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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. No, but that is not the message the fear mongers put out. If you are really interested in the sort of people on the right here in Aus, do a little research on Peter Dutton, the leader of the opposition. The opposition/ right wing party are the Liberal party. Oxymoronic....yes ? There were actually first nations people campaigning for a no vote as well. I believe some of them didn't believe the terms of the referendum went far enough. This six minute video addresses the main issues https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/video/2023/oct/13/debunking-the-no-campaigns-favourite-misinformation-politics-with-amy-remeikis-video
  2. Yes it does brother. At the start of the campaign there was strong support however as the campaign went on, the dog whistling from the right got louder and the last few polls indicated that a no vote was likely.
  3. I sorta followed them in the early 90's when the ABC here in Aus had NFL on the telly and Jim Kelly was their QB. Four straight superbowl loses, EFF me !
  4. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Mate you have continued to mock and demean believers in threads on both boards. That does speak to the person you are. To be clear I don't think that makes you a lesser person,IMO mocking and demeaning others isn't nice behaviour. It's a couple of times in this thread and at least the same amount of times in the old thread. If that isn't ad finitum, choose your own adjective, adverb, noun whatever. To be clear, I don't think you are slow or dumb person, in fact the opposite, it's clear from your posts you are an intelligent person. Have you noted that before you joined the conversation, we had believers in here, we had a good discussion going where there was a degree of respect for one another. As another posted noted your common form of reply is a meme. I get that there is a personality clash between us, one can't get along with everyone. You have made at least one personal attack, I believe you referred to me as a Muppet ? Which in the context you used it in, means an incompetent foolish person.
  5. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    No it was not my point of contention. My point of contention is that fairy tales and allegories are different from each other for the reasons I mentioned.
  6. I remember all those dipsh!ts. Weapons of mass destruction, John Howard still refuses to admit that conflict he was so ready to involve us in, sowed the seeds for the formation of ISIS at the time.
  7. Man it's good to have you back brother. Can't have enough well informed, intelligent members of this community.
  8. Yep, I am aware of Rummy's history. A lot of people don't remember that Cheney started off as his lackey before the roles were kinda reversed. I am also aware of the US support for Iraq/ Saddam Hussein in that 8 year war against Iran.
  9. Yes, you bailed out Europe twice, rebuilt it, Marshall Plan, Berlin airlift. I could go on....and on. What I will say about the problems in the middle east, in part they can be attributed to American and British meddling with the politics of the region post WW2 due to their greed for middle east oil.
  10. 4 billion years to be exact, if we make it that far. The last decade or so has made me doubt that.
  11. Not me brother. As far as I am concerned you are not the worlds police. And I think you missed my point, lot of conflicts that have been going on far a damn sight longer. A week after this conflict has reignited in a big way all of a sudden you guys send an aircraft carrier ? I often wonder if people actually realise the potential destruction one of those things can cause.
  12. I don't know. I don't know that I could be that sort of person myself. I want to believe that with time I could.
  13. Yes they really need it, right ? It's gonna be a bloodbath and if America is involved you guys will have blood on your hands. However that is nothing new. Chomsky speaking at the start of the song The Phoenix Program https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Program Um yeah, all right. Wouldn't be anything to do with a powerful lobby group now would it. Oops, my cynicism is showing.
  14. I like both the interpretations of this word. That it means to unite, unify. Cop sh!t and forgive it the first time, tolerate it the second, but eff you the third !
  15. There are currently 32 ongoing conflicts in the world right now. Isreal has amassed a force that will crush any possible resistance. Yet the Americans are rushing to " help them out "
  16. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Want to swap dictionary meanings, I am cool with that Fairytale From the Oxford Dictionary https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/fairy-tale_1#:~:text=fairy tale-,noun,or fairies%2C usually for children A story about magic or fairies, usually for children.
  17. You forgot to add the part about the thousand linguists https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilunga
  18. Try reading that article I posted. Hussain Dawabshe's, a man whose daughter and son in law and daughter were burned alive, in an attack by Jewish fundamentalist settlers. Whose 18 month old grandson received burns to 2 thirds of his body. To quote from the author of the article and filmaker " how does a man who has lost everything have the dignity to get up every day, to stay alive, struggling but determined that his grandson would not grow up not with the idea of revenge but forgiveness " Maybe that's how peace can be achieved, by having more people like Hussain in this world. Do you believe you could be as strong as Hussain if you were in his position ?
  19. The power of forgiveness. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/features/2018/12/7/on-death-forgiveness-and-revenge-in-the-occupied-territories
  20. You are taking the view of a poster on a hockey board in Canada regarding the fact that what's done is in the past, is in the past. Tell that to the Palestinians that have lost children, family members over the last few decades. Tell the same thing to the Isrealis that have lost loved ones. And the illegal settlements have only increased in the last few years. This is not ancient history. The provocation on both sides has continued right up until this current conflict. It's actually one continuous conflict with big flash points for decades.
  21. When I mentioned this in the Ukraine thread, finding the fact that people killing other people was nothing to laugh about, I was told that humour is a way to deal with this crap. I stand by what I stated, I find no reason to laugh about either situation.
  22. I certainly have. Read it 3 times. Have many of his books. Admire him on several levels, his activism and the fact he could be described as our greatest living linguist. I love words and their ability to convey ideas. Take my user name, a 1000 linguists were surveyed and they believe it is the world's most difficult word to translate.
  23. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Can't you come up with anything original ?
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