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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. The battle is on. The soul of Dicksville is at stake. First nightfall will be in just under 2 days time 9pm Saturday Vancouver time. Living players. @Blue Jay 22 @falcon45ca @Lewitelli @Qwags @Time Lord @Sharpshooter @112 @Naslund @SnakeDoctor @SV. @DarthMelvin @KZA
  2. The first article I read was wrong, so yes you are right I have got it wrong, the Philistines are not the ancestors of Palestinians. What I will remind you of is that Jews and Palestinians are literally blood brothers. https://www.haaretz.com/science-and-health/2015-10-20/ty-article/palestinians-and-jews-share-genetic-roots/0000017f-dc0e-df9c-a17f-fe1e57730000
  3. Apparently Jews are allowed to visit temple mount during certain times but not allowed to pray there. This is to stop religious conflict, which ain't working. I believe they should be allowed to pray to their god that may or may not exist at that place if they so choose.
  4. So 1400 hundred years ago, a group of people who share some, if not many of the Judeo Christian beliefs and traditions, built a building that is way older than many of the surviving Christian buildings around the world. Just to piss the Jews off, most of which had gone to other places. Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the first temple around 587 BC Titus destroyed the second temple in 70 AD. The city has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times and recaptured 44 times. As I stated the ancestors of modern day Palestinians lived in what is now known as Jerusalem before the Isrealites got there. Sigh, no wonder we fight wars over stupid shit.
  5. There are not Palestinian politicians entering the Jewish temple mount. The first temple was built by Solomon in 957 BC, the first Mosque in somewhere around 700 ce. So just over 1200 years. As I stated in a reply to Roman, the Philistines were are the ancestors to the modern day Palestinians lived in the place that is known as Jerusalem before the Isrealites got there. And yes, I believe that like all " heritage" sites around the world, all people should be allowed to visit, respect and admire them.
  6. Those signatories aren't occupied or having their land taken from them by Isreal.
  7. C'mon brother a quick google search states that Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem are Muslim sacred sites. The first Mosque that was built there was somewhere around 700 ce. 1400 years ago. This illustrates the problem, a lack of respect, from both sides in regards to each other's beliefs. Would you like to be told what the holy sites are in regards to Isreal ? Actually Jerusalem's earliest known name is Jebusite, the translation of a Canaanite town. Together with the later arriving Philistines, they are known to be the earliest known ancestors to present day Palestinians. Both those groups of people were there before the Isrealites rocked up.
  8. No it hasn't been really been acknowledged by most of the posters in this thread. You, hippy S19, Gurn have. In fact some posters defend Isreal and find excuses for them doing this, and for not returning the land to the Palestinians. Militants from both sides want all of Jerusalem. One side keeps losing more and more land in Jerusalem, and not due to war. Even an Aussie is trying to steal land in Jerusalem from another group of people who were victims of a genocide you posted a video about in this thread. https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/religionandethicsreport/property-deal-could-threaten-armenian-presence-in-holy-land/103126920
  9. As TISM states brother You're cactus if you're Kurdish
  10. I can't be bothered trying to find the links I posted last time however the PLO did try and enforce their side of the deal. Trying to hold the radicals who committed violence to account for their acts. There was also acts of settler violence and the biggy that set off the second Intifada was when Isreali politician Ariel Sharon made a provocative visit to the Al Aqsa compound. The one difference between the radicals on both sides, that prolong this conflict by their attitudes is that Isreal has continued to take land, that the international community states they are doing illegally. They have been doing this since the mid 70's.
  11. As I have argued, empathy is the answer to, not just this situation but most of not all human " problems ". Put yourself in the " others " shoes and try and view the world through their eyes.
  12. For starters I will never call you stupid, you post intelligent well thought out content. On top of that I don't call anyone stupid. Insults are the arguments employed by those in the wrong JJR. A nation needs land and resources to make it a viable proposition, that is a fact. Isreal keeps taking land, do you believe that contributes to your claim that they refuse to make a deal. They made a deal, recognised Isreal, renounced violence, Isreal kept taking land, which meant they reneged on their part of the deal, I have already posted a detailed third party summation on this subject a while back. As for the rest you know how I feel about Yemen, I started a thread about it that you were the only one to contribute to. You also know how I feel about people who face injustice and persecution anywhere in the world. All people have the right to live in a society where they can safely raise their kids, have food on the table, access to a good education and healthcare. The world's richest society cannot even provide proper healthcare to their citizens.
  13. No, it's a question that any rational person who is going to comment on the situation in Israel, the Occupied territories and Gaza is entitled to ask, of another person who is also commenting on the same situation. Like it's a logical question. How much land and resources does it take to make a nation state a viable proposition ? Especially in the context of the situation where one side continually breaks international law by taking land from the people that even you are claiming are entitled to a nation state of their own. Source for all Palestinians want Isreal to leave Jerusalem and territory altogether please ? Is that the same as all Isrealis want all of Isreal, from the sea to the river, as Netanyahu suggested at the UN when he illustrated that with a map of said area. And as many Isrealis state themselves ?
  14. Brother I would argue that when Kan, an Isreali public broadcaster uploaded that video of the kids singing that song on the platform now known as X, not only was it available in Isreal, people all over the world saw it, and most were unhappy to say the least.
  15. I am not going to post it and use kids for propaganda purposes however don't you remember those Isreali kids that were singing a song at the start of the war, " we will kill them all " It's easy to find, even though the broad caster took it down. You are missing the point. It takes compromise from both sides to come to a peaceful solution. I don't blame you for being biased you have a horse in the race. I don't. I believe that Isrealis and Palestinians should both have self determination, free and just societies, and live in harmony, side by side.
  16. Forgive me for this however I hate this BS. 50,000 young Australian men, out of a population of 4 million, the best young men we had, were convinced to fight and die for King and Country in a pointless, bloody war, in horrific conditions, for a few miles of land, half a world away, that Europeans had been fighting over for centuries. When the survivors came back they told us not to celebrate them, they told us there was no honour or glory, just misery, pain and death. Then in the 60's they drafted/ forced teenagers to fight in an unjust war in Vietnam. Then in 2003 our PM volunteered our young men to be involved in the illegal invasion of Iraq, for weapons of mass destruction that never existed. Then there is Afghanistan, where our " special services " committed war crimes/ crimes against humanity. The only war where young Australians were fighting for ours and others freedom was WW2. That's how they, men who don't actually fight the wars, get young men to fight in the pointless wars our species indulges in. Tell them they are fighting for freedom. Edit Survivors
  17. Right on brother. I am learning as I go along.
  18. We have our last player needed, Lucky told me he will randomise and balance the teams tonight. So if all goes well I will start the game tomorrow some time.
  19. Sean Beans character,Odysseus, stated that in Troy. Lots of secular leaders around the world couldn't give a rat's arse about the people they are elected to represent. I think we all know the obvious elephant in the room in that regard. He has a good chance of getting his hands on the nuclear codes again in less than a year's time.
  20. Yep just like Netanyahus son draft dodging son hiding out in Miami who by the way is known for his his anti Palestinian rhetoric. And look some more Bullshit, Netanyahu claiming he sent his son to fight Hamas in 2023 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/10/13/netanyahus-son-joined-israel-defense-forces-in-2014-fact-check/71158828007/
  21. Yes a poster on a hockey forum has more knowledge than a 4 star US army General that was well known for developing and implementing a counter insurgency strategy in Afghanistan. For starters how many terrorists are there in Canada ? And how many civilians have been killed in relation to their cause. Ditto Aus Ditto GB Ditto France Ditto Germany Want me to continue ?
  22. Well Isreal states that it is killing 2 civilians for every Hamas militant, and also states " that this is a " tremendously positive " ratio https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/05/middleeast/israel-hamas-military-civilian-ratio-killed-intl-hnk/index.html Tremendous isn't a word I would use in the context of killing women and children. Also a study commissioned by retired army general McChrystal, " which said that for every civilian killed 10 terrorists are recruited, by that number Isreal has killed 5,000 Hamas terrorists but in the process they have recruited about 100,000 new adherents. And this is bad news for Isreal. " These figures are from an article dated 12/05/23 Like many of us have Ben stating, what Isreal is doing in Gaza is only making things worse for everyone involved.
  23. That's a pretty vocal minority as vocal minorities tend to be. And they usually wield power that is disproportionate to the amount of numbers they have, especially nationalist minorities, which is what the settler movement and some others in Isreal that back them are.
  24. No, it has to start on both sides. The Palestinians that hate/ dislike Isrealis have to have their minds changed. The Isrealis that have and are continuing to settle illegally on Palestinian land have to stop taking land, and that land has to be given back to the Palestinians so they can form a viable state. Palestinians also have to be granted Autonomy in East Jerusalem in regards to making that the future capital of a Palestinian state. Compromise cuts 2 ways. They call this place the Holy land. When using this word in the context of dismay, Holy crap, this is a messed up situation, it sure is the holy land.
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