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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Seems Chess, like other sports has a disparity in prize money for women. A very large disparity at that.
  2. When freeskiing sometimes riders take a photo and study the line they are going to ride. What you have to remember is that every that you are looking at front on is the reverse of what it will be when you are skiing down. This ended up being the world record for a ski jump of a cliff, well over 300ft. Before this a guy, Jamie Pierre had been jumping off bigger and bigger cliffs until he set the record, at the time with this Jump.
  3. I didn't expect you to understand the context of my post.
  4. Who is the true hero, person to be admired ? A soldier that kills 75 enemy soldiers ? Or a pacifist like Desmond Doss that refused to carry a weapon into battle, and who single handedly saved 75 soldiers in one battle, some of whom used to mock him for his pacifism. I know who I believe had more courage and who I admire the most.
  5. Cooee cobber digger blue We don't speak freakin English cobber, we speak Austrayan.
  6. I used to when I was with my ex and had a internet connection and computer that she connected to the TV, lot harder back then. $125 a year for every NHL game including playoffs back then. Will never forget watching the whole 2011 run, sitting down for game 7 all excited. The devastation I felt at the end of the game was a feeling I have never had before or since following team sports.
  7. I read the GDTs if I am not working. Hard to comment when I am unable to watch the game. When PO asked us about whether some of us contribute to the hockey threads, I was gonna reply that I get tired of the shit so many posters put on other Canadian teams and players from those teams. Some of those comments are disgusting, waste of oxygen etc. Also " the refs are against us " gets tiresome. Worried about officials ? Follow a sport that isn't officiated. Officials make mistakes all the time in the codes of sport I watch. They can't even get video replays of goals and Trys right, AFL, NRL.
  8. The riders voice tells the story... .....how good this is
  9. Gotta disagree with you there my friend. I don't agree with their actions however that doesn't make them incapable of holding jobs. Remember Kent State Uni ? Remember Mario Savio ? One of the leaders of the free speech movement at Berkeley. It's thanks to people like these that we have freedom of speech.
  10. What I get from reading those articles is they are building support for their brand by supporting Ukraine however they have MAGA , MEGA views on domestic fronts. Their founder is an American that went to Poland, Stefan Thompson.
  11. I dunno brother, those articles pointed out they have distributed fake news, and detailed what fake news that was. Call me cynical however I agree with the consensus of those 3 articles. I don't trust anything on Twitter. We live in an age where we can't even believe our own eyes, photos, videos can be easily manipulated. The adds for the new Google phone here in Aus illustrate how you can delete or add things to the picture your phone takes.
  12. A Geordie by chance ? You guys are scrappers My Geordy friend , Dave Russell Ex WBF Cruiser Weight World Champ https://boxrec.com/en/proboxer/5123
  13. So sorry to hear this my friend. How does a 7 year old rationalise behaviour like this ? He can't. I hope his parents are teaching him that love can conquer hate.
  14. Unless posts have been removed I haven't seen anything that should be moderated too much. And what is, and what constitutes " swating "
  15. Are you saying an Isreali kid beat up your nevvy ? Is this BS permeating into your school's ?
  16. MEGA Make Europe Great Again Trump and Orban supporters ? https://oko.press/visegrad24-anonomous-account-mystery-revealed Brand Building ? https://visegradinsight.eu/polish-misinformation-using-a-hungarian-recipe-the-curious-case-of-visegrad-24/ " While capitalising on western support for Ukraine, the owners are building a brand to " Make Europe Great Again " exporting a more successful Polish model initially tested by Viktor Orban " https://thefix.media/2022/12/24/visegrad-24-propaganda-or-aspiring-news-outlet-with-a-concrete-ideological-line/ Three different independent sources coming to the same conclusion.
  17. We are only a small society compared to you however we have 2 reasonably good sources of news and current affairs. The ABC which is publicly funded and SBS which is both publicly funded and has some advertising revenue. Not only do they have these resources there are lots of great documentaries and a dedicated World Movies chanel, lots of fantastic movies from all around the world. SBS also has TV series like Letterkenny and Shoresy which are from Canada, and other good TV series from all over the the planet. As for our politics we had a " teal " wave at the last election. This article illustrates how they took the seats from the liberal party, right wing, and they were moderates who could not counter the extremists in their party. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/may/23/teal-independents-who-are-they-how-did-they-upend-australia-election People here are starting to wake up to the giant douche and the turd sandwich. Our PM, Albo is a decent bloke, comes from a single parent, public housing background. The opposition leader Peter Dutton is in the mold of our last 4 of the 5 last liberal party leaders, Malcolm Turnbull was the exception, he is a decent bloke even though he is super rich. Oh and by the way, I believe you would look absolutely fantastic in a Mankini. Buy one and come on over for the next Mardi Gras.
  18. I have always been a, rich people get away with their crimes because of their wealth kind of guy myself. There has even been a legal precedent set, Affluenza, a successful argument put forth by a defense team in a Texas courtroom, a supposed " condition" https://law.marquette.edu/facultyblog/2013/12/affluenza-a-get-out-of-jail-free-card-for-the-wealthy/ How many other articles would you like me to post about wealthy people avoiding justice because of their wealth ?
  19. The millions and millions of people who did evil things just because they were evil. You stated that to be truly evil that takes religion. That's is simply not true, in any given group of people there are both good and evil people. As for believing in evil, good and evil are subjective things that a majority in any given society decide on. Is a person born evil ? Is a person born good ? The study of this topic on babies is very new and while there is not a lot of information, it seems babies as young as 7 months old identity with altruistic behaviour. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/are-babies-born-good-165443013/ https://www.bbcearth.com/news/are-we-born-good-or-evil-naughty-or-nice As for how this relates to this topic, we as a world society have determined that there are good and evil people on both sides of this conflict, that is a conflict about self determination, not religion.
  20. So what then Mengele, Eichmann, Heydrich, Hitler, Stalin, Genghis Khan, he described himself as a Tengrist by way, aren't evil ? What about Kim Jong Un is he evil ? Pol Pot ? Most of the lists of the most evil people in history contain people who weren't religious. Like C'mon brother I know you have a strong dislike for religion however to state that to be truly evil that takes religion is an overstatement.
  21. How do you know they paid for the privilege ? Seriously though, it isn't only humans that will engage in some form of prostitution. Monkey's even Penguins have traded meat, stones and in one experiment silver discs. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2012/03/rush-limbaugh-calls-sandra-fluke-a-prostitute-is-prostitution-really-the-worlds-oldest-profession.html
  22. As I have stated many times in a few threads about this, and now for the second time with you, I don't agree with some of the actions of the Isreali government, the military and I condemn the illegal settlements. What aboutism ? You are claiming that Isreal is committing genocide when, not just Hamas but many other Palestinians call for the eridaction/ genocide of Jews, not just in Palestine but everywhere on the planet. I believe facts. In relation to the topic I have called you out on, your claim that Isreal is committing genocide, this is false. The Palestinian population in Palestine is actually increasing. This is a fact. Let me remind you of the meaning of the word genocide again Oxford languages " The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group " Again that group, the Palestinians are getting larger. So I don't believe that Isreal is not committing genocide, I know for a fact. This is tit for tat BS, this side is committing genocide, that side wants to, the reality is hate that can be directly traced back to this conflict is impacting many Jews and Muslims around the world Anti semitism and Islamophobia are on the rise https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/7/islamophobia-anti-semitism-rises-in-europe-amid-israel-hamas-war-official https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/29/observer-view-on-rising-antisemitism-and-islamophobia So maybe focusing on a message of peace instead of focusing on a message that will divide and is the cause of hate is better, yes ?
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