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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Which has been pointed out by myself going way back to the original thread on the old board. People who like to mock them call them fairy tales, people who who recognise them for what they are call them metaphors/ allegories.
  2. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Refer to my reply to stray dog. Big community, right ?
  3. I posted earlier in the thread a few lines from an anti - racist song by a band called TISM from the 90's " The Irish hate the Irish, and it's Arab versus Jew Your'e cactus if you Kudish, and by Christ I'm sick of you " This reflects the persecution the Kurds have suffered from Iran, Iraq, Turkey. Incidents such as the Halabja massacre in 1988. The west/ America has betrayed so many times https://theintercept.com/2019/10/07/kurds-syria-turkey-trump-betrayal/ The hypocrisy of human beings shouldn't surprise someone with the knowledge/ insight you have shown in this thread.
  4. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    I totally agree Jim, you will always be Jim to me. That makes you memorable to me. As I have already stated, if you took religion away people would invent another form of control. Again, all the religious people I know experience the same level of freedom I do. No one forces them to do anything. One big difference between a fairy tale and an allegory. A fairy tale tells the story of one of two people. The allegory tells the story of an entire community.
  5. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    I would have to go back through the thread, however even my religious teachers back in school never claimed god was a long bearded being sitting on a cloud. And every religious person I know claims belief is a matter of faith.
  6. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Where I have stated you are a lesser person ? I haven't. Neither have I implied it. I have consistently stated I respect peoples right to believe or disbelieve. What I have stated is that you continually mock people who do believe, that is a fact. That you also post the same quotes ad finitum, that is also a fact. You did this in the thread on the old board, and you continue to do it in this thread.
  7. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    But they aren't fairy tales, they are allegories. Big difference.
  8. Detroit assigns Jacob Peterson to our minor league affiliate. Detroit calls up Alex Turcotte to the senior team.
  9. I think this just became personal for all of us. A member of our community has been directly impacted by the actions of these F# kin nutbags. Whatever our views on this are, I hope we all support Roman at this time.
  10. This is not an excuse simply a statement of fact. Teenagers do stupid sh!t. In the article I posted, the leaders of the rally condemned those teenagers stating they were disgusted and deplored their actions. Of course the media will focus on the actions of a few idiots.
  11. Of fuck Roman, I am so sorry to hear this. Please give your daughter a hug from me.
  12. The organisers of the Sydney protest have condemned the members of the protest who were uttering those vile chants. Stating it was just a few teens. https://www.aap.com.au/news/pro-palestine-protest-organiser-deplored-jewish-slurs/ As for the NSW opposition leaders comments that Isreal is a real example of liberal democracy in the middle east, he obviously is not informed as to what Netanyahu has been up to for the last few years.
  13. That's incorrect. I am very happy to state that the protest in my home town, well city on the other side of the hill was peaceful, and people weren't engaging in racist chants or threats to Isrealis/ Jews https://amp.9news.com.au/article/0bde9b53-b167-4cb0-992b-51e86c7ac5fa
  14. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Repetitively posting the same unoriginal thoughts. Sigh. Why do like baiting people ?
  15. You have decided what's relevant and what is not, I don't agree with your conclusion on this. However I agree with a lot of points in many of your posts. As for what I have read/ researched, I studied economics at school, have been around for nearly 60 years, am a voracious reader and listen to many lectures on this subject on radio national here in Aus Some of best use of our taxes IMO, the ABC that is. There has been a lot of talk about a UBI in the last few years, a Universal Basic Income. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-12-09/basic-income-push-in-australia-after-covid-welfare/100681912 I can honestly see that eventually happening sometime in the future. When, who knows.
  16. So you are happy with women and children being homeless ? Veterans ? Native Americans ? I lean towards to giving a f#ck about people less fortunate than myself. I can't find the information about homelessness/ poverty that is available to me about the same subject here in Aus. And my personal experiences. Here's one, when I was still living with my ex, I used to take my son on a bike ride to the park. There was a big carpark behind some buildings where I discovered a woman living in her car with her kids. I gave her all the money I had on me at the time. Here's another, a guy sleeping under a bridge near the footy oval was elderly guy that had lost his job and his home and had nowhere to go. And guess what domestic violence is the main cause of homelessness for women https://www.sbs.com.au/voices/article/a-tragic-reality-domestic-violence-is-the-main-cause-of-homelessness-for-women/pftu1wnsi The main causes of homelessness in my home state of Victoria are financial difficulties, domestic violence and the housing crisis. https://chp.org.au/about-homelessness/causes-of-homelessness/ I am willing to bet the same reasons are applicable in BC.
  17. A compassionate/ just society is judged by how it looks after its most vulnerable members. Edit Forgot to add, those are the words I hear from right wing nut job politicians over here in Aus when discussing this subject.
  18. In your first post you state " There is no true human nature " Then you quote my post saying that it is a draw between nature and nurture. From the article " There was a wide variation between the 17,800 traits and diseases examined by the studies " The definition of traits " The distinguishing quality or characteristic typically belonging to a person " Anyway the nature I was referring to in regards to Communism and any economic model for that matter, is that human beings apply themselves in different manners to the jobs/ tasks they do, ranging from a little to the very few that put a 100 percent of their effort into what they do. Why should the person who does f#ck all be rewarded in the same way as someone who puts in a lot more effort into what they do.
  19. @King Heffy This is a good as place as any to continue our discussion on homelessness 27 percent of homeless people are women. I in 4 native Canadians are homeless. 1 in every 7 children/ youth are homeless. The number of veterans who are homeless is growing every year. These people are to use your words " not productive members of your society " https://www.fredvictor.org/2019/06/07/homeless-in-canada-important-facts-about-homelessness/
  20. The Penguins place Paul Stastny on waivers with the intention of sending him to our minor league affiliate. The Penguins call up Jack Drury
  21. So you have had detailed interactions with the homeless on your streets ? You know the reasons why they are homeless ?
  22. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    I just posted up a link to some prominent scientists that are religious and have been awarded the Nobel prize. As of 2009 a pew research centre poll found that roughly half of American scientists believe in a god/ universal spirit/ higher power. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2009/11/05/scientists-and-belief/#:~:text=According to the poll%2C just,universal spirit or higher power.
  23. Yes I was reading about this last night. When one side commits war crimes, the other feels emboldened to do the same. In regards to using phosphorus, its use in civilian areas is considered a war crime.
  24. The trouble with Fatah was, as this article from back in 2006 states, corruption, nepotism and mismanagement https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/jan/24/israel There is only one way this conflict will end. When the Palestinian people have freedom, have security, have all the things we take for granted in our societies.
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