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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Aren't players allowed I missed vote ? I am happy to sub BJ in, if he wants to and the above " rule " doesn't apply.
  2. 2 hours to NIGHT FALL Current vote count Sharpshooter 4 - Falc - SD- SV - Naslund TL - KZA 2 - Sharpshooter KZA - 1 - 112 Falcon- 1- DM No votes Qwags Lewitelli - TL
  3. Just checked and this vote count is correct.
  4. Propaghandi Pro Feminist Anti Fascist Gay Positive Animal Friendly Lots of Fantastic albums and songs Standouts are How to Clean Everything Victory Lap, written after Trump won the election I believe you will like many of their songs however this cover of a cheap trick classic reasononates with most people
  5. Take a look at your promised land Your deed is that gun in your hand Mt.Zions a minefield The west bank The Gaza strip The west bank The Gaza strip Soon to be parking lots for American tourists And fascist cops, yeah Some good Winnipeg boys @Optimist Prime Check out that song Haillie Selassie up your Ass I think it's right up your alley
  6. I live on the traditional land of the Wurundjeri people. I pay my respect to those and all the other indigenous tribes that have lived on this continent for over 60,000 years and constitute the world's oldest continuous culture. They used to hold corroborees on a site that is believed to be the current location of the football ground and the cricket ground. Our farm was bush when mum and dad bought it. I still have the tree- puller that dad used to pull out the massive gum trees with. It would take days, literally inch by inch with big thick wire cables. He was like a Superman to me. There is an enduring myth that our first nations people were hunter gatherers, that is not correct, there is evidence of them using farming techniques in certain parts of Australia, however there is no evidence of this where I live, and the Wurundjeri people have not made a claim on this land unlike other parts of their country. Edit Still have probably about an acre of bush on my ten acre farm.
  7. Great word..... however this is an extremely important question that has a few moral implications. As you know I condemn all acts of violence however when confronted with violence it seems our species only respects violence. I believe that the Isrealis have shown in the past they have the ability to be " surgical " in response on certain occasions. In regards to a hospital, I know what international law states, however I know what my conscience dictates. I would make every effort to impact only the terrorists themselves. What I will say with conviction is that that these figures, half of Gaza's building have been damaged or destroyed a figure that accounts for almost 70 percent of its 439,000 homes. That is a disproportionate response. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/some-70-of-gaza-homes-damaged-or-destroyed-wall-street-journal-analysis/
  8. One word answer....Yes. I would like to be allowed to elaborate on that.
  9. Yes, I have brought this up before in regards to having a personal connection to this event. All I know for sure is that my dad told me that John Shaw was a distant family relative of ours. Part of the reason that since I learnt about this, I have researched this conflict, and maintained a strong interest in it. I will let others decide/make their own decisions about the allegations and actual facts that are detailed here in the part Sir John Shaw controversy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing Rather telling don't you think that the Irgun sent him a letter bomb two months later after he was appointed high commissioner of Trinidad and Tobago. The clan Shaw forgives but never forgets. Actually our motto is Fide et fortitudine Fidelity and fortitude However I don't hold the Isreali people responsible for the actions of a few.
  10. I don't believe that every hostage death can be attributed to Hamas either. I don't believe much they state. That's why I haven't used their casualty/ death figures. Go back a few pages and it was an Isreali source I quoted in regards to this. Hamas fighters killed, ratio of civilians to Hamas fighters killed.
  11. Yes in another thread somewhere stated that it was BS that Arafat won a peace prize just like another former terrorist, ex Isreali PM Menachem Begin who also won a peace prize. I totally condemn his actions before he tried to find a road to peace All those events you have talked about came before he reached out, back door chanel Norway, to hold discussions with Isreal. Nothing justifies what he did before trying to make peace however he still did try. It's hard to know exactly what he was thinking however he was the first Palestinian leader to recognise Isreal, he did renounce violence and at times tried to enforce that. I did state that he was very similar to Netanyahu, who while not yet convicted, is/ has been doing some pretty crooked shit. So now we are going to hold all Palestinian accountable for the statements of their leaders. Are all Isrealis to be held to account when heritage minister Amichai Eliyahu stated " one of Isreals options in the war against Hamas could be to drop a nuclear bomb on the Gaza strip " There have been some other pretty full on statements from guys like Isreals security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir amongst others. The state of Isreal was built open acts of terrorism, the leaders of some of those groups going on to become leaders in Israel. What experts in terrorism consider the first modern act of Terrorism, post WW2, the bombing of the King David Hotel by the Irgun, as I have already stated, one of its leaders, Menachem Begin went on to be PM of Isreal and win a Nobel prize. Anyway the last day of the Dakar highlights is just about to start. For the I don't know how many times I have said this time, both sides should empathise with each other. You know like the groups of people from both sides that work together for peace that I have posted articles and videos about in this thread.
  12. And as I posted, one of the relatives of a hostage that has been released claims she has been briefed about the situation and she claims the hold up was with the Isreali government. She also claims that Netanyahu wants this war to continue so he can stay in office. That makes a lot of sense to me considering the state of affairs politically in Isreal before the October 7th attack.
  13. Please brother when I have made this " about me " I don't accuse you of making it about you when you post your viewpoint. I don't make it personal with you. I made the mistake of making it a bit personal with @Bob Long, for which I apologised. I know what is going on all around the world however that has nothing to do with the discussion our community is having in this thread. My point is nearly all of us condemn the October the 7th attacks and previous violence committed by Palestinians. I have yet to see many of those same posters condemn the illegal settlements and the violence the settlers inflict on the Palestinians . Some actually find reasons to defend these actions. All violence should be condemned. People make a accusations/ false claims, then confronted with the facts don't reply, admit they were wrong People being thrown of roofs, kids singing on telly, people indulging in mental gymnastics to deny Jews connection to Isreal. I get it wrong, I man up admit I was wrong and move on.
  14. So we can't question the amount of civilian, innocent women and children that are being killed in the name of eradicating Hamas ? You want to talk about the hostages I totally agree, here is what one of the family members had to say yesterday " Liz Naftali an Aunt of 4 year old Abigail Idan, who was taken hostage and then later released, criticised Isreali Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying that she was briefed that there were several deals regarding the release of the hostages and claimed the hold up was with his government. She also claimed the Prime Minister wants the war to continue so he can stay in office " https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/families-hamas-hostages-call-lawmakers-securing-release/story?id=106452542
  15. I feel just a little bit insulted by this. " No one was resoundingly outraged until probably right now as you read this " I brought up the Humanitarian crisis in Yemen on the old board first in the war in Ukraine thread, where I was told by a poster if I cared that much I should start a thread about. I thought that was a harsh reaction however I did create a thread. https://forum.canucks.com/topic/408904-the-largest-humanitarian-crisis-on-this-planet/#comment-16931319 I was/ am not outraged, I am heart broken. No one apart from @Canuck Surfer @Gurn and @the destroyer of worlds bothered to comment on the situation there.
  16. When I was younger and my parents asked me to save some of pocket money, 5 cents a week, half of it at that time, to contribute to children suffering in Africa, they just added it to the money they gave, it was a teaching moment. Anyway I asked why, when the people there are so poor, some times starving, do they have so many so many kids. Mum replied that having children was one, if not the only joy they had in their lives.
  17. I find it sad that I started a thread about the Humanitarian crisis in Yemen on the old board, that from memory only @Canuck Surfer contributed to, and now the situation is kinda being used as a propaganda tool in regards to the conflict in Gaza, in regards to Muslim militants. As for this discussion about the October the 7th attack, how can we discuss this properly without giving the situation some context, the history leading into it. In no way does this justify the violence committed on that day. As I stated in a previous post, Jerusalem itself has been attacked 52 times, besieged 52 times and recaptured 44 times. What does this tell you about this " holy " city. And about the " holy " land.
  18. But so was Arafat, as I have stated I find them very similar people, that were/ are in very similar situations. History illustrates that it was Arafat that made the first move to try and make peace with the Isrealis and did follow through. Could he have done a better job, 100 percent he could have. I find the only real difference between Arafat and Netanyahu is that Netanyahu has never wanted peace, he has actually bragged about this.
  19. For starters there is no thread about the conflict in Gaza on the old board. And I don't believe anyone has challenged the actual real history behind this this conflict. I would like the people who have acknowledged your post to acknowledge the truth about Isreal illegally taking land since then. Taking land not due to war. And talk about the process of giving land back so they, the Palestinians can form a viable state.
  20. Alright there was a mistake in the randomising process which I take full responsibility for. BJ was not included. After speaking to BJ he feels that it might be a bit unfair in a certain way and I should leave him out of the game. I am really bummed by all of this as BJ is mafia family and I hate fucking up, especially at my first attempt at hosting. I am really sorry about all of this.
  21. So Arafat didn't want peace when it was him that approached Norway in 1979 to provide a secret back chanel to the Isrealis, Isreal wasn't willing to talk then. And then in 1988 he recognised UN resolutions 242 and 348 which granted Isreal a window to " secure and recognised boundaries " and allowed it to continue its occupation in strategic parts of the west bank. https://remix.aljazeera.com/aje/PalestineRemix/the-price-of-oslo.html Then in 1993 in a letter to the then Isreali PM he recognised the state of Isreal. And renounced violence. Now we can debate how he went about this, like Isreals Netanyahus government, Arafat/ the PLO was an umbrella group for many disparate Palestinian groups. At times he could have done more to quell violence,then at times such as in 1996 after a bunch of Hamas bus bombings in Israel, he did oppose Hamas and tried to uproot it's terrorist infrastructure. To be truth fully honest IMO he was a lot like Netanyahu, manipulating the different groups for his own ends. However what can't be argued is that he did make some concrete steps in an effort to make peace with the Isrealis.
  22. @Taxi here is me Manning up and admitting admitting I was wrong. @Taxi here is me attributing a Jewish presence in the area known as Isreal, the occupied territories and Gaza @Taxi Here is me again attributing a Jewish presence in the area that is known as Isreal, the occupied territories and Gaza.
  23. Didn't you read my post where I manned up and admitted I was wrong about the Philistines. And you keep making BS statements. Where in any of my posts have I stated that the Jews have no history in Isreal ? I posted last night the Solomon built the first temple in 957 BC. Solomon was, at that time the king of the Jews was he not ? So apart from other posts about the history of the place that is called Isreal, the occupied territories and Gaz now , that post illustrates me pointing out that there has been a Jewish presence in that area since then. Are you going to man up and have the courage to admit you were wrong in accusing me " mental gymnastics" to create evidence that the Jews have no history in Isreal ?
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