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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Ilunga

    NFL Thread

    I will give you a call by call. Here in Aus it's on free to Air. So far a big 3rd down, Mahomes to Kelce. KC touchdown I couldn't keep up with that march down the field.
  2. It's simple, either people think Palestinians have a right to self determination, freedom and justice or not. It's easy to tell who is who. Blanket statements are great aren't they. Like how fucked up is the middle east ? As fucked up as a place say like the US, where a person who is a criminal, self confessed sexual assaulter, abetted an insurrection, now has a great chance to be president again ?
  3. Hey Brother, what up with the ICE T reference ? He is an enforcer of the law. Detective Seargant Odafin Tutuola is one cool dude.
  4. It's ridiculous to compare the actions of " the freedom convoy " in your country, to people in Isreal who believe that Isreals response to the October the 7th attack is disproportionate. They have the right to express their views, if you believe in a free and just society.
  5. Isreal is a democracy ? https://www.timesofisrael.com/police-deny-permit-for-anti-war-protest-left-wing-groups-vow-high-court-appeal/ Don't people have the right to protest in a free and just democracy ?
  6. What's left of Gaza ? https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-bombs-destruction-death-toll-scope-419488c511f83c85baea22458472a796 " I'm just over 2 months, researchers say has wreaked more destruction than the razing of Syria's Aleppo between 2012 and 2016 Ukraine's Mariupol or, proportionally the Allied bombing of Germany in World War 2. It has killed more civilians than the US coalition did in its three year campaign against the Islamic state group " https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/08/the-numbers-that-reveal-the-extent-of-the-destruction-in-gaza#:~:text=Analysis of satellite data cited,of buildings have been destroyed. Data from conflict tracking group Airwars suggests that the US-led coalition against IS in Iraq carried out 15,000 strikes between 2014 and 2017. the Isreali military has carried out 22,000 in Gaza in less than 3 months " To give some context to the size of the area of Gaza where all these strikes are happening https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/11/13/if-gaza-was-in-your-city-how-much-would-be-destroyed Toronto is twice the size of Gaza
  7. I believe it was the British that coined that term. Watched enough war movies to know what Primal meant.
  8. Thanks for bringing this up. I admit I had no idea of the support within Isreal for the Kurds. It seems to come from across all sides of the political spectrum. Kurds , " the second Isreal " https://www.international.ucla.edu/israel/article/211984 I have a big spot in my heart for the Kurdish people.
  9. So they are like POI135809 and his political base ?
  10. There is always peace between us Brother... Salaam ealaykum You have a giant heart As you know I am passionate about what I believe in. Justice and freedom for all. I must say that the Isrealis themselves have concerns in this department. What Netanyahu is trying to do with Isreals supreme Court reminds me of what PO1135809 tried to do with the American supreme court, different methods, same result. Virtually certain he was copying him. What astounds me is that the Saudis seem to get a free pass here in the west. Their treatment of women is not much better than Iran's. MBS is one evil motherfucker, yet the US sells hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons to them. One guess where those weapons are used. I am watching the Dakar now, it pisses me off that they, the Saudis, are able to hold this event, sports washing. One good thing is that the Russian team of trucks, KAMAZ, which has dominated for years, has been refused entry since Russia illegally invaded Ukraine.
  11. Again I have stated that they need a Ghandi or an MLK like figure. Then again, while Afro-Americans aren't as persecuted as they were back in MLK's day, things are far from perfect for them either. And Indians, from what I hear, despite the claims their caste system is breaking down, if you are born to a shit cleaner, a shit cleaner you will probably be.
  12. I stated that the international community and many Isrealis themselves, some very prominent state that Isreal is practising arpartheid. I stated that I believe the Palestinians live under some form of oppression, whatever you want to name it. Pretty fuckin obvious to me. As for genocide, I defended Isreal against the charge of genocide earlier in this thread. Since then I have been silent on this subject.
  13. I don't know how many articles I have to post, all from different sources, including Isreali sources, that maybe if Isreal stopped taking land, there would be a better chance of Hamas being neutralized by their own people. Ever since the Oslo accords Isreal has continued to take land. This violates the agreement. As I have stated from the beginning, it's a circle of hatred that continues round and around. How many people in Gaza are now going to hold hatred in their hearts after what has happened in the last 3 months ? What Isreal is doing now in Gaza will not end this conflict. It is only fueling it.
  14. Don't ya think that instead of us here in the west demonizing the leaders, we instead should show support to the people who are protesting against their extremist leaders ? Show the people of Iran we are fully behind them. I find that positivity rather than negativity is a better way to initiate change. From what I have heard,people who have been there, and the research I have done,the Iranian people themselves are a kind, generous people. There was actually an Iranian guy fighting at the same event as my friends daughter a few weeks ago. Got chatting to his support group, they were really nice people. His fight was a cracker, he won, and was a very gracious winner, complimenting the other fighter.
  15. Ever since I heard that line " And you're cactus if you Kurdish " In the song Aussiemandias by TISM, I have researched the situation the Kurds have been, and are in. Literally everyone fucks them over, including their allies. " Nothing is certain in this world except death, taxes, and America betraying the Kurds " https://theintercept.com/2019/10/07/kurds-syria-turkey-trump-betrayal/
  16. While the protests aren't as big as they were early last year, many in Iran are still fighting for women's rights. https://theconversation.com/womens-activism-in-iran-continues-despite-street-protests-dying-down-in-face-of-state-repression-213514
  17. I created a thread about about the Humanitarian crisis in Yemen on the old board. No one apart from @Canuck Surfer seemed to care then.
  18. No matter whether the reasons are valid or not, it's a catch 22 situation. You call on " average" Gazans to build an economy/ nation yet how can they do this while they are being blockaded ? Also what's happens on the west bank is not a seperate issue. The problems in Gaza, west bank and east Jerusalem are all linked in the minds of the Palestinian people.
  19. Yes, but some posters here, and pundits elsewhere suggest that we here in the west have something to fear from them. And Hamas... something... something...world wide caliphate. Do you seriously believe this is something we should fear ? Have you forgotten about the Saudis and Isrealis themselves who are involved in these proxy wars with Iran ? There is blood on all their hands, however to the detriment of the Iranian people themselves, they are vilified by the west. Me, I denounce all people who use violence as a means to solve conflicts/ problems. Lost track of the amount of times I have stated this. Guess you don't want to address the fact that it was an extremist in Isreal that suggested using nukes. Guess you are only interested in pointing out the actions of the extremists on one side of the conflict.
  20. Please brother, that's insulting. I never have, and never will propagate Hamas BS. Just because I believe in freedom and justice for the Palestinian people, I certainly don't condone violence by anyone including Hamas to achieve those aims. I am virtually the only poster that consistently posts articles and videos of Isrealis and Arabs/ Palestinians working together for peace.
  21. Yet everyone talks about the Iranian boogey man, you know the one that made the deal to not build nukes, the deal that the US broke. The boogeyman that's coming for us all. Talking about using Nukes, it was a member of the Knesset, the Heritage Minister Otzma Yehudit that stated " One of Isreals options in the war on Gaza is to drop a Nuclear bomb on the strip " The bombs that Isreal are ambiguous about.....
  22. You realise you are talking about a catch 22 situation ? You call on the Gazans to build a nation yet how can they do that when they are blockaded by the Isrealis ? Anyway, we have diverged from your original post where you claimed that I was wrong in stating that the 2 major reasons for this conflict/ impediments to peace are the illegal settlements and Isreal practicing a form of oppression on the Palestinian people. In a post last night you agreed that the illegal settlements are indeed a cause of this conflict/ impediment to peace ?
  23. Yes, forgot about that. In the sum total of their history, thousands of years, the Arabian Tribes invaded another nation not in their region once....once As opposed to say the US, which according to this book by the American historian Chris Kelly and British historian Stuart Laycock America Invades How We've Invaded or Been Militarily to Involved with Almost Every Country On Earth. There are only 3 countries that America, that has the been around a few hundred years, hasn't invaded or been militarily involved with. Andorra Bhutan Lichtenstein
  24. They were all Muslims that lived in what is now known as Palestine/ Isreal. It's the descendants of those people that live in Gaza and the occupied territories now.
  25. So the sins of 20- 25,000 should be visited upon close to 800,000 people. I saw today that 60 percent of homes in Gaza have been destroyed/ damaged. Do you believe this is a proportionate response to the October the 7th attack ?
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