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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Thank you for some input at last. Why would SV want to sabotage our team ? I have always found SV to be a rational, logical poster.
  2. I am following his wishes because I don't see a better alternative ATM.
  3. Just so we have his post here close to nightfall. He asks us to " Please pick one of BJ or Qwags " Then vote TL next round. Well TL is gone so his advice for the round after this has already been enacted.
  4. As both a loving son and a flower grower, this post touches my heart. Even though my parents are both dead, I still give them flowers every few months. Mums favourite big vase is on their grave.
  5. I will always have faith/ believe in you my friend. As I stated, you gave a reasonable explanation for why you aren't around much.
  6. We don't have to wagon anyone, again I am following the SV's advice. Best I have to go on ATM. I wish Qwags would give us some input, just frickin vote. Lucky,NIK and the baller haven't been around all day, less input to work off/ help us.
  7. Petey, seriously this is something you should edit out. This shouldn't be public info. @KZA He should be allowed to edit this out.
  8. What are you talking about, this is the last vote count. Qwags has 4 votes, BJ has 3, the 2 wagons. 112 has since unvoted. Qwags not even voting. He is making our job even fuckin harder.
  9. Why ? It keeps coming back to whether you want to follow sheriff's advice. We don't have much else to work off. BJ or Qwags ? I have given my reasoning for my vote. It is starting to frustrate me that Qwags doesn't give us anything to work off. He isn't even voting.
  10. @Qwags Why aren't you voting to try and save yourself ?
  11. I am currently voting for Qwags. You have Qwags as voting for himself and not voting.
  12. TBH, I wouldn't pretend to I know if either of them are scum. I have stuck by BJ, always had the feeling he is town, he is posting less every round, that could be said for most apart from you, you did explain you were busy, family work. I am a bit Sus on Sharpie, he is barely posting, he always states to take out slankers, however he has said he is busy, family work. I gave my thoughts on everyone yesterday and not a lot has changed, everyone including myself is uncertain. The only things we are certain of is NIK is town and Petey is the Doc.
  13. I am following the advice of our dead Sheriff. As I have explained BJ is actually contributing, Qwags is posting emojis.
  14. Give us a reason to believe you are not scum. You don't post much and don't provide any reasoning for your " reads "
  15. Not a lot of activity since last night. Going to follow SV's advice, he told us to choose from BJ and Qwags. BJ is posting, Qwags is slanking So for now VOTE Qwags
  16. Unvoting, fuckin auto correct
  17. These are TL's posts from him inviting to putting his vote on SS. Not much there.
  18. We have to stop focusing on Petey, no offence mate, and focus on finding scum.
  19. Check the write up again. Captain can name a vice captain that inherits their abilities.
  20. Sorry I wasn't around for nightfall, just speaking to an old friend from Kelowna for the last hour or so. I am so lucky to have friends that support me from half a world away. Sucks to lose our sheriff however we took out the scum captain.
  21. Things are a bit clearer in the thread now that Petey isn't posting as much. Sharpie puts his vote on me stating I was coming out of left field supporting Petey, when I gave my reasons for supporting Petey, including him stating at one time he believed Peteys claim, he changes his vote to Petey..... ? Deener and 112's interaction came of nowhere, it started when 112 placed a vote on herself, personally I don't get voting for yourself. Don't know what to make of this, what do others think ? NIK, I have had towny vibes from him all game, standout point for me is that there is a shitload less gifs in his game than when I first started playing with him. What that means I don't know. SV, as I have stated seems solvey, asks questions of others, is pushing for a vote on certain players however this is part of the game. Qwags, well as usual minimum to work off, as I have already stated my vote is on him, mainly due to slanking. Lucky, I feel a lot of frustration from him in this game and to me that leads me to believe he is tp, why get frustrated if you are scum in this game state. BJ, I have made my thoughts clear about him, I really don't understand if we vote for him and he flips green, wht do we get from that. We must be getting close to losing if we lose another 2 townies this round. Petey, well gotta believe he is the doc The Baller, haven't got much of a read on him, could listen to arguments as either tp or scum. TL, putting in the effort, asking questions, fact is I always find him hard to read. Nobody totally sticks out as being totally scummy to me. This is the feeling I get from everyone, otherwise we wouldn't be dithering around, uncertain of who to vote for.
  22. I can tell you this honestly. Nothing guarded about me, what you see is what you get. Subtlety ain't my forte. I have already explained I don't really know who is what, and why. As you stated last round, things are murky, not much has changed IMO. I backed BJ in both rounds, actually stating I wasn't happy with the vote on him. He gets townier each round IMO. I have given my reason for (wanting) to believe Petey. Am willing to change my vote on Qwags, was mostly based on slanking.
  23. From memory Sharpie voted for me brother
  24. Yes. I have stated I have to believe your claim. If I do this you are the closest person I can claim to be certain of being tp. Ergo I will listen to what you state. I already have. I will admit, as I stated to Sharpie, that vote for Qwags was also influenced by his slanking " rule " as well. However we can't afford many more wrong votes.
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