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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. I think it's kinda surprising that Aron Kiviharju isn't in their top 32. I know he hasn't played since October however most ranking sites have him anywhere between as high as number, 10 TSN Bob McKenzie, low as 21, Elite prospects / SMAHT Scouting.
  2. The Bleacher Report mock draft after the world juniors https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10104443-updated-2024-nhl-mock-draft-after-the-world-junior-championship
  3. Not sure why supporting Palestinians right to self determination, freedom and justice is interpreted as being pro Hamas, especially when one has denounced the actions of Hamas. @Canuck Surfer accused me of using Hamas propaganda when using the word arpartheid, which I personally didn't, I stated they live under a form of oppression. Is ex Mossad chief Tamir Pardo a Hamas propagandist when he stated Isreal is imposing apartheid on the Palestinian people ? Is ex Isreali PM Ehud Olmert a Hamas propagandist when he states " We can't afford to live under circumstances where there are millions of people without rights which we occupy without giving them the basic elementary rights they deserve .... I feel we are coming close to the point that Isreal will be perceived as an apartheid country " Are the Isreali politicians statements at the end of this article Hamas propaganda. ? https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/saying-israel-guilty-apartheid-isn-t-antisemitic-just-ask-these-n1268785 Why do many Isrealis themselves from all over the world condemn Isreals treatment of the Palestinians ? Why do you think they do this ?
  4. You don't hear much about the other side of the story, men who have to pay the price for the actions of scumbags like him. My EX walked into a court with no evidence at all, accused me of one of the worst possible things a person could be accused of, abusing the people they love the most, and had a intervention order placed on me. After they, my ex and my son disappeared for five days, I was sick with worry, 2 massive cops showed up at my home and kicked me out of it. If it was a he said, she said situation, my good name would have been fucked. However we were all separately interviewed by a psychologist, her, me and our son. It was my son's words that cleared my name. What he told the psychologist contradicted what my EX had told the court. Even then I spent years in the courts and over 100k to get increased custody of my son. My Ex kept trying to extend the intervention order, which even though my son had cleared my name, meant I still had to attend court to stop those orders going through. Even the cops stated the system is fucked up. It gets abused by people like my ex. To this day it still blows me away that this can happen to someone. I don't claim to be perfect however apart from the general wear and tear of a relationship, I had done nothing wrong. In fact quite the opposite, it was my ex's dream to have a child, I was a bit dubious, late forties, worried about bringing a child into this messed up world, however I loved her so much I wanted to make her happy. The process I went through to find out I am sterile, I would have never done for myself. Since then she has been reported twice to child protection for filming our son self harming while denigrating me in the background. For the last two years she has not only broken the family court orders, she has committed another form of child abuse, Parental Alienation, telling our son I am not his dad because he is an IVF child. Despite all of this I am still extremely grateful to her, the best thing to ever happen to me was becoming a dad. When they cut her belly open and pulled him out, I cut his umbilical cord, they wrapped him up and put him in my arms, I looked in his eyes, that was the best moment of my life. Since then I have never loved another human being the way I love my beautiful son. Stories like these, variations of them, are more common than one might think. Before this happened to me I didn't know much about it, since then talking to people about it, a lot of people know someone, a relative, a friend that something like this has happened to them. My lawyer and I were sitting around in the waiting area of the family court, one of the countless court cases I had to attend to get some custody of our son, and fight to clear my name, he told me this story. He once represented a guy, that guys ex and their son went to the police station and the seven year old son told the cops, daddy is sucking my @@$*, he is making me suck his @#$#. So they lock the dad up. However the arresting Seargant felt something was wrong/off, so he brought the kid back in for another interview and gave him a truth test, is the roof white ?,is the floor brown ?, is what you told us about your dad true ? He told them that mummy had told him to tell them that. Apparently mummy had another boyfriend and wanted daddy out of the way. How fucked up is that ? This guy has been accused of the worst thing possible. Sexually molesting his own child, falsely, by his own child. If he had gone into general population, jail, he would have been fucked. Imagine if the cop hadn't felt something was wrong ? As I stated, stories like to these don't make the news. Don't get me wrong, domestic violence should be taken a lot more seriously in our societies. What do you call it when a person tells their partner he is not a real man, because he couldn't give her a child himself ?
  5. The term fake news was coined in the 1890's, along with " yellow journalism " A practice that Joseph Pulitzer and William Hearst indulged in, publishing rumours as actual facts. https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/the-real-story-of-fake-news Hilary Clinton used it in a speech 2 days before Trump did. She was warning about the dangers of it. Like most things, trump stole and perverted it.
  6. It's always been pretty simple to me. Empathy. Picture yourself walking a mile in another persons shoes. Then you might gain an insight into what's it's like to be them.
  7. Same old Taxi. You love putting words in peoples mouth. Many times on the old forum I stated I am just a dumbass flower farmer that excelled at actions sports. I have never claimed to be a higher power and never will. Shitloads of smarter people than me in this world. All I stated in that post was that the ABC and SBS report the news, in an impartial and balanced way. That they are reliable sources of news. Then provided a fact checking organisations information/ evidence on them to back up my assertion. What age has taught me, coming up on 60, is that the truth, that which is in accordance with facts and reality, gets easier to decipher. The volume of life experience and knowledge I have gained along the way, makes this easier than it was when I was younger. Thanks for the first year liberal arts student compliment. Love being taken for one of them.
  8. Ilunga

    See Ya

    One of my all time favourite records covers The UK Subs endangered Species. https://uksubsmusic.bandcamp.com/album/endangered-species-2 Bloody fantastic record if you are an old punker. It was hard to give this one away, however my friend loves records even more than me.
  9. Ilunga

    See Ya

    AU contraire Some of us like to have a physical connection to the music we love. Vinyl is making a big comeback. Some of my friends have massive record collections. Me I have a huge CD collection, gave my records to a friend who loves records more. People used to buy me an I- tunes gift card, then I found out that was buying a record/ CD and only being able to play it on one or two devices. Never bought, and never will buy an apple product again. Streaming music maybe good for the consumer, however it's sucks for the musicians that create the music.
  10. Ilunga

    NFL Thread

    All the NFL helmets in the playoffs have Be Love on them. It is to honour one of my heroes Martin Luther King.
  11. I know you aren't brother. She was just the person who came up with that term, alternative facts. We seem to live in a world were those type of " facts " find fertile breeding grounds.
  12. What the events of the last 6 years of my life has taught me, has only reinforced what I already knew. All you can take to the grave with you is knowing you have been true to yourself. Even though the person I once loved with all my heart, has totally broken mine, has committed child abuse on our son, Parental Alienation, I refuse to hold anger in my heart. I will continue to treat her the way I wish to be treated myself because that is being true to who I am. We can't let the people who don't think like we do, take our humanity away from us.
  13. Words have meanings. The definition of the world truth "That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality. " As I have always stated I love facts. I also like to live in reality. So unless you are Kellyanne Conway and believe in alternative facts, truth is not in the eye of the beholder.
  14. Where did I state I have a monopoly on truth ? I didn't. Where did I state that my view is the only " true "one I didn't. I am simply a truth seeker. I suggest that you apply the words I quoted from the critical thinking article to me. As regards to all the BS that happens between countries, I have no biases. Why, because I consider myself one of 8 billion plus people that share this planet. I just happen to be born and live on a continent called Australia. I am the first to call out injustice in the society I live, such as invasion day, otherwise known as Australia Day, just under 2 weeks away. Our indigenous citizens, that have been here for over 60,000 years and counting, have asked us to change the day and yet we, as a society, refuse to. As I have stated before, nationalism is one of the biggest, causes of conflict on this planet. FUCK NATIONALISM FUCK MILITARISM
  15. As those media fact checks state, both those news services have a slight to moderate liberal bias. This is in regards to the words, " They often publish factual information using loaded words " So in essence we are both correct in our assessment. The news presented is factual, however some presenters are trying to influence an audience by appeals to emotion and stereotypes. I am certain that you have the ability to think critically about the information that is presented to you. I have certainly have biases, truth, justice and the golden rule, you don't want to be fucked with, don't fuck with others. That's what makes the situation in Israel/ Palestine hard for people to maintain an unbiased opinion on, both sides are fucking with each other. However to me it's pretty obvious to me, a large number of Palestinians are paying the price, for the actions of a small percentage of their population. As always I hope the Prime family is happy and healthy.
  16. The ability to think critically. https://rebeccarijsdijk.medium.com/nurturing-the-art-of-critical-thinking-48978320292b Lots a great points in that article, one that pertains to this forum " Respectful discussions with individuals holding diverse viewpoints sharpen our ability to articulate our thoughts, defend our positions with evidence and consider alternative perspectives with openness. These intellectual exchanges foster growth and understanding. "
  17. I beg to differ. For starters the ABC is taxpayer funded. They don't have any advertisers to answer to. Ergo they don't sell anything. It's actually against their charter. While SBS is only partially taxpayer funded, both these organisations are cited as airing balanced and impartial reporting. I am more cynical than the next man however I trust these sources of news. My " lane " is the truth. At my age I have learnt how to decipher the truth, as I have already explained. Both are classed as High for factual reporting, with the ABC being an actual fact checker. They are the 2 most trusted sources of news in this country. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/abc-news-australia/ https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/special-broadcasting-service-sbs/ This article gives a breakdown of figures in regards to news sources that are trusted and by whom in Australia. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/jun/14/most-australians-recognise-abc-and-sbs-as-important-to-society
  18. Hockey fans doing it for the kids. https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/annual-hockey-charity-teddy-bear-toss-breaks-record/
  19. Tracy Morrow/ ICE T was never a wannabe gangster. He did write songs about the persecution of his people, especially by the police. He played the under cover detective Scotty Appleton in New Jack City, trying to clean up the drugs. There is also his long running character Odafin Tutuola on Law and Order. Hardly wannabe gangster material.
  20. As I have explained this will be a simple game in regards to no colours, hidden results, things I am unable to do due to only having my phone and shitty computin skills.
  21. @112 @SV. @falcon45ca @Blue Jay 22 @Time Lord @luckylager @Sharpshooter @Naslund @iambrad @MidKnight Ego @Aladeen @KZA @Qwags @Zfetch @porscha @dallsbeep @DarthMelvin @SnakeDoctor @Master Radishes @Lewitelli @J-23 @Alison @DaBackpack @Alchemy Time @Funnygurl555 @Tanev @DumbassTurtle @MaxBrown @Albert @MacDougall
  22. The dark, smoldering underbelly of the city of Dicksville has exploded into violence. Members of the Dickcheese gang have gone on a rampage. Wanting total control over all the rackets in town, they roam the streets, eliminating any and all threats that will stop them from being the dominant force in Dicksville. The good citizens of Dicksville refuse to live in fear. The battle lines have been drawn. It's a battle for the soul of Dicksville. May Aristaeus help you all.
  23. You really haven't got a reliable source of news in Canada ? Here in Aus we have 2, the ABC, which is totally tax payer funded, and SBS, which is partially tax payer funded. The SBS World news which is on at 6.30pm each night is a very good source for unbiased reporting.
  24. PPG player in the J20, 1 goal in 2 games in the SHL. Hmmm Recruit scouting has him as a potential first rounder. https://www.recruitscouting.com/leo-sahlin-wallenius-and-noel-fransen-2024-nhl-draft-defensive-class/
  25. Ilunga

    NFL Thread

    4th coldest game in NHL history.
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