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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Lucky told me that if we can get one more player he can randomise and balance a solid game.
  2. Lucky tried to randomise 10 players and told me it was hard to come up with a balanced line-up. @YOLOSWAG @MidKnight Ego @porscha @J-23 @DumbassTurtle @iambrad @Aladeen @Qwags @Master Radishes @Alchemy Time C'mon guys we need you
  3. Answer this simple question, how can the Palestinians form a viable state when Isreal keeps taking more and more land from them ? The international community, including Isreals best friend the US condemns them for doing this. Apart from S19, Gurn and Hippy no one in this thread wants to deal with this fact. In fact people in this thread defend Isreal for taking land, and find reasons not to give land, that has been stolen, back.
  4. We have 11 however I need some help with the game and Lucky has offered and he is too busy to give it his all so I say we start with 10. I have tried to to use the a randomiser however like I say, I am dumb as dogshit with computin. I will ask lucky to randomise the 10 players and we will take it from there.
  5. 2023 the safest ever year in regards to air travel. Not a single Airline crash last year. https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/zero-airline-crashes-in-2023-it-was-one-of-aviations-safest-years-ever/ I know there was that horrific crash early this year at Tokyo airport, however if you saw the footage, it's amazing only 5 people were killed.
  6. As I stated, I will go as far back as the Oslo peace accords when the Palestinians finally agreed to recognise Isreal and renounce violence, for the main they tried their best to do so. They tried to police their fellow Palestinians, very small minority, that broke promise. Isreal never lived up to their promise of not to continue taking land. There have been a few Isreali PM's going as far back as the mid 1970's when Yitzhak Rabin made this statements " In a previously unpublicized interview, Isreals fifth Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin can be heard calling the still nascent west bank settler movement, comparable to cancer, and warning that Isreal risked becoming an arpartheid state if it annexed and absorbed the west bank population " https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-1976-interview-rabin-likens-settlements-to-cancer-warns-of-apartheid/ How about Ehud Olmert, another Ex Isreali PM, when he states " We can't afford to continue to live under circumstances where there are millions of people without rights which we occupy without giving them the basic elementary rights that they deserve, I feel that we are coming close to the point where Israel will be perceived as an apartheid country " https://www.vox.com/world-politics/2023/3/16/23639947/palestine-netanyahu-israel-protests-ehud-olmert
  7. This is a solid post, I didn't want to " like " it because it illustrates the worst of our species. As for democracy let's start with here in Aus, do you really believe we live in a real democracy, where there is a 2 party political system, those parties choose their candidates...and we have political lobbying ? Did you see that 4 corners report on Political lobbying a few years back, without getting right into it, as one lobbyist stated, why do you think we give these guys so much money. The big guys contribute to both parties so they have both their bases covered. At least here in Aus people are starting to wake up to this BS, that's why there was a " teal " wave at the last election, a lot more independent candidates elected to government. I won't even talk about the US, a system where a candidate who wins the popular vote does not win the election. Beyond all this, it is the Corporations that hold the real power in our societies, governments are middle management at best. I suggest you watch the Canadian made doco, The Corporation, and its follow up, The New Corporation: The Unfortunately Necessary Sequel. They used to be on SBS on demand, I don't know if they still are, content gets changed.
  8. Thanks for the comprehensive and honest assessment, on your part in answering my question. To cut to the chase, since he Oslo accords where both sides agreed to certain terms, the PLO recognised Isreals right to exist as a state and renounced violence. Isreal promised not to take any more land and reneged on that promise. Certain Palestinians then resorted to violence, the PLO tried to hold them accountable and eventually both sides failed to live up to their side of the bargain. It's pretty obvious that the catalyst is Isreal continually illegally taking Palestinians land. Even their best friend the US condemns the illegal settlements. Netanyahu has bragged he is proud to have prevented a Palestinian state. I have provided evidence in past posts for all of this. Isreal has a right to exist as a self governing free society. Palestinians have the right to self determination and a free society. One of these groups of people don't have that. People keep coming up with excuses for why the Palestinians don't deserve what the Isrealis have. They live under a form of oppression, whatever you want to call it. That's why I used quotes from an ex Isreali PM that stated this.
  9. What do you guys think is the minimum amount of players we should start with ? I am disappointed that more people haven't signed up. Lucky told me his is busy this month and couldn't put the effort he would like to into a game.
  10. I am sorry. As I have stated before, I am an old cunt. I don't get gifs.
  11. So you mock me for posting the truth. That's alright, I don't mind.
  12. What does this mean Alf Did you miss this https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/video-people-thrown-roof-shows-punishment-by-is-not-hamas-2023-12-14/ https://fullfact.org/news/video-islamic-state-execution-not-hamas/ https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.347B339 So no, Hamas did not throw people of roofs.
  13. Gotta quote this again. Watched Joe Bell last night, SBS has a festival of true stories/ movies. Joe's son committed suicide because he was bullied for being gay. Joe then embarked on a " walk " across America, 6 months into this he was killed by a driver that went to sleep at the wheel. He even states himself that he didn't deal with his son coming out well. Right at the end of his Journey he meets a sheriff whose own son was gay. The sheriff told Joe that his dad who was an ex marine dealt with the news better than he did. A movie we all should watch.
  14. Kinda Ironic that Biden held that meeting in the " indian treaty " room. They broke a few of them, then Congress passed a law in 1871, 25 U.S.C 71, that prohibited the US government entering into additional treaties with the Indian tribes. Kinda sounds familiar doesn't. Guess the American Indians were terrorists back then for fighting to defend the land they had lived on for far back as 30,000 years ago, the first time people arrived in what is now known as the US.
  15. Yes, like people falling for BS propaganda like the Hamas throwing people of rooftops. I posted the factual information about this and yet nobody has acknowledged it.
  16. Alright I will stop confusing the issue. I simply ask the same question I have now asked several times and nobody's wants to answer. Why do international human rights bodies and human rights bodies within Isreal and many Isrealis themselves, some very prominent ones, state that Isreal is practising arpartheid on the Palestinian people ? What is their motivation for doing this ? As for the, cover your face comment , the footage I am watching out of Gaza, I have never seen a women with her face covered. As for Iran l, refer to my post about Iran, maybe if the British and Americans didn't help overthrow a democratically elected government in Iran, the women there wouldn't be forced to cover their faces when they go outside.
  17. And there were some black south Africans that enjoyed the same privileges as the whites while SA practiced arpartheid on their fellow black south Africans. All I am stating is that not only do human rights bodies within Isreal and also international bodies state that Isreal practices arpartheid, but also many Isrealis themselves. Again, why do they do this ? As for Isreal being an inclusive society, it is heading the way of the US, the right wing government is trying to take away the rights of women and the LGBTQ community https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2023-07-23/ty-article-opinion/.premium/israels-government-has-declared-a-war-on-women/00000189-8304-d7f1-abbd-cffdf4610000 https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-01-11/ty-article-magazine/.premium/lgbtq-israelis-describe-being-shunned-by-global-community-after-october-7/0000018c-f92a-dd94-a9cc-fbee4d680000 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/22/israel-lgbtq-community-fear-future-far-right-government
  18. Vonnegut uses the words Poo-tee-weet as a kinda metaphor, the whole book being a testament to the futility and stupidity of war. As for blame, some do consider it this a war crime. I used to discuss this as an idealistic teenager, with not a lot of wisdom, with my father, who as I stated lived through the fire bombing of Coventry, and was severely wounded on D-day. What is a fact is that Arthur " Bomber " Harris the chief of RAF bomber command to quote the article below " He and other allied strategists were frustrated by the relative failures of the precision bombing raids and advocated massive area bombardments to kill civilians and shatter the enemies will. Harris was completely open and unashamed about this " https://www.history.co.uk/article/was-the-destruction-of-dresden-an-allied-war-crime It's up to each individual to decide in their own minds what is right or wrong. I believe the Nietzsche quote I used sums it up.
  19. I was going to state the obvious that if he does fall to us, he would be the steal of the draft. Like nearly all prospects, one is never 100 percent certain however if we are picking in the late twenties or deeper and he is still there, gotta take the punt IMO.
  20. Actually this, the fire bombing of Dresden, is something I can talk about from a sorta personal perspective. My father who was the kindest most gentle man I have ever known, lived through the fire bombing of Coventry. He like many British people considered the fire bombing of Dresden as kinda payback. Have you ever read Slaughter House 5 ? And do you know where Vonnegut was during the firebombing ? He was an allied POW that was imprisoned in Dresden and lived through that firebombing Every one should read this book. Poo-tee-weet
  21. And Isreal keeps taking land, keeps taking land, keeps taking land. You honestly believe an unarmed population can challenge a bunch of what many claim are well armed fanatics ? If I was there with my family my only priority, like any sane person, would be to try and keep them safe. The worst of it is done ? Mopping up to do ? There is talk by Isreali defence officials that this conflict could go on for another year https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/07/israel-says-gaza-fighting-could-last-a-year-amplifying-fears-of-regional-war The figures I have read in relation to Hamas fighters is that have between 20- 25,000, this article states 30,000, IDF officials claiming 8-9000 killed, not even a third. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/live-blog/israel-hamas-war-live-updates-rcna132421 Being a parent like myself doesn't it make you cry when you see the images of children killed and wounded ? I saw a father holding the blood soaked body of his daughter yesterday, PBS Newshour, I cried. Admittedly I am an emotional person. However I know what is right. Killing innocent/ unharmed women and children is not right. I am very glad your daughter wasn't at that festival.
  22. Yes women had more freedom as far back as 1953, they were given benefits that women in our countries didn't have until 20 years later under the government of Mohammad Mosaddegh. You know the government that the British and the CIA helped overthrow. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/tehranbureau/2010/04/iranian-women-and-the-struggle-for-democracy-i-the-pre-revolution-era.html "The government of Prime Minister Dr Mohammad Mosaddegh women the right to vote in municipal councils in 1952. Women were also granted equal rights with men when a new social insurance code was ratified by the Majles in 1953, which also gave maternity leave and benefits and disability allowances " Canada didn't introduce maternity leave until 1971 Australia didn't introduce maternity leave until 1973. Do you believe that if the British and CIA didn't illegally intervene in a sovereign nations affairs, in this case Iran, the Mullahs wouldn't be in charge right now ?
  23. You really should get your facts straight. https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/video-people-thrown-roof-shows-punishment-by-is-not-hamas-2023-12-14/ And just in case you want to challenge the source Reuters https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/reuters/ Factual reporting very high And here is another source https://news.abplive.com/fact-check/israel-gaza-war-video-claiming-hamas-pushing-hostages-off-building-false-islamic-state-execution-footage-1648018 And yet another https://fullfact.org/news/video-islamic-state-execution-not-hamas/
  24. Again I will pose the question that no one wants to answer, how many women and children have to die before the cost is too great ? How would you feel if that was your wife, sister, niece, nephew ? How would you feel if some told you in that case, oh that's a shame they are just collateral damage ? How much destruction ? I have already provided figures that people just ignore. 22,000 strikes in 3 months, in an area that is the size of Philadelphia. Doesn't that horrify you ? It does me. " Who ever fights monsters should see to it should see to it that they do not become a monster " Frederick Nietzsche
  25. So I am only allowed to quote people that fit the narrative that Isreal wants everyone to believe ? Brother it was those prominent Isrealis that used that term. So are they Hamas propagandists ? Are the many Isrealis across the world who condemn Isreals treatment of Palestinians Hamas propagandists ? I would like someone to answer the question I posed, why do so many Isrealis say Isreal is committing arpartheid on the Palestinians. Again words have meanings, the word arpartheid has nothing to do with slavery Arpartheid " A policy or system of segragation or discrimination on the grounds of race " Does this fit the example, Isreal steals land on the west bank and then build roads that only Israelis are allowed to drive on https://www.nrc.no/shorthand/stories/in-the-west-bank-segregated-roads-displace-palestinians/index.html Why do people make excuses for Isreal when they would not tolerate that behaviour elsewhere. And please quote me where I used an article that used the word genocide. As I have already stated, earlier in the thread I defended Isreal against the claims of genocide. Since then I have been silent on this subject.
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