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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    So you do actually believe in a goddess, the Greek goddess of Chaos Eris ? Or is it Apophis, the Egyptian god of Chaos ? Or is it Tiamat, the Mesopotamian goddess of Chaos ? Or is it Balor, the Celtic god of Chaos ? Or is it Yam, the Canaanite god of Chaos ? Actually some estimate there are over 4000 religions, so you do admit the possibility, however remote, that one, or more may indeed contain some element of truth ? As for your last statement, respecting others spiritual journey, over the years you have been posting on this board, I have seen you post memes that mock people for wasting their lives believing in a god. Many of those people don't force their beliefs on others, or want to make rules for others based on their beliefs. I would hardly call that respect. Flap, flap, flap, of butterfly wings.
  2. Unfortunately a mix of crappy computer skills and a lot of the footage of me skiing isn't available online. I amazed myself by posting that link. Thanks for the kind words my friend, I feel the same way. No matter how close you are to someone, you don't always agree with them. Treating others with dignity and respect however is not hard to do IMO.
  3. I have brought up Mohammad Mosaddegh on both this board and the old one a few times. Democratically elected leader of Iran whose administration initiated social security, land reforms, nationalising the oil industry, which was why the yanks and Brits were pissed. Gotta wonder where the people of Iran would be now if he had remained in power.
  4. What's the point of further contributions ? As I have already stated this thread was getting like the conflict itself, an endless circle of blame and recriminations. I happened to have that M.A.S.H episode on the other night in the background while I was reading, the one where Hawkeye brings the Pilot who was blase about the war, bombing villages from 20,000ft, into the operating room where the surgeons were working on a young child who was a victim of a bombing raid. All of a sudden the war became personal to him. That's what this thread makes me think of. I haven't been in an actual war zone however I was in mass street fights where people were attacking each other with knives, baseball bats and Iron bars. I have been both shot at and shot. This is me and a bit of my story The guys from Burton gave me that set of Jacket and Pants, that's actually Farsi, quotes from Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Muhammad Ali, Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein. As it states at the end of the video Love conquers all, including anger.
  5. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Didn't even mention religion or god in that post brother. The first part of my post was me stating in reply to PO, there is no " other ", just 8 billion fellow homies. The second part of my post was about our species ability to reason, and by inference from the lyrics of that song, peoples ability to reason being affected by apathy and despair. The other part of my post dealt with fear. All topics PO brought up in his post, ergo my reply to him.
  6. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Well this last century and to some extent this century, the conflicts in the middle east are due to the French and British drawing boundaries for nations that did not take into account the ethnic diversity or tribal diversity of the people who had lived there for centuries. And the current conflict is about two different groups of people wanting the right of self determination.
  7. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Again, there is no " other " to me, just us. " The great thing about being a human Is our ability to reason But reasoning don't work when no one cares Two parts apathy, one part despair " Mike Burkett I had a T-shirt printed with those words. As for fear, I confront my fear when I hit a 100 ft gap on my MTB. I fear failure, that more than any particular talent won me a lot of MTB races. Fear keeps an actions sports athlete alive.
  8. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Actually all those people believe in the same god, the Abrahamic god. As for the rest, Deism ? Belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator that does not intervene in the universe And people killing each other for stupid reasons happens everywhere on this planet. At certain points where different cultures collide, ie the middle east, instead of being meeting points, they turn into battlefields. Is not that the human condition ?
  9. Everyone on this board is important to me, we all share the bond of wanting to share both a love of the Canucks/ ice hockey and opinions on subjects/ topics such as this one. I haven't checked but I think I know the post you were referring to that was taken down. Loved the empathy that was shown, gave you a " hug "and went back to thinking about my son. There are a lot of great people on this board however you truly have a heart of gold my friend. Your empathy for others is your greatest strength. It's the only criteria I have for my friends, that one has a good heart.
  10. The Detroit Redwings place Cale Fleury on waivers with the intention of sending him to our minor league affiliate. The Redwings calls up David Jiricek to the senior team.
  11. The main reason Hitler admired Ford was because of Henrys idea, building a car for every man, the Model T. The Volkswagen, which literally translates to the peoples car was the brainchild of Ferdinand Porsche and Hitler. Ford did later renounce his anti semitic writings. This is not a defence of Ford or Hitler for the anti- semitism, just a statement of fact. Ford was a recipient of the grand cross of the German Eagle, one of the highest awards that a non German could receive. And so was a senior executive of GM, James Mooney. If you are not going to buy a Ford because of his connection to Germany then you better add GM as well. Both of those companies profited from Germany in WW2 https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/daily/nov98/nazicars30.htm " The Nazis could have invaded Poland without Switzerland, they could not have done so without GM "
  12. This thread is about anything that makes you feel good brother. Our kids can be our greatest source of joy, and our greatest source of pain.
  13. You should visit this site, I do everyday. https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/
  14. I have consistently put forward this idea in a few threads that we are all brothers and sisters under the sun. That we all share this planet. That maybe when the majority of people actually believe this, and treat each other with dignity and respect, then maybe just maybe, we will achieve world peace. Or maybe it's just as simple as Mike Burkett stated in his song, 72 virgin's " In stopping fighting, violence will cease When everyone is getting BJ's, that's when we'll finally have world peace " Mike wrote that song after watching Pierre Rehovs doco, suicide killers. Pierre spoke to some teenage kids whose bombs failed to go off, they stated they didn't care about any " politics " their " holy man " told them they would have 72 virgin's when they died. Very insightful doco, well worth watching.
  15. You have to stop with this no one is paying attention stuff brother. I have been paying attention to this conflict all my adult life. I have brought up most of the things you have brought up in a thread on the old board. As I stated, while I am an Australian, I have ties to this conflict. Many others have also had concerns for the plight of the Palestinians for decades.
  16. The point I am making is that I haven't seen much compassion for the victims, just the blame game being played, both in the " media " and this thread. That is what is at the heart of this conflict. A continuous circle of blame and hatred. I am not stating you are wrong however no solid evidence has been provided either way.
  17. What's more important, arguing about who blew it up ? Or giving a f#ck about the victims ? No doubt we will hear the same BS, thoughts and prayers and the killing will continue.
  18. Netanyahu is the trump, PO1135809, of this middle east. Obeying the laws of a society and maintaining its democratic systems are the responsibility of all politicians of any country. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-corruption-and-autocracy-nexus-the-case-of-king-bibi/ It is remarkable how he is copying the trump template.
  19. Ice Hockey, bringing young Arabs and Jews together. https://www.timesofisrael.com/hockey-breaks-ice-for-arab-and-jewish-teens/
  20. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    And here I thought we were getting along. We will always be friends as far as I am concerned, we both share a love of Ice hockey...I think. Do you love Ice hockey ? I am not much for team sports, participating that is, however with hockey it's different. I claimed that I showed others respect ? Would you agree with this ?
  21. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    You told me to take a tip. That was my reply. There are no facts to be had. This is a philosophical discussion at heart. As I have stated, there is no purpose in continuing this conversation. Fundamentalist athiests like yourself are just the same as fundamentalist Christians IMO, your minds are both shut. Again I bid you a good day, actually it's evening your time, good evening. Edit I don't tell people how good I am, I simply describe the sort of person I am. You are the one coming that judgement.
  22. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    I can see there is no point in discussing this topic with you. I have not provided fallacious arguments nor am I trying to " win cheap points", this is not a contest. And I can tell you this, I am the last person who will ever appeal to authority, in any of its forms. There is something you should know about me, I treat people with respect. You have a nice day.
  23. Arabs and Jews, working together https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/15/examples-jewish-arab-solidarity-offer-hope-israel
  24. Yes, I actually saw an interview with a very old Palestinian woman who stated this. She was a victim of the Nakba back in 1948 and she wasn't going to leave Palestine again/ lose her home. I hope she doesn't lose her life or her home in the conflict that is to come.
  25. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Delusional beliefs ? That is still stating somebody who holds those beliefs is delusional. I am always up for improving myself however I have been debating this particular topic of discussion for well over four decades, sometimes with people who have more knowledge on this subject than you do. 75 - 80 years of studying comparative religions, philosophy and believe it or not, science. In the discussions I have seen you participate in, I would describe you as an intelligent, erudite person. If you would only not use emotionally loaded terms like delusional, archaic and the like when discussing this subject, that would give you more credibility IMO. And also our fellow members who are believers might still be involved in the discussion.
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