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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Both my left and right hands have always been willing and able....
  2. Thanks brother I always put down what I have written, on documents that ask for my sexual gender.
  3. One of my most favourite people on this planet is a Jew, he describes himself as a Heeb The only time a little hate is justified Edit Just in case I wasn't clear this is his band. As they described themselves on one album title White trash, Two Heebs and a Bean
  4. Pretty simple to me brother. Doesn't matter who is attacking who, what is happening is wrong. Can't you just simply condemn something that is wrong. I condemn the Palestinians who attack Isrealis full stop, settlers or not. Or do you believe that the circle of hatred should continue ? What about Arpartheid ? Don't you believe what those very prominent Isrealis amongst others have stated ? How about some prominent Isreali scholars, artists, ex ambassadors and historians https://www.commondreams.org/news/academics-israeli-apartheid From a Jewish person who grew up in South Africa and witnessed arpartheid there " Isreal is going where South Africa was 75 years ago. It is like watching the replay of a horror movie. I have argued with all my might against the accusation that Isreal is an arpartheid state, in lectures, news paper articles on TV and in a book he continued, however the accusation is becoming fact, in Isreal I am now witnessing the apartheid with which I grew up " I believe Benjamin Pogrund knows what he is talking about.
  5. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Not all Christians are bigots. This a solid article that explores your question from the point of view, of Christians who believe their god " God has clearly embraced LGBTQ+ people in full communion, and it's now the church's responsibility to simply honor that reality and rejoice " https://www.hrc.org/resources/what-does-the-bible-say-about-homosexuality
  6. Hope all you wonderful people have a fantastic Saturnalia
  7. If men possessed wisdom, which stands in the same relation to the form of man as the sight of the eye, they would not cause any injury to themselves or to others, for the knowledge of truth removes hatred and quarrels, and prevents mutual injuries Moses Maimonides
  8. I am not offended, I am frustrated that people can't realise that the Isreali people also commit unjust acts. Am I blaming Isreal for everything ? How many times do I have to state, it's a circle of hatred that is fueled by extremists on both sides. Forget the international community, why do so many Isrealis state that Isreal practices a form of arpartheid. Yitzhak Rabin PM of Isreal warned as far back as 1976 " Calling the still nascent west bank settler movement, Comparable to a cancer and warned that Isreal risked becoming an arpartheid state if it annexed and absorbed the west banks Arab population " https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-1976-interview-rabin-likens-settlements-to-cancer-warns-of-apartheid/ More recently Many current and former Isreali politicians agree with this, including 2 former Prime Ministers, Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/05/amnesty-israel-apartheid-israeli-politicians-agree Yossi Sarid, former leader of the Isreali opposition " What acts like arpartheid, is run like arpartheid, and harrasses like arpartheid is not a duck, it's arpartheid " Isreals former attorney general Michael Ben Yair " We've established an arpartheid regime in the occupied territories immediately following their capture, that oppressive regime exists to this day " How about a former head of the Mossad, Tamir Pardo https://apnews.com/article/israel-apartheid-palestinians-occupation-c8137c9e7f33c2cba7b0b5ac7fa8d115 This just acts of settler violence since the October the 7th attacks That both your and mine governments amongst others, call the Isreali goverment to tackle https://www.dfat.gov.au/news/media-release/joint-statement-settler-violence-west-bank " 343 violent attacks, killing 8 Palestinian civilians, injuring more than 83, and forcing 1026 Palestinians from their homes "
  9. Did you note the question mark ? That was a question. Did you note that I condemned any actions that are performed against the Jewish peoples will. That includes killing people. I believe I have made enough posts on this and the old board to illustrate how I feel about this. Or do I have to state the obvious. Maybe I should be like Alf. Every post, Hamas is evil, Hamas should be exterminated. I don't know how many fuckin times I have condemned Hamas. Just so we are clear, I condemn Hamas. I don't believe violence is the way to change people beliefs. I believe in peaceful solutions. Here you go for the third time from an Isreali whose work at the Nuremberg war trials formed the basis of international law " You can't change an entrenched ideology with a gun " " You have to teach compassion and empathy when people are young " Ben Ferenc A truly wise and compassionate man who also stated something else that I live my life around, " I don't care about glory, I don't care about money, I came into this world a pauper, I lived most of my early life in poverty and now I am giving it all back "
  10. Pretty much the starting point ? What I have stated boils down to the dynamic I live my life by, treat others the way you want to be treated yourself, with respect, dignity and compassion. Also you don't want to be fucked with, don't fuck with others. No ifs, buts or I am not sure about it. Tell me how much land do the Palestinians have to give up before they don't have enough land to form a viable state ? It's all the about the faults of the Palestinians right ? Let's ignore the faults of the Isrealis. As I have stated, I condemn both sides for their actions that fuel this continuing circle of hatred.
  11. I am not waving a flag for them, I was actually quite surprised when I learnt this fact, that, that many Jews still lived lived in Iran. That link stated that they fled were expelled, the number was 900,000. If this was against their will I totally condemn this. This is totally unjust. Does that give Isreal the right to treat Palestinians the same way now ? Expel them from where they live ? 5.35 million of them as of 2022. Does one injustice justify another ? See as I have stated before, this is where I differ from nearly everyone in this thread, with a couple of notable exceptions. I call out/condemn the extremists and the unjust actions of both the Palestinians and the Isrealis. Most of the regular posters just call out the Palestinians. Somd of them actually find reasons to justify illegal acts. Things they wouldn't want happening to them. As I have also stated, it takes 2 sides for a conflict, it also takes compromise, not many posters talk about the comprises Isreal must make. I will make it clear what I believe the Palestinians should do, remove Hamas, install leaders that are willing to acknowledge Isreals right to exist. Renounce all forms of violence. Treat the Israelis the way they want to be treated themselves, with dignity, respect and Compassion. This is basically what I expect the Isrealis to do. Take their religious extremists out the equation. Renounce all forms of violence. Give back the land that has been illegally acquired. And treat the Palestinians they way they want to be treated themselves, with dignity and respect and compassion.
  12. I would love to go to Isreal. I have a ten year old son that I have some legal custody of, however his mother is breaking the court orders in several ways, the biggest is a form of child abuse, Parental Alienation, telling him he is not my son due to him being an IVF child. I haven't seen him for over 3 months. I am faced with a damned if I do , damned if I don't do choice, however it is hard to commit to an overseas trip. I understand that that the media twists the facts to suit their particular narrative. I have stated I don't trust any social media, and my bullshit detectors are working overtime with the conventional media. I have already stated that the Palestinians need a Mandela or Ghandi like figure as their leader, a person who advocates for peaceful/ non violent driven change. As you have noted, there doesn't appear to be a person like that currently. What I do know for a fact is that in any dispute it takes comprise on both sides. I have had Judges tell me this in regards to the biggest battle I have ever fought in my life.
  13. All Isrealis/Jews that respect the fundamental rights of people everywhere have my respect. All people no matter what place they reside in, who treat others the way they want to be treated themselves have my respect. I have always condemned Hamas in this thread and want them removed. Do you believe that if Hamas is removed from the equation and the Palestinians are given a viable state of their own, that this conflict would end ? I do. That's the problem there are extremists on both sides. They trigger each other and continue the never ending circle of hatred. Where we differ is that I condemn both the Palestinian extremists and the Isreali extremists. I want them all removed from the equation. You are entitled to your opinion of B'tselem as I am of mine. Again why do so many Isrealis criticise the actions of their various governments. What about the Breaking the silence guys, ex IDF soldiers who actually served in the occupied territories. Are they Bullshitting about their experiences ? If you believe they are, why would they do this ? What I want above all is that both Isrealis and Palestinians can raise their families in a safe environment.
  14. There's not much I can say to this except I am extremely happy your son called out to you and you are still here with us.
  15. I second that shizzle. C'mon brother this shizzle is fun.
  16. C'mon falc, this is like Mills and Boon times 99,000.
  17. I can sense the beginnings an epic romance, Romeo- Juliet, eat your long dead hearts out.
  18. Absolutely fuckin awesome Agnes
  19. @UnkNuk posted this in the God Thread. Really disappointed that the people that criticise the church, and rightly so, don't now give credit, where credit is due. Oh and by the way, you're too smart to be an athiest. It's now my mission to convert you to agnosticism.
  20. I don't usually do this but Who the foook ? Never had much respect for this guy. Loved it when my GOAT, Khabib took this guy down. One commentator stated Khabib used stoicism to humble Connor McGregor, by exposing his dirty and violent actions revealing his true character, and highlighting that those that criticise and hate the most, are often deeply unhappy and unjust people.
  21. I get where you are coming from. The " real world " is a far shittier place for me lately, I am going through the worst time of my life, I have never felt pain like this before in my life. This is an escape for me and I admit that my passionate nature is, well somewhat more intense than usual. We are talking about the guy that was called intense Dave. Anyway I figure I am the sort of guy you want in your corner, I am never gonna back down if the cause is what I deem to be right. If you or Roman, or Alf or Gurn, Sharpie etc were in the shit I would have your backs whatever the cost. This is what I taught my son, you sometimes have to fight for what you believe is right. Defending those you love and respect is at the top of the tree.
  22. Why ? This topic is about Jews/ Palestinians. The Palestinians don't have much of a voice, in the circles of power. If this was a thread about Aussies and someone else in a conflict, I would bring up our voice in world affairs. I have actually expressed my shame about our " voice " at the UN. Without fear or favour my friend. All I give a fuck about is justice !
  23. All those Arab nations that people have been pointing out, have been making peace with Isreal ? I have been anti western since Vietnam. I have already posted evidence that up until the 80's, the US was the dominant sponsor of international terrorism. Iraq, Afghanistan, the war crimes of our SAS in Afghanistan. Yours to a lesser extent in Somalia. I am aware that Iran has never invaded any country in my lifetime, unlike the US who has illegally invaded and " intervened " in quite a few countries in my lifetime. My stance is against injustice, especially those that claim to be states that practice justice, they are worse than dictatorships that dont pretend to practice justice. Why do you get annoyed ? it's only a discussion. I am not annoyed with anyone who disagrees with me. As always I wish the best for not just you and yours, but everyone on this board, shit, on this planet.
  24. I am sorry to hear you had land taken from you without being properly compensated This is a classic Aussie movie about something similar, they didn't want compensation As I have quoted one my heroes Douglas Bader, before, Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men. However I obey the road laws, I sit at a red light, even if there is no traffic. Did it the other night,one of the few nights I drove into Melbourne to see my friends daughter won an Australasian boxing title. As I have stated, I will take the word of the international community, International human rights bodies, including an Isreali one. In other words, an overwhelming opinion by the world community.
  25. I have ignored nothing. Have those Arab countries killed or forcibly expelled the Jews ? Killed them ? What about the Jewish population of Iran ? Second largest in the middle east after Isreal. Does any of this give Isrealis the right to keep taking land from Palestinians in Palestine who were already living there ? By your logic all the Palestinians should fuck off to somewhere else, because Jewish people lived there 2000 years ago before they left. I get it, you wouldn't want this to happen to you but you don't care when it happens to others.
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