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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Thanks for posting this, as a farmer this really hits home. I have been saying for decades our stupid species will soon be fighting wars over water. We have fought them over oil, we lived for over hundreds of thousands of years with out using oil/ petroleum based products, with out water there would be no life as we know it on this planet. In regards to food production, over 30 percent of the food we produce, 1.3 billion metric tons world wide is wasted each year. What does this tell you about us ?
  2. The Dickcheeses were very cocky after last nightfall, they could feel their grip on the city of Dicksville tightening. They found @falcon45ca in a dirty, smelly Bar, The Roquefort, and decided that death by Acidification was an appropriate fate for him. Meanwhile the Dicksvillians were frothing at the mouth in panic, their numbers dwindling they laid their hands on @SV., smothered him in curds and he died a pitiful death. @falcon45ca Was Edward " Edam " Ness A Dicksvillian. @SV. Was Joey " gorgonzola " Luciano The Dickcheese role cop/ sheriff. Next nightfall 9pm Thursday Vancouver time. Surviving players @SnakeDoctor @Time Lord @Qwags @Sharpshooter @Lewitelli
  3. Votes closed. As Time Lords vote after nightfall was the same as before it, Lewitellis vote is the deciding vote. @SV. You have been voted out. You may have your last words. Night fall incoming
  4. Votes closed. In order to keep this game moving I am asking people to choose between SV and SD. Lewitelli is the only person around so it probably will be him. NF in 30 minutes.
  5. Sorry Brother. From now on I will use Sharpshooters and Snake Doctors full usernames.
  6. Vote count SV - 2 votes - SD - Falcon SD - 2 votes - SV - TL TL - 1 vote - Lewt No votes Sharpshooter Qwags 15 minutes to night fall
  7. Vote count SV - 2 votes - SD - Falcon SD - 2 vote - SV - TL No votes Sharpshooter Qwags Lewitelli Nightfall under an hour away
  8. I am sorry to hear this. Why would you state that, if you lose a war you are fucked, as some form of justification, when your family have been victims of this ?
  9. I have already googled Hamas financial " empire" Also the wealth of a few at " top " as opposed to how the many suffer poverty. There are supposedly 600 millionaires in Gaza while hundreds of thousands live in poverty. The hitman as you put it is the head of the al - Qassam brigade's Mohammad Deif who is reportedly worth $5 million. Have I ever stated that I believe the leadership of Hamas acts, or even cares about the Palestinian people ? No I have not. I don't believe that many of the people who are elected to represent people in societies around the world actually care about the people they are meant to represent. Talking about bastards and who they are, a liberal party, right wing, politician left his party in 1977 and formed the Australian Democrats, their slogan being, let's keep the bastards honest. Lets face it, most of them of bastards. I do believe that Albo and even Turnbull cares/ cared about us the Australian people, however all the others since Keating couldn't give a rat's arse. Howard, Abbott and Morrison.
  10. I have known about the persecution that was practised by both Jews and Palestinians, in Palestine in the early to mid 20th century, I do not need to research it. I have never denied Isreals right to exist or that they had the right to defend themselves when they have been attacked, not just in 1948, but also at times since. I have also never stated that the Palestinian leadership is not at fault, I have condemned Hamas many times now. Why I focus on the Palestinians is that I, like many people from all parts of our world including many Israelis themselves, believe they are victims of persecution, long before the October 7th attack. I, like most if not all of the world believe that the Palestinians deserve the right of self determination. I could state that most of the posters focus on the Isrealis in this thread. They don't admit to the acts of violence that the state of Israel was founded on. They don't admit to the acts of violence the settlers inflict upon Palestinians. They don't admit to the fact that the Isrealis are illegally settling land. I can't even get some posters to agree to the fact that Palestinians have the right to self determination and to live in a free and just society. As for lose a war your fucked ? Would you feel that way if Ukraine happens to lose their war, this being a universal principle ? I know this isn't the attitude I would take.
  11. I am not kidding myself. You are talking about a minority of corrupt leaders that make up small percentage of the terror group Hamas. The vast majority of Hamas members are fanatics that aren't engaged in business activities, or could be said to be wealthy. And in regards to your claims about militant autocrats who die amongst the richest billionaires I history, multiple sources on the web state that the political head of Hamas Yahya Sinwar is worth somewhere between $1- 3 million. Lets put that into context with Gina Reinhardt, Andrew Forrest and Harry Triguboff, Australias three richest people, their wealth has doubled since 2020, at a rate of $1.5 million an hour according to an Oxfam report. Anyway Hamas is not a business, its leaders, that small minority I mentioned that make up " the government " of Gaza are corrupt and make money at the expense of th their fellow citizens. The vast majority are terrorists.
  12. Hamas is not a business. Hamas is a group of fanatics that believe committing acts of brutality and violence is justified in regards to forming an independent Palestinian state. Much like the Israeli terror groups acts of violence and brutality that were committed during their war of independence, Israelis forming an independent state. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2021-12-09/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/classified-docs-reveal-deir-yassin-massacre-wasnt-the-only-one-perpetrated-by-isra/0000017f-e496-d7b2-a77f-e79772340000 " The Cabinet minister Haim-Moshe Shapira said that all of Isreals moral foundations had been undermined. Minister David Remez remarked that the deeds that had been done remove us from the category of Jews and from the category of human beings altogether. Other ministers were also appalled. "
  13. Vote count SV - 2 votes - SD - Falcon SD - 1 vote - SV No votes Sharpshooter Time Lord Qwags Lewitelli
  14. A bit of a feel good story for the Ukrainian People. Dayana Yastremska has become only the seconds women qualifier, she wasn't automatically in the tournament she had to play in the Qualifiers to earn the right to play in the Aus open, to play in a semi - final at the Aus open, in the open era. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20240124-ukrainian-qualifier-yastremska-reaches-australian-open-semis It's an incredible achievement in its own right let alone what is happening back home. There is the potential match up against a Russian player in the semi - final, Anna Kalinskaya if she wins her quarterfinal match later this evening.
  15. Yes I have commented on the situation of first nations people here in Aus. Was very disappointed with the result of the last referendum. An indigenous voice to Parliament. Here is a good summation of the current representation of first nations people in our Federal Parliament, which is a record number, however this article explains why an indigenous voice to Parliament would have been a positive thing for first nations people. https://theconversation.com/with-11-indigenous-politicians-in-parliament-why-does-australia-need-the-voice-200910
  16. I was the first, in this thread, to suggest a one state solution way back. I also in reply to that post stated, the governance would have to be shared. And no, that is not what the right wing in Israel wants. https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/17/middleeast/israel-far-right-gaza-settler-movement-cmd-intl/index.html When one group of people control another group of people, without that group of people having representation, what do you call the group of people who are being controlled victims of ?
  17. As I stated in another post, vocal minorities usually have a voice that is disproportionately louder than the size of the group involved, in any society you care to name. Especially fanatics, which both the Palestinians and Israelis have numbers of. It was you that brought up the " hate filled " Palestinians kids. I simply pointed out that there was Isreali kids doing the same thing, on a larger platform, one that literally the whole world could access. From memory I didn't even post a link. I won't use kids for propaganda purposes. While Israel keeps taking land in the west bank there is no chance that the Palestinians can form a viable state. Are Palestinians meant to form a state that only consists of Gaza ? An area that is the quarter the size of London ? As I have stated Israel does have long ties to the city of Jerusalem however so do the Arabs/ Palestinians and the Armenians. Don't they have have the right to live there to ? Traditional Jewish thought stated that the Jews had been exiled from as a punishment from their god. They could only return in Messianic times. It's seems the fundamentalists Jews, the Jews who make up the bulk of people who are illegally settling on Palestinian territory have changed their minds, or do they believe they do indeed, live in the messianic times. Whatever their beliefs, as I have consistently stated, my belief is that both Jews and Palestinians have the right to self determination and also to live in free and just societies. No ifs, buts or maybes. Don't you agree ?
  18. I suggested a one state solution way back in this thread. Palesrael , Irastine. The governance would have to be shared. As I have consistently posted in this thread, there are Isreali and Palestinians that want to work together for peace.
  19. You are not being a dick, thanks for pointing that out, I was late,for nightfall and was rushing to get the vote count and nightfall out. I am sorry to all involved. That time of the Arvo here in Aus is when a lot of my friends knock off. They have been calling me because they are worried about me in relation to my personal life. I am very lucky to have fantastic friends.
  20. After successfully killing a Dickcheese gang member the dicksvillians were estatic...however they lost their beloved sheriff @112 in the process. The Dickcheeses were infuriated, they stormed through the streets of Dicksville grabbing the first person they saw @Naslund, Hung him by his feet and stuffed blue vien up every orifice until he suffocated and died. Meanwhile the town were in an utter state of panic, not sure who they could trust they pounced on @DarthMelvin and chucked him in a cheese churner. @DarthMelvin Was Ellis " Feta " Parker A town person @Naslund was Robert " Gouda " Peel A town person Surviving players @Qwags @SV. @Sharpshooter @falcon45ca @Lewitelli @Time Lord @SnakeDoctor Next Night fall will be 9pm Wednesday Vancouver time.
  21. DarthMelvin 3votes - Falcon- TL - SV - SS - 2 votes SD - Qwags SD - 1 vote - SS Falcon - 1 vote DM Qwags - 1 vote - Lewitelli Naslund no vote @DarthMelvin You have been necked by the town You may utter you last words
  22. Sorry guys, had a long phonecall from my friend whose daughter is my avatar. Will post vote count and then nightfall.
  23. @Optimist Prime My notifications tell me you quoted me however I can't find the post.
  24. So it's got nothing to do with the Saudis that are involved in all these proxy wars with Iran across the middle east. http://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/rngs/MIDEAST-CRISIS/010070820KQ/index.html
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