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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Love me some Noam, haven't read that particular book. I take note of the question mark. I have also posted articles about how Isreali arms companies use the occupied territories as testing grounds for new " technology ". From memory it was in the Ukraine thread on the old board. A lot of the points you bring up in regard to some Isrealis can be also applied to many Palestinians. Their stated goal is to eradicate all Jews everywhere. They are stating the actually want to commit genocide. " The victim's pathetic response " That's so offensive when put in context with the October the 7th attack. You do realise some of the horrific acts that Hamas committed on that day and the days after ? Bottom line, which you continue to refuse to accept is that the Palestinian population is growing, quite substantially.
  2. I have looked at the hard facts. I have stated many times in a few threads on this and the old board that I disagree with some of the actions/ policies of the Isreali government and condemn the illegal settlements. However these actions don't amount to genocide. It's kinda insulting to ethnic groups including the Jews that have been victims of actual genocide. You should stop with the sly little digs in some of your other posts, they detract from your arguments.
  3. Well she started studying law and International Relations at at IDC Herzliya, now known as Reichman Uni. Fast and furious interupted her education. Stupid is as stupid does.
  4. So for Isreal to be committing genocide on the Palestinian people that means there should be less of them right ? From 1992 to 2022 the Palestinian population in Palestine has increased by 1.98 million people. These are a bit dated but the population has been growing at the expected rate. If it continues there will be a range of problems the Palestinian people will face. https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-united-nations-palestinian-territories-gaza-strip-0b9fbb989fc2411495afd811da4ac6d0 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinians-population-idUSKBN1491QJ Note the projections for 2050 ? And if you haven't seen my posts condemning the illegal settlements, I condemn them.
  5. Dunno about switching sides. My first posts were about prominent Isrealis and Isreali Human rights organisations stating Isreal is practising arpartheid. Now I am stating that Isreal is not committing genocide. These are facts. You know whose side I am on, the families of the victims of the terror attacks in Israel. The families of the innocent victims of Isreals bombing and military attacks in Gaza.
  6. @RomanPer I just watched this movie Ukrainian sniper from the original conflict in the Crimea It deals with a few issues we have discussed about personal views, he starts the movie as a pacifist. Berenshtein is just about to start. I have seen this before however it's a really good docudrama, they actually speak to him, he is in his 90's at the time. https://www.timesofisrael.com/film-lauds-wwii-partisan-chief-who-found-hitlers-v2s-died-in-israel-in-obscurity/ I don't know if you can download the app however here is the link to the chanel I watched these and many other great movies from around the world https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/movies
  7. I am not into horse racing at all however today was Melbourne Cup day, one of the most famous horse races in the world. I was reasonably certain there would be some form of protest about the conflict and I was correct. What strikes me as somewhat ironic, is that the name of the horse that won the race is, Without A Fight https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/without-a-fight-wins-melbourne-cup-as-pro-palestinian-protesters-cause-disruption/j753xwalw
  8. We have dealt with the history of this conflict in this thread and a couple on the old board. This thread is about what happened a month ago. What is Isreal supposed to do about the events of October the 7th ? How are they meant combat a terror group that uses innocent people as shields ? Their own people who they use as pawns. I would be for bringing them to conventional justice as we know it, however as we know this is impossible. I would like to believe I could forgive someone that killed someone I love however I still would want them brought to justice. I used to see this conflict in simple terms however it is far from simple. I remember reading somewhere, an SS officer mocked a Jew that he was about to kill, stating you people need your own country/ nation however you are too weak to form one.
  9. I totally agree my friend. Back when I had a computer and an internet connection, not my phone, I used to Skype with a few members of the old board. That was the next best thing.
  10. I condemn all senseless killing, above all the killing of women and children. In relation to this conflict, all the killing has been senseless. Killing in the name of nationalism. " Imagine there's no countries it isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for No religion to Imagine all the people Livin' life in peace You You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you will join us And the world will be as one " John Lennon
  11. While to some extent I agree, you and I would not be having a discussion right now, a guy from Monbulk in Australia and a guy from Chicago in the US. As for the internet, when I was a kid/ teenager I had to rely on going to libraries to source material, often having to travel, by train, all the way into Melbourne to find the books I needed to educate myself. The internet has put that information at my finger tips. The same BS detector's apply. First and foremost is the ability to think critically.
  12. I am just a dumbass that only finished highschool and still learnt this along the way. https://www.endesa.com/en/the-e-face/biographies/who-actually-invented-the-light-bulb
  13. No he didn't. Humphry Davy invented the first form of electric light in 1802, 12 years after Franklin died. It wasn't a bulb, it was a piece of carbon that was connected across the terminals of a battery. In the following decades other inventors tried improving on this design until in 1879 Edison filed a patent for what we now know as the electric light bulb.
  14. Over the years that I have been a member of this and the old board I have brought up the fact that after the holocaust the world promised we would never let that happen again. As I have often pointed out there has been over half dozen genocides since WW2. I do not believe that Isreal is committing genocide on the Palestinian people. Words have meanings Genocide The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. There are 5.35 million Palestinians in the state of Palestine, quick google search. There are a few different figures however what I come up with is in the last 15 years 6,407 have been killed, in the last 20 a bit over 10,000 up until the current conflict. If you do believe Hamas and it's figure of 10,000 or so in the last month, over 5million people, 10,000 killed in the last month, 20,000 since 2,000. Does this look like the Isrealis are trying to destroy that ethnic group ? While I mourn the deaths of the innocents, those figures certainly prove that Isreal is not committing genocide. Just because a person claims something in front of hundreds of thousands of people does not make what he is claiming true.
  15. Not saying I am totally educated in reading sattelite images however ever since they have been available online in relation to weather, I have accessed them regularly and have been taught and learnt to read them reasonably competently, ski- bum / farmer. The BOM weather radar I have on my phone is freakin awesome for being able to see when the rain is coming and save myself getting wet. I have already stated my basic 3 bullshit detectors which cover the points you make. As far as I am concerned those videos/ stories I post are real information from the source. Real people telling their stories accompanied by video footage of the situation in the occupied territories. As for Hamas I don't believe much of the information they put out there.
  16. X is an unknown quantity Spurt is a drip under pressure. What qualifies a person to be an expert on something ? A master's , a PHD, a lifetime of researching and studying a subject with no letters after your name ? What I trust is my ability to research a subject, my ability to think critically about it, recognise that I am fallible, then come to a conclusion
  17. Check out his wiki page. Very active in promoting Jewish culture in Britain. Self proclaimed liberal Zionist, though he doesn't like how the word Zionist has morphed somewhat due the actions of many modern Zionists. He is a governor of Simon Marks Jewish Primary School. Netanyahu is a corrupt, power hungry piece of crap. He is literally a trump clone as a person. According to the article he hasn't gone to not a single one of the funerals of the victims of the attacks. His son hides out in Miami while other reservists his age are joining the fight against Hamas. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/netanyahu-has-sidestepped-accountability-for-failing-to-prevent-hamas-attack-focusing-blame-on-others " Netanyahu is fighting a personal battle of survival that takes precedence over fighting Isreals war against Hamas said Netanyahu biographer and journalist Anshel Pfeffer " I have been on this guys case for years.
  18. We all condemn Hamas and want them to be neutralized as a military and political force As we know for all the bullshit he spouts, Netanyahu doesn't really feel the same as we do From a speech he gave in 2019 to his Likud party " In words reported and never denied - anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering and transferring money to Hamas.....this is part of our strategy " https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/03/war-israel-hamas-conflict-peace-extremists This article is written by a British Jew https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Freedland
  19. Tribute to a regular contributor on the old board. From memory @Ghostsof1915 likes these girls as well
  20. These guys release a Christmas single every year. 100 percent of the profits to the Trussell Trust People that benefit have no heating or food This single went to No.1 in Britian
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