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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Mate I am stating that source has no credibility. That video that was posted first showed footage of Kamala Harris stating she wanted a ceasefire to bring the hostages home to Isreal. Then the presenter stated trump was saying the war in Gaza and Ukraine could lead to WW3. Then they brought on the Isreali soldier to tell his story. Couple that with their support for trump and that video was basically a trump election campaign add. Like what can I say, that site has a reputation for reporting conspiracy theories and pseudo science. It never ceases to amaze me that the anti religion crowd suddenly believe religious sources, when it suits them. You want to believe the message they are trying to promote, be my guest. Do you believe the video about trump finding his faith ? Tell me, in your opinion, what's more important, bringing the hostages home, or continuing the fight against Hamas'. Do you also know that there has been a case of polio detected in a child from Gaza ? UNICEF and the WHO want a break in hostilities so they can immunize over 640,000 children under ten years of age. https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/humanitarian-pauses-vital-critical-polio-vaccination-campaign-gaza-strip So again my friend, what's more important, killing Hamas' fighters, or getting the hostages back and immunizing 640,000 kids ? And we are talking about a ceasefire here. Which was fundamentally what that video was about.
  2. I know I have posted this before but this fits the theme of the last couple of songs. And it's very rare for the original songwriter to state that the person who covered his song made it so much his own
  3. Beautiful song my friend. It reminds me of this song Hold me now 'Cause I couldn't even if I tried It's over now I guess it really is my time I don't wanna go But it's time I gotta say goodbye So hold me now 'Cause this'll be our last time I'm slowing down And I don't think that I can fight I know somehow You'll find a way to live your life Remember just to live Every day like it's your last So hold me now 'Cause I think it's time for me to pass I don't want to die I don't know why This kind of fate was meant for me You gotta be strong Gotta move on It's not how it was supposed to be And what do I say ? It was never supposed to end up this way What do I have to do Was supposed to grow old with you But it ain't gonna happen No that ain't gonna happen Hold me now 'Cause the time I've got is running out No tears allowed Even though we've become without I just wanna feel Your head laying on my chest So hold me now As I take my last breath I don't want to die I don't know why this fate was meant for me You gotta be strong Gotta move on It's not how it was supposed to be And what do I say? It was never meant to be this way What do I have to do I was supposed to grow old with you But that ain't gonna happen No it ain't gonna happen
  4. Umm, I already told you that the main cause of inflation is supply and demand. You are parroting something I have already told you. This article explains why inflation has risen over the last few years, and why certain people like you having been hanging your hat on Milton's Friedman's theory. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-25/did-the-reserve-banks-money-printing-cause-inflation/101471028 " It says some people have been drawing on a theory popularised by Milton Friedman that links inflation to the rate of growth to the money supply. According to that theory of you assume money circulates in the economy at a certain rate ( ie a constant " velocity ) then a large increase in the money supply, owing to the bond purchase program which could lead to a sharp increase in inflation. The RBA says the world is not that simple. Why, because the " velocity " of money hasn't been stable for, one. It's been falling for decades in Australia and it crashed in the pandemic when people couldn't leave their homes and their were fewer opportunities for money to circulate in the economy. " While government economic policies matter, they are not the fundamental reason inflation has gone up in the last few years. It's not Joe's fault, not Justin's, not Albo's, not any world leader.
  5. The same Milton Friedman who advocated that a business entity is not obligated to any social responsibilities unless the shareholders decide to do so. The same Milton Friedman who supported the military dictatorship in Chile. And seeing as you have been talking about inflation, this is the same Milton Friedman that stated, the once people adjusted to a higher inflation rate, unemployment would creep back up. So according to him, just get used to high inflation and the potential of losing your job. Personally I am against corporate profits without social responsibility. I also don't like people who support dictators. And a quick bit of research indicates that the current high inflation rate is due to supply chain issues, a housing crisis, that no government/Administration has addressed for decades, pent up consumer demand and the economic stimulus (Covid). Are you going to argue against the fact that it was the economic stimulus during Covid, that kept out economies functioning ? Like your blame Joe, and in reality that is his team of economic advisers, just doesn't hold up brother.
  6. Seriously the Christian Broadcasting Network Who promotes conspiracy theories and pseudo science. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/christian-broadcasting-network-cbn/ Who are trump supporters. Here they are talking about " The faith of Donald Trump " https://www2.cbn.com/video/faith-donald-trump
  7. Higher than normal inflation for the last few years is something that is affecting nearly all countries. It's not just dictated by the economic policies of the different governments/ political affiliation, in different countries. People over here in Aus seem to hold the reserve bank more responsible for high interest rates/ high inflation than they do the government. I have been saying for decades, our economic systems are like a house of cards. One decent " gust of wind " and the whole thing collapses. Seriously Elias what do you believe the result will be when you transfer so much wealth from the " bottom- middle " to the " top " https://www.reuters.com/business/pandemic-boosts-super-rich-share-global-wealth-2021-12-07/
  8. I am not saying you are wrong mate. As you state, we all seem to be coming to the same conclusion. First pairing of Hughes....????? Second pairing of ?????.......Hronek With Hughes in the first PP unit Hronek on the second. For starters I am hoping that Soucy plays a lot more than the 40 games he played last year. I have a great deal of trust in Foote and Gonchar to not only coach the players individually, but also determine who the best defensive pairings will be.
  9. Yes I really miss Cap Friendly. Here is a good tool to work out player buyouts. https://puckpedia.com/buyout-calculator I wonder if it a " coincidence " that Darnell Nurse heads the list at the bottom of the page of people researching player buyouts.
  10. Fantastic movie. I had a soylent green image as my avatar on the old board years ago.
  11. Prices go up and down for various reasons. The biggest being supply and demand. Inflation by definition is the loss of purchasing power. There are a few factors that determine this, not just the prices of goods and services, going up or down. Employment rates, wage rates, that are impacted by employment rates. I could write an essay but the Hawks are playing soon.
  12. I can't be bothered posting the links. However a quick bit of research illustrates that roughly 1 in 6 kids in the US, Australia and Canada live in/below the poverty line. Uncanny how the figures are virtually the same in our societies. Why I bring up kids is they don't make choices that result in this situation. They are, in this case, the victims, of the choices/decisions made by so called adults.
  13. Totally agree with you Hammer. Start paying D-men over 6-7 million bucks and you want them on a line if their own, if not carrying it, being the catalyst. A balanced top 4 would be Hughes...insert partner who shows most chemistry, though Hughes is a player that can drive a line, and make a player better. Second pairing Insert player.....Hronek I don't have access to the stats of players that played with Hronek when he wasn't paired with Hughes. When you are dealing with a salary cap, having close to 16,000,000 tied up on your top pairing, then having to play D-men whose value to the team is between 1 - 3 -4 mill in the bottom 4 ? That's not a balanced line-up.
  14. This isn't even close to how indebted the US was in the 1930's, debt in relation to cash in circulation Currently the US has about 2.3 trillion cash in circulation and is just over 34 trillion in debt. A ratio of 17-1 give or take. Back when Huey Long delivered his, Every Man a King speech. America was in debt to the tune of 272,000,000,000, and there was only 6,000,000,000 in circulation. That's a ratio of 45-1 While Huey was a flawed person he had some great ideas that he was already implementing in his home state of Louisiana. He was running for president, wanting to implement his ideas nationally. Limiting the wealth any one person could hold amongst others. https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/hueyplongking.htm The opening line of his speech " Is that a right of life, when the young children of this country are being reared into a sphere which is more owned by 12 men that is by more than 120 million people " Some things don't change....right ?
  15. Teaching a blind person to Ski. Pete was an inspirational guy. 65 years old, never skied before. I worked with a few " handicapped " skiers. A few us were designing and building the sit ski's in Australia for our friend Mick Norton. Mick was another inspirational guy. Lost the use of his legs in a motorcycle accident. We coached and trained him. We free skied with him, dragging him out to Mary's Slide on powder days. Mick went on to win 2 gold medals at the Albertville Paralympic Games in 1992 My dear friend Mick Mick died 1996 at his home in Melbourne. Rip in peace my friend.
  16. I was serious when I said you don't insult me. I have never seen you insult anyone on this board. You won my heart when you posted about being a meals on wheels volunteer. Again I don't carry malice or anger in my heart. That would only reflect on my character. Anger hurts those the most who carry it.
  17. That's the thing Bob, many of the links I post contain information from people living in the area, experiencing the things we are discussing.
  18. I love you Bobby. You don't really insult me. I don't hold malice in my heart for anyone, anywhere. I just don't like being called a liar and being insulted in other ways. Does anyone ?
  19. The libraries of Alexandria and Constantinople held vast amounts of knowledge even by today's standards. If any person came up with a new idea, knowledge, to do with any subject, they were required to add a copy of what they had discovered, invented, theorised in the library of Constantinople. I watched a BBC series years ago, East to West The journey of Civilization. The turning point, when the west " passed " the east, was the invention of the printing press in the west.
  20. And to add to this " revenge " theme. I certainly want any Russian that is alive at the end of this conflict, that committed any sort of war crime/crime against humanity to be held accountable for their actions. Preferably in a very public setting, similar to the Nuremberg war trials. The irony, for want of a better word, is that the chief prosecutor at those trials, Ben Ferenc was the driving force behind the formation of the International Criminal Court. The same court that America and Russia does not recognise. In regards to Russia itself, we should learn the lessons that WW2 taught us. The Americans rebuilding Germany as part of the Marshall plan, and their efforts in rebuilding Japan after WW2 contributed in a huge way to both nations integrating into our society, and developing into democratic nations. Look at the success of both those nations in the decades after the war. I have always stated, they lost the war, but won the peace.
  21. Exactly my friend. We all make mistakes, it's what we do afterwards that defines us. Also how we deal with the hard times in our lives. But you know what brother, at the end of the day, our lives, it's not what we've done, it's what we've been.
  22. Lines has him at 14 https://www.lines.com/nhl/drafts/2025 Tankathon has him at 20 https://www.tankathon.com/nhl/mock_draft I see he is listed as a Faceoff specialist PK specialist Two way centre Actually loving that EP has added those criteria. If he blossoms offensively, and he already does have some size, well that's the sort of centre teams covet.
  23. I have provided information from an Israeli source, that operation Wrath of God was far more than revenge. I don't want to derail this thread any further. Please post any relevant information in the Gaza war thread.
  24. Here's what I support. Remember my post about the lady who donated her family's land in the Golan Heights to a peace project ? Remember her words that I quoted " You may call me a dreamer " But she's not the only one.
  25. Here you go @RomanPer " We can only trust ourselves Wrath of God in perspective " https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361315238_'We_can_only_trust_ourselves'_Operation_Wrath_of_God_in_perspective " This article contextualises the 1972 Munich massacre as an important factor in the advent of state counter terrorism strategy aimed at foreclosing the next terrorist outrage. " As you can see roman, operation wrath of God was about being pro- active rather than being reactive, to terrorist acts against Isreal/Isreali citizens. Sorry @SilentSam and others for the brief deviation from the topic of the thread.
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