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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. So people who disagree with you aren't being rational. And the facts they present aren't facts at all.
  2. Sounds like you are describing the west bank and the Gaza strip. In particular the west bank. Voluntarily went to Gaza ? They kept on losing more and more land, and were forced to into smaller areas. What would you do if people kept stealing your land What do you do when you are confined to a small place, that has no real resources, have people with guns constantly patrolling your streets. When your kids are killed. Apart from @Super19 not one poster has dealt with the fact of Isreali settlers acts of terror. How Isreali settlers keep stealing more and more land on the west bank. This is the most " valuable " land, farmland in particular that is needed if Palestinians are to have have their own state they need resources. What resources does Gaza have ? Very limited resources.
  3. Why shouldn't all the Isreali settlers who have stolen land from the Palestinians be forced to give it back ? Would we allow people to steal land in our societies ?
  4. Yes I will. Especially when that person has every reason to be biased against the Palestinian people. Why would she lie ? Have you studied hundreds of Isreali school textbooks ? She did. If you informed me about information in regards to software, I would believe you, that's your speciality isn't it ?
  5. I don't find anything about this forever conflict cool. It's a really fucked up situation with so many people suffering on both sides. My point, and the point of those articles is, is that Netanyahu didn't want Palestinians to have self determination, that he played the game of divide and conquer, all the while enabling Jewish settlers to steal more land on the west bank. That he supported Hamas for his own political ends. That some portion of blame for the October 7th attack must be placed on his shoulders.
  6. What many Isrealis ? I will take the word of a person that studied hundreds of school text books and has reported the findings of her study. I know Isreal is not a perfect society neither is the one I live in, Australia, we have and still do treat out indigenous citizens as second class people. We still have racists amongst us, we actually had to legislate to ban the Nazi salute in my state of Victoria, I am so ashamed. See how easy that is, to admit the mistakes ones society makes. That's the first step on the path to not making the same mistake again. This is one of the reasons why Isrealis and Palestinians are locked in this circle of hatred, neither side wants to admit their mistakes. And where did I say, or any of those articles say all Isrealis are bad people ? As I have stated many times, in any given group of people you will find, good to bad and everything in-between.
  7. Not arpartheid type life, it is actual arpartheid. The international community has stated this, human rights organisations both within and outside Isreal, and also Isrealis themselves. People who deny this don't seem to realise they lose all credibility. You know why we keep making the same mistakes over and over again ?, because so many people don't admit to their mistakes on both a personal and societal level.
  8. Hamas, that Netanyahu propped up and supported https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2023-12-20/ty-article-opinion/.premium/how-netanyahu-enabled-october-7-with-suitcases-of-cash/0000018c-8397-d219-a5bf-b7ff40660000 https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ More Isreali sources Bullshitting ?
  9. Why would 2 different Isreali sources publish bullshit about their own people on import issue as this ? Then there is the study conducted by the Isreali scholar Nurit Peled-Elhanan https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/07/israeli-school-racism-claim She studied the content of Isreali school books for five years " They are called Arabs, the Arab with a the camel, in Ali baba dress. They describe them as vile and deviant and criminal, people who don't pay taxes, people who live off the state, people who don't want to develop " she says " the only representation is as refugees, primitive farmers and terrorists " "In hundreds and hundreds of books she did not find one photograph that depicted that an Arab as a " normal person " And while her father was a famous general that turned into a peace activist, Nurits daughter was killed by a Palestinian suicide bomber. I will take the word of a scholar, Nurit, who is an Isreali herself and works at an Isreali university and has studied hundreds of school text books, over anyone in a hockey forum in Canada. The bias and inability to admit the truth in this thread in regards to the actions of the Isrealis is unbelievable. It actually is close to racism. All the reports about Palestinian kids are taught to hate Isrealis are true, however all the reports that Isreali kids are taught to hate Palestinians are false, even from Isreali sources.
  10. In reply to your post I provided evidence that Isreal teaches their kids to hate and dehumanise Palestinians. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-08-28/ty-article-opinion/.highlight/how-israel-expels-the-palestinians-from-its-schools/00000182-e32c-d9c0-a3d3-fb3e25e30000 https://forward.com/opinion/197866/when-israelis-teach-their-kids-to-hate/ https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-08-03/ty-article/.premium/from-the-first-grade-to-the-grave-israelis-are-educated-to-dehumanize-palestinians/00000189-b817-d821-afdd-bb37927a0000 These articles are Isreali sources. Why don't you address these facts Alf ?
  11. Had to look it up. Seems to fit the description. Never ceases to amaze me how people will defend a system that shafts them.
  12. And we will stop going to the moon because we would rather use the resources needed to fight shitty wars and kill each other instead.
  13. If you want to give it a go after KZA be my guest brother I only have my phone and really shitty computer skills.
  14. If some one tells me how to work out the teams and everyone doesn't mind a really basic game regarding colours/ print, and such, I am willing to give hosting a go. Something along the lines of the Dickcheese gang have taken over the town of Dicksville and the good dicksvillians have to......
  15. Close friend had his junkie brother jump him last week. My friend had no choice but to beat him up. His brother made death threats, threatened to put a " hit on him " all in front of their dad. It was my friend who had a restraining order put on him when his junkie brother made a complaint to the police. Go figure.
  16. @UnkNuk I know I am gonna jinx the Villans but remember what I stated at the start of the season ? Well beyond my dreams. Equal second on points. Only goal difference seperating us from the Reds. With his mate Monchi as the sporting director and owners willing to spend in the January transfer window, starting to believe that Emery can take us to the promised land of Champions league at least.
  17. Had to look that up brother. A " Michigan " goal. Our boy Logan pulled of one of those a couple of years ago. Check out this move this year
  18. I don't believe that I have to explain why Hamas are terrorists, their actions speak for themselves. As for the IDF, I suggest you watch that video I have now posted twice. And research the organisation Breaking the silence. I do believe that some IDF soldiers have committed what we would consider acts of terror. That could be said about any armed force in any war. American soldiers raped french women after the D- day landings, I consider rape an act of terror, I am certain the woman feels terror. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_liberation_of_France
  19. Here is just one example of an Isreali terrorist act against an innocent Palestinian family who he burned alive. https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/editorial/2023-09-21/ty-article-opinion/israeli-right-rallies-behind-the-settler-who-killed-a-palestinian-family/0000018a-b3f1-d13d-a98f-fbf5946d0000 Why I bring this particular act of terrorism up is not only did Amiram Ben-Uliel burn a family alive, including an 18 month old baby, the Isreali right rallied behind him. Aren't these guys the same as Hamas ? If not tell me how they differ. Since the October 7th attacks Isreali settlers have been on a rampage of violence " Since the start of October settlers have committed more than 343 violent attacks, killing 8 Palestinians, injuring more than 83 and forcing 1026 Palestinian families from their homes " https://www.google.com/search?q=isreali+settler+attacks+west+bank+since+october&oq=Isreali+settler+attacks+west+bank+since+o&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgBECEYChigATIGCAAQRRg5MgkIARAhGAoYoAEyCQgCECEYChigATIJCAMQIRgKGKAB0gEJMzAzNDdqMGo3qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-oppo-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67617920 The breaking the silence guy that was mentioned in that article, I posted up a video of that group, ex IDF soldiers that want to tell the truth about what they were made to do and witnessed while serving in the occupied territories. I will post that video again. The truth will set you free.
  20. I believe the leadership of Iran, which is a tiny percentage of their population, is a despicable bunch of people. I condemn their support of terror organisations. However labelling an entire country evil, I have pointed out what happened when Bush did that, the effect it had on the lives of ordinary Iranian people. It was a big factor in the reformist government of Mohammad Khatami not being re-elected for a third term. People seem to forget that the US used to be the dominant sponsor of international terrorism https://www.jstor.org/stable/29766326 About JSTOR https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/jstore/ For those that can't be bothered Factual reporting very high These sources consist of legitimate science or are evidenced based through credible scientific sourcing. As the saying goes, a " western backed terrorist " is a freedom fighter. A Muslim backed " freedom fighter " is a terrorist And just to be clear I do not consider Hamas freedom fighters, they are terrorists. I wish the people that are calling Hamas terrorists, which they are, had the moral courage to call out the terrorist acts of the Isreali settlers.
  21. Evil countries ? What would you call a country where 10 percent of the population controls 70 percent of the wealth. Where the bottom 50 percent of earners only owned 2.5 percent of total wealth. In order to be in the top 1 percent of household wealth, you need to be worth at least $10,374,030. Globally that figure is $936,430. Seems like a pretty evil country to me.
  22. Some facts that are commonly known and some not so much about the " Oslo peace accords " https://remix.aljazeera.com/aje/PalestineRemix/the-price-of-oslo.html Some key points 1979 Arafat asks Norway to provide a secret back chanel to the Isrealis. Isreal wasn't willing to talk. Norway was considered a Zionist country, 87 of the 157 members of parliament belonged to the group the " friends of Isreal " 9th of September 1993 Arafat, the PLO, recognises the state of Israel, pledges to renounce violence and terrorism. All the difficult questions, Jerusalem, Palestinian refugees, borders you name it were taken out ( of the Oslo negotiations) Hilde Henriksen Waage Norwegian historian We did what we were asked to do. Mutual recognition and security coordination. We honoured our promises but the occupying power did not. Yasser Abed Rabbo, Palestinian Liberation Organisation My own thoughts. Any one who has studied this conflict knows the Isrealis did not deal with the hard issues and they kept breaking their promise of not to take/ steal/ settle more land. Netanyahu has openly admitted this. So it is obvious to anybody who has any sort of critical thinking skills, that it is the Isrealis that have torpedoed the Oslo accords. Again Netanyahu has openly admitted this.
  23. Guess what Alf so do the Isrealis https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20190805-israel-kids-flock-to-military-themed-summer-camps/ https://forward.com/opinion/197866/when-israelis-teach-their-kids-to-hate/ Still waiting for you to condemn the Isreali settler terrorism.
  24. This speaks volumes about our species. We have to bomb the shit out of each other to get along. Did you consider the fact that it might have been the compassion that was shown to them after the war, The Marshall plan, rebuilding Germany, and the US rebuilding Japan after the war, that was the real catalyst for change ? Why they did not feel enmity towards those who had once been their enemies. One thing is for certain they certainly lost the war, however they have won the peace.
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