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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Pretty obvious brother, I voted for him to save BJ. Faced with the choice between him and BJ, I chose BJ.
  2. I changed my vote on you to save someone I believe is tp, that you stated you would sacrifice yourself for. As above, I stated in a post before I changed my vote that I wasn't happy with the vote on BJ. FWIW he is one who I feel more confident about being town. Take that as you will.
  3. I believe you brother, as I have stated, not happy with vote on you. UNVOTE VOTE ZFETCH
  4. I will state this, I am not happy with the BJ vote. IMO I read him as tp at this point.
  5. None of us is cleared. Round one is a crapshoot in most games.
  6. Do you honestly think he is scum ?
  7. For sure I am sensitive to conflict ATM. Had a series of a abusive messages from my ex this morning.
  8. Read your post about the Snow. I have been following, as always what's happening in BC, shitty start alright. We had the shittiest season in nearly 20 years at Hotham this year. Hoping it starts puking pow for you and my friends over there.
  9. After reading through the last 10 pages twice, it seems like there's lots of little feuds going on. Can't tell who is scum or town. Out of everyone I feel the scummiest vibes from Petey, this read is influenced by his play from last game. VOTE MIDNIGHT EGO
  10. Don't have a clue TBH. Seems like the much the same BS/ banter between the same people at the start of a game.
  11. Was a bit Sus on Sharpie in regards to skanking however he has shown up. See what he has to say. Deeners pretty quiet.
  12. He posted 3 times. One post of quotes. One post claiming he was town. One post voting for lucky.
  13. Me thinks this an over the top protestation. And who the fuck is Larry ?
  14. Brother that's the story of most wars. In the " war to end all wars " Australia, 416,809 men enlisted, 38.7 percent of the total male population aged between 18 and 44 at that time. Nearly 59,000 died, 166,000 were wounded, nearly 5000 went missing or were made prisoner and nearly 90,000 suffered sickness. I am willing to bet nearly all the survivors came back indelibly scarred from what they saw, and had to do. All for what ?
  15. Our young second line centre on the CDCGML Redwings pulled off one a couple of seasons ago in Junior.
  16. Didn't come up in my search, however I will check again You are indeed correct, he did it a month and a half later.
  17. Umm...No Up until May 2023 only 4 players have scored a " Michigan " in the NHL, Andrei Svechnikov scored the first NHL Michigan goal in 2019, Filip Forsberg scored one in 2020. Kent Johnson in 2023 Trevor Zegras in in 2022. So as of today 5 players have scored Michigan goals in the NHL. Zegras has 2. https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+michigan+goals+NHL&oq=how+many+michigan+goals+NHL&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yCAgCEAAYFhgeMg0IAxAAGIYDGIAEGIoF0gEJMTYxNzNqMGo3qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-oppo-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  18. Sorry Brother Didn't mean to discriminate Tim's an athiest and a man I greatly admire This one's for you
  19. Thanks for posting this brother. I am an Aspy. It does make me view Elon in a somewhat different light. I am a big believer in owning ones actions. However how are brains are " wired " has a lot to do with the people we are.
  20. For all the Isrealis, especially the families who have lost loved ones over the Millennia For Muslims alsalam ealaykum For Christians For us agnostics And just one good old Christmas carol I have loved since a kid We are all brothers and sisters under the sun...... How I yearn for peace on earth and good will towards all people
  21. So frustrating. Beat teams like city and the gunners, and then draw with teams like United and the bottom placed team in our Europa league group. Sigh......
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