Sly, lead singer/ songwriter of No Use for a Name. Amongst other things he talks about his and Tony daughters arguing about whose dad's songs are better. He helped raise Tony's daughter after he died. A couple of my friends have done, and are doing this. Such an emotional song for me
  5. I had, still have, shitloads of videos of Trevor skiing with Eric Pehota ripping wild lines for RAP , Real Actions Pictures. Those guys were heroes of mine. I know some guys that skied with Trevor and said he was an awesome person. I would have loved to have met him. I probably would have if he hadn't of died in that Avalanche. I am really sorry to hear about your brother. The blows life deals us.
  6. Brother you are very creative. I couldn't play an instrument to save my life. I was the lead singer in a couple of bands that were just locals, few pub gigs around the hills here. Nothing special. Wrote some songs. Then up at my home Mountain, My.Hotham we had a band we would put together each season made up of local ski bums. Again lead singer, playing mostly covers of current punk songs. Wrote a few songs. So much fun, riding/skiiing every day, hanging out writing and playing music some nights. Good times..... The lift company tried to shut us down, long story, so one cover we did was kill all the white men by NOFX. I changed two words, from white men, to lift company. The song starts slow, I was dressed in old 70's opp clothes and when the tempo changed I would strip down to my boxers and howl , KILL ALL THE LIFT COMPANY They stated I looked like Henry Rollins on speed. So
  7. Love the double bass. Dig the change of tempo in that track. These guys rock a double bass This track is kinda punky This is more poppy but still good And it is so true... Nothing lasts forever.....
  8. I know the content of your character. That's all I need to know. We all have darkness and light within us. As I have stated before, in all wars the real victims are civilians. I am not as certain that Iran has a big a hand in this as some are claiming...however I am in total agreement that the Iranian leadership should be taken out of the equation asap. The middle east would be a safer place as soon as this happens. All the death and destruction breaks my heart, however it's the images of children that really fuck with my head.
  9. I am not going to argue about the history of this conflict anymore, there's no point. As you state, it's a circle jerk. What I will discuss is the humanitarian side of this conflict. I don't expect Israel to feed the starving Palestinians, I expect the Israelis to let the international community, those who want to, to feed them. My brother told me yesterday he saw footage of a truck that rocked up in Gaza with bags of flower. He said it looked like a horde of ants descended on the truck. " Cause when morality's been blurred Procreation seems absurd And human rights and freedom are just words That have lost all their meaning In a world that is bleeding " Fat " the heeb " Mike Burkett
  10. This is why we are friends..right here. You have a gigantic heart. You have compassion and empathy for all people. That's the only criteria I have in regards to people being my friend, they have to have a good heart. Don't care what you own, what you have achieved, it's all about being a good person. " Cause it's not what you've done, it's what you've been " Fat " the heeb " Mike Burkett
  11. You called him a narcissist. That's what calling someone entitled means. It means a person's feels they deserve something they haven't worked hard enough for. You don't believe he has worked hard enough for his opportunity to play at the highest level ? What information are you basing that on ? Read the article above that gives stats about the quality of his game when given ice time, stats in regards to how the team performs when he is on the ice. I have provided a few articles now that back up my opinion. Here is the Yard Barkers opinion https://www.yardbarker.com/nhl/articles/what_to_make_about_david_jiriceks_frustration_about_ice_time/s1_16958_39886311
  12. December Analysis of Jiriceks game https://unionandblue.com/2023/11/14/david-jiricek-huge-difference-maker-blue-jackets/ " As I dive deeper into analysing the early part of the season, on thing stands out, even though his is young, David Jiricek has been a huge difference maker for the Blue Jackets "
  13. Well you did have an opinion, you called him entitled. That's a narcissistic personality trait. You not only had an opinion, you were insulting the kid. Well if you have read my posts, I have followed his career closely. Watched a shitload of video going back to before he was drafted. Read scouting reports. That's why I am commenting. I have provided sources that back up my opinion.
  14. I don't know brother, I would rather have Jiricek than Willander. David has out performed Tom at every level. Don't get me wrong I like Tom, however if I had to choose.... It's not a certainty that Tom will even play in the AHL next year, it's looking like another year in college might be better for his development. This could be a debate in its own. David has shown that he already belongs in the NHL 2 years after his draft. My only concern during his career was when he had that knee injury at the WJC. He seems to have had no problems since.
  15. Yes I still don't understand why they brought in both Provorov and Severson. I can see why they would want to bring in one veteran presence, however with the youthful talent they have waiting and ready to play in the NHL , it didn't make sense to bring both those players in, IMO. Totally agree with your assessment about being a potential elite athlete, and treatment as such.
  16. Yes I get the feeling many of the people who are bagging this kid out have not followed his career. I have. As I have stated, I drafted him in the CFFGML, read every scouting report I could get my hands on. Watched a shitload of video of him, followed his career closely. David has performed at every level so far. He has earned his chance.
  17. For starters thats a lot better than insulting the kid, calling him self entitled ergo a narcissist. And thats only your opinion that he doesn't belong in the NHL. I have provided 2 sources that state he is. The second source provides video and break down commentary of his positives and negatives. https://unionandblue.com/posts/david-jiricek-should-be-playing-in-the-nhl https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/scouts-analysis-why-columbus-needs-to-be-careful-with-frustrated-prospect-david-jiricek/
  18. I agree with that scouting analysis article about the level of his talent, his strengths and the development curve he should be taking. Would I have him on the Canucks ? In a heart beat. Talent to burn and what seems like a real desire to succeed. I would hire a person like this in any job. https://unionandblue.com/posts/david-jiricek-should-be-playing-in-the-nhl " I get that it's important to let young players grow at their own pace. Especially defenseman. I also agree that having young players play nightly is better for their development. Jiricek has actually played pretty well. Aside from the occasional mistake, he's NHL ready and he is being blocked by players who have underperformed. "
  19. Where did I say pro athletes ? I stated athletes. A few went on to compete at the top levels of their sports, MTB, Skiing and Snowboarding. One of my happiest moments was when this kid, Dan, told me at the end of the season, " thanks for all your help Dave, not so much for skiing but how you taught me it's more important to treat others the way you want to be treated yourself, the life lessons you have taught me " You know that some teams are better at developing talent than others ? As other people in this thread have pointed out, Columbus have shown with other prospects that their ability to develop them properly could be called into question. That both the Blue Jackets management and coaching departments have questions hanging over them. The talent is there however the results aren't. And it's not just that, as I have pointed out, you have insulted a person you don't really know at all. On the basis of one media report.
  20. Then why accuse me of hubris ? Hubris, excessive pride or self confidence. I use to have no confidence/belief in myself at all. I didn't believe my parents at first when they told me if you believe in yourself 100 percent and put in 100 percent, I could achieve whatever I put my mind to. It was only when I actually put that into practise, applying myself to free skiing that I found out, that was indeed true. I don't believe I am very talented, it was that belief in myself and being totally driven to being the best, that I became one of the best freeskiers here in Aus back in the day. As for the rest of our discussion, I have provided facts, and also logical reasons why David should, as part of his development curve, be provided with more opportunities. You have simply insulted him. Calling him a narcissist. That's what being called self entitled means. To be narcissistic. I drafted David in the CFFGML in his draft year and have followed his career before and after he was drafted. I don't believe he has a narcissistic character.
  21. We are truly Brothers. I absolutely love the Toy dolls, and that track is one of my favourite songs. Nicky is a total gentle man, such a nice, humble person. Such a talented percussionist. Thanks for informing me about that book, I will try and hunt up a copy. One of my favourite all time records is Joes garage by Zappa, the story of a garage band that becomes big in a society where music is illegal. The title song, catholic girls, crew slut, wet t-shirt night etc. Fuckin classic Just about every band probably started like this
  22. " Insults are the arguments employed by those in the wrong " JJR
  23. Yes i do. I have had experience in helping athletes becoming the best they can be. You can have all the talent in the world, however if you don't have belief and confidence in your talent then you aren't going to get far. David didn't insult or belittle anyone, he actually praised his AHL coaches, he just expressed a belief in his ability to compete at the highest level. That's a quality I want in an athlete. We have seen when teams don't develop and athlete properly. https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/scouts-analysis-why-columbus-needs-to-be-careful-with-frustrated-prospect-david-jiricek/ " Jiricek can beat goalies at any level with a clapper or snap shot from range. He's a power play threat waiting to happen. He has always produced offense along every stop in his development. " Last year he proved his worth with in the AHL, with 38 points in 55 games. Taking into account the statement above, the logical step is to give him some time on the second PP unit in the NHL as part of his natural development curve. "My boy, you can take it from me That of all of the afflictions accurst With which a man's saddled And hampered and addled A diffident nature's the worst Though clever as clever can be A Crichton of early romance You must stir it and stump it And blow your own trumpet Or, trust me, you haven't a chance If you wish in the world to advance Your merits you're bound to enhance You must stir it and stump it And blow your own trumpet Or, trust me, you haven't a chance " Gilbert and Sullivan
  24. Another great muso that left us way to soon
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