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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. The generation you are referring to was unique. I had this printed up on a t-shirt " The great thing about being a human Is our ability to reason But reason it don't work when no one cares Two parts apathy one part despair " Pretty applicable to the generations since This song, by the same band sums up generation Z and the times we live This one is for you @bishopshodan
  2. Literally just received a 60th birthday card from my local politician, just over a month early and it blows me away she did this. Anyway, I am just as idealistic now as I was in teens - twenties Inside the cover of ballads of the revolution by Good Riddance, Russ R writes a good little piece how punk rockers lose their ideals as they age and the system beats them down. Not me.
  3. So these people, who are often risking their lives to help some of the most vulnerable people in the world don't have credibility ? They sacrifice money and give up one of the most precious things we all have, their time, to help others. I think their actions speak for themselves. Too bad we don't have more kind compassionate people like these in the world. I support/ donate to both these organisations. Are you critical of their work in Ukraine https://www.unicef.org.au/donate/ukraine-emergency-appeal?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_campaign=unicef_climate_conversion&utm_content=appeals_23&&mkwid=s&pcrid=675406551788&pkw=unicef ukraine&pmt=e&pdv=m&plid=&gclid=CjwKCAiAvoqsBhB9EiwA9XTWGbfiSLx1ffGH4nK45uBmHpmT0KITK1qLkW0Dn4gsfdLg9GmJbYQsURoCfUIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.msf.org/ukraine
  4. 3 years ago https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27E1Y5/ " More than a thousand (olive) trees owned by Palestinian farmers have been burned or damaged in the Isreali occupied territory since the harvest began three weeks ago, according to a United Nations report "
  5. I should have been more clearer, he accused him of outright lies, misquotations and distortions, you are correct, it wasn't plagiarism he was accused of. The false accusation of attending a holocaust denial convention in Iran speaks volumes about Dershowitz's character. So you are into victim blaming ? So because they were feuding, it's Finkelsteins fault that the Dershowitz initiated a campaign to stop him from teaching at DePaul University ? These are 2 completely different matters. Sounds like the actions of a spiteful, vindictive person to me However the fact remains that Dershowitz tried to silence him, he tried to stop him from teaching. If you don't believe that trying to stop someone from teaching is not trying to silence them, you need lessons in critical thinking.
  6. https://www.observerbd.com/news.php?id=447974 https://www.observerbd.com/news.php?id=447974 " Palestine is known for its olives, olive oil and vegetables, which are exported far and wide. The olive trees in particular are an important symbol of Palestinians attachment to their land " https://news.mongabay.com/2023/11/palestinian-olive-farmers-hold-tight-to-their-roots-amid-surge-in-settler-attacks/ https://observers.france24.com/en/middle-east/20230808-palestinian-territories-west-bank-israel-settler-violence-stolen-livestock All these articles illustrate examples of Isreali settlers trying or actually stealing Palestinians farmland on the west bank. The Isrealis have the resources to turn that desert into viable farmland just as they have already done previously. I am a farmer, I know that feeling of attachment to the land, the ebb and flow of seasons. I don't even consider I own my land, I am merely it's legal custodian. It's my duty to care for it the best I can and hand it on to the next generation, just as my parents did.
  7. Nobody has tried to silence him ? Seriously dude ? You haven't heard of a guy called Alan Dershowitz ? His campaign to block Finkelstein's bid for tenure at DePaul University. His false accusations of plagiarism. His false accusation that Finkelstein attended a holocaust denial even in Iran. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Finkelstein To try and block/ stop a person from teaching is probably the most full on attempt to silence someone.
  8. You have extended this conversation of ours beyond the Palestinian- Isreali conflict, fair enough, I will take it further, what is fundamentally different about the way minorities, different races are treated in most places in the world, including here in Aus ? Remember last year when we went to the Good things festival ? We saw Tism perform for the first time in 20 years This song while nearly 30 years old is still relevant today. For those who might be confused, this is an anti- racist, anti-war song Warning for everyone, the lyrics are full on.
  9. I am not talking about Gaza. The west bank and east Jerusalem form the current occupied territories. You have just illustrated why there will never be peace. There are enough extremists on the Isreali side to keep the dream of a Palestinian state from ever happening, the last 20 years of various Isreali governments has proven this. That fuels the extremists on the Palestinian side that will resort to violence in order to try and form a Palestinian state. It's an endless loop.
  10. I agree with most of what you state however there is one big difference between the countries you have named and the occupied territories, those territories are occupied, breaching international law. As for the Isreali people, I have posted articles and videos of both Isreali and Palestinian people working together for peace, and Isrealis who are sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, however the make up of the Isreali goverment, with a coalition of extreme right wing parties holding power, illustrates that many Isrealis are not sympathetic, they actually are working against a two state solution. Netanyahu has openly admitted this.
  11. They have been stealing land for decades before this conflict. Have you read the B'tselem article I have posted three times now ? Here it is again http://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/200205_land_grab Note this is dated 2 decades ago. Also amongst many crucial details in this article is the fact that these settlements breach international human rights law. " The establishment of settlements on the west bank violate international humanitarian law, which establishes the principles which apply during war and occupation. Moreover the settlements lead to the infringement of international of international human rights law " As I have pointed out in another post, it was the work of an Israeli, Ben Ferenc, at the Nuremberg war trials that formed the basis for international human rights law. So my question to you brother, is do you believe that people should abide by international human rights law ? Did you read my post about the Oslo peace accords, facts that are known and some that aren't well known. Do you know that it that it was a far right Isreali extremist that assinated Yitzhak Rabin for signing the Oslo agreement ? That that agreement never dealt with the hard issues, Jerusalem, Palestinian refugees, borders were taken out of it That it was Arafat that asked the Norwegians as far back as 1979 for a back door to negotiate and Isreal refused at the time ? https://remix.aljazeera.com/aje/PalestineRemix/the-price-of-oslo.html As for Hamas I don't know how many times I have to say this, they have to be neutralized by whatever means possible. But we, as the international community are starting to ask, at what cost to innocent Palestinians ? And no I am not stating they should not be brought to justice for their crimes, one way or another.
  12. @RomanPer What this lady, Simone, states at the start of the video reminds me of something I believe you stated 2 Jewish people can have 3 opinions.
  13. Oh I agree and I have brought this up before. We are all equal in regards to basic human rights, however some people are driven to achieve more than others, they should be rewarded accordingly. However a world where 1 percent of the population controls 50 percent of the wealth ? https://www.theguardian.com/inequality/2017/nov/14/worlds-richest-wealth-credit-suisse That's messed up. I would also like to add I have a great deal of respect for the fact that you continue to discuss these things with me when they are of a very personal nature to you. I have a great deal of respect for you.
  14. It was his thoughts/ words in relation to the conflict in Palestine/ Isreal I was referring to. As for Marxism, I don't know how many times I have to say this, if one has read the communist manifesto and Das Kapital, then one would know there has never been a truly Marxist society on this planet, they way Marx himself envisioned it. The big 2 who tried, Russia and China, their people have always been fucked over by a ruling elite, Tzars and Emperor's. Now fucked up dictators. Not much difference for the average person, freedom wise, between any of these regimes.
  15. Missed this post. Very poor argument comparing the situation here in Aus. We have given our indigenous people land rights. https://www.nma.gov.au/defining-moments/resources/aboriginal-land-rights-act Our high court has overturned terra nullius https://www.aph.gov.au/Visit_Parliament/Art/Stories_and_Histories/The_Mabo_decision We have apologised for for the stolen generation https://www.aph.gov.au/Visit_Parliament/Art/Icons/Apology_to_Australias_Indigenous_Peoples The only fuck up so far on the road to justice was the failed referendum on a voice to Parliament a few months ago, I voted yes. Here are some thoughts from a Jewish Australian about the similarities between us and Isreal vis a vis terra nullius https://johnmenadue.com/ron-witton-zionism-and-terra-nullius-a-haunting-parallel-between-israel-and-australia/ Long before I was a hockey fan I have been a history buff. I believe my posting history illustrates the depth of my knowledge on world history, politics and religion. I will claim to have an answer to this conflict, a very simple one, that Palestinians treat Isrealis the way they expect to be treated themselves, and Isrealis reciprocate in kind.
  16. Wow, they were powerful words. Parents were in the Warsaw Ghetto, one was at Auschwitz. I love how he states he is not pro Isreal, he is not pro Palestinian, he is pro Justice, he is pro truth. People should listen to this video. Thanks for posting brother.
  17. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    As I have already stated, I confronted my parents with the injustices of the church as an institution. As my mum stated, she didn't have much respect for the church as an institution, it was her faith and her congregation that mattered to her. Her congregation was like any given group of people, there were good, a few bad and everything in-between. Most of the people I remember were decent people who helped both those within their congregation and those outside of it.
  18. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Did she keep her faith/ belief in her God ? My parents were the most kind hearted, tolerant, compassionate people I have ever met. And I am surrounded by people like this, birds of a feather, flock together. They did not criticise or mock others who did not share their beliefs, or people who mocked people like them for having their beliefs. They were truly wonderful people who shaped me into the person I am. My friends are incredible people who have done things I would like to believe I would do, however I have not been in their situations. The " church " isn't a belief system, that is a hiarachy of men.
  19. You know why the Isrealis want the land on the west bank ? Because it's the most valuable in regards to resources, especially the farmland. How can the Palestinians form a viable state with resources/ assets to back up an economy. As for Gaza if this is true https://www.commondreams.org/news/israel-settlements-gaza " A house on the beach is not a dream " reads an advertisement published by Harey Zahav, a company notorious for building settlements in the illegally occupied west bank " While it states this is not state backed, this company seems to be planning on taking land in Gaza already. And I have already bought up this case, an Aussie trying to take land in Jerusalem from Armenians that have been living there for over 1600 years. https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/religionandethicsreport/property-deal-could-threaten-armenian-presence-in-holy-land/103126920 I live my life by one simple rule, treat others the way I want to be treated. I want to be treated fairly and with justice, don't you believe we should treat the Palestinians the same way we expect to be treated ?
  20. Well the Isrealis sure kicked out people that were born and raised in a given place. They have been doing it for decades. I don't qualify my condemnation of Hamas's brutal terrorist attack on October the 7th, or any of their heinous actions before that either. Pure and simple they have to be neutralized. The same applies to settler violence and stealing land from Palestinians. There is no justification, these things have to stop.
  21. Actually I have researched this subject quite thoroughly. For the third time I will post this article, Isreali human rights source http://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/200205_land_grab Remember this article is dated 2002, hundreds of thousands of Isreali settlers have stolen land since, under the frame work that article illustrates. The international community has condemned these settlements for decades. My society https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-02-16/australia-condemns-israel-over-occupied-west-bank-settlements/101986598 Your society https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-israel-west-bank-reverse-1.6894361 And it seems your representatives have the courage to call out settler violence https://www.canada.ca/en/global-affairs/news/2023/11/statement-on-increase-in-israeli-settler-violence-against-palestinians-in-west-bank.html Is it that hard for those in this thread to do the same ? To admit the truth ? Even Isreals staunchest ally America is calling them out https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/11/10/white-house-israel-west-bank-violence/ Whatever the number, can't you admit what everyone else knows is a fact ? That Isreali settlers are stealing land from the Palestinians.
  22. Fair enough, that is something I really respect. Please remember, I am never telling people what they should believe. I present what I believe to be factual information and leave it up to them to make their own mind up.
  23. I don't know were my biological ancestors are from, I am adopted. As for my real parents, mum was 4th generation Australian, dad was a ten pound pom. First off, I have researched the place I live in, Monbulk had no indigenous presence before European settlement. Secondly, my father and mother legally bought our farm, cleared the land and built up the farm. So no, by my logic I am at home. Neither I or nor my parents illegally acquired/ stole the land I live on, unlike the Isreali settlers, that have been illegally acquiring/stealing land from the Palestinians, and have been doing this for decades.
  24. I will believe a person who has studied this subject and released her findings. Them I will use my bullshit detectors to research her background. Her Grandfather, Avraham Katsnelson, signed Isreals declaration of independence. Her father was a famous Isreali general and became a peace activist, there should be a lot more of them in the world. Her daughter was killed by a Palestinian suicide bomber, so she had every reason to be biased/ hate the Palestinians yet she advocates for them. She is the co laureate for the European Parliament Sakharov prize for freedom of thought. I really love me some freedom of thought. All of these things contribute to me taking her work seriously.
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