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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. How do you feel about this statement ? " Between the sea and the Jordan (river) there will only be Isreali sovereignty " Benjamin Netanyahu
  2. What about the Palestinian people in the west bank Alf ? When are they going to be free ? https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/france-calls-west-bank-israeli-settler-violence-policy-terror-2023-11-16/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/17/chkus-blinken-urges-israel-to-stop-settler-violence-in-west-bank How would you like hundreds of thousands of people illegally stealing Canadian land ? http://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/200205_land_grab Face it brother, the Palestinian people have never been free, and it doesn't look like they ever will be.
  3. Was listening to a lecture today about the economic situation for both countries. Isreal has been using Palestinians as a cheap form of labour. https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/themoney/the-economies-gaza-israel-chair-productivity-commission/102961100
  4. This is a way early mock that does put some names together. I will start thinking about rankings in January myself. Prospects need more games terms under their belts.
  5. I suggest you do some research. Iran was starting to become more open in the late 90's, " the Tehran Spring " In 1997 Mohammad Khatami was elected and his government enacted quite a few reforms. https://www.library.manchester.ac.uk/services/digitisation-services/projects/nashriyah-digital-iranian-history/iran-during-the-late-1990s/ Again that idiot son of an asshole comments about an axis of evil enabled the hardliners to ramp up their anti American rethoric and this lead to them rolling back the reforms. So yes calling Iran part of an axis of evil hurt the Iranian people, and helped the hardliners keep power. I remember watching a frontline doco about this at the time. Keep on with the BS hate, that's what has lead us to where we are now.
  6. In case you missed it the first time around. Isreal helped create Hamas https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ As for the rest I have condemned the Iranian leadership many times. Its thanks to the puppet that the US installed, the Shah, who was so corrupt he opened the door for the radicals to take charge. As I have already stated many times on both boards, the original democratically elected government of Mohammed Mosaddegh was over thrown in a CIA and British backed coup. So all those " evil " things you have mentioned can be traced back to western interventionism.
  7. November mock draft https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10097183-br-nhl-mock-draft-update-1-month-into-the-2023-24-season Yet another Petersson coming our way ?
  8. I am stating that it is because of the attitude of " the west " , in particular the US, the religious fanatics are able to maintain control of the Iranian population. The US has been meddling in one form or another for decades. The Iranian people are victims of western foreign policy almost as much as being victims of their leadership. As for the situation between Iran and Isreal, I will always remember what the Isreali PM Menachem Begin stated during the Iran - Iraq war, " I wish both sides success " Remember this guy was the leader of a terrorist organisation, the Irgun, who went on to win the nobel peace prize. I wonder how the families of the victims of the bombing of the King David Hotel feel about this ? Me, my family has a personal connection to that terror attack, I am pissed.
  9. Iran has the largest population of Jews in the middle east outside of Isreal. The Iranian people have been pissed at their leaderships foreign policy for decades. But hey, Axis of evil right ? If it wasn't for that idiot son of an asshole comments, maybe things would be different in Iran.
  10. Isle of Man is nuts. My dad raced there back in the late forties, early fifties before he came to Aus. At the height of his career Valentino Rossi stated that the Isle of Man TT is too dangerous to race. Another gnarly race is the Paris - Dakar, on average a person dies in it each year.
  11. No worries my friend. Wish there was more people like you, polite and respectful. Yes, that fine people on both sides vomment from PO1135809, cranks my chain as well.
  12. Your reaction was to my post. I am sorry if I was confused by your reaction to it. When will you understand that the " other poster " as you describe him has family and friends involved in the conflict. From memory one of his daughters friends was killed. We are all valued members of this community. As for this conflict I must admit that when I read this article and as much as any source, I have found the guardian to be reasonably reliable, I started getting very concerned for the Palestinian children. https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/13/the-guardian-view-on-gazas-casualties-mounting-calls-for-a-ceasefire-must-be-heeded " This weekend the WHO chief warned that one child is killed every 10 minutes in Gaza " If this is true, it's a catastrophe.
  13. I have noted posters referring to past events as causation and effect, however as far as I know they still condemned the attacks. Certainly don't want to argue about it.
  14. @moosehead I don't usually comment on reactions to my posts however using a laughing emoji in relation to the actions of the Palestinian terrorists at Munich is very fucked up. If you know anything about those events and you laugh about them, that speaks volumes about the sort of person you are.
  15. I know what you are referring to, Jordan, however I always associate the words Black September with Munich.
  16. Let the circle go around and around. Dunno how many times this has been posted. Here's something new
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