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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. I am not comparing the 2 regimes, I am stating that the Shah was a brutal dictator that lead an absurd lifestyle. Blame the CIA and the British who backed his coup against the only democratically elected government of Iran, the government of Mohammad Mosaddegh. Who by the way amongst many of the things he did, gave women equal rights, back in 1953.
  2. I was alive and I clearly remember the circumstances leading up to the revolution. The Shahs absurd lifestyle and his autocratic rule. He was another Saddam. I wonder how you would feel with broken glass rammed up your arse.
  3. Electric shock, whipping, beating, inserting broken glass and pouring broken glass into the rectum, tying weights to the testicles and extracting teeth and nails, these are just some of the methods they used. He and his cronies lived an absurdly luxurious life, they kept the wealth, while the average Iranian lived like shit. There was a reasons they had a revolution. I remember clearly.
  4. The shah was one brutal motherfucker. I suggest you do some research on the Savak.
  5. Cheers brother. Matches and I have him in the GML as well.
  6. He sums it up accurately IMO. I don't have any emotional energy left for this conflict. There seems to be no end to the bullshit in my and my closest friends personal lives, our kids, it's getting hard to stay positive. I am only replying to this post because I have a lot of respect for you. As I have stated, my thoughts are with the victims, both Palestinian and Israeli.
  7. " The benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized what a bummer "
  8. They have https://www.complex.com/sports/a/brad-callas/chicago-blackhawks-gm-shuts-down-rumors-corey-perry-cut And while I don't like the Blackhawks much I agree with their GM when he stated " I do want to be very clear on this point " " This does not involve any players or their families, and anything that suggests otherwise, or anyone that suggests otherwise is wildly inaccurate. And frankly it's disgusting " This is an 18 year old kid and his mum we are talking about. Listening to Bullshitters talking bullshit on social media and peddling their bullshit for them. Fucking disgraceful.
  9. I have had a bit of interaction with DM 187 brother. He is good people.
  10. If it's not too much trouble could someone post up the standings for someone who doesn't have access to them.
  11. Some of us do care about others. Not just in words but actions. Volunteer, sponsor kids, kids need our help, you would make a great mentor. I was like you, complaining about the stupidity and greed in the world, as was pointed out to me, if good people like you don't have kids and raise them to be kind, caring and compassionate people like you are, then who is going to do this ? I was mocked and ridiculed for suggesting WW3 was possible. We make our own reality, world we live in. It's up to us to make our world a better place for others.
  12. And she ain't got the heart to finish what we started
  13. 60 years ago today @bishopshodan https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/events061123/
  14. The kids/ guys that were older than us did it before we did. Just like we all grew up riding dirt bikes, we all grew up with paddock bombs and doing nutty shit in them. After we got our licences we drive hotted up V8's. We put the best suspension and brakes we could in them. Used to drive around at 100 mph + No radar or booze buses back in the 80's. I think it was the 89 formula 1 GP in Adelaide, it was the race where it pissed with rain, there was a massive pile up on the first corner, heaps of crashes, I think only 6 cars finished. Anyway I had been awake since Friday morning, I was driving home on Monday morning, 2am, sitting on 220 KMH in a brand new hire car, super straight road, I could see a set of headlights for 5 minutes, at the last minute they grew a set of blue lights. Victoria didn't have radar back then but south Australia did. Was dash mounted in the car. We were smoking a doobie, the cop went nuts. Bottom line I ended up keeping my licence, just had to pay a huge fine.
  15. Detroit places a claim on Ivan Prosvetov If the claim is successful The Redwings Waive Eric Comrie with the intention of sending him to our minor league affiliate
  16. For starters, we didn't we put anything in the boot, we were young and didn't give a fuck, smaller jumps. Then as we got older we learnt from jumping our motor bikes the shape of the jump and landing was the most important thing, we were/ are farmers with tractor with blades to shape our jumps, then fine tune them by hand. When the jumps got bigger, we did throw some bags of cement in the boot. When I think back I am amazed that only a few of us died doing the crazy shit we did in car's, off our faces on drugs and alcohol.
  17. I get where you are coming from, I love classic cars to. However jumping a car is so much fun, we used to do it a lot when we were younger. Started out with Paddock bombs and did it with a few of our road registered cars as well.
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