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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. So first you have accused an Isreali historian, Adam Raz, of hating Jews more than Hamas'. Where is you evidence for this ? The old, you critise Israel and you are an anti semite. Does Tal Schneider hate Jews for writing " For years Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it's blown up in our faces " https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ Not only did Netanyahu benefit from a militant Hamas in regards to his aim of denying the Palestinian an independent state of their own. He has made several statements in regards to this. Before October 7 Netanyahu was a spent political force. Now the war in Gaza has helped him immensely politically. You know that many in Isreal blame Netanyahu for the October 7 attack for various reasons, not just his support for Hamas'. You have accused me of inciting hatred. That's a very serious, and slanderous accusation to make against someone. I have pointed out to you what inciting hatred actually is. You have basically agreed that the article was not even inciting hatred.
  2. Yes I do know what the meaning of the word Hasbara, to explain. It is also the slang term for Isreali sponsored " trolling " disinformation on the internet. They even have an app Act IL.
  3. If course Hamas is a bunch of radical Islamist terrorists. But you have to ask the question, if Isreal didn't help the Islamic fundamentalists at the start, would they have been in the position to challenge the secular PLO ? We will never know. What is a fact, is that Hamas's actions hurt both the Isreali and Palestinian people. Anyone who has helped them in anyway is a party to all the shit that has happened for the better part of the last 20 years.
  4. Yeah well I took great offense mate. You stated I was inciting hate. That's crossing a line accusing someone on inciting hatred. How many times have I stated that the only thing I really hate is injustice.
  5. How does stating the fact that Netanyahu, and others in the Isreali government who supported Hamas for their own ends, deflect from Hamas's accountability ? Wouldn't you say Hamas is being held to account ? Both in word and deed. By that I mean every civilised person condemns them. Every media organisation condemns them. And the Isrealis are killing them. Speaking for our own little community, we have held them accountable for the actions. We all condemn their actions, pre October 7, and since then. taxi is a hasbara troll. He does not post in any other thread, or interact in any other way on this board. He is known to blatantly lie. How many times do I have to state, he claimed I denied the Jewish people did not have historical ties to Isreal when literally the page before I had mentioned the first and second temple amongst other historical ties the Jewish people have to Isreal. Believe what you want. The evidence from so many credible sources is there for all to see.
  6. @Canuck Surfer You seem to be confused as to what inciting hate actually is. To incite hate is to publicly encourage others to hate another person or group because of particular personal characteristics. Where, in any post I have ever posted on this or the old board, have I encouraged anyone to hate anyone/anything. I actually promote the opposite of hate, peace. I have been called a pacifist and an idealist. While I have criticised Netanyahu, and by extension Isreal for funding/supporting Hamas', I have not, nor will not encourage anyone to hate Netanyahu, let alone Israelis. How many times have I stated hate is such a waste of emotion. Hate only hurts those who carry hate in their heart.
  7. I have never incited hate in my life. Again, are the Isreali media organisations inciting hate in Isreal by publishing those articles ? Is the New York Times inciting hate in the US publishing their article ? Is the CBC inciting Hate in Canada publishing their article ? Telling the truth, is not inciting hate. Certainly not in this case.
  8. That's your interpretation of the article. No Israeli would want an attack like October 7. I can tell you this, Netanyahu is the exactly like trump, he cares more about keeping power, than he does about the victims of October 7. Do you doubt this ? So what you are stating, is journalists can't criticize their governments, because that makes them biased. What would have helped from the start is that the leaders from both sides worked together for peace. As one of those articles stated, Hamas' and Netanyahu have a symbiotic relationship. They help each other stay in power. And they believe that helping each other helps their own agendas. Hamas' realises this, as does Netanyahu. 1200 Israelis paid the price for this on October 7. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have paid the price since then.
  9. Hasbara, you can bullshit all you like. Isreali analysts, International analysts, all state, Netanyahu was bolstering Hamas' so as to counter a two state solution, by dividing the Palestinians into two camps. The Islamic fundamentalists and the secular PLO. I will take the word of a head of the Shin Bet, amongst others, over a hasbara troll.
  10. And yet another source @Canuck Surfer " How Netanyahu's policy came back to haunt him and Isreal " https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/netanyahu-israel-gaza-hamas-1.7010035 " The symbiotic relationship between Hamas and Netanyahu has been remarked on for years, by both friends and enemies and Hawks and doves. Yuval Diskin, former head of Israel's Shin Bet security service, told the daily newspaper Yedioth in 2013 that, " if we look at it over the years one of the main people contributing to to Hamas's strengthening has been Bibi Netanyahu since his first term as Prime Minister ". Is CBC inciting Canadians by publishing this article. Is it all these media institutions " job " to criticise Israel. Are all the Israelis in these articles inciting by stating the truth ? How many sources do you need to tell you something, before you accept it is the truth.
  11. I am not " proud " of anything. Do you think the people/Isrealis who wrote that article are " proud " they wrote it. Why do you believe they wrote that article and stated those things ? Do you believe they are lying. Here is another source " Why Netanyahu Bolstered Hamas " " The Isreali Prime Minister followed a decades old divide and rule strate that fuels endless war " https://www.thenation.com/article/world/why-netanyahu-bolstered-hamas/ " The same is true of Netanyahu's longstanding policy of bolstering Hamas' rule in Gaza including encouraging Israels defacto ally Qatar to finance the terrorist organisation. " " In 2015 Bezalel Smotrich, currently the finance minister in Netanyahu's government summed up the strategy, by stating, " The Palestinian Authority is a burden, Hamas is an asset " According to the Times, as far back as December 2012, Netanyahu told the prominent Isreali journalist Dan Margalit, that it was important to keep Hamas strong as a counterweight to the Palestinian authority in the west bank. Mr Margalit in an interview, said that Mr Netanyahu told him, that having two strong rivals would lessen pressure on him to to negotiate towards a Palestinian state. Mr Netanyahu denies this conversation" Now who is the proven liar mate, Mr Margalit or that lying corrupt piece of work Netanyahu. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-nation/ HIGH FACTUAL REPORTING HIGH CREDIBILITY And here is another source, the New York Times " 'Buying Quiet': Inside the Isreali plan that propped up Hamas " " Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gambled that a strong Hamas ( but not too strong ) would keep the peace and reduce the pressure for a Palestinian peace. " https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html https://www.timesofisrael.com/time-fact-checks-netanyahu-interview-countering-his-denial-of-bankrolling-hamas/ " In the fact - check Time said Qatar began funneling money to 2007 during the term of Netanyahu's predecessor Ehud Olmert, however Olmert did not directly facilitate, the funds as opposed to Netanyahu Time said. " How many more sources would you like. The fact of the matter CS is that Netanyahu Propped up Hamas, to paraphrase his words, from another article I have posted in the past " Anyone who doesn't want a Palestinian state should support Hamas' " I am not very happy with you CS for claiming I am promoting hate. Are you denying that all these sources, with a reputation for high factual reporting and high credibility are lying/wrong ? Are they promoting hate by writing and distributing these articles ?
  12. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Say it ain't so Sharpie " 'I'm a cultural Christian' says Richard Dawkins " https://anglican.ink/2024/04/03/im-a-cultural-christian-says-richard-dawkins/ " You know I love Hymns and Christmas Carols. I feel at home in the Christian ethos. I feel that we are a Christian country in that sense. "
  13. All these Isreali sources don't agree with you dude " A Brief history of the Netanyahu - Hamas Alliance" " For 14 years Netanyahu's policy was to keep Hamas in power; The pogrom of October 7 2023 helps the Israeli Prime Minister preserve his own rule " https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-20/ty-article-opinion/.premium/a-brief-history-of-the-netanyahu-hamas-alliance/0000018b-47d9-d242-abef-57ff1be90000 " Much ink has been spilled the long time relationship - rather, alliance - between Netanyahu and Hamas. And still the very fact that there has been close cooperation between the Isreali Prime Minister ( with the support of many on the right ) and the fundamentalist organisation seemingly evaporated from most of the current analyses " Keep on posting taxi. You lose more credibility with every post.
  14. " For years Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now its blown up in our faces " https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/
  15. Montreal gave up a young D-man, while promising, he is still only a bottom pairing D-man at this point. They have quite a few good young D-prospects in their pipeline. Mailloux Reinbacher Engstrom Konyushkov, captain of his KHL team and scored 28 points in 68 games at 21 years old last year. They got back Laine and a 2nd rounder. Laine is still only 26. If he can click with Slaf and Suzuki that will be a solid top line.
  16. Israel has recovered the bodies of six of the hostages. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c23lgy1k22zo Five were known to be dead, one was thought to still be alive, sadly that was not the case. There is nothing good about your loved ones being murdered, however I hope this brings some sort of peace to their families.
  17. Yes, I posted an article from the Japan Times, that stated Isreal, when supporting Hamas', was copying the US's support of the Mujahideen, the old enemy of my enemy is my friend. It is common knowledge that Isreal has supported Islamic fundamentalists in Gaza, even before Hamas' formed.
  18. @Taxi This New York Times article is dated 1981 This llustrates how far back Isreal started funding the radical Islamists, and their reasons for doing so. https://www.nytimes.com/1981/03/28/world/under-gaza-s-calm-surface-death-drugs-intrigue.html " But the Islamic fundamentalists are also receiving some Isreali aid, General Segev said. " The Isreali government gave me a budget, and the military government gives to the mosques " explained the the General, who was a military attached at the Isreali embassy in Tehran before the Islamic revolution there. The funds are both used for mosques and religious schools, with the purpose of strengthening a force that runs counter to the pro PLO leftists " So by funding the radical Islamists, Israel not only helped them to become an organisation that would in the future attack Isreal, they helped the Islamists force their Ideology on Palestinians', as opposed to the secular PLO. Israels actions hurt both the Israeli and Palestinian people.
  19. You never have to apologise my friend. However thank you for doing so. I know we both have our struggles with mental health issues. You will always have my support and love.
  20. She lived on a ten acre farm, was loved dearly by my mum, dad and me. She had a very good life. I used to cook her meals, mum made a " sweater for her when she got older, for winter. All my very close friends have dogs, they love them like their children. I am very certain it is these things that contributed to her longevity.
  21. It wasn't the worst day of my life, however when I had to make the decision for the vet to put down my beautiful girl Tusk, that was a really bad day. She was a big mastiff cross, my friend had a few litters out his two of his dogs. Many of Tusks brothers and sisters used to hunt wild pigs with us. Not Tusk, she was a family dog. I remember mum was cautious about a " killer " pig dog. Within a few months she loved Tusk like a child. She was a gentle dog. She lived to 16 and half. Very old for such a large dog. She had a friend for a while, another dog who I found dumped on the side of the road near a friends house. The poor thing had been brutally abused. Anyway, I cried my heart out. Was gutted for days. I had, had dogs for all my life until she died in 2006. I haven't been able to commit to a dog since. Dogs give you something very few people do, unconditional love. It wasn't as bad as when mum and dad died. I can't even talk about the worst day in my life. It hurts to much.
  22. Dude, you claimed there was no foreign aid workers in Gaza and I provided a couple of articles that actually had photos of Australian, UNICEF, aid worker. And Canadian doctors who were working in Gaza. Then there were those foreign aid workers Isreal murdered. And here is an article dated yesterday about another Australian aid worker going into Gaza to help the kids https://www.savethechildren.org.au/our-stories/the-world-is-failing-aid-workers-and-the-people As for Isreali soldiers being held accountable " Under 1% of Israeli army probes yield conviction " https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-12-22/ty-article/watchdog-under-1-of-israel-army-probes-yield-prosecution/00000185-39de-d5e1-a1e5-7ffe453f0000 These are not my opinions roman. It's not my opinion that there was, and are now Australian, amongst other foreign aid workers on the ground in Gaza, those articles provide factual information they are. It is not my opinion that Isreali soldiers are not held accountable for killing/injuring Palestinians in the west bank, that articles proves they are not.
  23. Funny how you don't reply to my posts when they refute things you claim. Things such as Isrealis soldiers/settlers are held accountable for killing/injuring Palestinians in the West Bank. There are no foreign aid workers in Gaza. Things you have claimed, and things I have provided evidence for that proves you are wrong.
  24. You know a great way to stop radicalising Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank, don't kill Palestinians in those places. That would have to be the number one reason for radicalising them.
  25. Never again ? That's what I have always wondered about Pol Pot and his Killing Fields Rwanda Darfour Bosnia Herzegovina Myanmar I could go on.
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