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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Another great song from that album
  2. If you a gonna post that classic I have to post this
  3. De Smith is a capable back up. 2 years ago 26 games 2.79 GAA and .914 11-6-5 The year before 20 games 2.54 GAA and .912 11-7-0 4 years ago 36 games 2.75 GAA and .916 15-11-5 Last year he had a losing record 15-16-4 and his save pct dipped a bit, still a above 900 - .905 Play him 20 maybe 25 games if we are looking like making the playoffs to keep Demko fresh.
  4. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Here you go, an athiest debunking your claim that religion/ " the book " causes so many wars. He does it with facts. https://medium.com/metaphor-hacker/guns-glory-and-greed-most-wars-were-not-caused-by-religion-but-they-werent-prevented-by-it-a3002aee387f I love facts.
  5. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    So if a god does exist he is responsible for all the bad stuff that has happened/ happens in the world ? Not any of the good stuff ? Ever heard of free will ? Taking responsibility for your actions ? Ever heard that bad sh!t happens no matter how good you are ? I am going through the worst time in my life and I don't blame a god that may or may not exist. I don't even hold any real anger to the person who is causing that pain. What's the point ? Anger only hurts me.
  6. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    I mostly use the words a being who created the elements that make up the Universe. However let's stick to the word God. If you call yourself an athiest, you disbelieve a God exists, you don't know. That's the meaning of the word athiest. To my knowledge there is no word that defines a person who knows a god does not exist. With the information we currently have, it is unknowable to prove a god exists or he doesn't. What defines reality is a far more important question in my opinion. This is one of many good articles about how our brains process information, relies on evolutionary traits like intuition and how we can misperceive things https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/finding-purpose/202008/how-do-we-know-what-is-real Nothing passive aggressive about me. I have never insulted/ abused anyone. It's never personal. As far as I am concerned this interacting on this forum is just like interacting with anyone, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This means treat others with dignity and respect, especially when you don't agree with them.
  7. Ilunga


    As you know my father like you, was a pom, Englishman. He had a few bikes before he came to Aus, he actually brought a BSA 650 with a sidecar over with him. Before he came over one of the bikes he owned and raced at the isle of man was a Vincent HRD. I wish he brought that over with him. Most of my buddies ride Harlies, I wanted to ride a British bike so I got the Trumpy.
  8. This is a bit strange to post in here however it touches a nerve, a place I am in ATM https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/she-was-about-to-end-it-all-until-a-stranger-shed-never-meet-again-told-her-dont-jump/ " The smallest kindness is multiplied by the distance, socially, between two strangers "
  9. Bob McKenzies preseason top 16 ranked prospects https://www.tsn.ca/nhl/macklin-celebrini-leads-big-three-atop-bob-mckenzie-s-tsn-pre-season-nhl-draft-ranking-1.2007499
  10. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    I take your words at face value and interpret them according to their meanings. Words have meanings. I would still like to hear what you believe reality is ? I don't approach our interaction as an argument, rather a discussion. Hopefully we can learn from each other. Someone with an open mind will always learn from interacting with others.
  11. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Psychists have been debating and experimenting for over a hundred years about which interpretation really represents what we define as reality. There is the Copenhagen Interpretation. The de Broglie Bohm theory. The many worlds interpretation. Qbism So tell me what is reality ? In some ways we actually create the reality we see, the eyes collect data, that data is then used by the occipital Lobe of our brain, the neuronal activity is compared with a memory. We have just created our reality. You have contradicted yourself . At one point in your post you state that " that their version (s) of a god highly improbable " You then go on to state " That therefore human beings know that God does not exist " There is a big difference in something being highly improbable and knowing something for a fact. Again you don't believe a god exists, that is the definition of an athiest, if indeed you call yourself an athiest. Athiesim is a disbelief. Here is the Meriam Webster definition of the word disbelief https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/disbelief I respect your right to hold your disbelief. As for the rest we know Jack $hit. As Einstein noted " The more I learn, the more I realise I don't know "
  12. Cheney was the president bar in name alone. He was right where he wanted to be, in the background, without the spotlight on him. His " interpretation" of the unitary executive theory. Cheney and Rummy, what a pair.
  13. Macwhiner is a baby diver ! Bouchard is a waste of oxygen ! Something something AHL blue line Am I getting this right ?
  14. Totally. I miss EOTM. He is another ex fellow member of Whatthenuck.
  15. Ilunga


    This is my dirt bike. Even though it's over ten years old it only had 58 hours on it when I bought it, got it for a bargain off a friend, at the start of Covid and am only just starting to ride it a bit in the last year. https://dirtbikerider.com/reviews/2012-kawasaki-kx450f/ Got rec- recreational - registration so I can ride it on all the bush tracks I grew up riding. What makes our mountains crap for skiing makes the unreal for riding dirt bikes and four wheel drives. They are riddled with tracks, twenty odd minutes from my farm there are bush tracks all the way to the high plains and beyond. Before I got into skiing we explored the mountains, linked all the tracks up and wearing once a year do a " long ride " , six days on our bikes, close to 2000km loop. The tracks/ hills in the high planes are gnarly , perfectly suited to the 600 4 strokes and in my case 500 2 strokes we used to ride. We used to dump fuel off at certain points in the bush as well as small town service stations, carry what we needed on our backs. Met a back up party at the half way point to change tyres, a bit of maintenance.
  16. Ilunga


    This is my roadie. I own a 2015 model. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumph_Street_Triple
  17. Ilunga


    Can't post photos so I will post this wiki article that has an image of a car I had for close to 20 years before I sold it, had a son. Also these things are so rare nowadays that you better have unreal security or they get ripped off. It is a Ford XY GT Falcon, mine was electric blue. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_XY_Falcon_GT The XY GT HO was the fastest four door production car in the world back in 1971. They sold 300 to the public so they could race a few, they were the rules of touring car racing back then here in Aus They were going to bring out a phase 4 with the new body shape, XA, however a politician labelled them bullets on wheels, which they kinda were, 160 MPH down conrod straight at Bathurst so they got canned. 18 year old kids were buying them and writing themselves off. You could by a XY GT HO complete with a QC ( quality control)- race- motor for just under 6 grand back then. In September 2021 one sold for $1.3 million at auction. My grandad's name on my mother's side was Joseph Henry Ford.
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