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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Now you are twisting my words, I didn't say an " outsized voice ", I said a powerful voice. And when I express an opinion it is ranting ? Here's the definition of ranting for you " Lengthy angry and impassioned speech. Here is what I stated , For a group of people that make up just .2 percent of the worlds population, they have a big voice in world affairs. Is this lengthy ? Is this angry ? Is this impassioned ? No it is not. I have already provided evidence of this in my own society. Like complaining about the word Palestine in a crossword puzzle and forcing an apology amongst more important things. Like the fact that even though Isreal is overwhelmingly more Powerful than Hamas, the US rushed 2 carrier groups to the region in a matter of days. Anyone who has any knowledge of the American political system knows that Isreal is a powerful voice in American political affairs.
  2. Of course that video would state that, it was so biased on the Isreali side. How come an Isreali human rights organisation, B'tselem, states the settlements violate international law ? Are they wrong ? All these international human rights bodies are they wrong ? When most people agree on something and it's pretty obvious to an unbiased person,well a person whose bias is for justice, that taking land from people who are already living there is wrong. As for the Palestinians, they are a non member observer state of the UN, so what votes are you talking about ? Personally I follow all the road laws. If there is a stop sign, I stop. If you don't obey the road laws you really don't deserve the right to drive on public roads. Funny how people can justify things that they wouldn't want happening to them, like having their land/ home stolen from them.
  3. I can only go on the information that is provided, which I have provided to you. An unbiased person who cares about Justice for everyone on this planet, Israelis and Palestinians included can see what is happening. That video of Romans, " Oh we just want to be here " Well so did the Palestinians who were already living there before their land was taken from them. Heres a couple of other statements I copied down, Paraphrasing " The world's a hostile place, so why not move here " That's an insult to both our countries. As I have pointed out, AIJAC, a Jewish lobby group is a very powerful, influential voice in our country. Here's another claim from that video "The world shut it's doors to the Jews " There is nearly as many Jews living in the US as there are in Isreal. Canada has 393,000 The UK 292,000 Australia 118,000 Remember there are only just under 7 million living in Isreal. For a group of people that make up just .2 percent of the worlds 8.2 billion population they have a big voice in world affairs. I call out injustice when I see it, my own country, it's treatment of our indigenous people, 1.2 million children living in poverty, over 122,000 people on any given night are homeless. The underlying racism that has always existed in our society. Palestinian injustices, not just the October 7th attacks but their terror actions in the last nearly 2 decades. The terrorist actions of the PLO before that. I condemn all of this. How fucken hard is it to call out the Injustices perpetrated by the Isrealis ?
  4. Have you watched it ? As I stated I stopped when the host referenced the claim about the Grand Mufti suggesting to Hitler the idea of a " final solution " I have posted a link that debunks that entirely. Even before that, I could see the bias. I will ask you the same question I asked PO The international community states the west bank settlements violate international law. Here again is an Isreali human rights organisation that details why Isreal is violating international law regarding the west bank settlements http://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/200205_land_grab Again, how many times do I have to post this for people to accept the truth ? Do we only obey laws when it suits us ?
  5. There was only 3 years between the Oslo accords and Netanyahu's first term, elected by the narrowest of margins in 1996. Remember he has bragged about wanting to always stop the formation of a independent Palestinian state. There were acts of violence on both sides, the Israelis " accidentally" bombed a UN compound. Arafat actually tried to bring to justice the Palestinian perpetrators. Who actually killed the Isreali PM, Yitzhak Rabin, a peacemaker, a extreme Isreali right wing terrorist. From frontline, one of the most respected investigative programs on this planet. A totally unbiased timeline of the events https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/oslo/etc/cron.html As you can see, it was the actions of Isrealis, illegal settlements, and provocative actions by Isreali PM's, including Netanyahu, that provoked the violent, and I condemn them, attacks by Palestinians. I totally condemn the acts of violence by the Palestinians and Isrealis. Again Arafat tried to bring the perpetrators to justice. Why not just the international community, but many Isrealis/ Jews themselves criticise Isreal for not living up to their part of the deal regarding the Oslo accords ? As I stated in reply to PO, if one source tells you something you take it at face value, when many sources tell you the same thing that makes it credible. I have, and will continue to condemn the violent/ terrorist acts by the Palestinians. Why can't you do the same in regards to similar actions by the Isrealis ?
  6. Like a stated, I believe you are a person of the highest integrity, I believe you, I just can't find these sources As for Hamas " fighter's" I believe that description fits the guys doing the actual fighting, committing acts of terrorism. There is a difference between supporting an organisation that kills people and actually committing acts of terror. Was that " ambulance" being driven by members of those international organisations, that @Taxi claimed had actual terrorist fighters in their ranks. Big claims like this require big evidence to back them up. And why does no one address the my claims, with overwhelming evidence provided, that it is Isreal that has failed to live up to, and sabotaged the Oslo peace accords ? And the fact that many of the Isreali settlements on the west bank are illegal, and violate international law ? Do we only obey laws when it suits us ?
  7. You view history differently from me, that's fair enough. You must remember, these people, the representatives from our societies, are acting in our names. And I trust you brother, I don't believe you would knowingly lie. I have tried to research that figure of 80 percent Hamas in the UNRWA, I can't find anything. Also @Taxi claimed there were actual terrorist fighters in not just that organisation, but one or two others, I have asked him for a source and he has not been able to provide one.
  8. As I stated, it is a toothless tiger. However future generations will look at how nations voted on issues and we will be judged by them. Me, I want my society, the people who represent me, to be on the right side of history.
  9. Brother I stopped listening when I heard that reference to the accusation against the Grand Mufti in regards to his advising Hitler to commit the Holocaust. I am fully aware of when Netanyahu made this accusation and how Holocaust scholars have refuted this claim. https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-accused-of-absolving-hitler-for-holocaust/ " An overwhelming majority of holocaust historians reject the notion that Husseini planted the idea of " final solution " for Europes Jews in Hitler's mind " That video is so biased. Why does the International community condemn the Isreali settlements on the west bank, stating they are against international law ? Why does an Isreali human rights organisation B'tselem condemn them and in this article, provide the reasoning behind the illegality of them ? How many times does this have to be posted for people to accept the truth http://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/200205_land_grab Like anything in life, if one source tells you something, you take it at face value and do your research, however when the majority of sources are telling you something is illegal, well, I ask you, who is right ?
  10. This article illustrates how powerful the Isreali lobby group is in Australia, not just votes in the UN and Political decisions, but how they control how and what is reported in the news in regards to Isreal and the situation in Israel/ Palestine. Even a frickin crossword puzzle in a couple of our biggest mast heads, the answer to the clue " the holy land " was Palestine. " So affronted was the Australia/Isreal Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) that it demanded an investigation " " Fairfax acceded blamed it on an external contractor and apologised to Colin Rubenstein, executive director of AIJAC. Like what the fuck, a crossword puzzle ? https://johnmenadue.com/crossword-clues-and-bullying-the-almighty-power-of-the-australian-pro-israel-lobby/ As a Journalist points out in this article, " the press in Isreal is much more overtly critical of the policies of it's government than the Australian press is "
  11. The UN is a toothless tiger however if our species survives, these votes and declarations will illustrate to future generations, who was on the right side of history. In your original post you stated, amongst other things, the Palestinians had to recognise the state of Israel, they did that under Arafat. It was the fact the Isreal never lived up to their part of the bargain that Palestinians gave up on that regime and voted in Hamas, who has had support from Netanyahu. Here is an opinion piece by the Isreali British historian Avi Shlaim, it also contains facts about how Isreal reneged on their obligations. How Isreal is to blame for the failure of the Oslo peace accords. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/sep/12/oslo-israel-reneged-colonial-palestine I have tried to focus on referencing Isreal reports and opinions. Why do so many Isrealis themselves criticise Isreals actions in regards to the peace process ?
  12. So you have Zero support for the UN's votes and declarations condemning Russia's actions in Ukraine ? As I have already posted, Arafat and the PLO recognised the state of Israel back in 1993. They also renounced violence and acts of terror. It was Arafat back in 1979 that approached Norway for backdoor negotiations, that Isreal refused to even contemplate at that time. https://remix.aljazeera.com/aje/PalestineRemix/the-price-of-oslo.html " We did what we were asked to. Mutual recognition and security coordination. We honoured our promises but the occupying power did not " Yasser Abed Rabbo Palestinian Liberation Organisation All these facts are easily verifiable with some research. Netanyahu has openly admitted " he is proud he prevented the establishment of a Palestinian state and putting the brakes on the Oslo peace process " https://www.timesofisrael.com/pointing-to-hamass-little-state-netanyahu-touts-role-blocking-2-state-solution/ So as I have pointed out before, it is obvious to anyone who has followed this conflict that it is Isreal that has done everything it can to derail the peace process since the Oslo accords. Again Netanyahu has openly admitted this.
  13. I have just done a bit more research on the guy, while early in his career he took on civil rights cases, as his career went on he choose to defend men against rape charges. He was also fixated on this while teaching. As you state, everyone has the right to a defence, however Dershowitz was more than just Epsteins lawyer, he was his friend. As for Trump, well anyone who has anything to do with P01135809 is tarnished forever.
  14. First time I have seen the Tankathon mock draft this year https://www.tankathon.com/nhl/mock_draft
  15. I agree with all of this. I have no respect at all for " the sultan " of Turkey, Erdogan. Alf keeps claiming that " countries" will step up and rebuild Gaza. I provided all the information I could find on this subject.
  16. That poster, @Taxistated there were people from those organisations that were actual Hamas fighters if my memory is correct. I would like a source for this.
  17. Alf, you're a good bloke, don't you believe, that once Hamas has been taken out of the equation, the good people of Gaza, as you yourself describe them, deserve sovereignty, the right of self determination ? What has this to do with Hamas propaganda ? As for rebuilding Gaza Turkey, Erdogan, has offered a month ago, however this was tied to a ceasefire and Nuclear inspections of Isreal. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/turkey-will-seek-rebuild-gaza-if-ceasefire-achieved-erdogan-cited-by-media-2023-11-18/ This report indicates why the US and Europe would be unwilling to fund the rebuild. https://www.dw.com/en/israel-conflict-who-will-pay-for-gaza-reconstruction/a-67714098 As that article stated the UAE might do it however that is tied to a 2 state solution, the same with Qatar and the Saudis. A 2 state solution has been impossible to negotiate for nearly 80 years, I can't see that changing ATM. This Isreali source states the burden is upon Isreal to rebuild Gaza https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-16/ty-article/.premium/the-inconvenient-truth-is-that-israel-will-have-to-rebuild-gaza/0000018b-d7e4-dffa-adef-f7e4f0ec0000
  18. @RomanPer I am interested in your view of this vote. This vote is not condemning/ criticizing Isreal, correct me if I am wrong, but is seems to be about the Palestinians having permanent sovereignty. Isn't this something we all want, eventually ? I am pretty ashamed that my society abstained from this vote.
  19. We have couple of saying here in Aus, in regards to this situation Flies are attracted to shit You lie down with dogs, you get fleas Personally I think that's an insult to dogs However the meaning of the saying You should be cautious of the company you keep. On a personal level, I had to learn this the hard way. Brother I did some stupid shit when I was young. I think most people share my antipathy for lawyer's, in saying that, my lawyer, the guy who helped me though the hardest time of my life, is a really good person. We have remained friends to this day.
  20. Yes, who takes a guy who has associated with/ represented people like Trump and Epstein, seriously ?
  21. Just like the church, I couldn't give a flying proverbial about a structured hiarachy, my support is with the people on the ground helping some of the most vulnerable people on this planet. Can't you give credit where credit is due, to people who often risk their lives to help others ?
  22. My all time favourite band. You should listen to that song, the lyrics are included. I met them in 98, they were supported by the same vision company that supported me, Arnette. Met them backstage, hung out and they all signed the t- shirt I was wearing. @Canuck Surfer and I saw them last December at the Good things festival. I have seen them play over 10 times. They are calling it quits after 40 years, currently on a farewell tour. Gonna see them a few day before my birthday for the last time .....sigh
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