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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. As you well know I never use social media links. I don't use social media full stop apart from this site. My source an Isreali source, the Haaretz newspaper. Again " Haaretz investigation: Isreali Army Uses Palestinian Civilians to Inspect Potentially Booby Trapped Tunnels in Gaza. ' our lives are more important than their lives. Gazans not suspected of terrorism are detained and sent as human shields to search tunnels before IDF soldiers enter, with the full knowledge of senior Isreali officers, sources say; IDF claims this practice is forbidden " https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-08-13/ty-article-magazine/.premium/idf-uses-gazan-civilians-as-human-shields-to-inspect-potentially-booby-trapped-tunnels/00000191-4c84-d7fd-a7f5-7db6b99e0000 https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/haaretz/ Factual reporting High High Credibility
  2. Can you explain to me me why so many prominent Isrealis state Isreal is an arpartheid state ? Why Isreali human rights organisations state Isreal is an arpartheid state ? And this is ignoring the fact that so many international human rights organisations, and tens of millions of people around the world state this. Why Optimist ? I would really appreciate an answer.
  3. People in this thread, including me, condemn Hamas' for using Human shields in Gaza. I post evidence from an Israeli source, that Israel is using Palestinians as human shields...... silence
  4. You really need to read my posts carefully roman. What do you think I was stating when I said, They don't recognise the ICC ? I was stating that America does not recognise the ICC and that's one of the reasons that contribute to them not being the leader of the free world. You know, the post was about America. How can you be the leader of the free world when you don't recognise the court which is meant to enforce both a rules based order, and International Humanitarian Law. Comprehension roman. The yanks are 34 trillion in debt. They have 36 million people living in poverty. They don't have proper, affordable healthcare for a large percentage of their population. According to your logic, countries should put themselves first. So why should America give so much aid to Isreal, when according to you, countries should look after themselves first and foremost ?
  5. I am not jeering. You have accused me of lying 3 times. Yet it is you who has lied. You keep on ignoring the fact that you accused me of denying the Jewish people has any connection to the land of Israel when literally the page before I had mentioned the first and second temple amongst other historical ties. Thats how stupid you actually are. That article, from a credible source, quoted Isreali sources who stated they helped fund Hamas', and encouraged it, to compete against the PLO. So yes it did provide evidence. Netanyahu has openly admitted that anyone who wants the thwart a two state solution should support Hamas'. As the title of one of the Isreali sources stated, Isreal supported Hamas' and it has come back to haunt them. You are a hasbara troll. You don't post in any other thread. You don't have any credibility because you cannot admit when you are wrong.
  6. Did you listen to the whole video. The analyst said that no, never means no. " Saying no is part of the negotiation process " Just heard that as I was typing. More Blinken " I think a deal can be reached by the end of the week " " Tens of thousands of people in Israel in the streets pressuring the government for a peace deal " Though the credibility of the guy just took a hit, when he compared the " robust " democracy of Isreal, the protesters, to the people in Gaza, who aren't protesting. Like seriously, the Palestinians are not only doing everything they can to survive, any dissent is crushed by Hamas'. Yeah let's protest in the streets so we can be killed by the Isrealis. And this guy is hardly neutral https://www.foxnews.com/person/h/john-hannah
  7. That article you have posted is over 2 months old. While the New Times article, dated a few days ago was an opinion piece, it stated that Hamas officials had told international negotiators that it was will to relinquish civilian control under certain circumstances. Read the article again.
  8. How convenient of you to change your narritive. Israel should look after Isreal first. Well according to that logic, the US should look after itself first. Giving their citizens free healthcare and a good social security system, just like they have in Isreal. The US gave up any pretense of being the leader of the free world when they elected trump. Also they don't recognise the ICC. You know, the court whose founding was driven by a Transylvanian Jewish American, Ben Ference. The chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg war trials. Isreal, the Russians, China, North Korea amongst others don't recognise the ICC. So don't give me this leader of the free world bullshit.
  9. Read my post carefully. I am stating that Hamas' should not have leverage, by getting them to give up the hostages.
  10. The " most moral " army in the world. Talking about the use of Human shields " Haaretz investigation: Israeli Army uses Palestinian Civilians to Inspect Potentially Booby Trapped Tunnels in Gaza " https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-08-13/ty-article-magazine/.premium/idf-uses-gazan-civilians-as-human-shields-to-inspect-potentially-booby-trapped-tunnels/00000191-4c84-d7fd-a7f5-7db6b99e0000 ' Our lives are more important than their lives ' Gazans not suspected of terrorism are detained and sent as human shields to search tunnels and houses before IDF soldiers enter, with the full knowledge of senior Isreali officers, sources say; IDF claims this practice is forbidden "
  11. My condolences Are you gonna change your username brother ? Hogs and ??????
  12. I haven't evaded stating the obvious. We all know for a fact Hamas' uses Palestinians as human shields. I trust @Optimist Prime Can you acknowledge that your source has no credibility whatsoever ? A trump supporting site that promotes conspiracy theories and pseudo science and has low Credibility. Are you able to think critically about the content of that video. Why did they start with Kamala Harris stating she would call on Isreal to agree to a ceasefire. Then quote trump. Then produce an Isreali soldier whose main message was that he doesn't want a ceasefire. Think critically about the juxtaposition of those three things.
  13. There you go. Hamas officials telling international Negotiator's they will give up civilian control of Gaza to an independent group. I can tell you this brother. I am glad I promote peace, instead of finding reasons/justification to continue the killing and destruction. I started reading the comments section of that article. One person made what I thought was a great point. Why do we - Americans - give Isreal so much aid, when they have free health care, a better social security system than we do. Why don't we provide those things to our citizens before giving aid to Isreal. I remember roman stating in another thread, Isreal has to look after Isreal first. Also it's Israel is his family and family sort their own shit out in-house. Maybe the US should heed his advice and stop giving aid to Isreal. Because, you know, they have to look after themselves first and work their own shit out.
  14. Plenty of people are making the case for the Palestinians-Hamas' to give up, no one apart from me, and you to a certain extent, in this thread, are pressuring Isreal to agree to a ceasefire. I have stated before that Hamas should agree to a ceasefire. That they should surrender and face the consequences of their actions. If this were your family members or @Optimist Prime who were hostages,I am reasonably certain you would agree with the families of the hostages that there should be a ceasefire so a deal can be made to return the hostages. Even if the Isrealis lie, tell them they will withdraw, get their hostages back, Hamas will have no leverage any more and be forced to surrender, or what is most likely to happen no matter the outcome, fuck off to another country and hide there. Face it mate, the Isrealis don't want a ceasefire, the war helps their corrupt religious leaders stay in power and facilitates them terrorising Palestinians in the West Bank, and stealing more land from them there. The psychopathic Palestinians leaders don't want a ceasefire, this war is the only thing keeping them in any sort of position of power. People in this thread remind me why our species engages in these continuous stupid wars. They can always find reasons to justify them. To be clear, you are not one of them. And my name is dave.
  15. I like to check the credibility of the sources I post on this site. And credibility matters when you are posting information. I use Media Bias as my main fact checking source. Allsides Media as well. If you clicked on the link, Media Bias assessment of CBN, you will note they state that site - CBN - is known for promoting conspiracy theories and pseudo science Their factual reporting is questionable and the have a low Credibility rating. Any site that has these ratings, I take with a grain of salt the messages they are promoting. They are trump supporters. That particular video you posted, started out with Kamala Harris telling a rally she wants Israel to agree to a ceasefire so a deal to return the hostages can be made. Then the host commented that trump stated that the Gaza conflict and the war in Ukraine could be leading us to WW3. Then the Isreali soldier had his say. Saying he doesn't want a ceasefire. You do realise how that whole video presents itself ? Tell me, do you agree with UNICEF and the WHO that there should be a break in hostilities so 640,000 kids under 10 can be immunized for polio ? There had been a child from Gaza diagnosed with polio. Do you agree with the families of the hostages, the real Isreali victims in this situation, that want a ceasefire so they can have their family members returned to them ?
  16. Remember me telling you about my oldest friend who coached the junior footy teams here in Monbulk for years ? Most of those kids have told him that he was a huge influence on their lives. A friend of mine and I had a Ski and snowboard shop at Mt. Hotham. The Freezer. He was a 4 time Aussie Boardercross champ and raced on the world cup circuit. I was a big mountain skier who had some support from Arnette, Quicksilver and Dynastar, then Salomon. The " Grommies " surf slang for kids, hung out at our shop and used to ride with us and our friends. We used to teach them about skiing and boarding, more importantly about life. We had this one kid who worked for us, Dizzy. Wonderful young kid, at the end of his second season, he thanked my friend and I for teaching him about being a good person. To treat others the way he wants to be treated. That was a very rewarding moment in my life. I have no doubt Joe that you made the same impact on the kids you coached.
  17. I will remember those pictures to. My heart goes out to all those victims, especially the Isrealis at the peace festival. They were people like me, kindred souls. I will also remember the footage I have seen on the news for over 300 days now. The dead, injured, the pain and suffering. The sheer amount of destruction. With no end in sight.
  18. Who said anything about leaving Hamas' in power in exchange for the hostages ? We are talking about a ceasefire in return for the hostages. I have already posted information from a New York Times article that Hamas' officials have told international negotiators that they would be willing to give up control in Gaza. That depends on concession the Isrealis want to make. It takes both sides to make concessions, to make a deal. Now that we know there is a risk of an outbreak of polio in Gaza, surely the first humanitarian consideration is to vaccinate those 640,000 kids under 10 year old.
  19. I can tell you this, I will never believe anything that comes out of the mouth of the " sultan " of Turkey. And I despise Turkey for their persecution of the Kurds for the last 100 years. Also I am hesitant to believe much of what Isreal is saying in this war of words/propaganda, that has been going on between these two countries. Though if I had to choose between the two, I would choose Isreal.
  20. Mate I am stating that source has no credibility. That video that was posted first showed footage of Kamala Harris stating she wanted a ceasefire to bring the hostages home to Isreal. Then the presenter stated trump was saying the war in Gaza and Ukraine could lead to WW3. Then they brought on the Isreali soldier to tell his story. Couple that with their support for trump and that video was basically a trump election campaign add. Like what can I say, that site has a reputation for reporting conspiracy theories and pseudo science. It never ceases to amaze me that the anti religion crowd suddenly believe religious sources, when it suits them. You want to believe the message they are trying to promote, be my guest. Do you believe the video about trump finding his faith ? Tell me, in your opinion, what's more important, bringing the hostages home, or continuing the fight against Hamas'. Do you also know that there has been a case of polio detected in a child from Gaza ? UNICEF and the WHO want a break in hostilities so they can immunize over 640,000 children under ten years of age. https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/humanitarian-pauses-vital-critical-polio-vaccination-campaign-gaza-strip So again my friend, what's more important, killing Hamas' fighters, or getting the hostages back and immunizing 640,000 kids ? And we are talking about a ceasefire here. Which was fundamentally what that video was about.
  21. I know I have posted this before but this fits the theme of the last couple of songs. And it's very rare for the original songwriter to state that the person who covered his song made it so much his own
  22. Beautiful song my friend. It reminds me of this song Hold me now 'Cause I couldn't even if I tried It's over now I guess it really is my time I don't wanna go But it's time I gotta say goodbye So hold me now 'Cause this'll be our last time I'm slowing down And I don't think that I can fight I know somehow You'll find a way to live your life Remember just to live Every day like it's your last So hold me now 'Cause I think it's time for me to pass I don't want to die I don't know why This kind of fate was meant for me You gotta be strong Gotta move on It's not how it was supposed to be And what do I say ? It was never supposed to end up this way What do I have to do Was supposed to grow old with you But it ain't gonna happen No that ain't gonna happen Hold me now 'Cause the time I've got is running out No tears allowed Even though we've become without I just wanna feel Your head laying on my chest So hold me now As I take my last breath I don't want to die I don't know why this fate was meant for me You gotta be strong Gotta move on It's not how it was supposed to be And what do I say? It was never meant to be this way What do I have to do I was supposed to grow old with you But that ain't gonna happen No it ain't gonna happen
  23. Umm, I already told you that the main cause of inflation is supply and demand. You are parroting something I have already told you. This article explains why inflation has risen over the last few years, and why certain people like you having been hanging your hat on Milton's Friedman's theory. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-25/did-the-reserve-banks-money-printing-cause-inflation/101471028 " It says some people have been drawing on a theory popularised by Milton Friedman that links inflation to the rate of growth to the money supply. According to that theory of you assume money circulates in the economy at a certain rate ( ie a constant " velocity ) then a large increase in the money supply, owing to the bond purchase program which could lead to a sharp increase in inflation. The RBA says the world is not that simple. Why, because the " velocity " of money hasn't been stable for, one. It's been falling for decades in Australia and it crashed in the pandemic when people couldn't leave their homes and their were fewer opportunities for money to circulate in the economy. " While government economic policies matter, they are not the fundamental reason inflation has gone up in the last few years. It's not Joe's fault, not Justin's, not Albo's, not any world leader.
  24. The same Milton Friedman who advocated that a business entity is not obligated to any social responsibilities unless the shareholders decide to do so. The same Milton Friedman who supported the military dictatorship in Chile. And seeing as you have been talking about inflation, this is the same Milton Friedman that stated, the once people adjusted to a higher inflation rate, unemployment would creep back up. So according to him, just get used to high inflation and the potential of losing your job. Personally I am against corporate profits without social responsibility. I also don't like people who support dictators. And a quick bit of research indicates that the current high inflation rate is due to supply chain issues, a housing crisis, that no government/Administration has addressed for decades, pent up consumer demand and the economic stimulus (Covid). Are you going to argue against the fact that it was the economic stimulus during Covid, that kept out economies functioning ? Like your blame Joe, and in reality that is his team of economic advisers, just doesn't hold up brother.
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